30 enero 2022 13:44
We are one of the lucky families who had the privilege to meet Marién and started working with her supervision.

Marién is very professional, she has an impressive CV, at the same time she is very approachable, empathic, positive, and funny.

She will explain everything about autism and teach you techniques that will help you interact with your child as a parent. We are learning a lot.

Always available, for any question, suggestion, doubt.

She also helped with recruiting the therapists in the area where we live. The therapists follow our child at home and currently Marién supervises their sessions via online meetings. She is in charge of defining the plan of actions for our child based on reports shared by the therapists using templates provided by her.
All the data is accessible by us, and we can easily see the progress, the challenges and be part of the intervention as much as we like (for some months I tried myself to have sessions with my child with the supervision of Marién. I have learnt a lot, but I prefer to be “simply” a mum).

Moreover, she has monthly meetings with the school’s team to align the academic program with the clinical sessions.

The collaboration between school, family and therapists overviewed by a super qualified coordinator like Marién is an approach that is working very well for my child and for all of us: we are always updated, we celebrate achievements together and most of all, my child is happy: he is happily growing.
18 diciembre 2021 19:06
Nosotros no podemos estar más contentos, hemos estado en más sitios y porfin hemos dado con una gran profesional (Marien) que nos ha devuelto la alegría y un agradable ambiente en casa. Gran profesional para redirigir la conducta de los niños con pautas para los padres y en nuestro caso para el colegio para hacer del buen comportamiento de los niños en un hábito.

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