28 abril 2022 8:14
Bruno est hyper dispo et parle français! Et à pu me trouver en un temps record (3 jours) une solution pour réparer mon Spi déchiré et changer mon Lazy bag. Un grand merci à lui et son équipe! Je recommande vivement!
25 agosto 2020 16:27
We were very disappointed. Bruno did a small job for us, which he couldn't finish, because he was lacking a tool. We paid him in advance for the job. He wanted to come back the next day, bud didn't. Then came the lockdown. Thereafter, he promised at least a dozen times he would come to our boat, he would come "tomorrow", he has been at boats right accross from ours. In the end, he let us down. Very disappointing.
04 febrero 2020 12:58
We are so grateful for the excellent service we received from Bruno at Accure Sails. He came to our boat immediately after we contacted him to assess our torn asymmetrical. He needed to take the sail to repair it, but had the repairs done in just a few hours. He not only did an excellent job at repairing the sail, but he also helped us find other nautical items in Almeria by making phone calls on our behalf. He was very honest, friendly and helpful. Thank you!
30 diciembre 2019 15:49
Bruno, le gars mi-français mi-espagnol est un très bon professionnel. Il est venu récupérer notre GV déchirée à notre arrivée à 20 h et il l’a remmené bien réparée le lendemain à 9h. On a payé un prix raisonnable. On lui a donné un pourboire raisonnable pour remercier ses efforts. ️️
02 diciembre 2019 19:47
Really great service from Bruno and the team at AccureSails! Picked the sails up on the same day we put in our request and had the repair work (main sail and lazy jack) done the next day. They did a very good job at a very decent price. Highly recommend!
10 noviembre 2019 11:23
Bruno was fantastic and fixed our mainsail in less than 24h. We strongly recommend him as a sails maker in Almería, Almerimar and Aguadulce area.
Dark Side, Dehler 44
29 octubre 2019 3:35
Magnifico trato recibido por Brumo. Le llamamos el pasado domingo con una urgencia ya que habiamos roto el genova al atravesar el estrecho de gibraltar con levante de e 25 nudos viniendo desde Chipiona. Se acerco a Aguadulce, recogio las velas y en practicamente 2 horas ya estabamos zarpando de nuevo. Le acompañamos a su nave y la impresión no pudo ser mas posotiva. Por nuestra parte se merece un aibresaliente
05 agosto 2019 17:17
Taller realmente bien equipado. Atención personalizada muy cuidada, y muy buena calidad del trabajo

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