25 enero 2024 13:16
Tuve una experiencia increíble con el programa de inmersión en el idioma español de Agualivar. Desde el principio, todo fue perfecto: Fani muy amablemente organizó el viaje para un compañero de estudios y para mí, y tuvimos un viaje en taxi realmente agradable con el amable conductor hacia y desde la escuela. Nos llevaron a nuestras habitaciones, que tienen balcones y espectaculares vistas al mar, así como baños privados.

Las comidas eran deliciosas, con comida fresca y una cálida conversación. Había cuatro estudiantes la semana que estuve allí y aprecié el cuidado y la atención que recibimos cada uno. Yo era el que tenía menos experiencia en comunicación, por lo que no siempre era fácil estar al día con todos, pero siempre me sentí alentado. Fani siempre fue tan amable y alentadora, además de expresiva, tan experta en hacerse entender. Ella se aseguró de que yo tuviera tantas oportunidades de hablar como cualquier otra persona. Como los menos capaces hubiera sido fácil verse eclipsados ​​por mejores alumnos, pero eso nunca sucedió, y agradecí mucho el esfuerzo que hizo Fani para que yo participara por igual.

El trabajo del curso está bien diseñado, con un toque personal que nos animó a hablar y preguntar. Teníamos tarea todos los días y tiempo para descansar en nuestras bonitas habitaciones, así que nos tomamos ese tiempo para sumergirnos en el idioma incluso cuando teníamos un momento de tranquilidad. Incluso hubo tiempo para darme un chapuzón en la piscina mientras estuve allí.

Tuvimos varias salidas realmente divertidas para ver algunos lugares encantadores. Realmente disfruté todo sobre Agualivar. La semana fue espectacular y no creas que puedas encontrar un mejor programa de inmersión en español.

Mi objetivo era esforzarme para crecer al siguiente nivel y, gracias a la habilidad de la enseñanza de Fani y su cálido aliento, me siento mucho mejor hablando y entendiendo español. Incluso me he mantenido en contacto (comunicandome solo en español, por supuesto) con uno de mis compañeros de estudios. Fue un trabajo duro y una experiencia gloriosa.
28 diciembre 2023 7:34
Tuve una gran experiencia en la Escuela de Español Agualivar. La casa donde nos alojamos es grande y hermosa, con vistas al mar Mediterráneo. Hicieron todo lo posible para ofrecer comida deliciosa, satisfaciendo los gustos de todos. Las lecciones de español estaban adaptadas a mi nivel y cada día teníamos una nueva experiencia. Las experiencias incluyeron probar aceite de oliva, explorar un supermercado en español, explorar pueblos cercanos y una clase de cocina.
12 octubre 2023 16:49
¡Verdaderamente una experiencia maravillosa! Pasé una semana increíble en Agualivar. ¡Ayudó significativamente a mi español y además fue muy divertido! Gente estupenda, actividades divertidas, comida deliciosa y nuevos amigos. ¡Una experiencia que recordaré por siempre!
19 agosto 2023 23:53
No puedo recomendar esta escuela. Me prometieron una experiencia de inmersión, pero me dejaron cenando con solo un profesor de español y una pareja que no hablaba nada de español. Esto iba directamente en contra de lo que anunciaban y, por naturaleza, se hablaba MUCHO inglés. Cuando entré, su sitio web decía que a veces jugaban después de la cena y que los invitados cocinaban con sus padres. En realidad, los padres comieron en una habitación separada, esto me lo explicaron cuando les mencioné mis problemas desde el principio porque necesitaban un descanso. Apenas habían interactuado conmigo. No había un espacio común para tener conversaciones naturales, una sala de estar estaba permanentemente vacía y la familia usaba habitaciones alternas.

No puedo recomendar lo suficiente que te quedes en una casa de familia genuina si quieres una inmersión en español. Hice una a principios de ese año en Ronda, donde la pareja estaba realmente encantada de tener invitados y el contraste no podría haber sido mayor. Han actualizado su sitio web desde mi estadía para describir con mayor precisión la experiencia, pero tenga en cuenta que las reseñas son anteriores a este cambio.

Cuando planteé mis problemas, me ofrecieron un reembolso del 50% si me iba en ese momento, lo cual no era práctico porque no tenía dónde quedarme y no hizo mucho para hacerme sentir cómodo. Esperaba simplemente tener un par de cenas familiares o cocinar con la familia. Al final, me fui temprano después de haber reservado un vuelo sin reembolso alguno a pesar de que claramente no recibí la experiencia anunciada. Incluso la gira local se realizó principalmente en inglés.

Solo para agregar: ¿te imaginas criar (en un segundo idioma), pero de una manera cortés, pensaste que estabas allí para una inmersión y te gustaría tener comensales naturales, no solo tú y tu tutor? La respuesta inmediata.siendo un 50% de descuento es decir salir ya.como? Reservé una semana libre en el trabajo y viajé con todos los gastos. ¿Se suponía que debía reservar algún apartamento al azar/buscar vuelos inmediatos? Para agregar, estuve allí la semana inmediatamente después de la boda de su hija, un gran evento para ellos, pero no creo que, bajo ninguna interpretación, necesitaran un descanso de mí antes de que yo interactuara con ellos. Pasé casi toda la semana allí. Como no sabía qué más hacer. Pero la experiencia fue horrible, no aprendí español, y después de haber tenido una increíble estadía en una casa de familia anteriormente y estar muy entusiasmado con la visita, estoy nervioso por volver a hacer algo similar.

Esto no fue una inmersión: se habló mucho inglés, no entendí nada parecido a lo que dicen las reseñas. Una experiencia absolutamente horrible.
24 julio 2023 1:21
Agualivar es una escuela de idiomas extraordinaria. ¡Vine a la escuela con altas expectativas y puedo decir honestamente que fueron superadas!
En el sitio web, describen claramente cómo es una semana en la escuela y qué esperar. Si eso coincide con lo que está buscando, ¡es un lugar maravilloso para ir y muy recomendable!
Las profesoras Fani y Elisabeth fueron excelentes y entusiastas, siempre bien preparadas, con un traspaso fluido de una a otra. Su amor genuino por el idioma y por la enseñanza se manifiesta de muchas maneras. La calidad de las lecciones fue muy alta, estaban en el nivel correcto y proporcionaron una buena combinación de teoría y gramática, ejercicios y uso práctico (por ejemplo, en salidas). El material fue bueno e interesante y las tareas asignadas fueron divertidas de hacer. El programa de la semana estuvo bien pensado, con suficiente profundidad y variación y también algo de tiempo libre. Agregue a todo eso la conversación continua -una vez que cruza el umbral, ¡es solo en español! - y la ubicación inspiradora (clases al aire libre en una terraza con vista al mar) y tiene un escenario perfecto para aprender y hacer un montón de progresar y disfrutar en el proceso.
La calidez con la que te invitan a la casa familiar te hace sentir inmediatamente como en casa y a gusto. El dormitorio y el baño eran cómodos y tienen todo lo necesario para una estancia agradable. Por último, pero no menos importante, se deben mencionar las deliciosas comidas que tuvimos todos los días. Carmen es una cocinera maravillosa y nos preparó los platos más deliciosos. ¡Qué lujo! En general, fue una semana maravillosa. Aprender tanto en un entorno tan bonito con gente tan dedicada y encantadora ha sido una experiencia fantástica.
24 julio 2023 0:32
Mi esposo y yo pasamos tres semanas en Agualivar a fines de mayo y principios de junio, y fue la experiencia de toda una vida. Realmente sentí que estaba viviendo un sueño o una película en la hermosa villa con vista al mar Mediterráneo, hablando español todo el día con nuestros dinámicos anfitriones, las hermanas Fani, Eli y su mamá Carmen.

Qué privilegio fue vivir con ellos como si fueran miembros de mi propia familia, aprendiendo sobre España, la inolvidable región de Andalucía, la cultura y la política españolas y sobre la vida cotidiana de la artística Fani, el aventurero Eli y los pies en la tierra. Carmen, ex dueña de un restaurante.

La instrucción fue disciplinada, innovadora y divertida. (Retiré algunas ideas para enseñar mis propias clases universitarias), y los materiales de aprendizaje, que Fani y Eli crearon ellos mismos, son de primera categoría. Hicimos excursiones a los pueblos cercanos, vimos un espectáculo de flamenco, pedimos bebidas en un bar junto a la playa y compramos verduras en un bullicioso mercado al aire libre, hablando español todo el tiempo.

La villa era cómoda y ultra limpia; la comida estuvo deliciosa y no podrías pedir mejor compañía. En nuestro tiempo libre, bajamos la colina desde la villa hasta el pequeño pueblo súper encantador y auténtico de Lagos, que consta de un par de restaurantes/bares, un "tabac" que vende de todo, desde sellos hasta vino y productos enlatados.y bollería fresca; una tienda de cerámica y, por supuesto, el maravilloso mar Mediterráneo, donde nadaba a menudo.

No puedo recomendar la experiencia de Agualivar lo suficiente. Nos encantaría volver alguna vez.
18 junio 2023 8:43
Estuve una semana en inmersión lingüística en Agualivar y fue una experiencia perfecta, tanto desde el punto de vista de la acogida de la familia como de la calidad de las clases. El lugar es muy bonito y cómodo, amplio, limpio. Estefania y Elisabeth son unas profesoras maravillosas que cumplieron a la perfección con mis expectativas de progresar en el idioma. La alternancia de cursos y actividades o excursiones, siempre en español, ¡es una fórmula excelente! Progresamos enormemente, ganamos confianza en nosotros mismos en la expresión. Esta fórmula de pensión completa es muy valiosa, descubrimos muchas especialidades culinarias españolas que son objeto de intercambios con Carmen, la encantadora madre de Elisabeth y Estefania. Estancia inolvidable por un precio razonable teniendo en cuenta todos los servicios. ¡Sobre todo, no dudes en hacer un viaje de idiomas a esta escuela exigente, auténtica e inmensamente acogedora!
06 junio 2023 7:44
Pasé una semana en la escuela de español Agualivar en mayo. Fue una gran experiencia en un ambiente tan relajado y hermoso. Hablamos español el 100 por ciento del tiempo en un entorno de grupo pequeño, una oportunidad perfecta para conocer a mis compañeros de estudios al mismo tiempo. Nuestras instructoras, Elisabeth y Fani, fueron geniales, sin mencionar a su mamá, Carmen, quien nos preparó tres comidas fantásticas al día. No solo tuvimos instrucción en el salón de clases, sino que también hicimos algunas salidas geniales para practicar nuestras nuevas habilidades. No puedo agradecerles lo suficiente por su amable y acogedora hospitalidad. ¡Me fui con mejores habilidades para hablar y con el deseo de regresar y continuar donde lo dejé!
22 marzo 2023 17:56
I had a truly wonderful experience at Agualivar in October 2022. I was a bit nervous before arriving. My Spanish tests at around an A2/B1 level, so I wasn’t sure how I would manage 2 weeks in only Spanish. But Fani and Eli are such great teachers, I was able to relax and thoroughly enjoy my time there. Carmen is a great hostess, and the house is beautiful. How can you top studying on the patio with a view of the pool and Mediterranean? The lessons are designed to encourage speaking, with grammar and pronunciation as well. In addition, they do an excellent job of creating content that is practical and interesting, as well as lots of information about Spanish culture and history. It was exactly what I wanted! From my time at Agualivar, I gained confidence that carried me through an additional week being a tourist. I came away with refreshed motivation to continue studying the language. I hope to go back in 2023.
11 marzo 2023 8:08
When I started looking for a language immersion program, I wanted one that was geared toward adults and not college students. I wanted to be immersed in the language AND the culture. I wanted to learn how the people of the country lived and interacted. I wanted to learn about the food and the community. Agualivar was exactly what I was looking for in my language learning journey and I cannot wait to return.
09 agosto 2022 10:40
I spent two weeks at Agualivar, and I can't imagine a better immersion experience. Eli and Fani are fantastic teachers! Lessons were tailored to my level, with plenty of personal attention. I learned so much and gained the confidence I needed to converse with people on my travels in Spain. The accommodations at Agualiver are beautiful and comfortable, and the food is amazing! We learned to cook Spanish dishes like paella and gazpacho. Plenty of fun and interesting excursions to nearby towns as well. I highly recommend Agualiver to anyone considering a Spanish immersion program. Thank you Eli, Fani and Carmen!
28 junio 2022 19:41
Fantastic experience.
Had a great time spending a week at Agualivar. The family are very kind and patient. The teaching is excellent and there is constant opportunity to practice spoken language. The house is very comfortable and there is no formality, the whole experience very relaxing. Much of the food is grown in the farm and was very good. I would like to thank Estafania, Elisabeth and Carmen for making my stay so perfect.
21 junio 2022 20:59
I spent two weeks at Agualiver school. This was by far the best learning experience I have ever had. The two teachers, Eli and Frany, were amazing. They both had the gift of clearly explaining concepts, providing plenty of review and being patient with my struggles to learn a language. I was safe to feel my frustrations and to keep moving through them. In addition to the fabulous instruction, each meal was a gourmet feast looking over the mediterranean and shared with spanish conversations. The school is also their home and they have an extensive garden/orchard that provides most of the veggies and fruit. In the afternoons we did excursions to close by towns with a spanish tour guide. And for me, as a cyclist, it was extra special to have beautiful hills behind the house to explore on the weekends. This was truly a unique and special experience. I hope to return and stay for additional weeks. Maybe next time I will write a review in spanish:)
05 abril 2022 8:06
My husband and I stayed at Agualivar for 2 weeks this December and had the most amazing time! My review will not be able to do the experience justice because it was that incredible! We learned an immense amount of Spanish and were able to build great connections with the teachers, Eli and Fani, and the other student in a very short period of time. The school is located right on the coast and we were able to take classes on the patio each morning with the beautiful view of the Mediterranean in the background. Each day had a perfect mix of learning methods - through classes (3 hours each morning), workshops and trips (cooking classes, trips to the beach bar, hiking, visiting a nearby winery), and speaking more informally throughout the day and at meals. Speaking of meals - I have NEVER eaten so well, so consistently in my life! The school is located on the family’s farm and so everything was perfectly fresh! Fani, Eli and Carmen (their mom) are all excellent cooks and we never ate a bad meal! We were always in disbelief of how they could possibly whip up the beautiful meals we enjoyed in between workshops and classes! The family is so kind and you can feel that the school is really a passion for them. They made us feel right at home and it was as if we’d known them for years, not just two weeks! We will go back in a heartbeat if we have the chance. If you’re on the fence about going, don’t hesitate - you will not regret it!
09 enero 2022 3:40
Last summer I was lucky enough to spend a week at Agualivar and I loved every second of it.
Couldn't recommend the experience more to anyone learning Spanish no matter your level.
It was fun, engaging, rewarding and everyone was helpful&supportive.
25 diciembre 2021 9:03
I attended Agualivar in July of 2021. I wanted an environment that was a little more one on one and hoped that an "in home" situation with a family would give me some opportunities to practice speaking in a more natural way. I think that their approach is very good, very nurturing. You will NOT be speaking English.therefore.what you put in to the experience, you get out of it. The entire family is darling, my room was comfortable, the materials were great and the food was excellent. It is a wonderful program in an exquisite region of Spain. Highly recommend!
15 diciembre 2021 18:25
Not as advertised. Website shows people cooking with and playing board and card games with the family. Despite saying my hobby was cooking, and telling Fani that I loved cooking with leeks, which the father had just harvested, I was not offered the opportunity to cook with them. As far as playing games with the family, Fani was far too interested in watching Outlander every night to turn the television to any other show.
If you advertise the chance to cook and to play games, then offer it to everyone or take it off the website. It was offensive and insulting to be in class the last day or so that I was there and have Carmen show me a website she had updated, with photos of previous guests enjoying cooking and playing games, exactly the things I was never offered.
15 diciembre 2021 16:43
Queridos estudiantes de español, hazte un favor y abandona todos los demás programas de estudio que estés considerando u otros países a los que estés pensando viajar y haz todo lo posible para llegar al sur de España y estudiar en Agualivar. He estado estudiando español durante los últimos 15 años en muchos países y a través de muchas modalidades y programas, pero nunca he tenido una experiencia igual en calidad y pedagogía como la escuela de Agualivar. Desde el primer paso hacia el campus, que en realidad es un huerto / granja, con la escuela, la casa / mansión de la familia, situada en medio de los campos en un acantilado con vistas al mar Mediterráneo. Eli y Fani (maestras y hermanas) son muy amables y acogedoras. Los hoteles de cuatro estrellas lucharían por igualar el cuidado y la calidad de vida en Agualivar. Desde el alojamiento hasta las comidas, las áreas de estudio, los pueblos y ciudades circundantes para explorar, nada de lo que he experimentado se puede comparar con el tiempo que pasé con Eli y Fani en su casa. La conclusión es que se satisfacen todas sus necesidades básicas para que pueda sumergirse en el trabajo de la adquisición del idioma. Y destaco ADQUISICIÓN. Por el compromiso de los profesores y compañeros de hablar solo en el idioma de destino, no estás simplemente aprendiendo español, lo estás viviendo y adquiriendo el idioma de manera inconsciente a través de interacciones y experiencias. Sí, hay actividades en el aula y hay estudio de gramática, pero este estudio se realiza en un entorno de bajo estrés y ansiedad en el patio con vista al mar o en un cómodo sofá en la amplia biblioteca y sala de estar de su casa. Las excursiones por la tarde, la recolección de aceitunas en la arboleda, caminar hacia la ciudad junto al mar o simplemente relajarse y estudiar en el patio junto a la piscina familiar, son todas las formas en las que su aprendizaje del español se profundizará. Cuando regresé a mi “vida real” en la pequeña ciudad donde resido en España, reconocí de inmediato cómo había crecido mi confianza al hablar español. Puedo expresarme con hablantes nativos de español sin miedo y navegar las actividades diarias de una manera más sólida y fluida. No importa cuáles sean tus objetivos de español, una semana o un mes en Agualivar será una experiencia igual de una docena de programas DELE o meses de clases online. Vive tus sueños españoles en Agualivar.
02 septiembre 2021 1:00
Spanish immersion at Agualivar was just as I had hoped. The three teachers [Carmen, Estafañia and Elizabeth] run a very effective immersion program. They identify quickly your learning style and adapt to suit. The classes were well structured and everything runs like clockwork. Having classes with each of the three teachers is a really good idea. One suggestion is to have a board telling students where their class is and who will be your teacher. [ exception being weather].
The beautiful house with the Mediterranean sea, the pool, orchards, gardens and even chickens makes it relaxing with very healthy food options. Jose and Carmen, parents of the teachers are such an added bonus to making you feel at home and they do challenge you to speak Spanish only. My room was so comfortable with a fabulous view of the infinity pool and the Sea.
After meal conversations and local outings were perfect for practising Spanish with guidance nearby. The levels of Spanish that were there in my three weeks were from beginners to quite advanced. There is a level of stress speaking Spanish all the time that is natural. You need to be prepared for this. It can be really stressful especially for beginners but with patient teachers and a group with the right attitude the stress can be managed. The teachers do try and use humor to help. I recommend that beginners know some basic conversation like My name is; What's your name? ; Where do you come from? ; I work as a teacher; I'm retired; I like fish but I don't like clams, that sort of thing. The rest can come later.

The outings were all enjoyable. I was expecting a bit more interaction with locals during the outings. Being put in the hot seat and made to speak and listen is invaluable and how often do you have a teacher right beside you to lean on when you need a little help. Many times I wished I had for example, Carmen standing beside me coaching me through a conversation. All the teachers are great fun and while I at times got pushed hard in class I appreciate everything they did for me. Thank you to all of you and yes I highly recommend this as a spanish immersion. Be prepared to work hard and have fun.
21 julio 2021 10:12
I cannot recommend this school. I was promised an immersive experience but was left having dinners with just one Spanish teacher and a couple who couldn't speak any Spanish at all. This went directly against what they advertised and by nature of necessity LOT of English was spoken. When I went their website said, that they sometimes played games after dinner and that guests cooked with their parents. In reality the parents ate in a separate room, this was explained to me when I raised early on my issues as due to them needing a break. They had barely interacted with me. Their was no communal space in which to have natural conversations, one sitting room permanently empty, the family used alternate rooms.

I cannot suggest strongly enough you stay with a genuine homestay if you want a Spanish Immersion, I did one earlier that year in Ronda where the couple were genuinely pleased to have guests and the contrast couldn't have been greater. They have updated their website since my stay to more accurately describe the experience, but please be aware the reviews predate this change.

When I raised my issues I was offered a 50% refund if I left then, not practical with no where to stay and did little to make me feel comfortable. I had hoped merely to have at couple of family dinners or cook with the family. In the end I left early having booked a flight with no refund at all despite quite clearly not receiving the experience advertised. Even the local tour was conducted mostly in English.
26 septiembre 2019 5:06
5 Reasons why Agualivar is the best Spanish Immersion School you could find!

1. The house is simply fabulous with an exquisite view of the sea. Classes are normally held alfresco, “en la terraza”, which allows you to enjoy the marvellous views and the refreshing sea breeze while learning spanish. Now, if that does help bring out the spanish in you - I don’t know what will! ;)

2. The whole family is very gracious and welcoming - always happy to chat and help improve your conversational spanish. They treat every student like family. You can count on Fani and Elisabeth to help you plan excursions and trips you might wish to do on weekends.

3. Every meal is hearty - prepared by Fani with attention to detail. A lot of the meals consist of fruit and vegetables which are freshly picked from Don Pepe’s own fruit and vegetable field - so really, it can’t get any more green and healthy than that! Every Friday, Doña Carmen prepares a treat of beautiful dessert to accompany the traditional lunch of sumptous paella. Now that is something to look forward to!

4. Every lesson and activity is well thought out. Fani, Elisabeth and Carmen are all very experienced teachers. Grammar lessons are interspersed with games and activities that make ‘dreaded’ grammar classes more challlenging, fun and effective. ;)

5. Only spanish is allowed to be spoken - even for beginners, but it works! The lessons are structured in such way that you gain confidence in expressing yourself in spanish day by day - and before you know it - you’ll be speaking grammatically correct sentences in spanish. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to practice - starting from breakfast until dinner. Each mealtime is an opportunity for a free-flowing discussion. Now that is immersion in every sense of the word!
31 agosto 2019 23:17
Agualivar was the perfect Spanish learning experience!
I am so happy and privileged to have experienced the Agualivar Spanish school. The location is unbelievably beautiful, situated among avocado and mango trees, upon a hilltop, facing the sea. The classes are personalized and very efficiently taught by Stephanie and Elizabeth. The family is very warm and welcoming. They make you feel right at home. My Spanish skills improved so much after just one week! The fresh food from the garden and local providers along with the family’s excellent cooking skills just made the experience even better!
Learning Spanish while exploring local whitewashed villages, playing board games, swimming in the infinity pool, walking by the ocean, eating scrumptious food and practicing “sobremesa” in excellent company…What more could a student ask for?
I highly recommend Agualivar Spanish school and will definitely be going back!
29 agosto 2019 5:21
I have always wanted to do a Spanish immersion program in either Spain or Latin America, and luckily I had the time and budget for it this summer. Then, I started doing research online to figure out which program would best suit my needs. I came across Agualivar Spanish School and I was very impressed with all the comments I read and photos I saw. I knew that this school has the program and the environment I need to improve my Spanish, so I signed up for the two-week long course.

Much to my pleasure, the program turned out to be exactly like how people described in those comments. There were only two students in my class, which means that my classmate and I both received tons of attention/help from our three experienced Spanish teachers and we had plenty of opportunities to speak the language at home and in class (24/7). Everyday the teachers prepared a lot of fun and engaging activities, such as short videos, games, projects, role-play, debates/discussions, field trips (just to name a few), to help us practice and reinforce the knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. The teachers did a wonderful job creating a positive, supportive, and Spanish-only environment for learning. Every time I felt confused or had trouble understanding or speaking Spanish, the teachers were super helpful and patient to guide me through the process, which really lowered my anxiety and boosted my confidence. In addition, the flexible schedule not only allowed us to improve our Spanish but also gave us lots of free time to relax and take a siesta (which I did everyday:).

As far as the physical environment is concerned, the school/home is located in the countryside. At first, I wasn’t sure that I was going to survive these two weeks given that I am a total city person. However, it turned out that away from all the hustle and bustle and temptations of a city life, I was able to focus better on my studies and form a deep and meaningful relationship with the teachers, students, and the family (because we spent so much time together). Some days the teachers would also take us on a field trip to the nearby cities for us to learn about their unique culture and history. I also tried to go to various fairs or festivals which took place in different neighborhoods on the weekend. Overall, I enjoyed spending time at home because it was extremely comfortable and self-sufficient with things like the ocean-view bedrooms, big farm, swimming pool, and super yummy and nutritious food made by the teachers and their mom etc.

Frankly speaking, studying Spanish at Agualivar is definitely one of the highlights for me this year. Not only did my Spanish improve, but my motivation and enthusiasm for Spanish also grew so much after this experience. It was sad to say goodbye to everyone because of the strong bond we built and sweet memories we created. I am super grateful for this experience and for everyone at Agualivar. For anyone who would like to challenge yourself with a Spanish immersion program and doesn't know where to go, I strongly recommend Augalivar for its solid program and perfect environment which will really hone your language skills as well as help you gain a better understanding of Spanish culture and history.
25 julio 2019 4:58
My week at Agualivar was extraordinary! The setting was lovely, the family couldn't have been nicer, the food was divine, and by the end of the week my brain was full of Spanish, and I got exactly what I'd hoped for - a refresher on grammar, more vocabulary, and ample opportunity to speak. I'd return in a heartbeat!
12 julio 2019 1:09
Submerged in the Spanish language for one week or more in a beautiful location, with pleasant and compatible teachers, a lot of fun during the lessons and delicious food everyday.
The organized trips in the afternoon, for example visiting a vineyard or a beach cafe are super fun and educational. You meet and speak the locals.
After class you can rest by the swimming pool or take a walk to the village. The village is within walking distance. You don’t need a rental car.
The concept is focused on conversation. At home coming my Latin American daughter in law told me my pronunciation has been strongly approved. And we wer able to have some conversation.
I have been to Agualivar twice and in october 2019 I am going again.
18 marzo 2019 20:01
My expectations are more than fulfilled after a one week full immersion Spanish course at Agualivar. The school and villa is located on the countryside about 40 minutes from Malaga airport and I found the top rated school when looking for a different learning experience in a relaxed setting.

I enjoyed three hours private tutoring daily with Fani, teacher and daughter in the house and Carmen, also experienced Spanish teacher. The clases where fully adopted to my level of Spanish and had a good balance of grammar and speaking exercises. Since you live with the family; mother Carmen (another Carmen) and father José and Fani, you have the opportunity to practice your Spanish all the time as much as you want and you also have full access to all the books and films in the house. You feel welcome as soon as you enter the villa and you are treated as a family member straight away.

The villa is located on a mountain overlooking the sea and has a sunny terrace with magnificent views, where you can have clases if the weather permits. There is also a pool to cool down during summer.

You will enjoy tasty and healthy food with vegetables and fruit directly from the big garden ‘el campo” where José spends most of his time cultivating mangos, avocados, oranges and olives etc.etc. Carmen and José used to run a restaurant and Fani is a great chef, so cooking clearly runs in the family.

I would definitely come back to Agualivar for further extraordinary learning experiences in a beautiful and relaxing environment. I do not have to tell you I am impressed with this school since you have probably figured already.
12 agosto 2018 14:44
This was the most perfect place to learn to SPEAK Spanish. I have only praise to give after spending a week here. Fany, Eli and Carmen had so much patience and good humour throughout the week. The learning was perfectly paced and the days well organised but with plenty of space to consolidate my learning and to relax.
The food was AMAZING everything fresh and from the incredible garden, and eating times spent with Pepe and Carmen, the parents of Fani and Eli, were such fun - the perfect hosts (and master Rumi players too)!
Thank you so much Aqualivar family, I will be back not only to speak and learn more Spanish but to pick some mangos later this year!
10 agosto 2018 11:26
We only had a week here, but we gained so much from the personal attention to our learning needs. We were welcomed into the family and felt so comfortable. I cannot recommend this course highly enough - the quality of the teaching, the comfort of the house and the lovely healthy food using home grown fruit and vegetables. Every care was taken to make the experience perfect. Thank you so much.
19 julio 2018 2:35
La experiencia fue incredible! Fani, Eli, and Carmen are all patient and knowledgeable teachers who encourage natural conversation as a means of learning. The family is incredibly gracious, their home is gorgeous, the accommodations were more than I expected.
When I searched for a language school, I wanted an immersion experience. This is exactly what Agualivar provides. The classes were customized to each student (there were only 4 of us), and because the students are serious about learning, practicing the use of the language happens non-stop. The excursions provided insight to the local culture that would not have been possible without Fani as our guide.
You can search the Internet (en-TER-net) for an immersion school, but if you are looking for a unique experience in a beautiful location, with beautiful people, look no further-Agualivar is the place!

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