02 abril 2024 20:39
Buena organización y colaboración, guías de idiomas, clases de idiomas, selección de familias, apoyo. Totalmente satisfecho, maravillosa experiencia.
31 marzo 2024 11:40
Tuvimos una gran experiencia en la escuela de Málaga. La oficina de Madrid nos acompañó en la preparación del viaje de estudios y también en la resolución de cualquier problema una vez en España. Estuvieron disponibles para atender nuestras solicitudes y nos dieron consejos útiles. La comunicación fue excelente, en todo momento. Los chicos regresaron felices. Un punto fuerte es la parte didáctica, con actividades interesantes y estimulantes.
01 noviembre 2023 6:05
Recomiendo la escuela AIL Málaga, los alumnos con los que estoy en un curso de una semana están muy satisfechos con las clases! Los profesores son comprometidos, profesionales y imparten clases con una sonrisa
27 octubre 2023 11:13
La experiencia de colaboración con esta escuela hace que uno no quiera salir de Málaga. Todo el equipo de esta escuela realiza su trabajo al más alto nivel. Son personas que tratan a todos los que vienen como a su familia. Cuando vienes en grupo te sientes tranquilo. Todo se maneja perfectamente. Los profesores son personas apasionadas. Realizan clases de forma creativa y con dedicación. Los estudiantes están extremadamente felices. ¡¡¡Recomiendo esta escuela a todos! Es una aventura tanto para estudiantes como para profesores. Los efectos son visibles ya en los primeros días después de regresar y dan lugar a otro viaje. ¡Todo Málaga es lo mejor!
25 octubre 2023 8:49
Hola. Soy Karla, profesora de español en Francia. Hemos pasado una semana de octubre en Málaga, éramos un grupo de 58 alumnos y 6 profesores. Todos hemos estado muy satisfechos, las clases dinámicas y en inmersión total de la lengua, las visitas por la tarde magníficas, llenas de cultura y para mejorarlo todo, las profesoras y profesores disponibles, a la escucha de las necesidades de cada alumno. La directora muy profesional y los organizadores también. Si tengo que organizar otro viaje para mis alumnos, lo haré con AIL.
Se los recomiendo.
24 octubre 2023 5:03
Asistí a AIL Málaga durante tres semanas y definitivamente recomendaría la escuela. Siento que mi español mejoró mucho gracias a la ayuda de mis profesores. Todo el personal y los maestros fueron muy amables y serviciales, particularmente mis maestras Desiree y Mari Carmen y Gabriel del equipo de atención estudiantil fueron de gran ayuda para resolver cualquier problema o responder cualquier consulta. ¡¡¡Ya estoy deseando planificar mi próximo viaje de regreso!
07 octubre 2023 8:10
La escuela está diseñada para un aprendizaje agradable y fructífero. Situado en una ubicación ideal cerca de la playa. Los profesores eran divertidos y conversadores, gracias a ellos las lecciones pasaban rápidamente y esperabas con ansias las siguientes.
29 septiembre 2023 16:17
Profesores con gran enfoque, muy conversadores y siempre serviciales, y con sentido del humor. Un ambiente maravilloso y clases que se llevaron a cabo de una manera muy interesante y creativa, fomentando el aprendizaje. Excelente ubicación, justo al lado de la playa. ¡Una experiencia extraordinaria!
15 septiembre 2023 22:37
¡Recomendamos la escuela de idiomas AILMálaga a todo el mundo! Es un gran lugar para aprender español. Las lecciones son interesantes, impartidas a un alto nivel y en un ambiente muy agradable. ¡Los profesores están llenos de energía positiva, comprometidos y exigentes! La escuela se gestiona de manera profesional. Las actividades lingüísticas y culturales se organizan según las necesidades del grupo. Además, el maravilloso entorno, la playa y el sol añaden un encanto especial a este lugar.
Los alumnos regresaron encantados y motivados para seguir aprendiendo
31 agosto 2023 10:50
Una academia de lenguas que tiene buenos profesores, clases entretenidas, actividades al aire libre, incluso en la playa durante las clases, enseñanza realmente práctica.
Además con una buena locación.
Gran variedad de programas culturales durante los cuales los estudiantes pueden conocer Andalucía pasándolo bien.
12 julio 2023 7:33
El equipo de AIL Málaga ha ofrecido a mis estudiantes de Y7 una experiencia inolvidable. Los profesores, excepcionales, así como la organización de Teresa. Si queréis llenar las mochilas de vuestros alumnos de momentos únicos y adaptados a vuestras necesidades, no busquéis más. Aquí lo dan todo en cuerpo y alma. Volveré el curso próximo, sin lugar a dudas.
11 julio 2023 15:27
! Hola! A los principios de mayo pasamos una semanita estupenda en AIL Málaga, con 26 chicos húngaros. Estábamos muy contentos con todo, a los estudiantes les gustaron mucho las clases interactivas, las excursiones y las visitas organizadas (Granada nos encantó). Participamos en una clase de baile flamenco también, a decir verdad no es un baile fácil) Todos son superamables en la escuela, lo organizaron todo de una manera muy profesional. Yo recomiendo de todo corazón AIL Málaga a todos!
08 julio 2023 20:23
Otra vez hemos pasado una estancia increíble en AIL Málaga. La escuela, los profesores y las familias son perfectas! Podemos solo aconsejar a todos! Nos vemos el año que viene
09 abril 2023 5:52
Despite only spending one week in AIL Malaga I found the experience very effective and feel my Spanish made significant progress in a short time. All the staff and teachers are great and are always happy to help! Would love to come back and would recommend anyone to enrol.
29 marzo 2023 16:41
I'm happy with the Spanish language learning at AIL Malaga. I wanted an intensive 1-2-1 one week course which covered most of the grammar but also introduced me to Spanish quickly and my teacher Marta was able to do just that.

Spanish is my third Latin language and my eight in total so I was very pleased with her being able to take the lead and teach the material with the same dynamic I needed. She was curious about my interests, and had the unique sensibility to provide additional resources that helped me communicate them in Spanish. Marta's encouragement helped me overcome the shyness around speaking a new language always feeling supported and after a week I now send texts, have small conversations with people and read articles with ease. Jokes and laughter made this intense experience a lighter one. I'll definitely come back for another 1-2-1 week with her when I get the chance.

Anna and Gabriel's warm professionalism made me feel welcome and at ease instantly. From finding the right tutor for my request, through sorting out invoices, providing insights about the school or simply joking around they were a delight.

The school is 2 minutes walking distance away from the peaceful Huelin beach area which has many bars and restaurants to have snacks in. It's noise isolated and lit with natural daylight but not directly exposed to sun rays which creates a very comfortable learning environment. I'd strongly recommend it if you're looking to learn Spanish!
09 marzo 2023 15:28
Teachers what would you expect - very passionate friendly.
I have seen this school transformed. At first it was old building with old wifi, no water, little windows. It was hard to learn if you only had your tablet.
Now it is completely different - brand new building and you have water on site. Especially comfortable that now they send me all materials on email and I can instantly use it for studies.
Thank you!
Whoever runs this school have done hard work, this is for sure!
04 marzo 2023 7:05
I did two weeks of classes with AIL Malaga, as well as, the homestay option and it was sincerely amazing. The school, it’s faculty, the family, and the peers were all very welcoming & kind regardless of what level of Spanish was known.

I gained a noticeable amount of confidence in my Spanish through the two weeks of having consistent safe spaces to practice.

Gracias por todo AIL Málaga!
25 enero 2023 10:28
A Big Thank You to Team AIL Malaga for making my learning experience so productive and enjoyable. To Anna and Gabriel for your professionalism and courtesy and to Marina for the great custom classes. Also really liked the new location.
12 enero 2023 6:39
Amazing professional school, well organized lessons, systematic approach and high quality of teaching, thank you
26 diciembre 2022 23:48
I've just completed 9-weeks course at level A2 prior to starting A-level Spanish in September. I absolutely loved it:) The class (4-6 ppl) had a mixture of nationalities from different age and we all seemed to get along well. All the teachers (Maria, Laura, Raquel, Marina and Marina:) are engaging and funny. The school is a nice size in a lovely neighbourhood (Museo Automovilístico de Málaga). And my special thanx goes to Gabriel and Anna from Student care team:) Would highly recommend!
18 diciembre 2022 7:23
Fantastic experience, friendly and highly skilled teaching staff, backed up by a great admin team. Highly recommended
24 noviembre 2022 14:21
Great place to immerse into the Spanish language. The teachers are fabulous - they have a great deal of patience. The learning material is well presented and cut into bite size pieces.
The place itself has a great atmosphere. Students are known by the reception team and are created by name every morning. Although they are busy, they always find time for a chat.
When there is a problem, they go out of their way to support, assist and solve. During the process of problem solving they are transparent and keep the student informed.
I spent two weeks at AIL Malaga. It was a wonderful experience.
The excursión program on offer is also great. There are many places to see in the vicinity. For weekends there is also a variety of cities to select from which are close to Malaga.
Thank you Gabriel, Ana, Teresa, Laura and Maria for a wonderful experience.
22 noviembre 2022 10:19
He tenido experiencias particularmente agradables con AIL Malaga. Me trataron con interés y cariño desde antes de llegar hasta el final del curso. Me preguntaron cómo iba todo en el curso o en el alojamiento. La profe era supercompetente y muy motivada. También había reservado el curso de tenis y fue muy bien! Repetiría esta experiencia en cualquier momento!
05 octubre 2022 15:45
I had a great experience at AIL Malaga! I went through a full month intensive course for learning Spanish quickly. I started from knowing little and feel ready now to start my university courses in Barcelona. Everything has been great, from classes to the experience I had staying in a hosting family. Highly recommended!
01 octubre 2022 10:44
La mejor escuela de español yo pudiera imaginarme! Me han ayudado con el alojamiento (la mejor familia!) y con todos! He disfrutado el tiempo aquí mucho y espero que pueda regresar a Malaga. Voy Agradezco mucho al equipo de AIL Malaga y mi profesora️
26 septiembre 2022 21:26
Great school,
I enjoyed my time while learning Spanish in a proper way, I highly recommend
22 julio 2022 12:18
En mayo pasamos una semana maravillosa en AIl Málaga en un curso de español con 26 alumnos de Budapest. Todos nosotros volvimos a casa con unos recuerdos estupendos gracias a la perfecta organización, el entusiasmo y la flexibilidad de todos los empleados y profesores de la escuela. Estamos muy agradecidos por su trabajo y podemos recomendar AIL Málaga a todos, a mayores o a más jóvenes, porque seguro que, van a pasar un tiempo maravilloso allí - aparte de mejorar sus conocimientos de lengua. Así que, adelante!
26 junio 2022 4:18
Ha sido una bella experiencia haber llevado a mis estudiantes a estudiar con AIL Málaga. Sus profesores geniales y sus actividades maravillosas. Lo recomiendo a todo aquel que desee estudiar español en España y también a los profesores que andan buscando una buena escuela para que sus alumnos tengan la mejor experiencia de inmersión lingüística. Para mí lo fue. Gracias por todos profesores de AIL Málaga y a la próxima!
15 mayo 2022 16:55
Es una idea genial de tener clases internacionales. Todo salió perfectamente y ahora mis alumnos tienen más deseos de estudiar y practicar español. ¡Gracias!
16 diciembre 2021 9:30
I can't believe how much I have improved!

I am a British national now living in Malaga, with a Spanish partner and I have studied Spanish in evening classes in the UK for 3 years (and done Duolingo for even longer). Yet I have come further, become more confident and learnt more in the last 4 weeks than all of my previous studies combined.

The team are so kind and patient. My teacher Paula gives me as much time as I need to process lessons and exercises (some days that feels like double of other days) and each lesson she starts off by asking about my day and giving me a chance to just speak and practice.

It is challenging, for me personally.but not in a forceful or overwhelming way. Learning a language is not a straight line, it's a mind map of memory and connections. This course has helped me piece together some past tense logic and conjugation that I have never understood properly before, and now I finally feel like all the pieces are starting to come together.

Thank you AIL Malaga Team. I definitely made the right choice picking your school.
13 noviembre 2021 10:33
Good teachers but sadly quite unorganized while I had my 4 week course. I also found that they were not as accommodating with me when my class meant that half way through my course, I had to do classes alone because there was nobody else to join me. Because of that, they decided to reduce my hours and days because I was now technically having private lessons. That was not my fault and therefore I felt that they should have kept the same hours if that suited me. After all we are there to learn!
Also a couple of the classrooms need a revamp as they are old looking, with old, uncomfortable chairs to have your classes on and stuck up chairs and broken fans.
However, Veronica my teacher for 3 weeks, was great! Thank you for helping me and teaching me things during my stay!
16 octubre 2021 19:18
I joined a one week course and I will be back to do more courses in near future.
It’s located a 10 min walk from train station. Teacher was energetic and very skilled in communication.
Course had a good mix of audio, reading, grammar and talking.
Good communication with office.
06 octubre 2021 17:19
Hello, it is the second year we are using AIL Malaga, and they are perfect in every way: simple to work with, flexible, attentive to details / attention to children, teaching skills / extra scholar activities, and straightforward communication. We cannot recommend them enough! Tony
22 septiembre 2021 0:38
Very good organised and a super teacher who helped me making big steps forward to a better spanish.silvia at the desk was super helpful.thanks!
20 septiembre 2021 16:10
Great experience!
Teaching staff were very creative and I feel my level has improved significantly over the last 8 weeks. Between the teachers and the administration staff I was also very well informed on what to do/see in the local area with useful hints and tips. I felt supported not only academically but personally and I would thoroughly recommend the school to anyone thinking of developing your Spanish skills!
Special thanks goes to Cristina, Carmen and Silvia you've been amazing!
15 junio 2021 7:04
I moved to Spain from the States with a very, very low level of Spanish. I've have been taking classes through AIL for over a year now and have improved tremendously! I started taking classes in-person at the school in Málaga and have continued online through the pandemic. Because I've had the chance to try a variety of classes (in-person, online, and online private classes), and have had a variety of teachers, I can say that all of the teachers are very professional, personable, fun, and talented at teaching Spanish! I'd definitely recommend AIL:)
14 junio 2021 4:09
I am having a great experience with AIL and would definitely recommend the school to others.

In the past I have tried various ways of learning Spanish: conversational classes, Duolingo, random individual online teachers.and is was ok but not amazing. But as soon as I starting learning with AIL my level started improving a lot. My teacher Noemi is super helpful, kind, patient, and is a great educator. No question was ever too big or small and she really is amazing. It has even been really positive dealing with the AIL organisers/facilitators, such as the lovely Pamela who helped me when I need to switch class times and when I was having a technical issue making payment via the website. Everyone here is super nice and good at what the do. Thanks!
10 junio 2021 11:33
! Simplemente el mejor! I am really happy I joined the school and its courses! It’s an amazing environment with great teachers and staff members, I really wish I could have attended it longer. I learned so much in one month!
It’s also really amazing how the school managed to make safe in presence during these difficult times. I would like to thank all the staff, Noemi, Maria and of course all the people who were in my group for this experience.
Would recommend 100%!
02 junio 2021 15:01
I would highly recommend anyone coming to Malaga to try out AIL Malaga. The school is located in a busy, local neighbourhood with nice coffee and lunch spots as well. It is still within close reach of the center of Malaga to do some sigh seeing also. Rafael who works at AIL was very nice and gave me some good local tips. Noemi who was my teacher was great and with my limited Spanish made it easier to understand.

I had booked a week in the immersion course of 20hours and would recommend actually going to the classes. Everything was socially distanced of course but you still get the benefit of chatting (or trying) with your teacher after lessons. Overall highly recommend this course and I hope to back in a month or so!

Chris M
24 mayo 2021 9:42
I had an amazing time while studying here, Maria was such an amazing help to me and my Spanish improved so much!
12 mayo 2021 9:22
Really helpful and accommodating school, great interactive classes, Pamela helped me sort out everything I needed to help me get started learning Spanish. Cristina was a great teacher that really helped me improve my level of Spanish. Would 100% recommend
07 mayo 2021 18:11
The best experience ever! It’s an excellent school in a great city! I’m really so happy and satisfied with my amazing teacher María and my friends. It’s necessary to be in a good place with good persons.in the first weeks i studied in the school "face to face learnig"The learning atmosphere was so fun and it permits you to study in a great company of another students from all over the world.
Never have I ever learned so much as a beginner for real!
And after because the virus (corona) we decided to learn online and it was the best experience ever. This helps to
Improve your communication skills and to have a Greater ability to concentrate and many.special thanks to the teacher`María’ ️Who made everything so comprehensive and easy to understand
I highly recommend Ail Malaga to anyone who wants to study Spanish in the wonderful city of Malaga.
05 mayo 2021 15:50
Best Spanish academy in Málaga! The instructor Noemi is a fantastic and kind teacher. The staff is always very kind. The school helped me to gain the confidence, practice, and skills needed to speak Spanish. They are really willing to work with students regardless of the level they come in with. If you have doubts about taking classes to improve in spanish, I can assure you that you will not regret registering for a course at AIL. They're just amazing!
28 abril 2021 5:43
AIL Málaga is the best! From our initial communication to our current situation they have gone above and beyond to make sure our needs are met. During the pandemic they have taken steps to ensure our safety, and one of the reasons we chose them was because they offered an online option. With the restrictions we have been able to transition seamlessly from in-person to online and back as needed. We have learned so much and had so much fun doing it that it hasn’t seemed like work. I couldn’t recommend it more highly.
25 abril 2021 23:19
I studied in AIL Malaga about two years ago. It was a great experience and I definitely improved my Spanish. Now I’m doing an online course and can 100% recommend it. Everyone is very nice and helpful. You sure won’t regret signing up for classes in AIL
14 abril 2021 21:34
I have been in several schools in Malaga, but this one was the best. The teachers were considering each students needs and I loved the teaching techniques that they were using. Also staff was very welcoming, and always helped with everything that I needed
08 abril 2021 21:29
If you were to choose one Spanish school in Malaga - this is the one! Not only are the teachers amazing, also the location is great (away from the touristic parts in a more local area), and all the people working in the office are so, so helpful and professional. I got so much help with my CSN application (swedish students, you can study here with the CSN-loan!) and with a professional diploma after the course. The teacher Noemi felt more like a friend, and I enjoyed many interesting conversations with her. She really helped me develop my vocabulary and made me feel comfortable speaking Spanish! Would recommend this school to anyone looking for a serious, yet fun, way of learning Spanish!
16 marzo 2021 9:19
I just want to say it’s a real opportunity in life that worth every moment. I am very satisfied with everything with my profesora María ️ with Pamela our coordinator, everything is just amazing even though we study online but there is no difference it is more beneficial than studying in classes I just want to say thank you @ailmalaga for giving such a great opportunity to live and to experience love u Malaga ️ Gracias por todas
14 marzo 2020 23:48
Best school in Málaga! Small, attention to the student. Personal programs. All great! This school is like a family! With the best teachers of Málaga, ask for Maestrita, Petita or Mara. Great experience!
07 octubre 2019 13:36
Poco a poco estáis convirtiendo las palmeras de kiki como el postre típico de Málaga. Genial! Súper baratas y súper buenas!
12 septiembre 2019 23:10
This was, no doubt, the best language learning experience ever for me! Wonderful, attentive staff of AIL Malaga! Classes are interactive and very effective! I had a huge improvement after 2 weeks of intensive course.
To comply the beach, sun, sea, shopping, nightlife with learning language with Spanish teacher and immersing yourself into authentic Spanish atmosphere, nothing better!
P. S if you are planning to stay with Spanish family, you will have a double effective learning no doubt. However, half board or full board,! Do check in advance! What's the menu you pay for is going to be like.if you are by chance not going to be given only a frozen bread warmed in a toaster with jelly for breakfast, or a cup of salad for dinner.
09 julio 2019 6:52
My daughter, Monika, took part in a one-week course at AIL Malaga. It definitely was an unforgettable experience both in terms of the quality of teaching and the organization of the course. Small, friendly groups, well-selected teaching materials, qualified teachers and adequate level of the course made her stay memorable and fruitful. As to the facilities and accommodation, they were above the average, carefully prepared and selected. Monika would like to go back to Malaga for a longer stay to enjoy the experience once again!
23 febrero 2019 6:42
Es muy buena escuela; puedas aprender muchísimo especialmente cuando empiezas - todos los profesores son muy atentos y listos; todo fue genial.
16 noviembre 2018 6:11
My daughter and I spent a week learning Spanish at AIL Malaga. We were placed in two different classes as I’m a beginner and she was more advanced. Both of us were very happy with the school, not only were the teachers excellent but the classes were also fun. The size of the classes also made it possible to learn Spanish in a more intensive pace, so I really learned way more than I thought possible.

It’s definitely one of the best language schools I’ve ever visited. The stuff was always helpful too. The location of the school is very close to the beach, also easy to get to by bus or metro.

There’s a bar/restaurant close by where one could get coffee and churros during the break, also a supermarket around the corner.

I highly recommend AIL Malaga!
06 mayo 2018 11:43
Os recomiendo ail málaga por muchas cosas: si queréis estudiar y practicar el idioma sin pensar todo el tiempo en el aprendizaje, sí, hay que elegir la escuela por su manera de trabajar con los alumnos, cuando los profes se acercan a las espectativas de estudiantes (mis espectativas se han cumplido cien por ciento), el tiempo pasado en el aula y en el bar al lado de la escuela lleno de nuestras conversaciones se ha clavado en mi memoria para siempre, y es para mi un recuerdo bueno de un trabajo muy eficaz, otra cosa: el equipo de la escuela, es decir, el personal siempre con actitud positiva, os puedo solo recomendar la escuela
04 mayo 2018 12:31
I had a week of advanced Spanish with focus on business matters. It was a one-to-one class and gave me a very good chance to refresh my Spanish. We had lots of fun and it was enjoyable at the same time as it was quite some hard work. I only can recommend AIL Malaga. Wishing all the best. Roland
12 marzo 2018 11:23
J'ai fait mon stage et pris des cours d'espagnol a AIL Malaga. Toute l'équipe est géniale et l'ambiance conviviale. Les professeurs s'adaptent a nos besoins et nos attentes. Ce qui m'a permis de bien améliorer mon espagnol. J'ai ensuite fait mon stage durant 4 mois. J'ai appris énormément de nouvelles choses. L'ambiance de travail est également super! Si vous avez besoin de cours d'espagnol ou d'anglais (de la plage et du soleil) n'hésitez pas c'est l'école qu'il vous faut!
PS: Bar pour les pauses café a 30 secs (la classe!)
31 diciembre 2017 0:04
Che dire, io ho partecipato al Corso di Spagnolo + stage per un mese con Ail Malaga, e definire questa esperienza unica ed indimenticabile è riduttivo. In Ail Malaga ho trovato una famiglia che restarà per sempre nel mio cuore, da Rafael il responsabile, fino ai dipendenti e ai preparatissimi professori!
Poi Malaga è una città stupenda, e studiare con Ail Malaga rende tutto magico!
16 noviembre 2017 18:59
This is a great school with a small class size and affordable prices. At first I was unhappy with being placed in a lower class level but the people at AIL were extremely accommodating andfexible and went above what I expected to make my time at AIL very productive. After a few days in the easy class, I transferred to a class that was designed for me. Rafa always made sure I was getting the most of my time, which is important for me. I am a teacher myself and can say that the teachers here are very profesional and passionate about teaching. I also received private tutoring after class to accelerate my progress with I recommend. It was only €25 an hour when you also enrole in classes. Overall it's what you make of your time here.
31 octubre 2017 10:08
Best spanish language school i have been on, and i have tried 4 different schools in Spain. I like the size of the school and the intimate climate with only few students in the class. I loved the teacher Alvero who helped me pass my university exam in Spanish. The atmosphere in his class encouraged people to talk even tough we made a lot of mistakes, which is the most important thing in my opinion. I can truly recommend this school and i will go back here if i have to take another Spanish course.

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