13 diciembre 2023 2:01
Andalsur proporcionó una excelente excursión a Granada. El entrenador fue puntual, la gestión del grupo se hizo bien, el guía Alex brindó muchas ideas y antecedentes durante el viaje para que pudiéramos apreciar los sitios con más anticipación. La conducción de Antonio fue impecable y mantuvo a todos a tiempo. Definitivamente volvería a reservar con Andalsur.
25 octubre 2023 16:36
Súper buena experiencia con el viaje a Gibraltar. Súper puntuales con todos los tiempos. Y súper buena atención por parte del personal.
09 octubre 2023 1:44
¡¡EVITAR! Horrible experiencia con esta empresa y su servicio al cliente poco profesional. Como mencionaron otros críticos, reservé una excursión de un día completo desde Sevilla a la Alhambra (completamente pagada, 3 entradas por más de 450 €), salí de Sevilla a las 8 am y llegué a Granada, y mientras nos acercábamos a la Alhambra (atracción principal por la cual esta gira estaba programada), comencé a escuchar en el autobús que pocas personas habían recibido mensajes de texto sobre no tener entradas para la Alhambra, eso sí, esto fue solo unos minutos antes de que llegáramos a la Alhambra. Nuestro guía turístico empezó a darle números a la gente y tampoco tenemos entradas para la Alhambra y no podemos entrar después de hacer todo este viaje. No hay mensajes de texto/correo electrónico y ninguna comunicación oportuna. Fue realmente perturbador por decir lo menos. El propio Guide estaba estupefacto y no podía hacer nada. Visitar la Alhambra fue el principal atractivo de nuestro viaje a España que fue arruinado por esta empresa. Perdimos un día entero y una experiencia realmente mala. Nadie ha respondido a los mensajes de WhatsApp y tampoco ha devuelto el dinero. Lo menos que pudieron hacer fue reembolsar el dinero de manera proactiva, ya que no pueden pagarnos por desperdiciar un día de nuestras vacaciones internacionales y la decepción que sentimos. No es confiable, evite esta empresa.
04 octubre 2023 16:00
Hicimos desde Sevilla hasta la Mezquita, en Cordoba una excursión con el conductor, holandés y Manuel el guía, italiano.
El viaje hasta Córdoba fue muy ameno explicándonos todas las características del recorrido y anticipándonos las curiosidades de la Mezquita, allí nos esperaba el guía local que nos explicó todo de la Mezquita.
En resumen, muy buena experiencia con esta compañía.
02 octubre 2023 22:04
Estaba en una gira por Gibraltar que compré en su sitio web. Me dijeron que esperara en el punto de espera, lo cual hice. Cuando el autobús vino a recogerme, Petra, la señora alemana, me dijo que no estaba en la lista de recogida y simplemente me dejó. Ni siquiera se molestó en llamar a la oficina principal para comprobar por qué no estaba en la lista. Terminé llamando a la oficina y finalmente encontraron mi nombre. Lo peor es que tuve que pagar de mi bolsillo un taxi para alcanzar el autobús. No se molestaron en volver a recogerme. Nunca recibí una disculpa de Petra. Dijeron que me iban a reembolsar, pero nunca lo hicieron. Son una empresa muy desorganizada. No recomendaría esta guía turística a nadie.
30 septiembre 2023 12:46
Mi experiencia con Andalsur
la agencia de viajes fue muy buena
Viajé con ellos dos veces.
Una vez en Granada y segunda en Córdoba.
En ambos momentos el guía estuvo
No es sólo un profesional.guía, también es una buena persona.quien ayuda con consejos sobre
buenos restaurantes, buenos lugares
para espectáculos flamencos. Puede
pregúntale todo sobre
Andalucía, nos explicará.
Muy agradable y paciente.
26 septiembre 2023 14:04
Terrible experiencia del cliente con esta empresa. Reservamos un viaje a la Alhambra desde Sevilla ida y vuelta. Me dijeron por mensaje de texto a las 12.00 que no visitaríamos la Alhambra porque había una confusión con las entradas. En este viaje participaron más de 50 personas y sólo una tercera parte pudo acceder a la Alhambra. Fue impactante ver a la gente realmente molesta y llorando. Había gente de Estados Unidos y Canadá y este fue el punto culminante del viaje. Todos reservamos los boletos según las instrucciones del sitio web tomando los números de pasaporte. La empresa se disculpó pero la disculpa no es sincera ya que solo ofrecieron un reembolso del 50%, lo cual es totalmente inaceptable. Recomendaría no utilizar esta empresa.
15 septiembre 2023 9:13
Recibí un mensaje de la empresa 2 días antes del viaje diciéndonos que fuéramos puntuales y que llegáramos al punto de encuentro a las 7 en punto (el guía debía estar allí ya a las 6: 30) porque el autobús para el tour saldría.a más tardar a las 7: 20-7: 30. Bueno, llegué a las 6: 50 (claro que no había nadie en el lugar) esperé, se reunieron varias personas, la mayoría tan confundidas como nosotros, esperé, eran las 7: 20, nada, las 7: 30 nada, Me quedé hasta las 7.40 cuando me di por vencido y volví a la habitación del hotel. Camino al hotel recibí una llamada de la empresa diciendo que el autobús nos estaba esperando y que si íbamos a otro viaje, por supuesto me negué y lo haré de tal manera que me quede con todo mi dinero. Volver porque no me parece normal que me pidan puntualidad y que el guía y la compañía no sean tan puntuales como yo. Se trata de la gira por Granada, España, Alhambra y Albaicín desde Sevilla a partir del 28 de septiembre de 2023.

Burla absoluta de los turistas, de nuestro tiempo y dinero.
03 septiembre 2023 6:05
¡Vale la pena! Me divertí mucho en mi excursión de un día desde Sevilla a Gibraltar. La cueva es increíble y tuvimos la suerte de ver los monos.

Ambos guías fueron geniales, el que nos llevó a Gibraltar y también el de Gibraltar en sí. Se compartieron toneladas de conocimientos y pudimos comprender mejor el contexto tanto de Sevilla como de Gibraltar. Ojalá tuviéramos más tiempo, pero dado que es un viaje corto de un día con algunas horas en la carretera desde Sevilla, es comprensible.
02 septiembre 2023 2:14
Increíble viaje a Granada y al palacio Al Gambro, María (nuestra guía turística) estaba muy bien informada, era muy amable y se encargó de todo.
El recorrido por el interior del palacio fue super, lleno de historia y cultura.
Recorrido muy recomendable
26 agosto 2023 8:46
Si buscas un tour lleno de ricas experiencias entonces no puedes pasar por alto Andalsur Excursiones. La excursión de un día a Jerez de la Frontera y Cádiz fue excepcional: producción de jerez, arte ecuestre y destellos de la antigüedad romana. Solicite que María sea su guía turística, ella combina un conocimiento profundo con la creación de una atmósfera interactiva y divertida.
29 mayo 2023 9:21
Our guide Petra was so fun and very knowledgeable! We had a great time exploring Granada and then getting to see Alhambra! It was totally worth it for a day trip!
18 mayo 2023 20:38
Thank you for the amazing tour to Alhambra, it’s a special place that should be on everyone’s bucket list. Well organised and special thanks to Driss and driver and Alhambra guide Antonio.
11 mayo 2023 15:57
Driss was very kind & helpful with my luggage and providing information. The guide Antonio at the Alhambra was friendly and very well informed of the history. Overall, it is an excellent experience and I would go with them again if I come back. Thank you Driss and Antonio!
07 abril 2023 6:04
An efficiently organised tour to see The Alhambra in Granada, Spain.
The guide was friendly and engaging. Our transport was very comfortable.
I would happily recommend this tour to anyone wanting to see something spectacular and historic.
02 abril 2023 5:16
Incredibly informative guide. From an incredible knowledge of the history to suggestions for food, topped off with a warm and friendly demeanor.

Was also really impressed with the bus driver, those streets aren't easy to navigate on a scooter nevermind a bus!

Highly recommend using this tour company!
29 marzo 2023 12:16
Gibraltar Day Trip: The monkeys did not disappoint! It is a rather long walk across the border, but then a smaller van whisked us all around the Rock, including restrooms, when needed. There was even time for sound and light show in the cave. A paper map would have been helpful to clarify meeting points and times, as some of us had no cell phones.
25 febrero 2023 12:16
I had initial plan to go there on my own from Sevilla by bus. Unfortunetely one month before my visit in Sevilla tickets were already out so I decided for that trip. Maybe it is not very cheap but worth becusee thanks to our guide I had possibility see and know definitely more. It was fantastic experience. Our guide Patra is very comunicative and nice person.
07 junio 2022 6:10
Nous avons pris une journée Séville / Granada
Trajet très sérieux niveau conduit
Super Guide Soraida très a l'écoute et convivial.
La visite sur place au top.
15 febrero 2022 17:31
Excellent service! Very informative while remaining entertaining. The tour guide Roman made sure the experience was amazing!
04 febrero 2022 14:16
Excellent trip to Alhambra. Pro team. Kind advise on food and culture. Thank you Roman for sharing your expérience with us.
20 septiembre 2021 12:57
Ayer teníamos contratado un paseo en barco por el Guadalquivir a las 23 horas, por la mañana nos mandaron un recordatorio pero cuando fuimos a coger el barco allí no había nadie ni barco alguno. No nos habisaron de que se habían suspendido.
08 mayo 2021 5:15
Maravillosa experiencia en la visita guiada a Ronda y el Alcázar de Sevilla, todo fue muy bien, guía y CHÓFER perfecto todo
29 marzo 2020 3:00
We did the one day trip to Granada and without a doubt an excellent trip. Highly recommend them!
24 marzo 2020 3:14
The Seville to Granada Day trip was good. There were two tour guides, one from Seville (Roman) and another one in Granada. Both provided interesting facts about each city and were funny.

The pick up and drop off instructions were clearly communicated for multiple meeting points - which was appreciated as visitors were located across Seville and might not have an idea how to get around the city.

Recommendations were made as to where to eat, but were never forced. Free time was provided to explore the area. Overall it was an easy and relaxing way to see Granada.
17 agosto 2019 8:33
I booked this trip via AAA as a ticket offered from Viator (a TripAdvisor company). The local tour agency in Sevilla is Andalsur Excursiones that handles the shuttle to Granada and walking tour and the Alhambra local tour agency is GranaVision.

Arrived in Sevilla on a Tuesday, received a WhatsApp message that day to meet at the tour office 7am. Checked in at the office on Wednesday, the day before (just in case) to confirm the 7am meet up time and that was confirmed. We met Pablo our guide who was fluent in quite a few languages and left promptly from the tour office at 7am to walk to the tour bus. Tour bus arrived nearby a hotel that was bus accessible and we left at 7: 25am to pick up more guests. Pablo was good communicating with other guests that were being picked up. It is pretty difficult to be on time coordinating pickups in a place that is hardly tour bus accessible (at time we were sandwiched between pilons) so I’m sure people appreciated his efforts to communicate with them. One set of guests missed their pickup and had to take a taxi to meet up with the bus pickup route. Note the pickup windows are about 15-20 minutes but they only had at most 1 minute to coordinate a pickup because there are very few bus stopping zones.

(Personally I think they should just require everyone to meet at the tour office or designated periphery hotels. You just can’t trust that everyone will be on time before 8am)

Here is what the rest of the day looked like:

8: 10am - we started driving to Grenada
9: 30am - we stopped for a break to eat and stretch at La Ronda de Andalucia (Abades de la Roda). This is very clearly a tour group stop (large cafeteria and bathrooms)
10am - we are on the bus again heading to the Albacin quarter. Pablo gave us some history and folklore of the region for an hour. This was excellent! I learned a lot!
11: 30 - we arrived at the Albacin quarter for the walking tour.

11: 40am - 12: 25pm = walking tour. I recommend doing the tour. You will get to see what an Albacin quarter looks like: plaza, Carmen house, view of Alhambra, and it’s a nice spot to eat lunch.

12: 25pm- 1: 15pm = free time for lunch (on your own). We are at Bar Rixa which had good food and allowed us to taste the Alhambra especial beer.

2pm - we reached Alhambra! Split into 2 groups for English and Spanish (note this can be rare based on your guide availability) my English tour guide (through GranaVision) was Philippe (sp?). He did a great job giving us a lot of information but not too much and had a good balance of tour time vs picture time. Our tour of the Generalife Gardens and Alhambra palaces lasted 3 hours. As expected, during the tour there were multiple ticket checks with occasional additional identification requirements.

5: 30pm - back on the bus on the way back to Sevilla (note we were delayed, I think the aim is typically to leave around 5)

6: 45pm - back at the same Abades de la Roda rest stop

8: 30pm - back at Sevilla. There was a lot of effort to get people back to their hotels (since we were back later than expected, some taxis were ordered) which I guess is nice but seems excessive. Drop off at the square nearby the tour office seems entirely fair.

Overall, the tour was great but Alhambra itself is talked up a lot. It was a great option for a day trip from Sevilla and I would’ve had FOMO if I didn’t do it but some of the highlights of the tour I already saw in other building tours in Sevilla (I.e. Casa de Pilatos had a lot of the intricate tile and design features, of course not as large of a scale but you could still appreciate the grandiose and this can be done on your own time at a very leisurely pace and be audio guide was more than adequate, same with the Royal Alcazar).

Additionally, the effort to pick up and drop off people at their hotels took a lot of time. I’m sure people would be ok with meeting and leaving at a designated central location and saving an hour or two of sleep. That being said my experience with the tour was as advertised so I left happy with my purchase.
12 agosto 2019 1:57
We spent a very happy day on the Cordoba tour. Seeing the sites in Córdoba is a must for anyone visiting this region, breathtaking and the guide was so informative. Great choice of restaurants for lunch as well. It exceeded our expectations.
10 agosto 2019 1:45
A lovely trip, our guide was very nice, he explained everything we wanted to know. Would definetely recommend a trip like this one, we have seen a lot in one day. Pueblos blancos - a must see in Spain and Ronda is a hidden gem and a beautiful place to visit and get lost in its streets.
03 julio 2019 10:16
Tengan cuidado!
Son ESTAFADORES, cambian las condiciones del punto de encuentro, NO te brindan el SERVICIO y te ROBAN el dinero!
En mi caso €280
No los contraten!
Me ocurrió en Sevilla, pagándoles para ir a Granada!
02 julio 2019 23:35
My partner and i had 5 days in beautiful Seville in March. Months prior to our holiday we booked this day trip to see Granada. The day before the date of the excursion we were sent the location of where we were supposed to be picked up by the tour coach. We left our apartment on time, and waited on the street at 6am for the coach for over an Hour and it was clear that the coach wasn't going to be arriving to pick us up. We weren't able to call the tour operators as their office didn’t open until 9am, and we called the mobile number that sent us the directions to the pick up point and couldn’t get hold of anyone, we left messages asking to called back asap, but of course that didn't happen that would mean being accountable - so we had to go into the office in central Seville- it turned out that the clever man at the office (who could barely be bothered to look at us whilst talking to us, as it is such an inconvenience) had sent us incorrect details of the pickup point, and the coach was park further down the road (nowhere near the point on the map he sent us) and the service we were met with was beyond useless- they tried to say that they had called us but got no answer (we had our call logs to prove this was untrue) and they showed themselves to be dishonest, inefficient and unable to be accountable for their bookings, they refused to take ownership of their error. We have since had a refund on the cost of the trip, but this doesn’t make up for us having to spend time on the phone with Viator and having to go to their office to try and sort this out, on our holiday.
We had to push for an apology and for you to admit to YOUR ERROR. This tour operator is a joke. Nobody is willing to take ownership and they have no idea how to offer a service honestly, and could barely be bothered to deal with us, even though they were very much in the wrong. Your staff need training on customer service, and on how to do their job. You lie to customers faces and are unwilling to put any effort into resolving issues -even when the issue in question is purely down to your incompetence. I had to pit a one star rating to be able to post this review, but personally you don't even deserve that
23 junio 2019 22:45
Una amiga y yo hemos apuntado a la excursión de Sevilla a Ronda. La guia y la guia oficial de Ronda eran maravillosas, el chofer era muy amable. Hemos disfrutado mucho la excursión.
06 junio 2019 17:00
Pongo una estrella porque no me deja no poner.
Contratamos un viaje Sevilla-Cordoba, cuando llegamos a la parada nos cogieron el papel con los billetes que nos dieron el día de antes en la empresa donde contratamos, nos montamos en el autobús y después de diez minutos se dan cuenta que van dos personas de más, éramos nosotros, y nos hacen bajarnos, no sabíamos ni dónde estábamos. Sin más explicacion a la calle. Miren muy bien a qué trabajadores contratan, fue penoso verte en la calle tirada sin más explicación.

Gracias que la agencia que habíamos contratado, VISITOURS, se ocuparon rápidamente de nosotros, vinieron a buscarnos.
01 junio 2019 13:05
Do not book with them. There are others. First off, the tour company requires you to reach out to them to confirm, which I did with no response. I had arrived a day early so I went to the office. They seemed helpful there. I had a hotel pickup but they asked I walk to another hotel about 5 mins away. Which was no big deal. Right? Expect that they showed up almost an hour after the pickup up time they told me! And they never called me or anything. So I called them and the lady didn't tell me what was going on and didn't know what was going on but just kept telling me they will figure it out. Ok so an hour later we get there. The actual guide we meet at Cordoba, and if it wasn't for her I would have given this zero stars. She was amazing and passionate and I loved her. I don't want to take away from the good work she did. Then. They actually had the audacity to have our pick up earlier than scheduled even though we got there late!
12 mayo 2019 19:56
I bought tickets for a trip to Ronda for 4 people the night before as it said there were still tickets and allowed me to buy them. I called and messaged several times in the morning but their number, their emergency number, said they will not be available until 9 am, although pickup was at 8 am. When someone finally answered they said they did not have a tour to Ronda that day and said he would call me back. I sent him photos of my confirmation and he called back and said oh yeah we do but the tour is full. We were up so early stressing and ruined my visitors trip to Spain as that was their last day here.
18 abril 2019 20:13
Andalucía es de Cine. Conozcala en vivo con su familia y amigos y olvidese de todo. Esta agencia de Tours se ocupará de todo. Guías, entradas y transporte van siempre incluido. También se ofrecen Tours opcionales para conocer más sobre los distintos destinos que se ofrecen.
02 abril 2019 19:13
Terrible. Didn't show up to pick me up for my tour from Seville to Granada. Reached out several times through email, no response. Their number goes to a recorded message. Out of $165. I requested a refund and they refused.
14 agosto 2018 1:35
Muy impresentables, contraofertando al cliente cuando hablan por teléfono después de que el establecimiento haya ofrecido el precio oficial. Eso se hace una vez y no más. No volveremos a trabajar con ellos.
09 junio 2018 3:18
Hicimos la excursión Sevilla- Córdoba. Salimos una hora más tarde porque faltaban dos personas, que lo siento pero la gente es adulta para llegar tarde a un sitio, una cosa es esperar 15 minutos de cortesía y otra cosa una hora.
Cuando solicitas la excursión te pone que dura aproximadamente 10 horas y no llego ni a 8, apenas dejaron tiempo para ver la ciudad que en teoría lo incluye la excursión.
Si tuviera que recomendarlo desde luego no lo haría, precio excesivo para tan poco tiempo.
22 mayo 2018 23:06
BEWARE and AVOID! They cancelled our tour less than 12 hours because they were OVERBOOKED. Why would you send vouchers and confirmations if you can not deliver the serviceVery disappointing and very unprofessional.
30 abril 2018 17:12
La persona que nos atendió, se sacaba el chupachups de la boca para hablar y de nuevo a chupetear mientras tecleaba, no entiendo qué tipo de atención al público es esa. La excursión estuvo bien, pero la próxima contraté por teléfono.

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