03 abril 2021 8:21
The oldest, and the most easterly, of the Torres Vigia - the Watchtowers - of Estepona. It is called the Torre de Casasola or also the Torre de Baños - baths. How weird! I wouldn't have thought that it meant seabathing, but who knows. Ah! Hang on... There used to be some Roman Baths near here, that's the explanation!

Built in the 13th century, with subsequent amendments, it is cylindrical, looking almost like a factory chimney. The bottom 7 metres is solid, that is completely filled with stones and rocks, not hollow. Above this massive base, able to resist attack, there are 2 stories from which the guards could look out along the coast, after having climbed up via a rope ladder or wooden steps.

Built by the Moors during their 700 year stay in this part of Spain, it is nowadays completely surrounded by modern buildings, and is, in fact, actually in someone's garden, well, actually I think that it's a hotel garden.

You can, however, see it and get close up by walking along the beach.

It is the oldest of the 7 Watchtowers in Estepona, and the only one of those that was built by the Moors. Estepona is far and away the town with the largest number of watchtowers remaining.
29 septiembre 2020 19:12
Es preciosa la torre, pero esta un poco masificada.
El punto bonito que da ha su entorno se tiene que tener en cuenta, cuidemosla.
Que se reformen los edificios antiguos que la rodean, modernicenlos, el Hotel Atalaya también tiene que entrar, no solo Demarcacion de Costas y Ayuntamiento.
Muchas Gracias.

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