09 septiembre 2023 7:29
La “atención” que recibí fue peligrosamente deficiente. No recibí ninguna terapia individual. El personal hizo comentarios homofóbicos. Proyectaron la película “Hasta el hueso” a un paciente de anorexia. Los terapeutas fueron profundamente crueles y crueles. Este lugar es una toma de efectivo. Debería cerrarse. Aconsejo a cualquiera que busque ayuda que busque en otro lugar.
10 abril 2023 20:23
La experiencia que más me cambió la vida y que pude haber imaginado. Había estado en rehabilitación antes, pero nunca obtuve suficiente conocimiento de mí mismo para mantener el nivel de motivación que necesitaba para mantenerme limpio y reconstruir mi autoestima. Había sido un hombre destrozado durante más de una década debido a la adicción y la salud mental. Mi tiempo en Camino, a través de la ayuda de todo el personal y el programa que ofrecen, logró volver a centrar completamente mi ser y darme el regalo de la esperanza nuevamente. Esto se produjo al enfrentar el dolor de mirarme a mí mismo y romper mi ego y mi perspectiva defensiva sobre el mundo que me rodea. Encontré entusiasmo y optimismo en abundancia que nunca supe que estaba allí. Con su apoyo pude encontrar la resiliencia para abrirme paso y salir del otro lado con una nueva oportunidad de vida. Esto fue hace cinco años y me he mantenido limpio y sereno desde entonces. No podría haberlo hecho sin ellos y no podría recomendar más esta rehabilitación por los resultados que obtuve en la vida y logré mantener todos estos años.
El período previo a la semana familiar fue difícil y aterrador, pero también una de las experiencias más reveladoras para mí y toda mi familia para ayudar a comprender cómo terminamos sentados juntos en este pequeño pedazo de paraíso en España hablando sobre sentimientos y encontrando el coraje para verdaderamente honestos el uno con el otro.
19 febrero 2023 0:31
La adicción no es un problema individual, involucra a toda la familia. Navegar por esto puede ser difícil para nosotros, los miembros de la familia, sin embargo, a través del amor, la compasión y las sesiones de constelaciones familiares con apoyo, este proceso se explora en un entorno seguro, comprensivo y con mentores. Gracias por el conocimiento y la comprensión de la codependencia Don y Meena.
23 agosto 2022 20:41
This place was appalling when I went there. 3 months of punitive hell without proper psychiatric support and barbaric ‘tough love’ approaches. I had to go to another centre after just to get over this. It did more damage than good. Filthy dirty, revolting food and only one therapist worth her salt who doesn’t work there anymore. Don’t do it. Don’t place your loved one here, they are charlatans; egos bigger than their professional credentials. Hell on earth.
08 septiembre 2021 7:09
Beautiful picturesque place located in the rolling hills of Andalucía! Incredibly well run by lovely accommodating people!
27 abril 2021 21:05
As an addiction professional I have known some of the staff here for nearly 30 years and when I needed help it was the only place I called. They are very skilled professionals who both support and also challenge where needed. The inpatient treatment was excellent and support afterwards was great. As far as I am concerned they have the only real family programme in Europe and all of my family benefited from the experience. Love these guys. (Even the ones that challenged me).
22 abril 2021 3:42
About 15 years ago the pains of a dysfunctional childhood and a successful professional career were increasingly at odds with each other. Thanks to the genuine compassion, empathy and professionalism of Camino Recovery. I was guided through a therapeutic process that swiftly resolved the conflicts and compensating behaviours. I remain forever grateful for trusting and choosing Camino Recovery.
13 abril 2021 17:02
I have deep respect for the staff at Camino. I have the experience of been treated with the kindest regard and care. The grounds are a wonderland of impressions. A true oasis of bliss. I recommend Camino Recovery to anyone looking to truly invest in themselves. Camino Recovery makes Recovery possible. Keep up the good work.
25 septiembre 2019 20:22
A life changing experience. The treatment, the accomodation, the food and especially the family program.all outstanding. Thank you Camino Recovery!
16 enero 2019 16:08
3 words come to my head when I think of Camino.geniune- compassionate- LOVEful. Don, Mina, Ameet, Lauren, David and the rest of the therapists were so understanding, so positive and encouraging. I felt at home, I felt in a safe environment that nobody would judge or reject me.apart from addiction they did very serious work to enhance and repair the bad communication and destroyed balance between my mother, sister and me in our group family sessions.the energy of the building and surrounding gardens, decoration etc were extraordinary, peaceful and tasteful and the food and desserts absolutely delicious! Thank you for everything, don't change a thing, Dafni Greece
19 junio 2018 7:52
This is a review of Camino’s ‘family week’ not of the centre as a whole. I attended the family week to support a family member and to, I imagined, gain some tools for moving forward after they left.
I found the communication from Camino prior to the week to be very poor and a lack of information given. I have probably received one reply for every 4 emails id sent.
I found the lectures to be very dumbed down and Americanised and I didn’t learn one thing that I didn’t already know. And it is 100% ‘group work’ which I found very unhelpful, I expected there to be an aspect of one to one therapy with a councillor and your family memeber.
I also found Don’s attitude very poor. He didn’t introduce himself when I introduced myself and then when I asked where I could take some time out in the very emotional week, he got up and stormed off.
I only stayed for two days as I found it so awful.
I’m sure the week would suit some people but I’m very disappointed after spending money on flights and 6 nights in a hotel to have received so little useful content or support.
Just make sure you know more than I did about it before you go.
Best of luck.
29 diciembre 2017 13:23
Having witnessed the family program and equine therapy offered at Camino I can say with total confidence that the centre offers so much more than others I have experienced. The staff are wonderful and the environment fantastic.

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