28 agosto 2023 5:50
Te contratan y por faltar un día con justificante médico te echan, manolo encargado, valla empresa, que deje mi trabajo. Para irme a chirivo y valla empresa.
11 diciembre 2021 6:21
Están trabajando en una obra actualmente, en aparte, calle acequia del Real. Parece que la obra va a un buen ritmo, pero los trabajadores dejan bastante que desear como personas. Nos tienen las calles llenas de su basuras y restos de la obra que no le sirven tiradas por ahí. Orinan en cada esquina sin importar si hay gente delante y se llaman a voces para cualquier cosa. Resulta asqueroso.
15 junio 2020 13:05
I am writing this review not as a customer but as a neighbor to a site they are managing. I ask that if you are considering using them for your project you think about the impact that may have on neighbor relations. I have tried to contact them directly with my complaints but have received no response.

My primary complaint is related to our current situation but I will add additional complaints to the bottom of this review that previously I would have written off as part of construction.

We are now on day 3 of a national lockdown in which we can not leave our homes. They have continued construction, which at this point appears to be driving support pillars into the ground. Their workers are not wearing masks and are working in very close proximity to each other. The machine they are using is VERY loud and actually vibrates the homes and apartments surrounding it. They are doing this work all day long.

I understand construction is loud and that some must go on. In my contact to them, both in English and Spanish, I simply requested they consider limiting their hours or working on other projects for part of the day. I have received no response and there has been no change to their work schedule.

Prior to this they also had difficult relations with neighbors. We had been told by someone on site to contact them if we had any concerns, but clearly that was an empty statement as they are not reaponding. At the time, we did not feel anything was necessary as construction is a part of life. Many of our neighbors were not so understanding.

These are previous/continuing issues we have had.

- When they began they did not post signs about parking spaces they needed empty for work. They called the police to have cars towed, but luckily since they had not posted signs the police only towed one that was parked illegally. The police did help them locate neighbors to force them to move their cars.

- They now posted official signs regarding parking but have not filled in any of the information on them and just left them blank.

- People coming to the site for work are parking in front of neighbor's gates blocking them.

- They have started very loud projects early in the morning regularly.

- They drive over our sidewalks to recieve deliveries and have been ruining them. They are now cracked and full of holes. When asked if they would be repaired, their have no answer.

Additional complaints will be added below as they arise:

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