21 marzo 2024 17:01
Recientemente visité esta clínica dental y quedé impresionado con el nivel de atención y profesionalismo. Desde el momento en que entré, el personal me recibió con una sonrisa cálida y un ambiente acogedor. El dentista realizó un examen completo y me explicó claramente todas las opciones de tratamiento disponibles para mí. Me sentí escuchado y valorado durante todo el proceso. Además, las instalaciones estaban impecablemente limpias y equipadas con tecnología de última generación. Recomiendo encarecidamente esta clínica dental a cualquiera que busque un servicio excepcional y una atención personalizada para sus necesidades dentales.
Gracias a todo el equipo Clínica Dental Crooke
10 febrero 2024 7:04
Sólo decir Gracias Gracias y Millones de GRACIAS
Eduardo, me has devuelto las ganas de vivir, después de malas Praxis de otros dentistas sicarios qué sólo me han sacado dinero y me habían destrozado la vida y mi dignidad!
Te debo mucho y he querido ponerte estas letras qué espero te lleguen!
01 enero 2024 17:13
Maravillosa atención, la doctora Blanca espectacular, súper cálida y muy profesional y en general todo el personal. Me atendieron en una cita de urgencia el día 2 de Enero por una rotura de diente. Me lo arreglaron el mismo día, no puedo estas mas agradecida y feliz.
21 diciembre 2023 1:52
Tienen tecnología avanzada, un personal muy profesional y amable, me extrajeron una muela y próximamente me pondrán unos implantes dentales. La doctora Laura M. fue fantástica , la extracción la hizo sin dolor, sin complicación . , Gracias volveré.
04 octubre 2023 18:46
Excelente servicio y trato desde el primer momento en que entré por la puerta. Me sentí realmente segura en sus manos y el tratamiento, aunque no sencillo, se llevó a cabo con la máxima atención a mi comodidad y bienestar. Debo decir que el costo, considerando el nivel de equipo y experiencia, definitivamente fue una buena relación calidad-precio y menos de la mitad del precio del tratamiento en el Reino Unido; Eso es incluso si pudiera obtener esta calidad de servicio, lo cual dudo. Gracias, definitivamente regresaré y siempre recomendaré su clínica.
20 septiembre 2023 23:39
Estuve de urgencia para que me trataran una muela, una vez te ponen la inyección y te sale la factura de 600€ realmente no muy correcto por su parte
14 septiembre 2023 16:36
Gran bienvenida, experiencia fantástica, definitivamente regresaré, excelente servicio y calidad.
08 septiembre 2023 20:34
Súper experiencia! Un trato profesional, rápido y muy agradable. Volveré en cuanto lo necesite. Muchas gracias por todo!
26 agosto 2023 17:19
Recomendado al 100% unos grandes profesionales.
Muchas gracias a todo el equipo por el trato recibido estos dos años y en especial a Jenifer y Laura por sacar ese diente “adelante” jeje.
19 agosto 2023 18:23
Javier Bravo es un excelente profesional, se nota que sabe lo que hace y además tiene un teatro muy delicado con los niños.
La atención de la clínica estupenda.
Volveremos a la siguiente revisión encantados.
01 agosto 2023 14:10
Bonita clínica moderna. Personal con vocación de servicio. Precios asequibles. ¡Recomiéndalo!
09 julio 2023 8:29
Clinica muy recomendable. El personal es muy amable y muy formal. Destacar la profesionalidad y trato del Dr. Javier Bravo.
25 mayo 2023 17:59
Excelente Clínica Crooke me han dejado la boca excelente mucho estoy re contenta muy recomendable.
20 mayo 2023 6:26
Very professional Clinic. Efficient and friendly.
Experience was top notch. Highly recommend.
19 mayo 2023 3:29
I always receive a prompt & caring experience at the Crooke clinic and highly recommend their service
13 mayo 2023 3:03
Both my husband and I have had dental procedures and are both very impressed by their professionalism and efficiency. We would highly recommend this practice for any dental work! Top marks to all staff. Thank you.
19 marzo 2023 12:11
Best Clinic! Excellent service! Very caring, helpful staff. Highly professional service. Many thanks to Martina and all personnel.
18 marzo 2023 3:33
Trato muy Profesional y Amable.
Muy puntuales en las citas.
Totalmente recordables, gracias
13 marzo 2023 0:19
Un equipo de profesionales maravillosos. Estoy muy contenta con el trato que he recibido por parte de todos, informándome en todo momento de todo. Además el resultado de mi tratamiento de Invisalign me ha encantado, estoy muy contenta con mi nueva sonrisa. Recomiendo esta clínica 100%. Volveré por la confianza que me habéis dado.
03 marzo 2023 21:55
Personal muy amable que te explica las cosas claramente. Ademas están contigo durante todo el proceso.
30 enero 2023 17:51
What a fantastic dental clinic. From my own personal experience, I would rate it the best ever in Costa del Sol.

Highly professional and caring medical staff with smiles all the way from entering the clinic until leaving. They explain everything for the patients to ensure full awareness of what they are doing step by step.

Their outstanding services are offered at very competitive prices in comparison to other clinic in the area.

The clinic is equipped with the latest and best brand new dental equipment, all of which are house under one roof in a very relaxing environment and widely spaced single storey spacious building.

They are Very punctual and extremly prompt. I don't think any clinic can beat them on time to finish off my 2 implants and having the Zercon bridge fixed. Very importantly they also invite you to come back at anytime and without appointment if you have any further issue/problem (s) not like other clinic who don't want to know you once there finish the treatment and received the money.

Other added benefit is that the entire staff be it medical or administrative staff are very fluent in English which made my life much easier.

I take the great honor in recommending Crooke Dental clinic in Marbella to all who are after professional dental treatment at Highly competitive prices and timely completion of treatment.

Finally, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to Alfonso (The clinic manager) for all his efforts and dedication to comfort me all the way through. He reserves no efforts to ensure my full satisfaction. I look forward to return back soon to start my last implant.
23 enero 2023 6:07
This is the best dentist I have used in my life, including London, Sydney, Belfast and New York. Everyone is so friendly and professional. They speak many languages and explain everything clearly and reassuringly. Christina and Maria are absolutely wonderful. I normally hate going to the dentist but now I have the perfect smile that I have always wanted. Thank you so much Christina, Maria and the whole team. You are all stars.
12 enero 2023 23:11
Trato excelente, el personal muy amable y atento y el doctor muy profesional, no sentí nada y eso que tengo fobia, siempre llego nerviosa y salgo tranquila y contenta
18 diciembre 2022 18:39
I have done a lot of personal research finding a clinic to fit my needs for a zirconic implant. I was considering many countries for their medical tourism, including Bulgaria and Turkey. I was very happy with Crooke’s reviews and website, and took a leap of faith and got on the plane from US to Spain. I am very pleased with their services, communication, professionalism and integrity. My procedure was quick and painless, and the Crooke staff were very hospitable and accommodating. The prices are reasonable and they even provide a chauffeur that will bring you to and from the airport. I look forward to coming back to Marbella for my final visit in a few months. I highly recommend Crooke clinic
12 julio 2022 17:34
Hasta la fecha estoy muy satisfecho con la decisión de contratar sus servicios. Son profesionales super atentos y buen organizados. Me he puesto 2 implantes y todo perfecto. Me pusieron plasma de mi propia sangre para que la encía se recuperase mejor y ha sido un acierto. Me falta la colocación de la corona de circonio y listo. Altamente recomendable. Utilizan material de primera calidad.
10 julio 2022 10:01
Un servicio espectacular, soy un paciente periodontal con ausencia de incisivo lateral, pero tenia un problema, al ponerme implantes en otro sitio se descartaba la posibilidad de ortodoncia, y no confiaba en carillas, pero estoy francamente contento, no es nada que haya visto en otro sitio. La calidad, el ajuste, el color, el tamaño, todo pensado hasta el milímetro y el resultado sencillamente fantástico. Gracias sobretodo a la franqueza de Alfonso que lejos de intentar de deshacer el trabajo que ya traía, adaptó el tratamiento a la perfección respetando en todo momento mi boca y mi situación. Los doctores profesionales, cautelosos pacientes y perfeccionistas. El seguimiento y los consejos de cómo mejorar mi enfermedad periodontal ya fue la guinda. Me han ayudado a mantener mucho mejor mi higiene recomendándome productos específicos y dando información y pautas que están mejorando este problema con el que lucho desde hace años y me acomplejaba. Muchas gracias por este increíble trabajo y servicio. Sin duda la mejor clínica de la costa y me atrevería a decir de las existentes actualmente.
30 junio 2022 21:38
Excellent work, very friendly and efficient staff, very clean and they work was done in the given time frame!
24 junio 2022 6:57
Fui con mi hijo a la clínica después de acudir a otras que no nos convencían. Me la recomendó un amigo y estamos muy contentos. No sólo el trabajo que le realizaron yo también me animé a hacerme la revisión.
Tengo sensibilidad y me realizaron un blanqueamiento con el cuál me sentí muy cómoda, durante y después. Finalmente me animé a hacer el estudio de sonrisa y me alegro muchísimo. No me esperaba este resultado en absoluto. Alfonso es todo un caballero, y nos acompañó en todo momento durante el proceso. Seguiremos acudiendo para las revisiones porque así de verdad que da gusto ir al dentista. Gracias por todo
05 junio 2022 13:40
Mi experiencia en clinica dental Crooke ha sido maravillosa, excelente trato de dr Jennifer Gutiérrez ya que he tenido ortodoncia.siendo asi de excelente todo el equipo.muy buenos profesionales todos.un saludo
22 mayo 2022 23:45
Muy profesionales, rápido y resultado excelente. Mi tratamiento de implantes ha sido inmejorable. Personal muy atento y cariñosos en el trato.
22 mayo 2022 5:44
Quiero agradecer a la Dra. Marta Arjona por haberme dado las mejores de las sonrisas! Estoy feliz porque mi dentadura me quedó mucho mejor de lo que yo soñaba. Gracias otra vez Marta
07 enero 2022 22:53
It's been over 2 years since i had my surgery and now i can finally clarify the calculated unprofessional service i received, I am British citizen and i put my trust and my inheritance into a Spanish dentistry and i WOULD NOT advise any foreigner to trust Clinica dental Crooke Marbella
Dr. Eduardo Crooke Glez.de Aguilar (Marbella/Malaga clinic) is a dangerous implantologist! Read the reviews properly the majority of 5 stars do not clarify the work dune, one review regarding his wife's bracelet and read there replies to the bad feedback.i felt obligated to take the whole procedure of a full mouth implants as i was alone and booked the whole package incl accommodation,
I was led to believe this was a family run surgery and i would have someone with me the whole time, I was shocked to be greeted by a woman who didn't appear Spanish to me and her teeth were disgustingly yellow. I had to pay half of there whole price I paid by bank transfer £12.000 I was picked up at 6 am to go to the Malaga clinic I told the lady I was petrified and didn't want to go through with it. She convinced me it wouldn't hurt and gave me a tablet to relax me, then Dr. Eduardo Crooke Glez.de Aguilar appeared sat me in the chair and started to proceed with what i was charged for 14 implants, i cant be sure if the procedure took 1 or 3 hours, after the procedure my whole mouth was bleeding i was totally battered there was no recovery room they put me on a chair in a hallway with some tissue i to stay in the self contained flat with no food no drinking water all i had was 2 small sachets of ibuprofen nobody contacted me and asked if i was ok,
finally the 3 months arrived i had to pay for my flight there and back and also for a more suitable accommodation as there luxury apartment was appalling its stunk of damp.
Dr. Ricardo Recena Orlando examined my implants he saw the x ray went out the room and returned with Dr. Eduardo Crooke after a brief conversation in Spanish Dr Orlando redone my implants then the process of putting the temporary's in, 7 hours my mouth was open with no fluids. I also had to pay the remaining £12,000 before the real teeth were fitted, i had to ask for the invoice as they had no intention of giving me one.
The following day i was in the clinic for less than 2 hours Dr Crooke took some more x rays and informed Maria the assistant to fit the new teeth i could see by her expression she had never done this before unsupervised, she had compassion, she gave me my temporary's to take home with me, i asked her how i would maintain them and the little English she spoke she managed to explain a water flossier.
On completion neither the Dr, s came and had a look at their work, i never heard from either again there was NO AFTERCARE OR GUARANTEE I was charged for 14 implants however my total implant are 7 each with 4 teeth affixed
11 diciembre 2021 15:26
The best dentist I have met in my 40 years on this planet. Efficient, Excellent, Affordable and Fantastic aftercare. A real Compassionate approach to every individual case. Latest Technology for Quick Efficient Procedures. Dream Team to deal with. Couldn't recommend them enough. Definitely returning for further Procedures.
18 noviembre 2021 12:07
Can really recommend Clinica Dental Crooke Marbella! The whole staff makes you feel at ease as soon as you walk in, great equipment and very modern. I know I'm in good hands with them taking care of my teeth!
03 noviembre 2021 15:58
After searching for a dentist in Marbella for a while I stumbled upon Clinica Dental Crooked Marbella and it is safe to say that it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The staff is extremely professional and friendly and they even speak various languages! I can without any hesitation whatsoever recommend Ana who took care of my teeth with a lot of care and with impeccable results! I do not usually leave reviews, but they truly deserve this one. The whole experience was extremely pleasant and going to the dentist rarely is, so bravo!

It is located opposite the beach front and has a parking garage located right next to it. They even cover the parking fees.

24 octubre 2021 22:37
Excelente servicio, grandes profesionales con las técnicas más avanzadas y el trato muy cercano! Muy recomendable!
09 octubre 2021 6:57
As a nervous patient of a trip to the dentist, Anna made me feel so comfortable and relaxed throughout the deep clean process. I was very happy with the whole procedure from making the appointment to the actual treatment. Would highly recommend and thank you again to a fantastic team
21 septiembre 2021 5:54
What can I say! Welcoming multilingual staff, very professional and competent. I have full mouth composite veneers done in 2 sessions, unbelievable! My smile recovered its natural whiteness. Catina is simply a real artist! Not to mention the prices and the guarantee they offer, as a dental & Aesthetic consultant. I strongly recommend them for any dental treatment, wether is for veneers, implants and full rehabilitation. Eduardo Crooke is number One.
21 agosto 2021 5:36
The whole experience has been top class. Kind, friendly, informative and understanding. Cutting edge technology is used for the process. The surroundings and facilities are ultra high spec to match the treatment given.

I can’t thank everyone at Crooke enough for what they have done for me. If you’re thinking of changing your life and getting that confidence back from a new smile then this is the place for you!
07 agosto 2021 16:55
Outstanding dental treatment. Outstanding customer service from all members of the team. I could not be happier with my new smile. Thank you all!
06 agosto 2021 19:01
Me gustaría compartir mi experiencia 100% satisfecha con la clínica Crooke. Me han realizado un tratamiento totalmente fiable y estoy súper contenta con el resultado final. Un trato profesional excelente desde los maravillosos doctores hasta el trato personal de la recepción. Me han hecho sentir cómoda en todo momento y me alegro muchísimo de haber confiado en esta clínica. Estoy encantada con mi nueva sonrisa, mil gracias.
Un abrazo enorme a Racha es un amor.
17 julio 2021 4:45
Super profesionales, atentos y responsables
perfecta ubicación debajo de la alameda, justo en el paseo maritimo.lo recomiendo 100%, tienen la mejor tecnología avanzada. Marta es una dentista que la recomiendo, muy profesional.
28 junio 2021 6:05
La mejor clínica dental de Marbella. Un equipo de odontologos impresionantes, el trato fenomenal desde el comienzo hasta el final del tratamiento. Muchas gracias a todo el equipo de crooke Marbella y en especial a su director.
15 junio 2021 3:23
Hola: hace dos años ahora que fui a la clínica por primera vez. Me tenían que hacer una rehabilitación de la parte inferior de la boca, esto es, quitar implantes y poner otros. Pues bien, todo fue fantástico, rápido y bien hecho. Ahora voy cada seis meses a revisión y a limpieza, y estoy encantada. Buenísimos profesionales y muy amables.
31 mayo 2021 18:39
Had most positive experience form just walking in, was treated in prompt and professional "Dental work" way, also setting up second appointment quickly, to finish up. I can highly recommend, also as an added plus > you receive a free 1 hour parking coupon in the INDIGO underground garage nearby.
10 mayo 2021 9:33
I would recommend based on my experience of having a tooth extracted - I was terrified but the dentist and nurse comforted and reassured me throughout.
04 mayo 2021 21:27
Dr. Ricardo Recena Orlando (Marbella clinic) is a dangerous implantologist!

In 2018 I had 3 dental implants. One (LR7) was too off-centre, and thus useless for holding the biting forces of a second-molar crown. It had to be simply covered with a conical, non-masticatory cover back in the UK. It was not worth the hassle and risk of returning to Spain for further negligent treatment. My general and dental health had previously been good.

Worst of all was Dr. Ricardo Recena Orlando's admonition to strain my temporo-mandibular (TMJ) joints in opening my mouth ever-wider for access, which caused my cortisol levels to soar. I became bed-ridden for several months and the following year was one of misery and enervation in direct consequence. Then a senior British dentist informed me that Dr Orlando had inserted my LR7 implant in the wrong place!

Administrator Tula Crooke denied all responsibility and blamed 'other causes'. Remediation would have involved extracting the implant, replacing it, awaiting 6+ months’ healing and finally fitting a crown – all with unknown consequences.

Have your dentistry in a country where they can be easily held legally accountable for UK residents! It is totally-false economy to travel to Spain: I ended up saving little but spending a fortune in remediation. Foreign horror-stories are, sadly, all too true!
17 abril 2021 14:56
I could not be happier with the extremely professional service at Crooke and Laguna. I have used them for several years for various procedures both simple and complicated and they have been fantastic. All of the staff are warm and helpful, mostly my wife and I have been looked after by Felix and Virginia who are both incredible. I wouldn't hesitate to highly recommend Crooke and Laguna.
12 abril 2021 12:39
Great service, and the first Dentist I had, really took time to help me with my problem and the service he provided was one of the best experiences I had (forgot his name) with dentists. And also really good service coordinating things and keeping contact, since I do not live in Spain (Denmark). Unfortunately I have not been able to travel the last year due to Covid but hope to come back soon.
09 abril 2021 4:59
Excelente atención en la limpieza dental de Ana, se agradece que te vaya diciendo lo que está haciendo, el tiempo que queda, etc.muchas gracias, y hasta la próxima.
26 marzo 2021 20:43
What can I say about my experience. From getting of the plane and being meet by the driver and than taken to the surgery the staff are fantastic the Dentist’s are 5 star I can’t say a bad thing about the experience and has change my life and a special thank you to hanae for making it so smooth
25 marzo 2021 19:33
Llegué a esta clínica algo desesperado porque en la que estaba tratándome no me sentia cómodo y la verdad no me arrepiento, tienen una gran atención y servicio de profesionales super simpaticos, Javier que es el chico que me trata es muy bueno haciendo lo suyo, solo puedo dejar 5 estrellas y las gracias.
Pd: tienen parking gratuito hasta 1 hora que se agradece mucho al estar donde está ubicado y eso ayuda a que personas con dificultades tengan mejor acceso.
24 marzo 2021 23:34
El personal es muy profesional y cuidadoso. Siguí yendo a revisiones gratuitas después de mi tratamiento para asegurarnos de que todo estaba bien. Muy buena experiencia
13 marzo 2021 6:08
I searched the Internet looking for recommendations to have my clip on Dentures changed to a fixed Denture. I've had Implants for over 25 years and my fixed had broken down with wear and the clip on were not what I expected.

Due to the price in the UK to have fixed again I found Clinica Dental Crook in Spain, I had them changed over 2 years ago in their Surgery in Malaga. I am so pleased with the service and price they have given me, would not hesitate to recommend their services.
09 marzo 2021 4:03
Muy contento con la la clínica Crooke, han logrado cambiar mi concepto sobre “el dentista”.
Haciendo que cada día me alegre más de haberme tratado en su clínica.
Y sobre la plantilla de trabajadores, no puedo más que decir que excelente! Han conseguido lograr mezclar la profesionalidad y el trato humano, reseñar y darle las gracias en especial a Cynthia Cáceres por su dedicación y profesionalidad.
Muy recomendable
02 marzo 2021 23:18
Great me and my wife, my wife was in so much pain had all teeth removed and new put over 2 years now, at a can eat anything no problem. Me I had false ones for now getting ready for my replacement soon. Would highly recommend
09 marzo 2020 4:07
Conocí la clínica hace 3 años por Internet buscando un buen cirujano para mi madre e hicieron con ella un trabajo impecable! Desde entonces vamos toda la familia. A parte de ser muy profesionales, te tratan súper bien, siempre que voy me siento como en casa, 100% recomendado.
05 marzo 2020 22:33
Todo muy bien desde el principio.
La recepcionista muy simpatica, muy amable y muy profesional.
Y los higienistas también muy bien y el resultado estupendo.
27 febrero 2020 10:12
Profesionales de 10.
Te dan un trato impecable y se preocupan mucho por el paciente.
Desde que mi familia y yo probamos este sitio no nos lo pensábamos dos veces.
02 diciembre 2019 21:56
Treatment was first class, all went as planned.
Staff were knowledgeable and most helpful.
Highly recommendable
22 noviembre 2019 23:48
Over the past year I have had a number of treatments in Crooke & Laguna Clinica Dental in Marbella. This culminated in a number of implants and a bridge. I cannot overstate the qualities of service, professionalism and care which I received and have no hesitation in recommending this clinic.
17 noviembre 2019 12:03
Can't thank all the staff enough for all their work and help especially hanae and paco! The clinic is top class and everyone is very professional! Would recommend this clinic to anyone, can't rate it enough!
05 noviembre 2019 22:52
Three months ago, after several visits to the clinic, for extraction, fitting, adjusting and finally implanting, I can confirm that it has been a most satisfactory and completely successful experience. I must thank the clinic for their professionalism and the way reassured me as the process unfurled. I can certainly recommend them to any who ask.
11 septiembre 2019 5:57
Muy buena atención, me solucionaron el problema (quebradura de diente por accidente) inmediatamente. El implante salió muy bien, menos doloroso y complicado que me lo imaginé. Recomiendo altamente. Volveré.
31 julio 2019 0:47
My husband and I have both been extremely pleased with the attention to detail and quality of the treatment we have received from Eduardo and his colleagues, not forgetting Tula who has been very attentive to ensuring our wellbeing before, during and after our appointments. We are quite sure that we could not have received a better experience and outcome anywhere.
Many thanks!
21 julio 2019 23:25
Was treated very well, and as far as one can enjoy dental trips, my trips were very good. All staff were extremely kind.
A special thank you to driver, Paco. He was wonderful and we had interesting conversations.
Thanks to all of you.
26 mayo 2019 18:33
Catastrophic. Those coming from USA might want to consider my experience. USA is a long ways from Spain. Hard to just jump on a plane for a Re-do.
26 abril 2019 0:48
I had to get 2 implants. The dentistry work by Carmen (my dentist) was top class using the latest dental equipment.
I highly recommend Clinica Dental Marbella Crooke.
04 marzo 2019 18:49
I recently had 2 extractions at the Marbella clinic and was made to feel comfortable and at ease with the procedures. 3 root canals to come next (I had the first one done today). I can only speak highly of my treatment so far. Very impressive and reasonably priced. My wife is also treated at the clinic and has the same opinion. A clean and modern clinic with English speaking staff. Highly recommended.
10 febrero 2019 8:51
Clínica vanguardista, con un equipo humano excepcional; la información, trato y experiencia de todos ellos transmite confianza. Con los niños son geniales y hacen que la visita al dentista sea algo divertido para ellos. GRACIAS A TODOS
03 enero 2019 7:35
I am so pleased I chose Crooke and Laguna to have my dental implants done, they are so friendly and don’t rush your treatments, I have already recommended them to everyone I know you get first class treatment and the practice is spotless, I want to say a big thank you for giving me my smile back,

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