16 diciembre 2023 12:50
Muy bueno. Los profesores muy educados. Yo como siendo exalumna de este colegio, sin duda es el mejor de todos.
28 septiembre 2023 5:51
Durante años, nuestra comunidad ha pedido amablemente a los padres y a la escuela que no bloqueen toda la calle al recoger a los niños. Sin embargo, cada año nos vemos obligados a bloquear nuestras entradas y calles…. ¡El resultado es que se le niega el acceso a nuestra propiedad y se genera una situación de seguridad!

El hecho es que la escuela es demasiado barata para invertir en mudarse a un lugar adecuado o no es lo suficientemente inteligente como para buscar alternativas. En lugar de ello, optan por ignorar el problema y perturbar a la comunidad local.

Los padres lo piensan dos veces antes de enviar a sus hijos aquí para aprender lecciones de personas que no pueden organizarse por sí mismas.

En el futuro, tendremos una grúa en espera lista para remolcar los autos que bloquean el acceso a nuestras casas. Se avisa a los padres.

También para los padres que estén considerando la escuela, piénselo dos veces si quieren que sus hijos sean “educados” por una escuela y por padres sin tener en cuenta la comunidad o la seguridad. Imagínese que se produjera un incendio, ¿cómo llegarían los servicios de emergencia a la escuela?
03 junio 2023 0:52
Una escuela tan encantadora, no puedo recomendar lo suficiente, mi hija comenzó aquí hace 4 años y nos ha encantado desde entonces, todos enseñan muy amables y todos los niños siempre se ven tan felices, mi hija se va este año para ir a la escuela grande, ella desea poder estar aquí para siempre, muchas gracias por toda su ayuda a lo largo de los años, mamá Orla
01 marzo 2023 12:49
Crecí en St. Georges y eso siempre me enorgullece. Tengo recuerdos preciosos allí, con unos profesores que hacían del aprendizaje un juego divertido. Las galas de fin de año, el ballet y beber la sangre del dragón, cuando terminábamos el último curso (limonada, no os asusteis).
It was hard to say goodbye, I used to love going for a visit when I had the chance <3 Best wishes
19 febrero 2023 14:33
Unos de los colegios que podemos recomendar con los ojos cerrados. Una experiencia inolvidable para mis 2 hijos Luca y Nabella que a día de hoy recuerdan las viviendas en el. Como una gran familia que son, todos ellos profesores y ayudantes hacen un colegio súper profesional y divertido para los alumnos ayudándoles a sacar lo mejor de ellos, para que en un futuro puedan solventar sus problemas. Un colegio que completa todo! Lo artístico, la ética y lo más importante la enseñanza para toda la vida. Gracias Maria José y Andy por haber recibido a mis hijos en vuestro centro. Os deseo lo mejor! Os lo merecéis
29 diciembre 2022 10:46
Our 2 daughters attended Saint George's school when we first moved to Spain 16 years ago and we can highly recommend it. It is a truly wonderful school with excellent teachers where our girls had the best possible start to their education. Thanks Maria José, Andy and all of your wonderful staff. We are truly grateful! Maria
11 diciembre 2022 5:57
Sitio genial, pequeñito pero muy controlado. Se ve que hacen las cosas muy bien y con mucho cariño
30 octubre 2022 17:29
Nuestras 2 hijas asistieron a la escuela de Saint George cuando nos mudamos a España por primera vez hace 16 años y lo recomendamos encarecidamente. Es una escuela verdaderamente maravillosa con excelentes maestros donde nuestras niñas tuvieron el mejor comienzo posible para su educación. Gracias María José, Andy y todo su maravilloso personal. ¡Estamos verdaderamente agradecidos! María
14 noviembre 2020 3:46
I am so happy with this school and my daughter’s attitude to learning since she started last year! It has been a magnificent journey. I wanted my daughter to find learning enjoyable and effortless, to have confidence and also learn to be a good person and remember her manners. This school offers learning in a very nurturing environment. The teachers so far (Mr Mardlin, Annabelle and Mrs Shepherd - reception and foundation) are wonderful with my daughter. Teaching her and helping her so much so far! I have seen a massive difference in her attitude, empathy, confidence and ability to want to please and learn. My little girl enjoys school so much and when I told her it was half term she got upset. She goes into her class with a smile and talks about her day with so much delight. My daughter adores her tutors and will be making memories which will stay with her for a lifetime to come. I have never regretted my choice to send her there the only problem I have is where to send her afterwards!
14 junio 2020 7:02
I was one of the students at St. George's. An Amazing school with lovely teachers who supported me throughout my primary years. Will never forget!
04 noviembre 2019 13:59
Mis dos hijos están en este colegio que es una maravilla desde que empiezan en kindergarden hasta que terminan en year 3.la única pena es que no puedan continuar más cursos. Destacar la educación, cariño, disciplina y por supuesto la preparación que dan a los niños. Profesores dedicados y entregados cada uno de ellos que hacen que los niños vayan felices al colegio. Un equipo de profesionales a los que poder confiar nuestros hijos con absoluta tranquilidad.
27 octubre 2019 8:33
Saint George’S School, is one of the best School in Andalucía, Is the only School, where I had experienced by seeing the teachers, parents and the children in the School are one big family.
Thanks to María José for making us feels satisfied.
15 octubre 2019 0:09
We are so happy to have found this school for our daughter. We have been thoroughly impressed with her first two years and look forward to seeing what the next years have to offer. Lovely teachers and a lovely space for learning.
27 septiembre 2019 5:11
Choosing this school for my children has been by far one of the best decisions I have ever taken - I cannot recommend it enough!
28 julio 2019 6:18
SAINT George es un colegio fantástico tras visitar muchos colegios no tuve dudas al conocer este los profesores son muy cariñosos el ambiente es muy familiar justo lo que buscaba los niños se sienten como en casa mi hija Se adaptó genial desde el primer día y la comida es casera y muy variada
Lo recomiendo a todos los padres que buscan un buen cuidado de sus hijos
21 julio 2019 20:13
We could not have discovered a better school for our two daughters aged 5 and 7.
When we made the big move from the United States, we were very overwhelmed at the variety and differing reputations of schools, with the exception of St. George’s School, which no one ever had anything negative to say about.

The only disappointing reality we have discovered is how much we truly wished they would keep our girls up onto their college years. It has proven the perfect school to place our girls: small enough in size so that all the kids and parents know each other; family oriented to the point our girls consider their teachers and class mates their new home and, above all, with strong morals as well as a superior educational level they instill on all the children from the smallest of students aged 3 up to the ”older“ kids of Level 3.

We have no doubt we made the right choice with St. George’s School. They have not only made our transition to Spain so seamless and easy but they have grown into our new “home away from home“ with friendships we are confident our girls will treasure forever.

We cannot find enough ways to thank you St. George‘s for your wonderful group of teachers, as well as Maria Jose and Mr. Mardlin, for allowing us to entrust our most precious gifts to you and for shaping them into the intelligent, well mannered and superbly educated young women they will surely become because of your endless creativity, hard efforts and your love of children!
18 julio 2019 9:51
Un colegio familiar donde se enseñan no sólo las materias escolares, sino los valores de la vida. Mis hijos llevarán su enseñanza durante toda su vida.
10 julio 2019 15:48
Es un colegio maravilloso. Mis 3 hijos están estudiando allí. Ni un solo día han querido faltar a clase. Los profesores son familiares y cercanos y todo un equipo de profesionales. Estamos felices con la eleccion.
08 julio 2019 0:28
Saint George’s is the best school ever and we could not be happier! I have my twins in year 1 and we started halfway through reception class last year. That was not a problem at all and they were quickly integrated in the group by the most amazing teachers. If I was going to choose a school for my kids all over again I would make exactly the same choice. Saint George’s feels like a small family and my kids are so lucky because they are able to go there!
06 julio 2019 10:49
It would not be fair to give this school any less than 5 stars. To say the school is like a little family sounds cliché, however in this setting it is 100% accurate. The staff are handpicked to ensure they have the best qualities to offer (some are ex students themselves!), friendly, warm and inviting. The school not only achieves amazing results academically, it also strives to maintain its good name for impecable behavior, and first class values in social awareness and etiquette. I could not recommend this school highly enough!
03 julio 2019 15:49
St George's School is a fantastic, friendly primary school for children aged 3 to 8 years old. It is a traditional, bilingual school with excellent values and morals with an emphasis on respectful behaviour and manners.

All the staff are very forward thinking and lead by example. They care enormously about the children, the staff, the parents and the environment and the school is definitely worth considering for your child's education.

My daughter Izzy has been there from the beginning starting in the 'Rabbit's' class and even now after three year, she still bounces out of bed looking forward to going to school! Keep up the excellent work St George's.
27 junio 2019 0:15
A fantastic school, very friendly and a happy environment. I was at the school about 10 years ago, following the footsteps of my siblings and cousins. Many generations of my family have been at the school due to its marvellous staff and teaching and many of us continue going to St George’s to this day. The teachers establish an excellent rapport with both the students and parents. I have countless memories of the Christmas and Summer shows as well as the Easter egg competitions. Whenever I go to Spain, I always try to visit St George. I had a wonderful time there.
19 junio 2019 11:25
Words can’t describe the sheer joy of finding this “little gem” of a school. Having visited many schools, I instantly knew St Georges was the perfect school for my 3 year old daughter. My daughter is nearing the end of Kindergarten and it’s such a sad feeling. Mrs Shepherd, Ms Annabel and Mr Peri are outstanding teachers. Thankfully, she will be there until she’s 8 years old so still a good many years left. ALL of her development requirements have been exceeded but most importantly, the love and support from ALL the members of staff overwhelms me. Well Done St Georges, you should be so very proud. Outstanding school ️
14 junio 2019 23:52
The best school in Marbella. So thankful my son has the opportunity to learn and thrive at Saint George
13 junio 2019 9:46
St George es un colegio mágico. Los niños crecen y aprenden rodeados de un equipo docente puramente vocacional y profesional. Ambiente acogedor, familiar y muy cariñoso. Sin duda alguna la mejor elección. A pesar de ser un colegio pequeño, está rodeado de grandes y maravillosas cosas, las más importantes para nuestros hijos. Importante mencionar cómo los niños conviven desde pequeños con la inmersión lingüística español/ inglés. Niños y padres felices 100%.
09 junio 2019 2:42
My daughter, now nearly 14, went to St George’s and now my son, nearly 4, is there as well. This is an incredible school. When I went to see the school 10 years after my daughter started there it was still the same teachers! If you can keep such fantastic teachers with you for such a long time, you have to be doing it right! My son is so happy and so are we. A very unique, caring environment for children in their important early years. I would highly recommend!
08 junio 2019 0:07
As a Head of Studies from a Preparatory Boys School in London, I have found St. George’s every I could wish for in my own daughter’s education. The staff are dedicated, friendly and highly professional but fun! My daughter is just finishing her second year there, we have both made good friends in what is truly a family environment. Thank you Marie - José and Mr Mardlin for not only providing an excellent education for our daughter but for loving and nurturing her into a happy and confident little girl!
06 junio 2019 4:24
Such a wonderful little family school! Most of the children in our family went to this school and were taught by the teachers there. We even reached 2nd generation! Absolutely would recommend!
05 junio 2019 1:40
Es un colegio con currículo inglés y español. Profesorado altamente cualificado. Una excelente elección para el alumnado en la primera etapa educativa. De 3 a 8 años.

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