16 septiembre 2023 22:22
Esta escuela es fantástica, ¡muy recomendable! La administración responde rápidamente por correo electrónico y coloca cuidadosamente a cada estudiante en la clase del nivel adecuado para su máximo aprendizaje. El tamaño de las clases es pequeño para una atención individual óptima. Los otros estudiantes son de todo el mundo. Ofrecen eventos culturales al aire libre en la hermosa Granada y sus alrededores. Asistí a tres semanas de clases más una sesión diaria de tutoría. Mis profesores, María y Jaime, fueron profesionales, atractivos y serviciales. Sus estilos eran muy diferentes, ¡pero igualmente fantásticos! Manuel fue mi tutor y escuchó mis peticiones y me enseñó en mi estilo de aprendizaje. La escuela también ofrece alojamiento, en caso de que lo necesites.

Como beneficio adicional, ¡hice algunos amigos increíbles durante mi estadía allí! ¡Espero sinceramente poder volver a esta escuela en el futuro!
02 agosto 2023 17:29
Agrego otra reseña positiva a mi querida Escuela Delengua porque se lo merece. La escuela está en pleno centro de Granada en una preciosa casa con patio trasero. Las aulas son pequeñas y acogedoras, por lo que solo cabe un pequeño número de alumnos en cada grupo. Por lo tanto, todos tienen la oportunidad de hablar y practicar el idioma. Los profesores son agradables, siempre preparados y saben exactamente cómo explicar todo con claridad. Ellos le ayudarán con cualquier problema en la oficina. Además, la escuela ayuda a crear una comunidad para los estudiantes organizando varios eventos incluso por la tarde después de la escuela. Así, uno nunca se siente solo en Granada y nunca se aburre. Hace años trabajé para ellos como Erasmák, este año volví al curso y siguen genial. ¡Les deseo la mejor de las suertes para el futuro y muchos estudiantes nuevos!:)
29 julio 2023 5:15
Gran lugar para aprender/mejorar tu español y conocer la cultura regional de Granada y Andalucía. Además de mis clases regulares de español, tuve lecciones de literatura española y latinoamericana. Este es uno de los pocos lugares donde pude encontrar un curso así. Fue realmente bueno y estoy muy feliz de haber elegido esta escuela.
13 julio 2023 11:22
Ampliamente satisfecho de mi estancia en Granada y considero que la escuela Delengua merece todo mi reconocimiento por haber contruibido en el éxito de esta experiencia.

De hecho, aprovecho esta oportunidad para rendir un cálido y solemne homenaje a Ángela, Laura, María, Carolina, Laura, Maria Del Mar, Mika y Maria José, para la calidad y el contenido de las clases, el enfoque académico y su manera de ser.

Guapas y muy apasionadas, quiero agradeceros por vuestras palabras que hacen subir el ánimo desde el primer dia.iUn fuerte abrazo desde Paris!

01 junio 2023 10:21
Gracias a todos de La Escuela Delengua. Todos los profesores son super buenos y amables, y aprendí mucho en 6 semanas. En la escuela hay estudiantes de todos edades y de todo el mundo, lo que hace que la experiencia sea aun más agradable. Además Granada es una ciudad muy bonita con mucha historia y es un lugar perfecto para aprender y estudiar español.
18 febrero 2023 19:40
Me quedé en la escuela durante tres semanas y tuve una experiencia maravillosa. El ambiente en la escuela es muy amigable y familiar y sentí que el personal realmente intentó hacer que la estadía de todos fuera lo mejor posible (como asignación al nivel de idioma adecuado, apoyo con cualquier tipo de pregunta o necesidad y compromiso flexible con las necesidades de sus estudiantes). Por ejemplo: Cuando me enfermé la primera semana y no pude participar en clases, la escuela (nuevamente muchas gracias a Laura en este momento) fue muy atenta y considerada y me ayudó a sacar lo mejor de la situación. También encontramos un Buena solución para mis clases ya reservadas pero perdidas.
Además, me encantó el alojamiento (básico pero suficiente) que reservé a través de la escuela. Estaba en el mismo edificio que las aulas (lo que significa una ubicación perfecta en el Albaicín) y tenía una maravillosa terraza para tomar el sol.
Considerándolo todo, me sentí en muy buenas manos y volveré.
13 febrero 2023 2:08
Hemos tomado varios cursos de español en diferentes lugares. Pasamos una semana en Delengua tomando clases privadas de nivel B2. En general, fue una experiencia positiva, aunque con algunos aspectos que no alcanzaron las 5 estrellas.

- Nuestro profesor fue muy bueno, excelente explicando conceptos y muy bueno formando temas de discusión para obligarnos a usar gramática y lenguaje más complicados.
- La calidad general de los docentes parecía bastante alta, con capacidad para enseñar en distintos idiomas.
- Las actividades complementarias fueron interesantes y ayudaron mucho con el aprendizaje del español, especialmente el tour de fin de semana a las Alpujarras que se combina con otra escuela.

- La escuela no tiene un fuerte sentido de "comunidad" como lo hemos experimentado en otros lugares, concretamente en América Latina, ya que hay una constante entrada y salida de estudiantes y la experiencia en general se siente más "transaccional".
- Las actividades también tienen costos adicionales, mientras que en otras escuelas puede haber actividades “gratuitas” que ya están incluidas en la tarifa base.

En general, una experiencia positiva y excelente para aquellos que realmente buscan aprender mucho un idioma o cursos de nivel superior. Algunos inconvenientes si buscas una experiencia cultural más holística.

Otra nota al margen, y esto no influye en nuestra calificación de la escuela, en general es más difícil practicar español fuera del aula en España ya que los locales (restaurantes, mercados, bares, museos, etc.) tienden a hablar inglés.con cualquier hablante no nativo de español, incluso cuando intente usar y practicar español activamente. Mientras que en otros países (por ejemplo, México) los lugareños parecen ser más tolerantes (incluso activamente entusiasmados y solidarios) con los estudiantes de idiomas que hablan en español lento y/o entrecortado. Algo a considerar si se buscan opciones en diferentes países.
20 abril 2021 0:22
What a wonderful experience I had here last month in the beautiful city of Granada! I had a week at the school (and wish I had longer!), and I was so impressed with the language classes. Angela and Fran were brilliant teachers - really informative, energetic and fun. I felt they placed me in exactly the right class I needed to be. They also helped me with tips on where to visit / eat / explore. The communication from Maria on all the logistics beforehand was great. I hope I will return soon! Thank you to everyone at the school for making it such a wonderful trip!
12 abril 2021 16:36
Hoy vi un post del Albaycín y me acordé de los 3 lindos meses q estudié en la escuela Delengua en 2001. Imposible olvidar de todo! Incluso pq estaba allá en el 11/09/01!
09 abril 2021 3:27
This school is a perfect opportunity to learn spanish efficiently and to stay in a wonderfull city. // He pasado dos semanas muy agradables a la escuela Delengua durante este mes de agosto 2020 y aquella fue un medio ideal para mejorar mi español ¡ Gracias a todo el equipo de la Delengua!
27 marzo 2021 5:47
What a great school! Everyone makes you feel welcome from the very first moment. I was looking forward to my clases every single day and surprised how quickly they finished. I had a lot of fun and learnt a lot with the super friendly and motivated team of teachers. Cannot recommend this school enough. Thanks for everything! Un abrazote
19 abril 2020 17:39
This place just felt like home away from home. Everyone was amazing. From Maria who helped me sign up for classes, to Angela who showed me around the first day and my teachers Clara and Maria José. They were just amazing. I recommend everyone to spend no less than a month here. I'm definitely going back.
23 marzo 2020 8:49
This is a fantastic Spanish language school! I have just completed a two-week course at C1 level and I was absolutely thrilled with everything: the quality of instruction, the small classes, the beautiful school in a lovely part of Granada, the perfect organization of everything involving registration and instruction, and, not least of all, the amazingly low price!

Having spoken with many other students during these two weeks at Delengua, I can confirm that EVERYONE I spoke to was in complete agreement with me regarding the outstanding qualities of the school.

The director of the school clearly takes pride in everything that the school offers. The teachers work together as a real time and there was absolutely NOTHING that was not taken care of properly. I STRONGLY recommend this school for anyone wishing to learn Spanish at any level in the amazingly beautiful and exciting city of Granada.
13 marzo 2020 20:47
Excelente curso. Passei dias incríveis em Granada e o curso foi essencial para isso. Todos na escola são muito cordiais e fazem de tudo para que tenhamos uma ótima experiência.
12 febrero 2020 20:24
I had an amazing time while learning spanish very efficiently and effectively. The school also has so many social activities to give you a chance to practice your spanish meanwhile you spend the best time in beautiful Granada. All the teachers and management are extremely nice, very helpful and flexible in terms of arranging the classes based on your needs for learning spanish. Definitely 5 out of 5!
20 enero 2020 12:43
I loved Escuela Delengua! The classes and the teachers were really great. They taught in a way that really helped you learn and had time for conversation to practice what you've learned. They also have activities planned throughout the week and there are optional (not included in the price) excursions on the weekends which were so fun! The school also has a great location. I would definitely recommend this school!
27 octubre 2019 8:24
Ecole de langue très bien à Grenade. Professionnelle et accueillante. Les cours sont bien construits et les professeurs que j'ai eu ont assuré une progression tout au long de la semaine. Tout cela dans un esprit sympathique! J'y reviendrai.
07 octubre 2019 1:35
I had a wonderful time at Delengua! I signed up for the level B1-B2 language class, which met for 3 hours a day - 90 minutes grammar (subjective) and 90 minutes conversation, over 2 weeks. We had a very fun group and lots of practice speaking in Spanish during both classes. I also added on the medical Spanish course, which initially took me through vocabulary focused on the Spanish medical system and human anatomy, and then more complex conversation practice. The school makes it easy to meet people and make friends, with whom you can continue to practice Spanish conversation after class hours. Also in a beautiful setting and nice location within Granada. Highly recommended!
15 septiembre 2019 6:13
Highly recommend! I spent 4 weeks studying here earlier this year and had a great time. Wonderful teachers who teach you a lot of vocab and grammar while also having lots of laughs along the way. Plus there were fun and interesting optional activities organised by the school throughout the week after classes. And as a bonus, Granada is a beautiful place to live for a little while. I had an excellent experience and hope to come back here to improve my Spanish even more in the future. Muchas gracias!:)
17 agosto 2019 3:07
I studied at Delengua for a month. Everything about my stay had been perfect and i couldn’t wish for better. Laura from Delengua helped me through everything from the registration to accommodations to arrival pickup to making arrangements to the airport on my last day. Delengua warmly welcomed me upon my arrival and guided and helped me throughout my stay. I immediately felt at home here in Granada and Delengua became my family! My teachers were the best i could ask for, Pepe, Maria Jose and Angela! Thank you so much for supporting me and believing in me throughout! Because of you I have learned the language in a fun way! I came in with no knowledge of speaking the language and I am so glad i have already learned until level A2.1 in just a month. I was really sad to leave so early and wished i had stayed longer. To anyone who is considering Delengua, don’t think twice. Book your place and try and stay longer than a month. I have made life long friends and i will forever cherish all the sweet memories and experience i had here in Granada! It truly is the best place to be. I will definitely come back real soon!
Muchas gracias por todo, familia Delengua. ¡Abrazos!
Hasta la próxima️
26 julio 2019 2:13
I attended Escuela Delengua for two months (April and May) and my experience was nothing but extraordinary. The school is perfectly situated in the heart of Granada which was perfect for going out and everything being in short distances. The classes are organized very well adapted to your level. And if you think you need to be in a higher level or lower level, the office is there to help and discusses it with you immediately. The only thing I would suggest is for the conversation classes to have less paper activities and more just strictly speaking but that's just my learning preference. Special thank you to Angela who directs the school and made me feel very welcomed and taught me a lot. As well as to Maria with her continuous happy attitude woke me up in the morning haha. I recommend this to anyone wanting to learn Spanish while also having fun in this beautiful city. I hope to come back:)
06 junio 2019 17:42
Great location. Great school. Teachers and staffs are really friendly.
25 abril 2019 12:57
This school was great. I wish I could have stayed longer than 2 weeks! The staff at the school is very professional and responds quickly to any questions you might have. The teachers were really wonderful too. I've had years of Spanish classes in the past but this was the first time I felt like I could actually understand the concepts behind all the rules and I think that's because the teachers did such a good job explaining everything. The classes were planned really well and delivered in an interesting/fun way.
The school also has various events throughout the week that help educate you about Granada's history and culture. I thought these events were fun, educational, and gave people the opportunity to connect outside of the classroom. I would highly recommend this school to anyone looking to learn/improve their Spainish.
02 marzo 2019 3:49
My 2 weeks at Delengua were amazing - I did 2 intensive lessons and 1 private lesson per day. The teachers were amazing, helpful, kind and I learnt so much. The vibe in the school was friendly and fun, and the activities they organised for the evenings really made it easy to travel on your own and make friends. I will definitely go back and wish I could have stayed longer. Granada is also an amazing city!
15 febrero 2019 20:30
My teachers had a great sense of humour and their conversational style of teaching really breathed life into the dryer grammatical topics, as well as producing some more eclectic points of vocabulary along the way. The class size was approximately 10 people which meant you would receive feedback from the teacher very frequently throughout the class. The learning environment was hardly something which one could recreate for themselves at home and provided an enormous boost to my overall proficiency in the language, so great value for money I'd say and very good fun too.
10 noviembre 2018 1:29
It was an amazing experience studying at Delengua! It is such a nice, intimate, enviroment that really felt like home. All the team is ready to help with anything, and the teachers are really good. The prices are also the best ones I found so far on my research.

Really recomend!
02 noviembre 2018 6:55
I felt welcome before I even arrived at Delengua, and the staff were really kind and supportive throughout my stay. The school itself was perfectly located - right in the middle of the Albaicin -, and the amount of teaching and materials provided was very generous given the cost of the lessons. All in all, I highly recommend this course!
27 septiembre 2018 3:39
È stato una bella esperienza! Ottimo: classe piccole, belle escursioni, maestre e segretarie competente e super gentili e disponibili. Soprattutto Profesoras Lucia e Mari José
12 septiembre 2018 8:26
I visit Granada regularly because my son works there. I have attended Escuela de Lengua regularly taking private lessons as well as classes and I love it.
The teachers make it fun to learn.
I should tell you that I am a “mature student”and was concerned about this. I have been in classes of all ages and really enjoyed them. So you are apprehensive like I was just go for it you won’t regret it I promise.
03 septiembre 2018 22:58
It'a a great experience, the staff is friendly and helpful. The teachers are down-to-earth and honest. The best thing I like about this school is that the teachers go out of their way to get the student to learn as much as possible. The adaptability in this place is really great. It really got me into giving and gaining the best.
17 agosto 2018 7:37
Highly recommend this place if you want to bring your Spanish skills to a new level! Great teachers, super friendly staff and amazing place in the heart of Granada!:) I really enjoyed my time there and learnt a lot! Thanks to Escuela Delengua:)
28 julio 2018 5:06
Expérience inoubliable! Delengua est une école à talle humaine située au cœur du centre historique de Grenada. Les professeurs, ainsi que le personnel administratif sont tout simplement adorables et à l'écoute. En seulement 2 semaines j'ai progressé en grammaire et en conjugaison. Je recommande vivement cette école où tous les âges et toutes les nationalités se côtoient. Muchas gracias a todos: Maria José, Paco, Maria, Ángela. Fue una pasada!
Volvéré pronto! Pascualina
10 julio 2018 4:41
I had a great time at Delengua. The staff were like family, and there was a great atmosphere around the place. It also had a great nationality mix which meant speaking Spanish a lot! Would reccomend, gracias Delengua!
24 marzo 2018 22:44
Un mois passé dans cette école et que de bons souvenirs! Les cours sont de qualités, surtout les classes de conversation. Les activités proposées par l'école en dehors des cours sont ludiques. L'appartement muy bien aussi. Et pas besoin de mentionner la beauté de la ville de Grenade! En bref, il ne faut pas hésiter une seule seconde à y aller! Ca vaut clairement le coup.

Pour sûr je reprendrai des cours à Delengua:)
13 enero 2018 0:43
Un lieu très agréable pour apprendre l'espagnol. Les professeurs sont à l'écoute et très sympa. Mon séjour à Delengua est un excellent souvenir! J'ai logé dans l'appartement de l'école qui est très bien. Je recommande vraiment cette école.

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