05 marzo 2023 20:39
José es un muy buen profesor con una base de conocimientos fantástica que incluye diferencias lingüísticas de varios países que hablan español. Tomar clases con José ciertamente me ayudó mucho en mi trabajo y también en mejorar mi conocimiento del idioma y la cultura española.
14 diciembre 2022 3:27
I had a good experience learning Spanish with Jose for 2 months. My language level improved drastically from only being able to buy coffee, to actual conversation. I selected him as he offers in person classes, and we visited various interesting spots around town to talk and learn about them. Definitely more interesting than sitting inside a classroom, or worse, online in front of a computer.
27 noviembre 2022 2:57
Languages has always been a skill that I have struggled to a grasp of and disliked learning.
When I came to move to Spain, I decided to really commit to learning Spanish.
When I found Jose, he was super nice! Throughout my time with him, he was always super patient and engaged with my learning. The lessons he provided was not just any simple ‘language’ lesson; he opened my eyes to the wider culture to really understanding the spirit of learning the language.

Jose always tailored around my learning style and understands the commitments this needs. Whenever he was in the area, he would always jump at the chance in learning in person which I really appreciate.

I have no moved back to the UK, however I have come out really appreciating the learning process of learning a language and to actually have fun with it! With Jose, as well as coming out of it knowing a new teacher; I came out having a new friend!
10 noviembre 2022 22:56
Solicité la revisión de mi trabajo final de máster con el profesor Jose Luis y él ha sido extremadamente atento a los detalles. Además, mantuvo siempre el contato conmigo para comprender el texto y así evitar cambiar con la traducción el mensaje que yo quería pasar. Al final, con esta ayuda, me he sacado un 10, aunque no escribi en mi idioma principal. Estoy muy contenta con el servicio y con el contato con el profesor, siempre muy amistoso. Gracias!
17 agosto 2022 7:11
José es un maestro increíble. Siempre disponible para resolver dudas y preocupado por aprovechar al máximo el tiempo que teníamos. Le recomiendo a todos los que quieran un profesor minucioso para practicar y aprender español.
11 agosto 2022 8:24
As aulas que fiz com o José foram poucas mas foram ótimas! Professor atencioso, dedicado, divertido, paciente e muitíssimo competente. Super recomendo!
31 julio 2022 14:30
I want to share my experience with Professor Jose. I moved to Barcelona and started out taking group beginner classes and realized I wasn´t improving in my Spanish. That is when I started to look for online courses. I really connected with Jose because from the start, he could clearly see the areas I needed to be successful in speaking Spanish. He was extremely flexible with my schedule and every class period he was upbeat and excited to meet with me. He dedicated specific practices that I still go back to when I need to refresh my memory. I highly recommend him as a Spanish teacher.
13 julio 2022 19:10
José é um excelente Professor, muito atencioso e responsável e que me ajudou muito na escrita e tradução para língua espanhola, com aulas didáticas e correções precisas.
29 mayo 2022 14:46
Yo tuve la gran oportunidad de estudiar con José Luis. Más que un excelente profesor, él se convirtió en un amigo. Con dos años de clases logré el nivel B2. Con su orientación realicé charlas en congresos internacionales y escribí artículos científicos. La metodología de las clases es dinámica, moderna y contextualizada con los datos mundiales. No solo del idioma sino también aprendí sobre la cultura de España y de los países latinoamericanos. Tinto de verano ya es algo común en mi familia ahora. Gracias Tocayo por la enseñanza y por la amistad. Espero encontrarte de pronto! Un abrazo.
17 mayo 2022 16:51
José, queria deixar aqui umas palavrinhas sobre você e seu trabalho, para que todos possam conhecer um pouco mais sobre essa pessoa especial que você é e sua dinâmica profissional, que é de excelência
Além de um ótimo professor, você é um excelente profissional para se trabalhar. Já fizemos vários projetos juntos e é sempre um prazer, não só por sua dedicação e facilidade de lidar com as pessoas e se adaptar às situações, mas também por sua competência. Os resultados são sempre positivos! Recomendo seu trabalho a todos! Vocês não vão se arrepender!
27 abril 2022 19:16
Mis clases con José han sido perfectass y han cambiado mi vida aqui en España? Muchas graciass y aun pienso en volver para mejorar aún más!
Muchos saludos de una ex-futura-alumna!
26 abril 2022 5:31
"Recomiendo a José y su Embrujo Castellano. Se encargó de un curso integral de español, en dos niveles, para los trabajadores de mi empresa (finlandeses). Puntual, serio pero muy divertido. Ahora somos amigos y me corrige gratis! Jaja"
15 abril 2022 23:16
When we were looking for ways to improve our spanish while in Malaga, all we could find were the usual inflexible language schools. The ones that cram you in a classroom with a bunch of other people and try to teach you based on a fixed lesson plan, regardless of your needs and preferences.
Needless to say, we didn't want that, so we looked for alternatives until we found Jose.
He was very attentive, understood our needs and offered us a unique learning experience. Instead of the usual, formal classes, we met up in bars, talked about music, beer, social issues, travel and so much more.
Learning with Jose was a one of a kind experience.
Besides teaching us the language, he shared a lot of cultural facts, making us understand the spanish and andalusian society better. He also helped us with a lot of awesome tips for our trip to Granada.
We were lucky to find Jose and get the chance to know him. We looked for a teacher and we found a friend.
11 abril 2022 16:56
Hi, I'm Réka from Hungary.
In November and December 2021, I spent one and a half months in Málaga, Spain with my husband, and we wanted to find a way to strengthen our Spanish conversational abilities and continue our Spanish studies while we were there. I began looking for Spanish teachers or lessons in Málaga, but all I could find were intense classes, which were mostly on-line.
José contacted me after I posted a message in a Facebook group. We decided on when and how to begin the sessions in a matter of hours. He was flexible; he instantly grasped what we were searching for and promptly offered us a trial course. His warm and professional demeanor had already won us over.
We liked the way he approached us and how he provided us with personalized lessons that were specifically targeted to our requirements. The atmosphere was always relaxed, and we enjoyed every moment of our meetings.
José is not only highly qualified, but also kind and sociable. His comments were always intriguing; he wanted to show us the Spanish way of life as well as teach us the language. And, of course, conversing with a native Spanish speaker is a real treat. He's also quite quick to respond and always eager to help.
José and Embrujo Castellano have been a fantastic experience for us, providing us with an excellent opportunity to develop our language abilities, and we can't recommend José highly enough.
Thanks for everything!
02 abril 2022 19:44
Jose is the best, funniest and the most kind teacher I ever had! He made my Spanish lessons interesting by choosing the topics I like in life (food, travel, partying).
His classes are half hour talking half hour grammer and half hour reading. The perfect balance! OH and yes sometimes we sing together Spanish songs

Thank you Jose for making studying Spanish easy and fun! I learned so much from you!

Un gran abrazo y un beso de tu alumno Deniz!?

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