19 abril 2024 12:11
Fly-in-spain nos proporcionó a ambos pilotos varios aviones y pilotos de seguridad en forma comprimida por semana, como queríamos. Escucharon nuestros deseos y cumplieron con las citas. El sistema de reservas y facturación siempre fue transparente a través de Flightlogger. Fueron de gran ayuda con buenas sugerencias de rutas y ayudaron con su implementación. También nos apoyaron en la obtención del AENA Aeropuerto Pass
Con mucho gusto una y otra vez
09 abril 2024 8:37
Vine a Fly In Spain a finales de febrero para conseguir mi PPL EASA. En total, tomó un poco más de 6 semanas y, con un mínimo de horas, los retrasos se debieron principalmente al clima y al cierre de aeropuertos, ambas cosas fuera del control de las escuelas.

Mi instructor de vuelo Miguel fue excelente y realmente hizo todo lo posible para asegurarse de que pudiera dedicar las horas necesarias antes de partir, incluido volar los 7 días de la semana.

María, con quien hice mi escuela básica, fue una profesora fabulosa y realmente me ayuda con los fundamentos y siempre está disponible para cualquier pregunta antes de los exámenes teóricos.

Christina y Eva en la recepción fueron increíblemente amables, siempre con una sonrisa en la cara cuando llegas por la mañana y son muy serviciales con la administración general o cualquier pregunta sobre el PPL.

¡También recomiendo encarecidamente el bar FTE Jerez, a solo 5 minutos a pie de la escuela, para disfrutar de comida a precios increíblemente buenos entre vuelos!
20 enero 2024 19:40
Contacté con Fly In Spain para hacer mi CPL-IR/ME.
Me dijeron que podía empezar inmediatamente.
El entrenamiento fue bueno, gente agradable y muy buen tiempo.
Realmente no tengo nada que decir, todo se manejó perfectamente. ¡Solo puedo recomendar la escuela!
¡Muchas gracias!
24 diciembre 2023 16:43
Una experiencia muy buena. Miguel, el piloto un personaje y las personas que me han atendido por teléfono, con ganas de ayudarte
13 octubre 2023 13:01
Convertí mi PPL del Reino Unido en una PPL de EASA con Fly en España.

El equipo fue muy servicial al trabajar según mi horario y organizar vuelos, exámenes, exámenes médicos y pruebas en un cronograma muy ajustado y todos (incluido el personal administrativo, los instructores y los examinadores) me brindaron un gran apoyo.

El lugar tiene un ambiente agradable y colegiado y todo el proceso no podría haber sido más fácil gracias al trabajo en equipo del personal. Volveré para volar más en el futuro.
14 julio 2023 20:36
Escuela altamente profesional, los instructores son pacientes y geniales. El personal administrativo, Eva y Christina, en particular, son realmente excelentes, diligentes y serviciales con cualquier inquietud que pueda tener con una "actitud lista para ayudar", relacionada con vuelos y no vuelos. Definitivamente recomendaría Fly-In-Spain.
21 mayo 2023 15:27
I had a successful experience training with Fly-in-Spain. From the moment of arriving, I found the staff and instructors to be all very welcoming and helpful.

I was briefed very well on all the aerodrome procedures and all my flights went smoothly.

Jerez is a great location to fly in, and I would recommend Fly-in-Spain if you're looking to get approved on EASA and UK CAA licenses.
03 abril 2023 10:30
Tuve una buena experiencia para mi calificación EASA ME (IR). Todos los vuelos de entrenamiento y examen de acuerdo con el cronograma acordado previamente. Gran interacción con las damas en la oficina antes de llegar a la escuela y también después de la prueba de habilidad para presentar la documentación a la autoridad de licencias. Buen entrenamiento e instrucciones previas y posteriores al vuelo. El Piper Seneca que se utiliza para el entrenamiento ME IR podría necesitar algo de TLC y una actualización de aviónica. El entrenamiento IR en el área de Jerez es excelente ya que hay una amplia variedad de tipos de aproximaciones disponibles y se pueden volar algunos elementos IFR que no existen en mi país de origen (como los arcos DME y las aproximaciones NDB).
20 febrero 2023 13:12
Me and my friend did a 50 hour building in FIS and it was really enjoyable, the receptionist Cristina and Eva were really helpful with everything.we stayed there for about 18 days and each one of us got 50 hours since FIS managed to rent us 2 different aircrafts so we could fly at the same time.they require you to do a deposit while you are at there school and after we finished we got it after 1-2 so they keeping money was no problem at all, they trusted us while we flew in negative balance and we trusted them:) the students there were mostly British and also the instructors, even though we didn't have an instructor (except for check-out ride) talking to them inside the office was really good, they could always explain something to you if we were not sure about something.communication with FIS is really really great if you use WhatsApp, during office hours i think i never waited more than 1 hour for an answer but usually it took 1-10 min to get an answer which was really great in my opinion.if any of my friends would ask me where they should commence hour building, with out a doubt i would recommend FIS.we stayed there from 3 of november until 21 of november, and like i said earlier it was a total of 50 hours (my friend did 52) in 18 days.weather in November is good, however sometimes in the morning the visibility could be bad due to low wind speed and the cold in the morning making some kind of fog, however the heat was a 20-26deg which was perfect in my opinion both for performance and just to fly in general.

03 febrero 2023 15:53
An excellent school with friendly staff and Instructors. Aircraft are like all old GA aircraft and subject to glitches from time to time but the school does its best to keep everything running smoothly. It can be chaotic at times. With regards to other comments, the UK CAA makes it clear on its scheme of charges that where they send an examiner overseas the candidate is responsible for any charges and these are made clear when the candidate applies to.the CAA for the test but the school does try to source local examiners and it only applies to initial CPL & IR tests. Everything else is done in house.

Overseas Visits: If a Member or employee of the CAA is required to travel overseas in respect of this application
you are advised to read the CAA Scheme of Charges to which this application relates and the section entitled
'Additional charge where functions are performed abroad'. All expenses incurred in pursuance of this application by
virtue of travelling overseas will be payable by the applicant on demand.
22 diciembre 2022 15:01
Avoid, avoid, avoid…
I’ll start by saying I have a long relationship with Fly-in-Spain, going back to 2015, when I completed my PPL with them in minimum hours, on time and on budget. I also returned in 2017 to add my Night Rating, after I was messed around for months by a local U. K.school. So, when I wanted to complete my single-engine CPL in a relatively intensive fashion, they were my natural choice.

However, the management has changed since my last two visits. It’s now a school characterised by poor fleet maintenance with INOP instruments and engine problems as well as scheduling problems resulting in delays, cancelled flights and a general lack of communication. The friendly atmosphere of 2015 is gone and has been replaced by morose, head-down and avoid eye contact siege mentality.

I had specifically booked to do a single-engine CPL and signed the contract in August 2022. On arrival, I found the aircraft I was due to complete part of my course and take my skills test in, had suffered a gear-up landing back in July 2022, resulting in significant damage and a shock-loaded engine. I was not told about this when I booked, or prior to my arrival. A replacement aircraft was promised but failed to show up when they said it would, on three occasions. It still wasn’t there by the time I left. I was offered the option of completing it in the MEP aircraft, a Piper Seneca, but this would have involved significant additional expense.

I did start my training on the C172 fleet, but this didn’t run smoothly either with lessons being cancelled, delayed or deferred due to serviceability issues, poor scheduling and limited instructor availability. I flew six flights and had seven cancelled over a two-week period. I encountered an aircraft with a compressed nose-wheel oleo, another with an engine that didn’t produce full power, one with a door that liked to try and open itself in flight and three separate aircraft in which the turn co-ordinator didn’t work.

U. K. CAA Students were also told they would have to pay for the flight of their U. K. CAA examiner to come out to Spain for the test, despite this not being in the original quote or contract.

In summary, due to a lack of investment in the fleet and a hands-off approach by management, this school is no longer fit for purpose for advanced flight training and it’s difficult to believe any statement or advice they give you. Take your money, time and custom elsewhere.
06 diciembre 2022 20:45
Una excelente escuela con personal amable e instructores. Los aviones son como todos los aviones antiguos de GA y están sujetos a fallas de vez en cuando, pero la escuela hace todo lo posible para que todo funcione sin problemas. A veces puede ser caótico. Con respecto a otros comentarios, la CAA del Reino Unido deja claro en su esquema de cargos que cuando envían a un examinador al extranjero, el candidato es responsable de cualquier cargo y estos se aclaran cuando el candidato presenta la solicitud.la CAA para la prueba, pero la escuela intenta buscar examinadores locales y solo se aplica a las pruebas iniciales de CPL e IR. Todo lo demás se hace en casa.

Visitas al extranjero: si un miembro o empleado de la CAA debe viajar al extranjero con respecto a esta solicitud
se le recomienda leer el Esquema de Cargos de CAA al que se refiere esta solicitud y la sección titulada
'Cargo adicional cuando las funciones se realizan en el extranjero'. Todos los gastos incurridos en cumplimiento de esta solicitud por
virtud de viajar al extranjero será pagadero por el solicitante a la vista.
06 diciembre 2022 6:05
We rented a Piper PA 28 to due some time building. The aircraft is old, but fully functional for VFR flights. The price per hours was quite attractive. The ground staff at FIS is friendly and well organized. We did a check out flight with a very professional instructor. The weather in Jerez is most of the time, even during winter well suited for VFR flights. In one week we made day trips to Portugal (Portimao, Cascais), Cordoba and Grenada. Highlight of an overnight stay at ' La Caminera' a hotel in La Mancha. The hotel has its own private runway.
12 noviembre 2021 17:16
The flight school is not extremely huge and that is what makes the experience better. I flew there in July and there were plenty of aircraft and the staff were very professional and accommodating to all my requests. The rental rates were reasonable and no hidden fees. They genuinely want you to have a smooth, stress-free experience. The aircraft are on the older side but are well maintained to the point where I was never scared to fly (Of course, alway do a thorough preflight check). In general, a good flight school to rent an aircraft for leisure flying. Additionally, the surrounding area is beautiful + Jerez TWR and Sevilla Approach are one of the most relaxed ATC's out there. It allows you to learn and enjoy at your own pace. Definitely worth a try. Cheers!
14 marzo 2021 9:23
A really good attention, the staff was very kind, they solved all our questions. Claudio, the FIS office, attended us in his office and showed us all the options to get the ATPL License. After the meeting I was sure I wanted to do my training here

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