08 octubre 2023 21:16
¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! Nos alojamos en el bungalow con nuestros 2 perros. Entorno fantástico, gente realmente especial (¡gracias Fran!). 2 días en la naturaleza y un cielo maravilloso. ¡Cocina vegetariana súper orgánica! Fuimos a la playa del Parque de Doñana, una playa virgen entre dunas y acantilados. Piscina, camping, espacios para autocaravanas, muchos lugares para descubrir en Global Tribe. Gracias
03 octubre 2023 2:47
¡Qué lugar tan maravilloso! Aunque vine como invitado y no como voluntario, la tribu me recibió calurosamente. Me quedé dos semanas en mi furgoneta en el camping. Tuve un gran lugar en terreno arenoso, que me encanta. Hay arena por todas partes, así que puedes caminar descalzo si quieres. A mi perro también le encantó quedarse aquí; podía vagar libremente y jugar con los otros perros. Hay muchos lugares acogedores, como el Chill Forest o el Goji Lounge, donde a menudo te encuentras con miembros de la tribu y puedes tener conversaciones profundas o noches divertidas. ¡La piscina también es increíble! Y el clima estuvo increíble. Cielo azul todos los días y alrededor de 35 grados – ¡en octubre! Me encantaba escuchar los sonidos de fondo mientras trabajaba en mi proyecto: gente hablando, música sonando, alguien cortando verduras en la nueva cocina. Ah, y la comida que cocinan es deliciosa, con verduras frescas del huerto. ¡Estoy muy agradecida de haber encontrado este lugar!
30 septiembre 2023 18:57
Global Tribe ecovillage es una aldea super mágica.tienen actividades super interesante como el yoga nidra con el gong que te ayuda a liberar muchas energías estancadas
Y el desayuno delicioso, y lo mejorcito las noches con el cielo mágico despejado donde aprecias de verdad las
26 septiembre 2023 13:51
Es realmente un gran lugar. Hay un ambiente mágico y solo buena energía con gente guapa. Sólo vine al campamento unas noches con mi Van y me voy a quedar más tiempo. Las instalaciones están bien hechas, bien mantenidas y te sentirás como en casa solo que mejor
26 febrero 2023 4:31
I would say this place is not the best for solo travellers who travel by bus.
- the place is beautiful, relaxing and tranquil slice of nature
- love the intention of permaculture principles
- welcome reception
- camp fire
- lovely hot outdoor shower
- awesome outdoor compost toilet
- nutritious meals
- lots of relaxing hang out spots
- good Wi-Fi and work station

- difficult to get get without a vehicle
- there is nothing really to do if you wanna walk somewhere
- without a car you are stuck there which can be good or bad
- you’re not allowed to use the kitchen. The owner even rudely gave out to us for invading their space when we just wanted to boil water when we had missed breakfast because of a delayed morning yoga session. One of the volunteers did kindly make us a late breakfast with a lot of kindness, even though initially we were blatantly told we missed breakfast. Which meant we wouldn’t eat until lunch (3pm) because we couldn’t use the kitchen to cool and you are isolated there without a car
- they advertise things on their website but I think they are quite depending on availability

I think the place has great potential but I would not go back as a solo traveller
31 octubre 2022 7:40
Inspirador y lindo, un lugar maravilloso para descansar con gente y comida saludable y agradable.
16 octubre 2022 20:29
Genial! Alternativo total, respecta el medio ambiente al máximo. Si buscas entrar en contacto con la naturaleza y tranquilidad es tu camping!
03 mayo 2022 18:21
La experiencia de hoy en el "Global Tribe Biodynamic", ha sido espectacular.
Muy buena onda y mucha energía positiva.
Felicitó a Esperanza por su gran labor
02 marzo 2022 7:53
I'm so impressed with the food and experience overall, made possible by a wonderful community of people working together. I'm already looking forward to visiting again!
Thanks so much guys!
13 diciembre 2021 21:53
I would definitely recommend this place! It has a really nice vibe and the owners & volunteers are incredible! We slept in a tipi for a week and it was very cosy. They build a beautiful eco-village what has a family approach. You can shower outside, have dinner with the crew and guests. Everything felt really relaxed, thank you for having us!

Huub, Rosa & Yuca
29 noviembre 2021 22:47
An amazing experience for 1 day in a Tipi tent among very fun and jolly people. Highly recommend to anyone that wants a different experience for a night.
20 noviembre 2021 21:15
Rincón con mucho encanto y con personas maravillosas en el cual puedes desconectar de todo y ver la vida de otra forma, las tiendas son muy cómodas y bien equipadas para que disfrutes de una estancia distinta y agradable. Espero volver pronto
15 septiembre 2021 13:00
Very special Place and People! We love this Spot and the Home Made Pizza! The Food is from the Garden and the Gojis are fresh absolut tasty! Thanks for All, guys
12 septiembre 2021 3:00
I felt so at home at Global Tribe! Everyone is super open, friendly and inspiring. I stayed in their shared accommodation and had such a good time. Will definitely go back to this magical place for new adventures and to meet more beautiful souls. Thank you for everything!
26 agosto 2021 12:58
This is a peaceful paradise where you can relax but also find yourself and feel free. It is surrounded by nature and silence. You can enjoy yoga classes and a lot of different workshops. You can literally breathe spirituality. On the other hand, Global Tribe is a perfect place to party, have fun and meet people from whole over the world. And, last but not least: THE FOOD IS AMAZING!
11 agosto 2021 15:10
Fabulous ecovillage on the edge of the Donaña National Park. Lovely friendly people make this a very special place. Clean and comfortable accommodation, hot showers and clean compost toilets. Delicious freshly prepared meals using the finest ingredients from their organic garden. Plenty of space to camp or park your van. Free meals and accommodation for volunteers helping to harvest the goji berries. All round a wonderful experience staying here, highly recommend!
25 octubre 2020 22:53
Global Tribe- what an incredible and sacred space!
From the moment I arrived I was welcomed with open arms.

I spent 3 months here and now call it home. A biodynamic farm in desert land.
Thank you for creating such a beautiful space. It attracts such open and curious nomads searching for an alternative stripped back lifestyle where the material aspects and concerns do not exist. All falling in line with permaculture, biodynamic farming and self sustainability:)

I look forward to seeing you all again soon. Thank you for this life changing experience!
19 septiembre 2020 15:04
Amazing place, amazing people.well worth a visit! Check out the website for fresh and dried Organic gojis, and also the Global Tribe Boutique
09 septiembre 2020 9:04
This place is magical. If you want to learn from the best school of life, about sustainability, community living, love and self-awareness, strength and vulnerability, this place will offer it all and beyond.
06 septiembre 2020 21:32
Beautiful place nestles in nature with best connections and people. It's a hotspot for open-minded people who are keen to experience community life and learn about biodynamic farming.
And of course try the nourishing goji-berries which are pure magic for your body, mind and soul sustaining the ecovillage day by day.
03 septiembre 2020 20:52
The easiest way to experience a new lifestyle in community with a beautiful connection to nature

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