23 agosto 2023 6:01
Quiero agradecer la atención maravillosa tanto profesional como humana y el trato excelente que hemos recibido cuando han atendido a mi padre. Eternamente agradecida
22 agosto 2023 5:08
Esta tarde, la ambulancia del Helicopter Hospital apareció porque mi hija había estado vomitando incesantemente durante los últimos 3 días. En lugar de recibir atención médica adecuada, la tripulación se limitó a darle un mísero analgésico. Y como si eso no fuera suficientemente malo, dejaron un equipo médico en nuestra casa y simplemente lo ignoraron cuando nos fuimos. Durante esa noche infernal, la diarrea se sumó al tormento ya existente.

Con esta situación deteriorándose dramáticamente, volvimos a pedir atención médica muy necesaria para asegurarnos de que mi hija recibiera la atención que necesitaba. ¿Pero qué pasa? El "doctor" que me atiende toma el camino ridículo de llamarme y comentarme la necesidad de otra visita. Esto no sólo es inaceptable, sino que constituye un claro incumplimiento de sus deberes y, sin duda, podría interpretarse como una falta de prestación de asistencia.

He subrayado la urgencia de volver a examinar a mi hija, ya que estaba decidido a llevarla al hospital donde finalmente podría recibir la atención médica adecuada. Pero no, en lugar de actuar, el médico parecía más interesado en tener una discusión sin sentido.

Por si fuera poco, el médico daba la impresión de estar al borde de un colapso, marcado por el agotamiento y el agobio. Aparentemente estaba demasiado ocupado priorizando su sueño para atender sus deberes. Es obvio que no tenía ningún deseo de trabajar de noche y lo ha estado haciendo alarde descaradamente.
13 agosto 2023 5:20
Uno de los mejores servicios que hay en la costa del sol, los profesionales hacen un trabajo increíble, su compromiso es digno de elogio.
08 agosto 2023 11:21
Soy miembro y mi nieto se estaba quedando con nosotros y se cortó el dedo. Lo llevé a la sala de emergencias de su hospital y me dijeron "serán 250 euros para ver a un médico". Pregunté qué pasa con una enfermera y me dijeron que es lo mismo. Vivimos en Londres, que no es un lugar médico "barato", pero las salas de emergencia privadas son abundantes y cuestan menos de la mitad, sin mencionar el desprecio total de nuestra costosa membresía anual, aunque no para nuestro nieto. Esto no se renovará. Estoy realmente disgustado
07 agosto 2023 2:16
Vale la pena una visita si estás enfermo, el personal y la comida son absolutamente excepcionales. Calificaría esta experiencia 10/10
17 marzo 2023 12:44
The best home service in the world
They are kind and extremely caring
We couldn’t be more lucky to have them in Marbella
Thank you Helicoptario
30 enero 2023 20:14
If you are unlucky to get an accident while you stay in Marbella- don’t worry Helicopteros Hospital is near by. Excellent treatment by All Staff members, high end equipment and don’t miss the menu’s Carsten Brandt (DK).
17 enero 2023 18:48
My mother had a fall and dislocated her elbow. If the fall did not traumatise her, the treatment she received from the paramedics certainly did. No bedside manner, no empathy, no professionalism.
Without giving her any anaesthetic, the medic manhandled her without any consideration for her frailty (she is 84) or without even talking her through the process. She ignored her begging to give her a break, refused to come to the phone to explain to me, a worried daughter, what was happening. She butchered her veins trying to set up a drip and failed so just left it. I wonder if they are trained medics and if so, if they know anything about trauma handling. I worry for those who have a life-threatening injury!
I should have called 112!
13 enero 2023 23:47
Fast, friendly and very efficient staff yesterday who saw a potential issue and dealt with it with amazing speed and professionalism. Thank you.
11 enero 2023 9:05
Today I want to salut the endoskopi and anastesisa. Dr Mella and Dr Femandez was amazing. And the other staff!
Done a lot of examens in helicopteros during the years.
MRI. Pulmonoskopi. Gastroskopi. Tramatologist. X-ray. And also always referred from the clinic in same house. Executive Health. Very Exclusive service.
19 diciembre 2022 6:38
I am reviewing the Helicopteros Sanitarios service as a whole. We have not used the hospital, but as members for the past 20 years we have used them as a "home doctor". That is, if we are ill then they send a small team out to attend. Over the years we have only ever needed them 4 times. I. Food poisoning, 2. Pharyngitis, 3. Urinary infection 4. Shingles.
You can call any time of the day and you will get a prompt reply - and in English if you need. An ambulance will be despatched promptly and usually arrives within the hour. Normally there are a team of 3: a Doctor, a nurse and an assistant. All equally bilingual. If they cannot assist you they will take you to a hospital. They carry a certain amount of medications with them, but any extra they will issue you with pharmacy prescriptions.
I can honestly say that on each occasion they have been brilliant and far superior to anything you will receive in UK.
08 agosto 2022 18:05
Trato excepcional buena atención, gran equipo de trabajo y una excelente profesionalidad, las instalaciones y los servicios estaban muy bien no muy anticuados, recomiendo basándome en mi experiencia en HELICÓPTEROS SANITARIOS.
06 agosto 2022 15:40
2 hrs esperando con la pierna quebrada! Finalmente un généraliste vino y me envio hacer 1 radio!
Yo que pensando ser 1 traumatologo lo creí su diagnóstico Todo bien!
La dolor insoportable me llevó a Ochoa y la resonancia enseña una fratura
Después de l opération tuvo 5 semanas sin tocar el suelo
HELICOPTEROS como no soy miembro me costo € 300 y esto por ter llamado la directora que decidió no cobrar la radio! El peor y lo más caro HOSPITAL DEL MUNDO
27 junio 2022 4:37
Urbaneja, Blanco, Rosa, Maria Jose castaño os recumendo dejar este sector y abrir negocio en un Centro commercial que en esto soil professionals
Sabers que estamos sufriendo por vuestra culpa
Os preocupeis KARMA
18 junio 2022 17:57
Cerrar este hospital ya, cerrarlo ya, muchas víctimas
Cuidado con ellos, solo valen para PCR y nada más, os van a ingresar para que ganen dinero, tienen órdenes para ingresar los pacientes para que cobran dinero, cuando existe un peligro verdadero té mandan al público son un desastre Y lo médicos poco profesionales son

Rosa, blanco, Belmonte, espi y enfermeras con poco ganas de trabajar seguramente porque sufren estrés y no cobran lo que hacen ya varios empleados allí salieron con estrés y problemas.
15 junio 2022 3:43
Hi so i was at Helicopter Sanitarios on tuesday may 3 rd i called then FIRST AND ASKED how much does it cost for me to come there they said 250€

So then I came in and then I asked for the IV drip because I had vomitted all day and I knew I needed a booster so that I could feel better and go on with my day. During my time with the Dr. The woman from the desk came in and Said youre bill is now 620€ and we need to Take more test?

620 euro’s! They didnt inform me anything they just charged me 620 euro Out of the blue and i asked why What? They Said well we had to Take blodtest and urin teSt and we also need to Take ultrasound i was sooo furios i Said this bill stoppes now and i dont need Any ultrasound! I asked for the IV drip and that’s it …. They are crook’s! I will never ever go there!

I am going to post my bill so no one thinks I’m living on their Facebook page. I tried to post my bill here but it doesn’t work.

620€ guys! They don’t inform you anything and they weren’t even done they would have charged me much more if I didn’t say anything!

Worst experience of my life!
05 mayo 2022 18:41
Fees that at least a non-member is expected to pay are extremely high. Be prepared for a ridicilously high bill if signing in here and needing any kind of treatment or lab work beyond a doctor's appointment. Not to mention any surgery or prolonged stay.
06 abril 2022 13:46
Prise en charge immédiate soins parfaits
Aucune structure de ce type existe France
Pour un coût annuel très faible
Le français de marbella ou alentours
N’hésitez pas
30 enero 2022 6:28
Really arrogant and horrible man I spoke with on the phone- 16.27 Monday 6th December. Made a difficult situation even worse. Go here if you have no other choice.

Hombre arrogante y horrible con el que hablé por teléfono- 16: 27 del lunes 6 de diciembre. Empeoró aún más una situación difícil. Vaya aquí si no tiene otra opción.
27 enero 2022 21:34
Brilliant… Fantastic Service… Would never change … Been with them for a few years and I promise you that they make you feel so comfortable and safe

Thank you Helicopters, for all that you have helped me with
22 diciembre 2021 7:44
Una clínica mediocre, en todos los aspectos. Que pena que les den un cargo tan importante a los que se encargan de la gente de prácticas y de los trabajadores, algunos, otros no. Este tipo de persona falsa, prepotente y que no dice la verdad, ensucia el nombre de la empresa y es más grave cuando se trata de una empresa de Sanidad. El Karma vuelve.tranquilos.
26 agosto 2021 7:01
Got a antigen test. Hopeless inefficient setup. Go here if you don’t have anything else to do that day. A good alternative is the ones that can come to your hotel. Paid 65 euro. I don’t think it is more expensive if you get your hotel to order the test.
10 agosto 2021 20:40
They are over charging members for Antigen tests. Go to Hospiten Estepona or Cenyt. Don't think i will renew my membership when it comes up. Lady I spoke to was unhelpful and wouldn't refer this matter to management. They know they are taking advantage of people
30 junio 2021 22:07
Unfortunately there are not 0 stars.
They can't even get right a PCR test, imagine about their other services.
They tested me positive, while 4 other different centers tested me negetive, in fact I do not have any kind of symptoms. Not to mention their ridiculous PCR price, ridiculous profit margins.
If you get your PCR here, I wish you good luck, you will need it.
01 junio 2021 20:05
This place give fake PCR tests that are positive, I’ve had 3 other PCR test and one rapid test no symptoms and they gave me a false positive test payed 170€ that’s is outrageous! Missed my flight! I don’t recommend!
24 marzo 2021 16:49
We arrived me and my father ar 7am for a covid test, they didnt welcome Us and asked US to fill the forms OUTSIDE and wait OUTSIDE! While there was no one and plenty of room to sit, and It was freezing cold

Nos pidieron de rellenar y esperar FUERA del building, y no nos dejaron entrar o sentarnos dentro para un test antígeno, ni a mí ni a mi padre

El recepcionista es MUY asqueroso

Por mi de manager lo echaría en un click. Asco de. Servicio y más a esas horas de la mañana con el frió que hace te dice de rellenar los formularios fuera y esperar fuera.
Muy asquerosos de verdad no los recomiendo y además pagas un dineral.

29 noviembre 2020 21:21
Had to call them yesterday for my husband they responded very quickly the staff were brilliant at treatment & reassurance. Thank you so much. They are brilliant.
12 octubre 2020 16:17
Have had very good experiences but their claim to do the corona test in 48 hours is not true. Have just missed my flight.
05 marzo 2020 23:38
They are amazing. So sympathetic and caring. Happy that we joined them 15 years ago and they have never let us down. Wonderful, caring and empathic service. Advise anyone who lives here to join.
14 enero 2020 17:00
I am so 100percent impressed with the whole Helicopter concept from Doctors and Nurses on the road, receptionists, The Medical Teams in the hospital are outstanding with such expertise, positive and pleasant attitudes. Food is superb. I can not thank enough for all the members of staff along the way that have made my stay as comfortable as possible.
09 diciembre 2019 18:56
Have been a member of the hospital since 2008 every time I have needed help they have been great. Unfortunately I have just had 2 nights stay in the hospital it was 5* all the way I cannot fault the staff the food was fantastic the doctors, everyone is very kind and caring
15 octubre 2019 10:23
Impresionante la clínica de Estetica las técnicos, la atención al cliente fabuloso voy a repetir
03 octubre 2019 10:39
I Love HS, all the staff is very friendly and understandable, everyone that I talked to was smiling and kind with me.the facility is spectacular.clean, fresh and stylish! Witch makes you feel like your not in a hospital.during my short wait they offer me tea and some delicious treats witch I really appreciated.thank you ever so much
21 mayo 2018 3:52
Soy cliente y los técnicos de las ambulancias son muy prepotentes, rara es la vez que viene uno amable. No entiendo porque esa actitud de prepotencia pero es cuestionable y da que pensar si seguir con los servicios o dejarlo.

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