22 abril 2024 18:25
No habría podido experimentar el esplendor del dominio musulmán de España sin Ilimtour y la guía experta de Yusuf. Comenzando con el impresionante Mesquit de Córdoba el primer día y terminando con el espectacular Al Hambra en Granada. Yusuf dio vida al Historia antigua con vívidos retratos de aquellos tiempos pasados. Sin olvidar a Rafael, cuya recitación de los versos coránicos incrustados en el Mesquit fue impresionante. Hubo muchas risas y diversión durante el viaje. ¡¡¡Gracias por una experiencia verdaderamente única!
12 febrero 2024 14:52
Ilm Tours nos ayudó a planificar nuestro viaje a Andalucía, sur de España. Éramos una familia de 9 personas que viajábamos en noviembre. Desde el principio, la hermana Leilya en la oficina fue receptiva, servicial y flexible. Cambiamos nuestras fechas e itinerario varias veces y ella tuvo paciencia al personalizar nuestro itinerario. Una vez que aterrizamos, ¡nuestro hermano guía Aiman ​​fue una joya! ¡Todo nuestro viaje fue tranquilo y sin preocupaciones! El hermano Aimán fue un gran conocedor de la historia de Andalucía. El hermano Aiman ​​nos llevó a la mezquita local y tuvimos la oportunidad de relacionarnos con la comunidad musulmana local. ¡Uno de los mejores viajes de todos los tiempos! Recomendado 100%
03 enero 2024 3:16
Nuestra familia tuvo mucha suerte de reservar un tour privado de 5 días por Andalucía a través de Ilimtours. Ilimtours, con sede en Granada, hizo un excelente trabajo en la gira y nos quedamos con toda una vida de recuerdos de la hermosa Andalucía. Cuando estábamos buscando compañías de viajes en España, nos topamos con Ilimtour, ya que eran especialistas en viajes islámicos, lo cual era importante para nosotros para poder experimentar la historia islámica en Andalucía, disfrutar de la comida Halal y no perdernos las oraciones bajo la guía de un musulmán confiable. operador turístico. La hermana Leilyah hizo un trabajo tremendo al crear un itinerario personalizado para nosotros, respondiendo un montón de preguntas y reservando el paquete turístico antes de nuestro vuelo desde EE. UU. Ella hizo un esfuerzo adicional para responder mis preguntas incluso fuera del horario comercial. Tuvimos mucha suerte y suerte de tener a Elías como nuestro guía turístico. Se convirtió en parte de nuestra familia y disfrutamos cada momento y deseamos que la gira nunca terminara. Nos recogieron rápidamente en un vehículo de lujo desde Málaga y tuvimos el recorrido 5D 4N más memorable por Córdoba, Medina AlZahrah, Sevilla, Granada y Málaga. La hospitalidad del Hno. Elías no puede ser igualado y realmente no tenemos palabras para apreciar su amabilidad, trato prioritario con el cliente, humildad y conocimiento de Andalus y la Península Ibérica. El hermano Elías ha viajado por muchas partes del mundo y tiene un excelente dominio del inglés, español y árabe y quedamos asombrados con su conocimiento del Islam y sus conexiones con la comunidad musulmana en Andalus. Todos lo conocían en todos los lugares a los que fuimos. Hno. Elías nos llevó a restaurantes que ofrecían la mejor comida y disfrutamos de la cocina española, marroquí y siria. Dio un recorrido muy especial por Albaytin en Granada, que es una ciudad histórica y lo llevará al siglo XV. El hermano Elías fue tan amable y flexible que incluso nos llevó temprano en la mañana para que pudiéramos tomar un vuelo a Barcelona al final de nuestro viaje. Él es verdaderamente una joya de persona, el mejor ser humano y te hace sentir como en su propia familia.

La gran mezquita de Córdoba es una pieza arquitectónica atemporal construida durante el califato omeya. Sevilla es otra ciudad histórica y uno de los lugares más bellos que jamás hayas visto. Finalmente, la Alhambra de Granada es una verdadera obra maestra y las vistas de los palacios nazaríes son fascinantes.

Todos los hoteles reservados por Ilimtour eran de 4 estrellas con habitaciones de lujo, camas limpias y cómodas, desayuno buffet interminable y una ubicación céntrica en los distritos históricos.

Ilimtour también organizó guías turísticos profesionales, dedicados y privados para nosotros en la Mezquita de Córdoba, el Real Alcázar de Sevilla y el Palacio de la Alhambra. Los guías turísticos eran profesionales y tenían mucha experiencia con más de 20 años de experiencia. Disfrutamos cada momento de los recorridos centrados en la historia islámica de Andalus.

Por último, Ilimtour se siente como una empresa impulsada por la comunidad y el propietario Yasin es un verdadero líder que empodera a sus socios creando oportunidades y es muy proactivo en sus comunicaciones con los clientes. Salimos de Andalucía con toda una vida de recuerdos y con la esperanza de volver a visitarla en el futuro.
26 noviembre 2023 16:45
El mejor recorrido en el que he estado, exactamente lo que estaba buscando cuando planeé el viaje. Muy informativo y muy divertido. Definitivamente promocionar esto entre amigos y familiares. Sigan con el buen trabajo Ilimtour.
19 noviembre 2023 13:57
Ibrahim fue el guía perfecto para esta gira por la España islámica, nos trató como a una familia e hizo que el viaje fuera tan hermoso para nosotros: creamos recuerdos para toda la vida:) ¡gracias por todo el conocimiento, el tiempo y la diversión que tuvimos!
10 noviembre 2023 13:32
Hicimos el Tour por la España Islámica y nuestro guía Ibrahim fue absolutamente increíble. Fue muy amable, acogedor y muy informado. Hizo que todo el viaje fuera muy agradable y realmente ayudó a incluir a todos. Fue un gran organizador y sus historias fueron asombrosas, SubhanAllah. Aprendimos mucho, ¡muchas gracias por todo tu tiempo y esfuerzo, Ibrahim! Me encantaría volver a hacer más viajes con él en el futuro in'sha'Allah
15 septiembre 2023 2:04
Este verano realizó una gira por el sur de España con Ilimtour. Nos lo pasamos genial. Alojamiento maravilloso, horario bien ejecutado, guía turístico increíble. Mis hijos tienen tan buenos recuerdos. Siempre agradecido con Ilimtour por un viaje memorable.
25 agosto 2023 12:47
¡Qué viaje tan increíble! Definitivamente, estaré reflexionando y profundizando en la historia durante mucho tiempo, y no lo olvidaré mientras viva. España fue musulmana durante mucho tiempo y se nota en TODAS LAS MANERAS POSIBLES. La influencia está en la arquitectura y los sistemas hídricos, el idioma, la comida, los nombres, la cultura. Tu dilo. ¡Lo único que te recuerda que no es un país musulmán es la falta de masajid! Ibrahim, nuestro guía turístico, fue profesional, amable, considerado con todo el grupo, equilibrando las limitaciones de tiempo y siempre disponible con una respuesta casi inmediata para cualquier problema que surgiera. El recorrido fue muy asequible y los hoteles en los que nos alojamos eran de buena calidad en su mayor parte. Ilim tours está prestando un enorme servicio a la ummah en general. Un equipo heterogéneo de musulmanes españoles, en su mayoría de primera y segunda generación, que están trabajando duro para mostrarnos al resto de nosotros cuánto perdimos y qué tan alto llegamos en un momento dado. Que Allah los bendiga y los recomendaré a toda persona que esté dispuesta a escuchar.
11 agosto 2023 21:57
Viaje increíble, todo estuvo bien organizado y muy eficiente. El guía Ibrahim fue súper amable y servicial, había comida halal disponible en todos los puntos y hubo una buena combinación de aventura y descanso. Vi todas las hermosas vistas de Andalucía en múltiples ciudades y aprendí la asombrosa historia de nuestra Ummah en esta región. Toda la experiencia y el ambiente fueron divertidos y emocionantes. ¡Gracias ilim Tours por un fantástico recorrido y estancia en al-Andalus!
10 agosto 2023 22:09
En julio, mi hermana y yo tuvimos la suerte de descubrir la España musulmana. Es una experiencia por la que estoy muy agradecida. Nuestro guía Ibrahim es una de las principales razones por las que disfruté mucho este viaje. Su pasión, amor y actitud positiva por la religión y la historia islámica es contagiosa. Su naturaleza amigable nos permitió sentirnos cómodos y seguros. El viaje estuvo bien organizado, sin pérdida de tiempo, hoteles limpios y bien vale la pena el dinero. Espero viajar con ilmtour en el futuro y los recomiendo a cualquiera que esté considerando viajar con este maravilloso grupo. Mi consejo es que trate de no ir durante los meses de verano debido a la ola de calor.
Aslamalaikum a todos en ilmtour.
18 julio 2023 22:46
Fue una gira increíble, el plan se ajustaba a los días. No hubo tiempo perdido. El guía turístico, Ibrahim; fue tan profesional en su trabajo y arreglos. Aunque no estaba presionando, pero todos estaban cómodos. Teníamos una familia que viajaba con nosotros con bebés pequeños, pudo tomar eso en consideración sin afectar a los demás.
Todos los hoteles en los que nos alojó la compañía fueron excelentes, en ubicación, servicio y nivel de limpieza.
Recomiendo encarecidamente la empresa para los musulmanes que quieran ver y conocer su civilización en Al Andalus.
En cuanto al precio, era realmente asequible y merece cada euro que pagué.
Gracias a todos hermanos y hermanas.
17 julio 2023 10:09
Inolvidable viaje por la historia islámica de España. La experiencia y la pasión de los guías turísticos dieron vida al pasado, haciendo que cada sitio fuera cautivador. Un itinerario bien diseñado exploró ciudades encantadoras y maravillas arquitectónicas. ¡Muy recomendable para una experiencia culturalmente enriquecedora!
17 abril 2023 15:36
Thank you Ilim Tour for a great time in Spain. My husband and I spent 5 days and we went to Toledo, Granada, Cordoba and back to Madrid. We were on a private tour and our guides (Mohamed Coca for 2 days and Malik Gil for 3 days) were very helpful and made us feel very comfortable all the way. Maybe due to the last minute change of guide who picked us up at the airport there was a bit of uncertainty, so best if tour guides can bring a placard of the names of the tourists they are taking. Nonetheless, we had a fabulous time in beautiful Spain, especially enjoyed our time at beautiful Granada- Alhambra and Toledo from higher view was breathtaking! Insha Allah we will return for more adventure with Ilim Tour. Salam.
26 enero 2023 6:24
We really enjoyed the Andalusia trip, it was very well organised and executed.

Yusuf has been a great guide. He answered all questions with patience. He has good knowledge of the subject. He is very accomodating and caring.

We met local people; that was the best part of the tour, thanks to them for their hospitality.

We will surly recommend this tours to all those who want to explore Islamic history of Spain.
26 diciembre 2022 21:12
Our tour was designed to suit our requests. The tour went smoothly. Places that we went to were not only rich in history but also picturesque. Spanish towns are so architecturally beautiful. Reflecting the fusion of cultures. We had a great time exploring Spain. Really enjoyed the experience. Our tour guide Malik is very knowledgeable about the places which we visited and is very helpful to attend to all our requests. Highly recommend Ilimtour And we hope to design another tour to Morocca an Portugal with them insyallah
20 noviembre 2022 8:39
It's really nice tour.brother Yusuf is excellent.his too much knowledge.one of the best tour of my life
16 octubre 2022 0:11
Would definitely recommend the Spain tour (Cordoba, Seville, Granada & Malaga). Very professional and organised. Coach is comfortable too. Brother Yasin is very helpful and has a good command over the English language. It would be good if the Spanish authorities allow Yasin and his group to conduct the tour around the Cordoba Mosque (now a cathedral) too as I did not really enjoy the English guide from the authorities, though this is out of the hands of Yasin and his group. All in all, a top group, with decent hotels and Yasin's recommendations of food places are very good too.
29 septiembre 2022 8:59
Yasin you are working very hard, I hope Everyone rewards you good, and please don’t forget our coach driver who drives us everywhere and we sleep on the coach in comfort. Please take care him with good rewards. Thanks
24 septiembre 2022 20:44
My family just did a 6 day group tour of Andalucia with our lead tour guide Yaseen and Muhammad Coca from Ilim Tours. My Husband, myself and my 4 children, ages 15 to 7, had the best time. We learned so much about the history of Muslims in the region. The tour guides did an excellent job. They were professional, funny, patient, and very well organized. I highly recommend this tour with this organization. Alhamdulillah we are all so grateful we found them! This is a trip we will never forget. We can't wait to book our next tour with Ilim Tours inshaAllah.
18 septiembre 2022 19:01
An unreal experience with Yasin and the team. Exceptional end to end service and a comprehensive tour done by a true professional.
07 septiembre 2022 13:37
Wonderful experience with excellent tour. Jazakallah to Yasin and Ibrahim for looking after us and providing all the wonderful knowledge on the history of Andalusia, whilst making us laugh all the time. I would recommend this tour to everyone as the service is excellent and very friendly, with the chance to experience the local people, food and mosques.
28 agosto 2022 4:03
This is by far one of the best holidays I have ever had. First time travelling with a group and tour guide and alhamdullilah what a blessing! Our tour guides enriched us with so much knowledge, humour and social awareness. It was such an honour to have shared this beautiful spiritual, educational and incredibly entertaining experience with such special souls. My duas are with everyone thank you for such a memorable trip for me and my family. May Allah swt allow us to meet again whether in this life or the hereafter ameen
05 agosto 2022 22:16
This was a fantastic tour of Muslim Spain and really opened my eyes to the astonishing civilisation that was cultivated by the Muslims of the region, in particular the immense contributions that Muslims brought to the rest of Europe, and how much of this has been both erased from the books of history, as well as the narrative altered (in terms of how the Muslims are often depicted in a negative light).

The significance of Islamic architecture and the emphasis on how every minute detail had a purpose (whilst still maintaining its grandeur) was something I particularly found fascinating and had previously overlooked, and many examples of this were demonstrated by brother Yasin (the tour guide) throughout the trip, particularly in the Alhambra Palace. The tour was packed with information and many life lessons were learned, in particular how we as Muslims should strive to seek knowledge (both Islamic and Secular) and the blessings this will bring for the Ummah by easing our affairs, and making us the role models to whom the rest of the world aspire to be like.

Our tour guide brother Yasin was not only excellent in relaying the history of the various sites with his wealth of knowledge, but his eloquence and passion of Islamic History really bought to life the achievements of Muslim Spain. He was an extremely polite, approachable and very involved tour guide throughout, and always took into account the sentiments and feelings of the group during the day’s activities, ensuring no one was ever left out, and that everyone was always healthy and in good spirits. Special mention also goes to Yasin’s two assistants (Javi and Abdul Latif), who were extremely helpful in assisting the group with any queries, such as directions around the cities, food recommendations etc.

Although this was designed to be an educational trip primarily, we certainly didn’t miss out on the qualities and benefits of a conventional holiday. The sites chosen by Yasin were perfectly located and the individual tours timed so that we could also spend some time to either relax, or further explore the locations were were in, whether that be shopping in the local markets, enjoying the dessert parlours, or simply exploring and immersing ourselves in the vibrant Spanish culture and hustle and bustle of the cities in the late evenings.

This tour has substantially increased my love for Islamic History, and it was far better than anything I could have ever imagined. I would absolutely recommend anyone to go on this tour, and to specifically go with Yasin as the tour guide, along with Javi and Abdul Latif!
28 julio 2022 10:40
My family and I took the Morocco, Spain & Portugal 10D/9N with ilimtour and it was great. We were greeted at the Casablanca airport by our tour guide Riad and the driver Khaleel. Both are well verse in English and give us a lot of information on Morrocco. From Casablanca, Marrakech, Rabat and Tangier. Mostly we follow the program but there were some places that we requested to go and they were kind enough to take us and show us around. The lunch places that they brought us was superb. Food are delicious.

On the 5th day morning, we bid goodbye to Riad and Khaleel and took the passenger ferry at Tangier port across the Strait of Gibraltar to Tarifa. As we reached there, another tour guide, Malik was there waiting for us.

It was a pleasant journey with Malik as he was very accommodate with our needs- to get a local SIM card, a kettle at each hotel as we are coffee person, find us a laundry self service place. Malik is also very well verse with the cities that we go and places that we visit. My husband and I really enjoy the islamic history and information of the places told by Malik. We were fascinated with Cordoba Mosque, Al Hambra, Royal Alcazar etc. He was not only our tour guide but a careful driver too. Even though the journey was long from Tariffa, Seville to Lisbon, back to Cardoba, Granada, Toledo and Madrid, we felt safe. There was a changed in plan and Malik drove us to Segovia as we were not keen to go to Factory Outlet and Bernabeu Stadium is under renovation. Thanks to Malik for being accomodative to our needs.

The one thing that was downside is some of the hotel was not to our expectation and ilimtour is aware of it already. Overall, it was a satisfy Muslim Tour by ilimtour. Thanks to Yassin and team.
07 julio 2022 13:12
Such an incredible experience with Ilim Tours in Alhambra, Granada! Our guide Ouafa was so passionate & knowledge which helped us connect with the experience on another level.

Highly highly recommend that you book a tour here to make your visit extraordinary.

Thank you Ilim Tours!
07 julio 2022 1:38
A comprehensive and very informative tour of the Islamic history of Andalusia. The guide Yasin was very knowledgeable and helpful. Highly recommend doing this tour!
02 julio 2022 8:50
This was the first time we had travelled with ilimtour European Muslim Travels but not the last.  We booked this Spain tour for March 2022. My husband and I, both of us had a wonderful experience!

The tour leaders brother Yaseen and brother Malik both were courerous and pleasantly hospitable. We experienced wonderful historical sites, rich in muslim history and enjoyed muslim halal meals in Spain.

All the accommodations and services were excellent and similar to the description provided on the touring website. We highly recommend taking this tour as you can not get any better services with such a good price.

Service 5/5
Value 5/5
Quality 5/5
Overall satisfaction 5/5
20 junio 2022 19:13
We had a wonderful tour
Our guide/ driver Malik was stupendous
So generous with his time and so considerate all the time
We were picked up at Malaga airport and taken to Granada first where we enjoyed a walk around the old city and the Albaicin where the views of the Alhambra across the valley were second to none
We also got to meet the caretaker of the mosque and sample his amazing baklava and mint tea
The Alhambra tour was breathtaking
Our personal guide, Maryam, was so informative and passionate which made the 3 hours fly by
Our second day was probably my favourite; we visited Cordoba and once again were spoiled by the extremely high standard of our personal guide, Rafa, who blew us away with his knowledge and passion for his home town and its rich history
We were lucky enough to be allowed to visit the current small practicing mosque in Cordoba too which was a joy
The Arabic restaurant next to the mosque was an absolute highlight too
Our final day was spent in Seville where we visited the old town, the amazing Giralda and of course the Royal Palace (Reales Alacares) which were all perfect
Seville is a brilliant city with a rich history and it feels wonderful to walk around the old town at night with all the hubbub
All in all, we can’t thank Malik and the other guides enough
It was a very special time we had
16 febrero 2022 15:02
We enjoyed an unforgettable experience with this agency and specifically with our guide (Mr. Gil) who took us around. Excellent hotels, flexible and knowledgeable personnel with great sense of humor. Will definitely work with them in the future.
16 enero 2022 14:25
We have just returned from our trip to Andulasia organised by Ilim tours. This trip was our best holiday ever. No words can describe how wonderful, knowledgeable, kind and courteous the tour guides Yasin and Alaudin were (with a good sense of humour). Their in-depth knowledge of history made everything more interesting. They ensured we were able to see all the historical places in that time. The trip to the villages and local mosque was a very pleasant and memorable experience. The hotels included in the tour were exceptionally good and the Muslim food suggested was delicious.
We would highly recommend the trip with Yasin and Alaudin and wish them a very successful career.
08 diciembre 2021 21:16
This trip well exceeded our expectations. They made sure our trip was personal to us. Our guide was very knowledgeable, friendly, and made sure we were taken care of. My husband and I are so grateful for ilimtours for making our honeymoon extra special and rememberable. We will definitely recommend to friends and family and look forward to booking with them again.
22 diciembre 2020 19:49
07 julio 2020 20:46
What can I say, wow. The tour was a really enjoyable experience. Leilya as the first staff that we emailed is really prompt with her reply. Alaudin as our companion throughout our trip is really an excellent guide and we enjoyed our conversation with him. This tour also provided us with knowledgable guides who explained the history behind the historical sites like Alhambra and the Mezquita. We are really impressed with Rafael and enjoyed his explanation of the Mezquita. He is our favourite guide. Hamdi is a really cheerful person, always smiling and he has such a positive vibes. We are really happy with his detailed explanation of the Alhambra. Too bad it was raining on that day, oh well. Qadratullah. Don't hesitate and think further, just click on booking and contact Leilya for your muslim muslim toilered Andalucia trip.
19 junio 2020 13:20
We a group of four went to Italy in April 2019 with Ilimtour. Our guide was Mohammad Scot who made this trip as wonderful as possible. He was accommodating, friendly and helpful. In each city, other than the regular attractions, he took us to beautiful view points and unique places. We had long drives reaching at odd times, listening beautiful music. We want to thank him for giving us such pleasurable time during the whole trip.
Last year we had a memorable trip to Spain and Morocco with Ilimtour and I definitely recommend them.
18 junio 2020 4:05
In order to appreciate the history of a people, it is essential to have a guide. If one travels to a nation like Spain, rich with an unparalleled legacy of nearly 900 years of Moorish rule, you not only need a guide. You need someone who can share the spirit behind the stories.behind the peoples.behind the dreams.

Ilim Tours did all this (and more!) for my family in our recent visit to Andalucia. Not only did the agency make certain all our travel needs were met. They gave us an unparalled experience that inspired and informed.

The world is rediscovering this seminal epoch in human history, and Ilim Tours is doing a service by sharing it with its clients. Friendly, knowledgeable, patient, and service-oriented. They are all you need in visiting this most amazing of regions.
12 junio 2020 14:15
We arranged a private family tour for 5 to explore Andalusia, and despite the tight schedule we had the most fantastic and memorable time there, thanks to ilimtour. From the beginning they were very professional and accommodating, with very reasonable prices given. Yasin and Leilya were a pleasure to correspond with and it was only regrettable that we weren’t able to meet them to thank them in person for all their efforts.

As for the trip itself, we must give a massive thanks to our tour guide Yusuf. He was very knowledgeable about the Islamic history of the places we visited and told us some great stories mashaAllah; we have come away ever more inspired and enlightened about the great legacy Islamic Spain has left. We only stayed for 4 days so our schedule was very packed (on the first day we shuttles between three cities!) but even with the grueling schedule, Yusuf remained very helpful and patient with us and all our needs. We have pretty much ticked off our Andalusia bucket list, thanks to Yusuf’s willingness to go the extra mile (both figuratively and literally as we took a couple of detours for some specific shopping and culinary wants!) We were sad to leave after the 4 days and when he dropped us off at Malaga, it really felt like we were leaving a family member behind! We couldn’t have asked for a better tour guide.

All in all, it had been a fantastic holiday and we couldn’t thank ilimtour enough for arranging everything so smoothly. Would highly recommend to anyone!
06 junio 2020 18:45
Traveling with Illim tours was such a wonderful experience. I came in with very little knowledge of what to expect and was pleasantly surprised with all of the activities planned out for us. I enjoyed learning about Islamic history from the locals and exploring all of the beautiful and diverse landscapes of Andalusia (although it did look very similar to California). Our tour guide Mohammed Coca, 'Coca', as he's called was rather laid-back but very willing to adjust our travel plans to meet everyone's needs. He was a captivating story teller and a great tour guide overall. We were traveling with a 3 year old in our group (my nephew) and Coca was always mindful of the fact that we may have to take things a little slow or rest in between outings and my sister and the rest of the group appreciated that. Throughout this tour, you see so much of Andalusia and it does not feel as overwhelming or unpersonalized than if we were to have traveled with a bigger tour group. On top of learning about the Islamic history, we had dinner with a local family in Cordoba and gained some insight into what it is like being a Muslim in Spain. One thing that was not my favorite was the quality of the beds at the hotel we stayed at in Granada (the longest stay overall). They were rather old and hurt my back after the first night, so I would recommend seeing if it would be possible to get better beds or stay at a different hotel in Granada. Other than that, it was a great experience and I highly recommend to any Muslims looking for a different type of vacation experience.
04 junio 2020 0:02
Just got back from an incredible trip to Andalucía! Right from the onset, Ilim tours have been amazing. Leilya the lady who I liased with for bookings was accommodating, patient, prompt and professional. Our tour guide Abdurrahman was excellent in every way possible. He was a polite, pleasant, energetic, friendly, knowledgeable, accommodating and fun loving guide who enabled us to surpass all of our expectations of our trip. Our guides Hamdi at the Alhambra and Rafael at the mosque/cathedral had incredible knowledge of their sites which benefited us greatly and also entertained every question or query we had with enthusiasm. It’s very clear that all our guides are passionate and proud of their sites and what they do. Thank you Ilim Tours for not only enabling us to experience an unforgettable journey but also to have given us the opportunity to meet such incredible and knowledgeable people! May your company continue to thrive and benefit many many more tourists for many years to come.
03 junio 2020 13:52
Our family of 4 engaged the services of Ilimtour to bring us around Morocco in Dec 2019. They were very professional and helpful from the start, right till the end.
The initial communication was with Ms Leilya. She was very prompt and friendly with every email.
Even though we had some problems with our flight right before we departed, Mr Yasin and Ms Leilya were helpful and tried to make the necessary changes for us.
And once we arrived in Morocco, our driver Mr Abdellah and all our guides, Mr Hicham, Mr Anaas and Mr Khalid, were all very friendly and polite to us. They arrived punctually every single day and obliged to our requests on certain days.
Our holiday in Morocco has been excellent, thanks to Ilimtours!
31 mayo 2020 17:10
I had a great experience with those people, especially Yusuf, the Spanish gentleman with Arabic/ English language, and amazing details of Islamic historic places in Spain, and he’s a very polite person.
I really would like to join him in many tourism tours like we did in different cities all over Spain.
30 mayo 2020 12:59
Ilimtour is the best I ever had, a wonderful tour guide Salam Yasin. I like to thanks you and Allauddin for good services, you provided to my families stayed in Spain. May Allah SWT bless you, Allaudin, your company for services your provide I had been to Turkey and Uzbekistan never seen a tour guide as Allauddin is the best and knowledgeable and helpful I had and also Mr Hamdi in Alhambra tour guide is the best. May Allah SWT bless you all.
25 mayo 2020 10:11
Alhamdulillah, we had a great travel experience with ilimtour in Spain. We have learnt a lot about the Islamic heritage of this beautiful country. It was an eye-opener, indeed.

We are thankful that our queries and requests were responded efficiently. Ilimtour had taken great effort to ensure we were comfortable during the tour by trying their best to accommodate to our needs.

We would like to convey our heartfelt thanks to Muhammad Scott who had, mashaAllah, been very accommodating, kind and extremely patient with us throughout the trip. We truly appreciate his help and service.

Barakallahu feekum.
23 mayo 2020 22:15
My family and I took a private customised tour of Portugal and Spain this fall and we are so glad to have opted for a guided tour with Ilimtour.
My 1st point of contact was Leilya, who was very quick to respond to all our queries and very patient as well. Her valuable suggestions and recommendations really did help us get more out of our trip. She was always accessible through emails and what's app not just pre but also during our trip.
Our guide and companion for the trip was Abdul Qadeer, he was super informative, always helpful, easy going and accommodating. For those who come with little knowledge about Spanish history and culture, we learned quite a bit about culture, history and life in Spain and Portugal. There were times when we would ask to go and visit places out of the itinerary and he would always figure out a way to include it without any hesitation. He was always happy to help us in anything we wanted, from shopping to late night city tours or pickups, taking care of Prayer timings. He had great recommendations for halal restaurants with local food and others. Leilya and his suggestions and recommendations never disappointed, infact turned out to be highlights of the trip.
Ilimtour also organised our guided tour of Alhambra with Abu Baker, the tour was super fun and full of fun facts. Definitely recommend doing a guided tour of Alhambra with a muslim guide.
Yasin and his whole team did make this trip super convenient, comfortable and easy for us in every way.
Yasin and his team are doing a great job with these tours and may Allah bless them. I couldn't recommend it enough, especially if you have any inclination to not just see but learn about the glorious forgotten Islamic history or even the present culture and life in Spain and Portugal. We would definitely consider opting for their service again if planning a trip in Europe. Lastly, the service provided by Ilimtour is worth every penny, for we wouldn't have this wholesome experience on our own or with a non-halal tour.
23 mayo 2020 12:22
It’s been such a fantastic Andalucía trip that I have experienced in comparisons to all my other trips so far. Our guide Abdurrahman Martin has served us with sincerity and tried his very best to make our trip with such memorable one. May Ilimtour prosper in years to come.
14 mayo 2020 3:39
Me and a couple of friends did the Andalusia tour with our guide Malik who was very helpful and dependable. We really enjoyed the captivating history of Muslim Andalusia and the breathtaking scenes across the south of Spain. Thank you to Malik for all his help and for all the little gems in the form of little hidden cafes and restaurants he introduced us to and for Aboubakar the tour guide in the Alhambra for his informative and very interesting show of this beautiful palace.
26 abril 2020 23:14
We had a wonderful tour today with Hamdi in Alhambra. High-light of our Andalusia trip. Hamdi was on time, very knowledgeable, personable and friendly.doing the tour in Arabic, our first language, was a wonderful surprise! He answered all our questions and offered advice on things to do for the reminder of our trip. Communication with Yasin, Leilya and Hamdi to setup the tour via what’s app and email was always prompt and pleasant. We can see ourselves coming back for more and will be sending friends from Seattle your way for sure. Keep up the wonderful work ilimtour) Yasmine and Akram
26 abril 2020 14:12
We did a private spain tour with Ilim tour at the end of April and had a great experience we will remember for many years. Junaid and Muhammed were our guides and Hisham led the Al-Hambra visit. They were all kind, patient, knowledgable, and knew the area very well. They were always on time and very open to adjustments in schedule based on our needs and preferences. If you are travelling with small kids, like we did, I highly recommend considering the private tour option. We realized that we could not have done it with a large group that has a rigid and demanding schedule. The hotels were all very good except maybe the one in Barcelona (there might not have been too many options since we were there at the busiest period and finalized our plans very late). There were many good memories but visit to Muhammed's family villa was one I should mention. Thanks again for making our visit a memorable experience.
25 abril 2020 9:41
Have just returned from a memorable trip to Morocco and Andalusia Spain with my family and I can’t thank Ilim Tours enough.

The Ilim Tours ground team, comprising Yasin and Leilya arranged a seamless travel experience and took care to customise the travel programme to suit our requirements. My group of 5 ranged from my 15-year-old daughter to my 73-year-old mother and this was especially important to ensure a travel experience which catered to all ages and interests.

The excellent service continued with our guides Riad & Yasin and Alaudin in Morrocco and Spain respectively who were very attentive to our needs. Alaudin was the guide extraordinaire who provided us with unique anecdotes throughout the trip to provide us a personal perspective of Andalusian history and way of life. Not to forget Rafa and Hamdi who also provided us great insights of the majestic Cordoba Mezquita and the Al-Hambra respectively.

Ilim Tours did a fantastic job and their personal touch made our Morocco/ Andalusian experience a remarkable one.
02 junio 2019 14:51
We had a great experience and enjoyed every part of Ilimtour’s services in Morocco and Spain. Our guide Yusuf Escudero in Spain and Fareed in Morocco were very cooperative and understanding. Both were very knowledgeable and understood our needs. Transport in Spain was extremely comfortable, and in Morocco more than adequate. Hotels were good for the cost.

We normally use USA based travel portals but Ilimtour was a awesome. We are recommending Ilimtour to our friends.
Ahmad Hasan
31 mayo 2019 21:50
Ilimtour is fantastic. From the admin staff Leilya, boss Yasin and the guide Malik. They are highly responsive and responsible. We were in group of 4 who didn’t do much research before our trip. They were very flexible to allow us to change our itinerary during the trip itself. I can see that they sincerely want us to enjoy our trip. They are super nice bunch of people. Highly recommended
09 mayo 2019 11:08
Without doubt, 5 stars for llimtour.
Alhamdulillah our journey was smooth sailing.carefully planned itinerary and quick response when we request for changes to suit our timing.big thank you to Malik who took care of us every step of the way during our stay in the cities in south of Spain.not forgetting Abu Bakar, his indepth knowledge of the Alhambra has given me a deep understanding of the palatine city as a unique and exceptional heritage.thank you to Driss our driver always smiling whenever he comes in the morning for all the memorable journeys from one city to another in magical Morocco.merci beaucoup Driss:)

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