29 diciembre 2023 7:48
Mi semestre en ICS ha sido realmente fenomenal. Todo el mundo es amable y atento, antes y después de llegar a Sevilla. El propio ICS organiza viajes a diferentes ciudades del Sur de España, y visitas a diferentes lugares, ¡lo cual me encantó! Los profesores te apoyan mucho a la hora de mantener el equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal y tienen en cuenta que estás estudiando en el extranjero. ¡Mis expectativas fueron absolutamente superadas y recomendaría este programa de estudios en el extranjero a cualquiera que esté buscando una experiencia transformadora!
27 diciembre 2023 4:06
Mi experiencia estudiando en el extranjero a través del colegio internacional de Sevilla no podría haber sido mejor de lo que fue. En general, estoy satisfecho con el programa y la forma en que está organizado, que te anima a conocer a las personas que te rodean y que se convierten en familia en estos tres meses. Este programa me ha permitido salir de mi zona de confort, volverme más independiente, aprender sobre mí e incluso hacer cosas locas como correr media maratón. A cualquiera que esté pensando en estudiar en el extranjero, lo recomendaré 100%, especialmente a través de este programa. ¡Estoy muy feliz con todo el progreso y los recuerdos de un semestre tan fantástico!
24 diciembre 2023 1:26
El Colegio Internacional de Sevilla se siente como un segundo hogar. Su personal está siempre disponible para asegurarse de que los estudiantes y el personal tengan suficientes recursos e información. ¡Organizan celebraciones y visitas locales para que todos se diviertan! ¡Los profesores son increíbles! ¡Quiero darle un gran saludo al profesor Luis! ¡¡¡Él es increíble! Tiene un canal de YouTube que te enseña todo sobre español intermedio/avanzado. Con solo mirar sus videos, uno puede ver cómo todo el personal realmente se preocupa por su bienestar y crecimiento. ¡Los estudiantes se alojan en viviendas locales con familias anfitrionas! ¡Los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de hablar español todos los días, disfrutar de verdaderas comidas españolas y aprender sobre España además del idioma! La universidad está en una excelente ubicación; ¡a unos 7 minutos en coche del centro! ¡El Colegio está a 7 minutos caminando del Parque María Luisa y de la famosa Plaza de España! Muchos estudiantes van al parque a jugar, estudiar, comer, caminar, vivir aventuras, etc. En definitiva, ¡no creo que mi experiencia de estudiar en el extranjero hubiera sido tan sorprendente si no fuera por el Colegio Internacional de Sevilla! Gracias chicos <3
06 marzo 2023 18:05
Terrible organization. Extremely rude, sarcastic, indifferent to student complaints. They advertise great Spanish food at home dorms and in turn we get frozen food, cheap food, and an attitude of indifference if you speak up about it. The housing director is very apathetic, sarcastically rude, and isn't keen about showing disdain and inconvenience when it comes to religious accommodation or food complaints that are both cheap, lazy, and frozen. There are better programs to go through.

In response to their response, they never requested to see me in person over this and tried to brush it off. They're full of excuses and don't tell the whole story. Go somewhere else
06 marzo 2023 2:59
The best semester I’ve had yet. The staff was super welcoming and helpful throughout the semester. Meanwhile I was fully immersed in the culture and able to meet so many amazing people. ICS made sure to notify us of any events going on in Seville as well. Definitely would recommend.
23 febrero 2023 12:50
My semester at ICS was truly the best, most memorable experience of my life! The staff is incredibly welcoming, accommodating, supportive, and they treat all their students like family. The program is extremely well organized; they take care of everything from classes to housing accommodations, making the transition into life in a new country so easy. The planned trips and excursions offer students with once in a lifetime travel experiences. I highly recommend anyone looking to study abroad to consider a semester at ICS!
20 febrero 2023 5:44
The staff at ICS were very helpful and extremely kind. The experiences that this program offers are really amazing.
16 febrero 2023 22:08
I went there last spring ‘22 I couldn’t have made a better decision of going it’s such an amazing experience helps with self growth and independence. The staff at the school can help you through any problem you have even after the program they can help you with letters of recommendation for future programs. Lisa will be like your second mother.
04 febrero 2023 9:59
I just spent a semester abroad studying at the International College of Sevilla (Fall 2022). It was an all around great experience! They handle everything for you from your classes to your housing accommodations (host families). I came to Spain because I wanted to learn Spanish and for me this was the way to do it I was able to learn so much thanks to the people at ICS. They were very eager and willing to talk story in Spanish with me to help me practice. I am also grateful for the classes I learned more in an ICS one-semester class than I would have in two years in a regular university. The faculty were extremely accommodating besides helping me practice Spanish when I asked if there was somewhere quite I could study (ppl talking in the study room) they immediately prepped a 'quite' study room. In addition providing information to students regarding libraries where you can buy what and any info you could need about Sevilla. Lastly I want to shout out the trips, the program trips were amazing always a blast and we always learned a lot from them. The trip to Morocco was my favorite. It was a great semester and I highly recommend ICS for your Spanish study abroad experience.
28 enero 2023 1:57
I highly recommend the ICS program, they take special care of each and every detail to make the study abroad experience a lifetime cherished memory! They make you feel at home away from home and are extremely helpful, professionally and personally, going to all extents to make you feel comfortable and happy. LOOK NO FURTHER, ICS is the BEST!
24 agosto 2022 5:58
Anyone on the hunt for a stellar study abroad experience, I ensure you: LOOK NO FURTHER. I just finished a semester abroad with the ICS in Spring 2022. It was my first time going abroad alone, and it was utterly terrifying. However, I quickly found a home here at the ICS. The staff (especially Lisa, Gina, and Sandra) are so friendly and make you feel right at home; always answering questions and sending suggestions of tapa places or student tours in the area. The teachers are so, so encouraging and kind. They really want to ensure you succeed and are receptive to your learning style and pace. (Personally recommend taking Beginning Spanish with Profesora Montero and Art of Spain with Profesora Popovic! They are just the best!) The ICS program cost INCLUDES 3 meals a day, super fun class field trips and overnight trips, cooking classes, and flamenco classes. What more could you ask for? I've made so many wonderful friends and relationships, and I can't wait to come back and visit. To all my dear friends and mentors at the ICS, muchas gracias por todo. ¡Hasta pronto!
02 julio 2022 3:46
ICS provided an amazing environment for all of us students to thrive and learn. They are exceptionally good at what they do. From carefully placing us with host family’s who fit each of our personalities and individual needs to planning amazing excursions for us. Providing us students with great teachers who care about our needs as students as well. My time at ICS can not be matched. I made memories that will last a lifetime and I know I will always have a home in Sevilla with ICS. Muchas gracias por todas!
12 junio 2022 21:02
My semester in Sevilla was more than I could ever have anticipated. It is a magical city, the studies through ICS and the university had a profound impact on me, and I made amazing friendships. I even brought my family back, 20 years later, to show them this incredible place.

-Rebecca Lafaialii
30 mayo 2022 17:10
ICS is an incredible place. All of the staff work so hard to ensure that those studying abroad have an outstanding experience. Everybody knows all of the host families which makes for a smooth arrival and a feeling of being a part of a community. Living with the host families that ICS pairs us with adds to the authentic experience, and they are some of the kindest and welcoming people I have met to this day. I feel as though my host family is my second family and I have ICS to thank for that ️ ICS also does an amazing job of planning various cultural outings that are so interesting and make for a fun adventure when exploring Sevilla that I otherwise would not have discovered. I cannot wait to go back to Spain to visit everyone at ICS. Miss you all!
28 mayo 2022 22:42
ICS is the place you want to do study abroad. Small, intimate setting with caring staff that treat you like you’re family (maybe even better than family). However, don’t make the assumption that small means limited options, quite the opposite- because of their reputation and presence in the market, they have many connections that will allow you to study and connect with the community. This experience is guaranteed to change your life.
28 abril 2022 6:34
Had the most wonderful experience studying abroad with ICS. The staff and faculty are the most friendly people, and made the experience of living and learning in Spain so easy and fun! They handled everything - from planned excursions, extracurricular activities, homestay accommodations, academic registration - so that all you have to do is simply be present to enjoy the experience. Especially during the pandemic, when travel can be tricky, they made sure that our experience was safe and enjoyable and helped us stay up to date on local news and policies. Cannot recommend ICS enough to anyone considering study abroad in Sevilla! Wonderful city, wonderful people, wonderful culture:) Truly the experience of a lifetime!
24 abril 2022 14:57
ICS is unique program run by a knowledgeable, experienced, and conscientious group of educators. They take the education of visiting students very seriously; upholding academic standards and demonstrating genuine concern about the progress their students make. At the same time, they are able to arrange and provide for an enjoyable cultural immersion experience.

While in Seville I had the opportunity to teach at ICS and I found it to be a very rewarding experience. I also came in contact with American students attending other programs in Seville; many of them sponsored through prominent American universities. It was this interchange of experiences which convinced me that ICS has programs far superior to most of those on offer to American students who want to study in Seville.

Students wishing to attend a semester in Spain can be assured that ICS will provide them with a great educational experience in a wonderful city rich in history and culture.
23 abril 2022 19:53
The ICS family is an amazing one. I’m so happy I chose ICS to do my Spain study abroad. Very few programs can match the effort ICS makes to ensure that your study abroad experience a safe, enlightening and enjoyable one. It’s been almost 5 years and still one of my best memories to date!
20 abril 2022 7:54
ICS is amazing! The staff is so welcoming, helpful, and kind and the classes are fun! My time studying in Spain felt like I was embraced into a family because of ICS:)
24 marzo 2022 1:41
Studying abroad at the International School of Sevilla made the transition from studying (and living) in another country easier. Studying in a different country for the first time, where everything is different, ICS provided wonderful support and hospitality to enjoy a semester.
During my first few weeks here in Sevilla I had lost my phone, wallet, and keys. With no navigation, communication, or local friends, cultural shock was hitting in full force. The entire staff, especially Lisa, Gina, and Sandra went through endless restrictions in retrieving my necessities. Additionally, they were filled with local knowledge of places to visit, must experience activities, trendy tapas bars, and most importantly wisdom to regroup myself.
As for the curriculum itself, it was full of many different Andalusian traditions. Day and weekend trips through treasure spots in Andalusia made for exciting educational learning environments. Cultural emersion being a top priority at ICS enabled me to participate in cooking classes of traditional recipes along with native dances with my classmates. Post experiences made me feel local! A time during the pandemic, the whole staff made the school enjoyable! My Spanish teacher Maria Jose was unbelievably kind, knowledgable, and considerate in pivoting her style of teaching to optimize her student's motivation of learning. Everybody at ICS had impacted my study abroad experience in a positive manner. Planning my next trip to Sevilla, first stop, ICS!

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