16 mayo 2022 19:29
¡me lo he pasado muy bien aquí en la escuela.yolanda y angeles dan mucha vida a la escuela y me he sentido como parte de una gran familia.gracias por todo!

i had the best time here at the school and can only recommend to study here, everyone is really friendly and helpful and i felt like part of a big family.i learned a lot and will definitely come back:)
18 octubre 2021 16:09
Amazing experience! Back in 2015 I went to school at K2 in Cadiz, and lived there for a month in the summer. Gracias!
24 septiembre 2021 23:27
Last summer I went to this lovely school in Cadiz with a good friend of mine. Despite the corona, we had a great time here. The beach Santa Maria is very beautiful with much young people. Further, Cadiz is a very beautiful and old city with many interesting buildings.

The school was also very good. The teachers are very helpful and interested. My Spanish has improved a lot during this month. The school had also arranged a great accommodation for us. We stayed by our sweet Spanish mother Carmen.

So the school is highly recommended. Gracias por este maravilloso verano!
29 octubre 2020 7:00
Had a brilliant time here! When I started my course I barely spoke spanish, five weeks later I was able to have a conversation about many different subjects. Communication is perfect l. Always responding quickly. I would definitely recommend K2 for a spanish course if want to learn or improve your spanish!
17 octubre 2020 7:32
I don't recommend this school, avoid it. They didn't get my level right, wouldn't put me in the right level when I asked and kept changing my open classes for no reason. The accomodation didn't have internet or A/C or a fan. It's also very expensive and not worth it.

I can't understand how it has high reviews because other people I know also had a bad experience
07 octubre 2020 16:43
Mes élèves ont passé plusieurs jours dans cette école. Ils sont revenus ravis et satisfaits des progrès qu'ils avaient fait. J'ai apprécié la pédagogie des enseignants qui ont su mettre en confiance mes élèves et qui leur ont donné les moyens d'améliorer leur niveau de langue. Nous avons eu un très bon accueil au niveau de la direction. La disponibilité et le sérieux des personnes qui s'occupent de l'école nous ont permis, avec ma collègue de passer un séjour linguistique dans de bonnes conditions. Je savais mes élèves entre de bonnes mains. Les familles ont aussi, joué un rôle essentiel pour le bon déroulement de ce voyage. Elles étaient à l'écoute, disponibles et surtout s'occupaient des élèves avec beaucoup de sérieux et d'attention. C'est pourquoi ils se sont sentis bien à Cadix, ville accueillante et très agréable. J'ai aussi apprécié l'organisation et les contacts avec l'école pour préparer ce séjour linguistique.

Mis alumnos pasaron unos días en esta escuela. Regresaron encantados y satisfechos de sus progresos. A mí, me ha gustado la pedagogía de los profesores que supieron dar confianza a mis alumnos y darles los medios para mejorar su nivel en español. Todos fuimos muy bien acogidos por la escuela. La disponibilidad y lo serio de las personas que se ocupan de esta escuela nos permitieron, a mí y a mi colega pasar un viaje linguístico en buenas condiciones. Sabía que mis alumnos estaban en buenas manos. Las familias también, tuvieron un papel esencial en el éxito de este viaje. Estaban a la escucha y disponibles y sobre todo se ocupaban de los alumnos con serio y atención. Por eso se sintieron bien en Cádiz, ciudad acogedora y muy agradable. También, me gustaron la organización y los contactos con la escuela para preparar ese viaje linguístico.
09 septiembre 2020 8:08
Seit vier Jahren komme ich jedes Jahr nach Cádiz und zur Sprachschule K2. Die Lehrer sind sehr professionell und mit ihrer Hilfe lernt man sehr schnell und unkompliziert Spanisch. Cádiz ist eine unglaublich tolle Stadt, man kann hier sehr viel unternehmen. Was mir auch noch sehr gut gefällt ist, dass es hier nicht so viele Touristen hat. Das Klima ist recht angenehm und es gibt immer ein wenig Wind. Nächstes Jahr komme ich bestimmt wieder.
15 agosto 2020 2:46
Estudie tres veces español con K2 en Cadiz. Y esta ciudad en la escuela son en mi corazón. Profesores amables y clases estupendos. Os recomiendo tomar clases en K2. No dudas. Edificio y apartamentos perfectos. Entonces-requetebien.cinco estrellas. Quiero sentir la vida de un gaditano? Si! La respuesta es K2!
11 agosto 2020 8:05
I had a great experience studying Spanish at K2 Internacional. The school itself is located in the historical city centre where you can truly admire the beauty of the city.

The teachers are very friendly, warm and encouraging. The classes are very relaxed and good to combine with other activities such as surfing, doing yoga or going sight seeing in the afternoon.

I have truly enjoyed my time spent there and would definitely recommend it to anyone who´s looking for a Spanish course! Hasta pronto!
24 enero 2020 19:14
I am a M. F. L teacher and have just spent a week doing an intensive Spanish Course in the K2 spanish language school, which is situated in the heart of the old town in Cadiz.

Our teacher, José is a highly experienced and charismatic and his teaching materials were very well prepared and apt for the level of our group. His deliverance was excellent, his grammatical explanations very clear and, also, we had fun!

What a great experience!
04 enero 2020 15:25
I took classes for one month at K2 and I absolutely loved everything about it, the location is central and the management is very friendly and attentive.the teachers are all good.but I have a special spot for Silvia:) the atmosphere in the class is really nice and I met amazing people! The school also organizes excursions which is a great chance to get to know the city and meet students from other classes in the school. K2 is definitely highly recommended if you’re looking for the full experience!
04 enero 2020 14:11
I really enjoyed learning Spanish at K2. It's a small school, which has the advantage of small class sizes and a community atmosphere. However, it does also mean that you don't meet so many people, and I found there to be less of a social scene than other larger language schools. I enjoyed the teaching style, and all of the teachers were really good at adapting their classes to the needs and interests of the students.

The school itself is in an unbeatable location and has a lot of great facilities, including a roof terrace, for the students to enjoy. Cádiz is a wonderful city to explore after the classes and the school also organises a number of affordable activities and excursions.
11 diciembre 2019 20:10
Ho passato in questa scuola 4 settimane che mi sono state molto utili per migliorare il mio spagnolo. Le professoresse sono brave, simpatiche e preparate come tutto lo staff che ci lavora.
21 septiembre 2019 6:37
I enjoyed my two weeks at K2 so much! Jose is a dedicated teacher. The staff of the school are committed to creating an environment that supports learning. I also enjoyed and learnt a lot from the outings I participated in. My only regret is that I didn't stay longer. I advise anyone interested in improving their Spanish to organise a stay of at least three weeks.

¡Disfruté mucho mis dos semanas en K2! José es un maestro dedicado. El personal de la escuela está comprometido a crear un ambiente que apoye el aprendizaje. También disfruté y aprendí mucho de las excursiones en las que participé. Lo único que lamento es no haberme quedado más tiempo. Aconsejo a cualquier persona interesada en mejorar su español que organice una visita de al menos tres semanas.
09 septiembre 2019 8:57
He pasado seis meses en K2 Internacional haciendo practicas y fue una experiencia muy enriquecedora. Mis tareas eran muy diversas (traduccion, marketing, eventos.) por lo cual aprendi muchisimo y el equipo fue genial desde el principio hasta el fin. Me senti como en casa. Siempre estaban dispuestos a ayudarme en cualquier cosa que necesitaba y con la sonrisa. Muchisimas gracias por confiar en mi y hacer de estos meses una experiencia humana y profesional increible, que siempre recordaré.
07 septiembre 2019 15:17
K2 is a super friendly and small language school which is right in the middle of the historical centre of Cádiz. I stayed for one month in the A2 and B1 levels. All the staff and teachers are very attentive of every student, and the students all get to know each other well- which is a massive advantage of such a small school. However with this are the usual disadvantages of not being able to meet as many people and less choice of excursions and at times some of the classes are grouped together.

The accommodation isnt amazing but all of the apartments in the centre are quite dilapidated anyway and all of the flats are 5 minutes walk or less from the school which is really great!

Overall a really friendly school that I would highly recommend!
01 septiembre 2019 2:08
Es una escuela buena que puedo recomendar a todos mi amigos y compañeros de mi curso. He aprendido sobre la cultura y la idioma español.
Muchas Gracias por una semana preciosa.
14 agosto 2019 23:31
I really enjoyed my two weeks here. My class was small (about 6) and the professors were great, especially José. The building was always clean and in good condition, and it is in a beautiful part of town. The hours really flew by while in class. A great mix of grammar, conversation, culture, and fun. Everyone was very friendly and outgoing.

The only downsides were that there was a textbook included in the tuition but in the two weeks I was there, it wasn’t used at all, not even for homework. We were given photocopies instead. They need to decide if they are using a textbook, or not. I also think we could have done more pair work so that everyone got a lot of time to talk. I made sure to speak up a lot to make it worth my while, but some people went long periods without participating. This can happen in a class where only one person speaks at a time. Finally, the levels are pretty mixed. I still feel I learned a lot, but be prepared for a diversity of Spanish ability in any one class.

Despite these issues, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend K2 to anyone at a B2 level or below and that is mostly focused on wanting to improve grammar, listening, and speaking. I wish I could’ve stayed longer!
09 agosto 2019 22:24
I had a great time in Cádiz! K2 Internacional is a really nice school with great teachers! The building of the school is in the centre of the beautiful old part of Cádiz! I stayed in a piso compartido only a few minutes from the school. The people I’ve met in the school came from a lot of different countries and had different ages.

I didn’t know Cádiz before I got here, but I would recommend everybody to come here. Cádiz has so much to offer with beautiful beaches, a lot of nice restaurants and bars and great surroundings. You will feel at home!

Gracias K2 por un buen tiempo!
Cleo, Holanda
30 julio 2019 10:26
Formo parte del equipo de The Spanish Way, donde ayudamos a extranjeros que quieren venir a España aprender español. Desde hace años trabajamos con la escuela K2 International, y estamos muy contentos con sus servicios y equipo. Quiero felicitarles por su gran labor y profesionalidad. La ciudad de CAdiz y la escuela K2, son la mejor combinación para vivir una experiencia única en España mientras aprendes español.
01 julio 2019 18:56
En K2 hice el curso A1 durante 3 semanas. En un pequeno grupo con 8 companeros, durante 4 horas cada manana, aprendi las nociones para una conversation basica. Las clases son muy diverdidas, interactivas y te ayudan
conocer a tus companeros. Ahora algunos de ellos son mis amigos.
Recomiendo todas las actividades en la tarde para practicar y aprender tantas palabras cuanto sea posible. Tambien tienes la oportunidad de conocer a otros profesores de la escuela y estudiantes de otros grupos.
Para mi, K2 es mas que una escuela de idiomas, es sobre el estilo de vida en Espana que aprendes a amarlo irremediablemente.
16 mayo 2019 4:23
We spent three weeks here doing the intensive course (3 hours a day over 9: 30 to 13: 00). The level of tuition was just right. My partner had less Spanish than me and we were in different classes. Tutors were great and there is a very nice atmosphere in and out of class. The school arrange various extracurricular trips and activities and it is easy to make friends. The fees are very reasonable and good value. We would definitely recommend K2 and really enjoyed our time.
02 abril 2019 14:29
I have been to a lot of language schools all around the world and this one was by far the best. The teachers are so wonderful and helpful. I arrived not being able to use the past tense and am leaving easily reading Harry Potter. Highly recommend. The school is amazing, the city is gorgeous, and the people are incredible.

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