13 febrero 2024 17:42
Al día de hoy, 14 febrero de 2024, lavé sin problemas. Simple, lean bien las instrucciones que esta todo explicado. Si no tienen monedas, el lugar posee una máquina que te cambia los billetes.
13 febrero 2024 17:21
Lei que cerraba a las 21, tenia ropa para secar, que demora unos 15 minutos. Llegué más de 20 minutos antes. Estaban lavando el piso, me dijo el hombre que estaba dentro que no podia pasar, y que a las 20:30 ya no deja encender las máquinas porque si no, no se puede ir a las 21. Deberían corregir el horario entonces, y decir que es hasta 20 y 30.
20 julio 2023 18:27
Instrucciones fáciles de seguir en español e inglés. Lavadoras y secadoras disponibles. Lavadoras 30 minutos básicas con extras disponibles, secadora 15 min con selección de baja, media y alta. Un área limpia y ordenada para lavar la ropa.
24 mayo 2023 8:37
¡Buena ubicación! Lavé mi ropa aquí mientras viajaba y olía muy bien y era suave ~~ Me gustó.
02 abril 2023 22:30
Pros: Clean. Modern. Easy to use.
Cons: 4 washers. 2 dryers. Good luck if someone who did their laundry elsewhere dries it here. It is unfair for those currently in the washer.
28 marzo 2023 20:21
Excelente, máquinas y ambiente limpios, fáciles de usar. 5€ el lavado (no precisa llevar jabón ni nada) y 2€ 15 minutos de secado. La máquina para obtener monedas funciona perfectamente.
14 febrero 2023 10:03
Ventajas: Limpio. Moderno. Fácil de usar.
Desventajas: 4 lavadoras. 2 secadoras. Buena suerte si alguien que lavó la ropa en otro lugar la seca aquí. Es injusto para quienes actualmente están en la lavadora.
06 febrero 2023 17:34
We were staying at the Querencia de Sevilla hotel and was pleasantly surprised by this laundromat being so close! It’s small but not too busy and super clean. Instructions are easy and written in English and Spanish. There’s a change machine. No credit card payment. Washers come with detergent already which seems to be common throughout Spain. I love that the detergent isn’t too strong smelling. Recommend if you’re traveling for a while. Much better than hotel laundry service. 5 Euros for a 9kg washer load and 2 Euros for 15min of the dryer
04 diciembre 2022 18:03
Quite expensive for laundry. (5€ for 9kg)
No change return so u have to prepare the exact amount of money.
WiFi provided
31 octubre 2022 4:12
This place is the absolute best! Tiny little laundromat that’s open 9-9. Wash and dry for under €10. My wife happened to meet the owner and he was the nicest guy ever. Super convenient to the Querencia Hotel.
23 octubre 2022 15:48
Machines are modern and worked well. 5 euro per wash for small load, 4 euro per 15 minute dry. Close to cathedral.
19 octubre 2022 1:53
Small, clean lavanderia with 3 smaller (up to 9kg) washing machines, and one larger (up to 19 kg). Washing in smaller washing machines costs 5 EUR (larger is 9 EUR), and lasts 30 minutes. Select washing temperature (1- very hot, 2-hot, 3-warm, 4-cold) before putting coins in, because when you put coins - machines starts to work immediately, so you can not choose temperature afterwards. Detergent is included in price, and is added automatically. It also smells very nice. There are also 2 dryers. Drying costs 2 EUR, and lasts 15 min. The only thing that we tought was missing was the information aboout the washing and drying temperatures. Is “hot” 60, or 40 Celsius degrees, or something else? It was our first visit to lavanderia ever, so we didn’t have a clue which temetrature to use for drying. We selected the lowest one since we were affraid we will ruin our t-shirts, but they were not dried properly. We dried them again, this time on medium temperature, and it was fine than. Alltogether, we vere very satisfied. If you don’t have coins, they also have machine for changing paper money notes into coins.
11 octubre 2022 6:20
Excelente servicio pedí al dueño que me ayudara a funcionar la máquina y funcionó sin problema, la ropa quedó impecable 8 de 10 solo por qué a mí me hubiera gustado que fuera más tiempo el lavado
15 agosto 2022 2:41
Se me rompió la lavadora y acudí a esta lavandería por su ubicación. Está muy limpia, la ropa huele súper bien y tardé entre lavado y secado unos 40 minutos. La recomiendo
23 abril 2022 15:02
Limpio, rápido, las instrucciones fáciles.

Venimos de viaje lavamos, secamos en 40 minutos todo y nos fuimos.
20 abril 2022 23:00
One big problem with it. After using 10 laundromats in Spain, I did not read the instructions carefully. I entered the clothes, I entered the coins and well, the machine started washing without me choosing a program. It has automatically preset the “light soil cold water” program. If I cancel, I lose my money. This way clothes came out half clean. It is too big of a coincidence that the most energy efficient program is preset and it starts automatically. I guess most people just cancel it and lose their money (see other reviews). Please change settings in a way that user is forced to select the program even if he forgets
26 febrero 2022 8:35
Good laundromat in the middle of Seville. Washing costs 5€, detergent included. Dryers are 2€ for 15 minutes. Very clean, baskets provided and there is a bill change machine for 5€, 10€, 20€ bills.
06 febrero 2022 16:30
Es muy intuitiva y viene todo bastante bien explicado, muy cómodo y rápido limpiar la ropa, a mi me compensa mucho con la subida de la luz porque es barata. Esta muy limpia y es acogedora. A parte tiene wifi. La recomiendo al 100%
17 noviembre 2021 23:46
Clean, fast, has wifi in case you needed, BUT be careful if you stop the washing machine don't press any button on the panel or it would end the washing cycle immediately and you will lose your money (it happens to me ‍️).
There's no way to add extra rinse or prewash once the machine has started, other than that they work smooth as silk
19 junio 2021 2:12
Lavanderia en pleno centro de Sevilla y completamente nueva. Todo el proceso muy bien indicado.

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