03 julio 2022 20:10
Location is closed. Sign says they’re in a nearby square, but they’re not. Phone number on the sign is a random lady.
01 noviembre 2021 1:54
Fui para alquilar una moto. Horario de 10 a 2 casi y de 4 a 8 casi, pues bueno, despues de esperar allí un buen rato, pasaron 15 minutos de las 10, no aparecio nadie, por la oficina. Decepcionante. Con la que ha caido y la que va a caer, que esperan para ser mas serios. Veremos el año que viene sobre estas fechas, si estan todavia en pie.
20 noviembre 2020 19:30
Demasiado cara la gasolina, 8€ por poquísimos km que hicimos, tengo motos y se lo que puede llegar a consumir y más una de misma cilindrada, el marcador no marca, por eso no pongo los km que hice.otro detallito que no me gustó, no repetiría la verdad
19 noviembre 2020 1:30
Excellente entreprise pour louer un scooter à Granada. Location d'une journée de 10h à 19h avec une limite de 75km (ce qui est largement suffisant pour visiter les lieux importants de la ville) pour seulement 30€. Moto Peugeot 125cc en très bon état et surtout un traitement convivial, rapide et professionnel de la part de José le responsable. On a loué deux motos et s'était génial. Je le recommande vivement.
10 noviembre 2020 4:09
Alquilamos 2 motos para 2 personas por comodidad, 1 iba muy bien la otra le fallaron la luces, le costaba arrancar, el cuenta km no funcionaba y el marcador de gasolina tampoco. El chico que nos atendió es amable, pero no nos comentó ni que el casco son 3€ más ni que el contrato tiene límite de km, y los que te pases son a 0,25€ el km. Las motos las repostamos antes de entregarlas y aparecían los depósitos llenos, aún así decidió cobrarnos 3€ por moto en gasolina sin tener ninguna medición, ni siquiera abrió el tapón del depósito, la sensación es de que te va robando euro a euro
08 noviembre 2020 19:07
I’m surprised to see that this shop is still open. Majority of clients are unsatisfied after renting from Motocity, as is clearly to see in the reviews. I also assume that some of the good reviews are made up accounts.
I personally had a horrible experience there caused by a faulty scooter, an agreement only in Spanish, poor customer service and overpriced rates.
Opening times also vary from day to day depending on the owners mood I guess.
There are plenty of other renting options I’d highly recommend over this place.
Enjoy Granada!
05 noviembre 2020 1:39
La moto no estaba bien revisada, tenia varios fallos, cómo luces, cubierta en mal estado, marcador anulado, y luego se entregó con tres cuartos de depósito y por ello 8€ de gasolina por más o menos 15 a 20 km el resto del tiempo parada mientras visitábamos la alambra, no me parece correcto cobrar 8€ a todo el mundo de gasolina casi sin andar y de ahí que los marcadores estén anulados para que no puedas ver los km que haces
02 noviembre 2020 12:16
Nunca pensé que visitar una ciudad con una moto fuese tan agradable y divertido, ademas andando te puedes morir con las cuestas. Buenas explicaciones para recorrer toda la ciudad, en el fin de semana, las mejores tapas están en los barrios de Granada y con la moto estas en 5 minutos. Volveremos a por mas tapas.
11 octubre 2020 5:44
Having posted online and in their marketing materials that their afternoon closing time was 14: 00, I planned my last day in Granada around renting a bike. I rushed to make it to their shop by 13: 45 to find it already abandoned. If you’re going to make a public promise that you will be open until a certain time, please keep your promise. I’m very disappointed. The other low ratings of this business now make sense in light of the unprofessionalism I’ve just experienced.

Un bajón planear tu último día para alquiler una bici y dar vueltas por varias horas, y al llegar a la tienda, la encontrás ya cerrada 15 mins temprano sin ninguna explicación. Una lástima.
08 enero 2020 20:26
Excellente entreprise pour louer un scooter à Granada. Location d'une journée de 10h à 19h avec une limite de 75km (ce qui est largement suffisant pour visiter les lieux importants de la ville) pour seulement 30€. Moto Peugeot 125cc en très bon état et surtout un traitement convivial, rapide et professionnel de la part de José le responsable. On a loué deux motos et s'était génial. Je le recommande vivement.
29 septiembre 2019 9:58
Conseguimos alugar a bicicleta facilmente mas a caução foi, na minha opinião, um pouco elevada.

As bicicletas não estavam no melhor estado, as mudanças estavam desafinadas e os pneus não estavam no melhor estado.

En: we manage to rent the bicycle but the deposit for renting was a bit too high.

The bikes were not in the best shape, the gears were not tuned and the tires were not in good condition.
28 agosto 2019 12:20
Muy divertidas las bicis eléctricas, hemos ido a Guejar Sierra y nos han encantado los paisaje. Repetiremos.
20 agosto 2019 7:41
Wonderful weekend, we rented a motorbike for the three days we spent in Granada and it has been great, we have known all the places that Granada has and that are spectacular. Very friendly in the store.
Maravilloso fin de semana, alquilamos una moto para los tres dias que pasamos en Granada y ha sido genial, hemos conocidos todos los sitios que tiene Granada y que son espectaculares. Muy amables en la tienda.
17 agosto 2019 5:06
Muy amables y simpáticos, nos han explicado como movernos por Granada, hemos ido a la Alpujarra y ha sido todo un descubrimiento maravilloso.
14 julio 2019 23:56
I would stay away from this company. We went in to talk about pricing and we were quoted a specific price for a specific scooter. We went back the following day (to the same person) and it was a different price, with multiple add-ons. You can only go 50km (that's about 30 miles, haha!) or he will charge you for every km after that. Add on helmets, even more, etc. He was not at all willing to work with us. When we said we had talked to him less than 12 hours before he was just like "who, me? No way. I have never seen you, I wouldn't have said that. " We ended up renting a car for 1/3 the price from a company down the street and had amazing drive through the Sierra Nevadas. Don't do it!
01 julio 2019 21:36
Godawful, horrendous, lousy experience with Motocity Rent. After visiting a natural spring outside the city, I went to start the scooter for the ride back and nothing happened. I thought it must be the battery. I called the owner and he sent a truck to come pick it up while 2 other men attempted to start the scooter. After getting back to the store, the owner tells me the ignition is broken because of “forced use” and that I must pay 260 euros for the damage AND the truck to come pick me up. The contract is also only in Spanish, in a place that’s clearly for tourists. After screaming to me over and over that this was “my fault, my responsibility! ”and pointing his finger in my face I left the store in tears and without my passport because I didn’t have the cash at the time to pay for this. As I said to the owner, I would completely understand if I did something to this scooter and had an obligation to pay for damage, but there was nothing I did. To also charge me 100 euro for a pickup truck due to an accident I didn’t do is a complete scam. He said maybe somebody tried to pick the lock while I was away, but that it’s still my responsibility. Possible, yes, and I understand. But I think it’s highly likely that these are just very low quality scooters with a low quality owner who has absolutely no respect for customers.
10 junio 2019 12:26
Firstly, Cooltra Motos is cheaper per day, with a larger selection of scooters.

Secondly, we had a pretty terrible experience with Motocity Rent. Not allowing us to change our hire dates when it was going to rain the whole week (even when we offered to pay any changing fees), a contract that is only in Spanish even though their target market is tourists, unreliable opening hours so we were unable to access our luggage, and finally our scooter malfunctioning (only going 20km/hr) - leaving us stuck in the Sierra Nervada for an extra day (which we then had to pay for).
Overall, horrible service, expensive rent and a terrible experience.
20 abril 2019 21:22
Alquilamos ya dos veces con ellos y las dos veces ha salido bien. Hoy concretamente la moto que alquilamos fallaba un poco por la carburación y la hemos cambiado sin problema.

Ningún cobro sorpresa y han sido amables
01 abril 2019 14:51
Muy buen servicio. El encargado fue muy amable y atento, además que recorrer Granada en moto es un gran plan. Muy recomendable.
11 noviembre 2018 8:48
Grazie mille Jose per le tue istruzioni, è stato fantastico. Noleggia un'auto ma non mi ha aiutato, perché a Granada l'intero centro della città è chiuso al traffico automobilistico, quindi ho restituito la macchina e noleggiato una moto ed è stato fantastico, con la moto puoi viaggiare per tutta la città senza problemi, parcheggio veloce, si arriva a tutti i siti immediatamente, grazie ancora per tutto.
07 noviembre 2018 2:06
Weak&poorly maintaned scooters, feels like 50cc, can't get 2ppl to Alhambra entry. Reflector fell of the cargo box and we had to pay extra, but it was clearly visible that it has been fixed before.

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