31 enero 2024 22:21
Nos ofrecieron una mesa gratis por ser solo mujeres a cambio de mandarles fotos de cada una para chequear nuestro físico. Denigrante. Nada más que añadir.
26 enero 2024 8:33
¡El club de piscina es genial, el interior de la piscina, etc!
El DJ no sabía lo que estaba haciendo y fui al día del 'kisstory'.
El personal fue excepcionalmente grosero.
Un vaporizador le costó a mi amigo 40€.
En un momento, cuando la gente empezó a aceptar las tapas, me podrían haber confundido con Skegness, pero rápidamente me di cuenta de que no estábamos allí porque el precio de todo era muy caro.
11 septiembre 2023 15:30
Malas aguas y malos pesebres
Sus servicios realmente malos y malas camas. Creo que Nikki Beach es mejor.
04 septiembre 2023 10:54
Menuda decepcion, fuimos al club porque queriamos pasar un buen dia de vacaciones. Habiamos visto que ir a un beach club o pool club en Marbella era una de las recomendaciones. Cuando llegamos se nos cobro 175€ por un "bed" (dos tumbonas cama). Ya nos sentimos judgados por el servicio porque so no eres ultra rico no puedes estar alli. En el restaurante te traen agua del grifo y te la cobran sin avisarte. Cuando fuimos a la parte del restaurante pedimos una mesa con sofa porque vimos que no habia casi nadie y estaban todas vacias y nos dijeron que no, procedieron a ponernos en una con sillas en las que tocaba el sol sin ningun tipo de explicaxion ni compensacion. Te cobran 38€ de servicio cuando no hacen nada. La musica super alta todo el dia, si te quieres relajar en algun momento ya te puedes quedar en casa porque en todas las partes se escuchaba super fuerte.
El sitio es bonito pero el servicio es muy clasista y te cobran hasta por respirar. He ido solo a dos clubs más y nada que ver con este, nose si era por la zona o por que pero no lo recomiendo.
27 agosto 2023 19:30
¡Un lugar tan hermoso para pasar el día, las chicas de recepción son súper serviciales y complacientes! Definitivamente lo recomendaría x
19 agosto 2023 7:41
Visité a principios de este mes y reservé el día en que actuaría Central Cee antes de que se anunciara. Inicialmente intentaron aumentar el precio pero nos resistimos y lo mantuvieron igual. Pero en general 10/10 la comida estuvo buena, el personal fue amable y fue lo más destacado de mi viaje. Es caro pero era lo esperado y lo visitaría nuevamente.
22 junio 2023 6:43
WOW, I love this place. It’s so beautiful and the interior design is stunning. The staff are so friendly and accommodating, and we couldn’t have a better host.

We reserved a regular spot and they upgraded us to the pool for free. Highly recommended
18 junio 2023 18:23
Amazing vibe, the girls at the door were really accommodating especially patricia hannah and georgia and the music was really good.
07 junio 2023 5:18
Best day ever in my life, beautiful girls, kind staff especially the girls at the reception!
19 mayo 2023 15:37
Visited on 28/04, had the best time. Staff couldn’t do more for you, went the following day too! Fully recommend to anyone visiting Marbella.
19 mayo 2023 6:32
First time going to the pool club and was greeted with nothing but kinda staff and great vibes honestly could not recommend the place enough.
09 septiembre 2022 7:17
Do not go here. Bouncers are scammers and try to kick you out for littlest things to get money in their pockets. Paid loads of money for the table and were told to leave because we were being “loud” in the pool. Then told if we paid 200 euros to the bouncers we could stay. Spoke to a promoter who said the bouncers always try to get extra money they’re all corrupt. The bouncer then tried to hug us on the way out and pretend nothing happened, when I told him no he threatened to “find me in the night” and cancel my other bookings for the week. Be careful when you go here. Would not recommend to anyone.
06 septiembre 2022 17:22
I tried dropping my kids off but they didn’t allow me said they stink. Had to find child care elsewhere. Fuming.
06 septiembre 2022 6:04
Con artists. You will be kicked out if you have too much fun. Bouncer tried to force us to give him €40 each for no reason and told us we could never come back, which I am truly devastated about because I really enjoyed spending £2000+ on a table and €20 for a bottle of Heineken
22 agosto 2022 1:00
Absolutely horrified by the way my friends and I were treated. We got bombarded for leaving 3 hours after being there. Our plan was to go for the afternoon, enjoy a lounge around the pool for 2-3 hours. We had 3 members of staff in our faces calling us rude. One man in particular was the worst - think he was the manager. We were being questioned and quizzed and we were called rude on countless occasions. To make this worse, as we were walking out we were getting glared at by the members of staff.we all felt very embarrassed and anxious! Wouldn’t waste your time going here.
24 julio 2022 11:12
Avoid this place scam going on they ask you to leave then say if you pay again you can come in stay away
10 julio 2022 15:27
No está mal para pasar el día pero muy caro, la gente muy clasista y los tios que van ahi creen que te pueden comprar invitándote a chupitos. La música buena por momentos y los camareros agradables, aunque esto depende del día porque una vez a mi amiga no la dejaron entrar.
27 junio 2022 23:09
If you want to be treated with any glimpse of respect, AVOID this place like the plague!

After travelling to the venue and pre-paying for our tickets we were denied entry on arrival by Amit, who gave no justification. Another group made up of young women of colour were also denied entry. We had not started drinking yet and the venue was not at full capacity, so there was no plausible explanation other than that they did not like the look of us.

We were given a refund with a random exchange rate, which left us significantly out of pocket compared to the price we had paid. When I called Amit out on this he lied to my face about fx rates, and belittled my intelligence.

Also, my friend was on crutches and was forced to stand for circa 20 minutes in the sun, whilst the security messed us around.
22 junio 2022 7:04
Esta súper bien, la comida esta muy bien sea lo que sea q pidas, no es barato, pero el lugar está bien la gente educada, los camareros muy amables
El mojito 25€ me parece excesivo en fin la jarra de cava 85€ me parece idignante y viene una tía y me sirve todo de la jarra a las copas de mi y mi amiga este gesto no me gusto, te quieren sacar asta el ojo por esto doy 3 estrellas
06 junio 2022 15:57
Please be aware I would not recommend this venue if your Asian, after paying for a vip section we where told we can not get due to our attire we had on and they had given our vip bed away, this is a pool party are swim shorts not the right clothing to wear? Spoke to the Manger who was very rude and did not help us in this situation.can not help be feel this attack on us was due to the colour of our skin!
05 mayo 2022 15:01
Well, its a cool place but the staff need to cool down. And again if your not somebody then this is the wrong place for you.
04 marzo 2022 9:35
Good for people who've been looking to chill in Marbella at a pool with a drink and some food. Also, if you'd like spray some bottles. YOU CAN!
25 febrero 2022 9:46
Paid €1500 and waiters refused to bring bottle until we paid (optional) service charge of €150. They lied and said we had to pay even though when reserving the price €1500 was agreed and a forced service charge was not mentioned. This is illegal and I will be back again with recording devices to report this to authorities so be careful!
22 noviembre 2021 22:58
Excelente Música Excelente atención del personal Muy Rica La Comida.deberían mejorar el aseo de la piscina
03 noviembre 2021 18:57
Lugar lindo com música boa. As garotas da recepção fora muito gentis e prestativas, sempre sorridentes. O garçom e o gerente são péssiiiiiimooooos! Pedimos champagne e o garçom nem abriu, simplesmente deixou no barril de gelo e saiu. No final tentaram roubar quade 300 euros da gente a mais na conta. 130 euros de serviço! Sim 130 euros para o garçom que nem abriu a champagne, e ainda cobraram 10% de serviço do aluguel das camas, sendo que reservamos com antecedência pela Internet (qual foi o serviço prestado?) Ou seja 50 euros em cima dos 500 euros da cama. Trouxeram bebidas como gim e vinho mais caras do que pedimos, no final quando reclamamos disseram que bebemos o mais caro porque a gente quis (quem confere se a marca das bebidas servidas são as mesmas do cardápio?) E por último mais surpreendente, cobraram 150 euros a mais pois três pessoas de outra cama que sentaram na nossa cama por 10 minutos, ou seja 50 euros de cada pessoa. E o garçom ainda tentou nos enganar dizendo que a cama era só para 3 pessoas por causa do corona vírus, sendo que tínhamos um e-mail de confirmação dizendo que a cama era pra 6 pessoas. Lamentável, ter que brigar por causa de conta em final de festa. Eles já tem a fama de mentir e explorar os clientes. Fiquem de olho!
03 noviembre 2021 9:51
Me encanta el ambiente! La comida no está mal! Le falta algo pero bueno … no está mal! Y de precio.siendo Marbella y lo que eso conlleva pues si algo caro pero como digo es Marbella asi que está. Que digamos justificado porque en general es caro todo ajajjaja para pasar un buen día y con mucho ambiente es tu sitio! El sushi está muy ricooo y la carne jugosika
20 octubre 2021 21:36
Me sorprendió la calidad de la comida, buen servicio y buen ambiente, merece la pena probar. El costillar de carne espectacular, el sushi muy bueno.los postres muy buenos.
14 octubre 2021 14:49
Pre-payed our table a few days before, when we came the day we reserved for they told us that they don’t have any tables left. Very bad service!
14 octubre 2021 3:49
I have a question about the nationality of the owner and why I ask this question is because I noticed that 100% of the security guards have an Arab background? What struck me was a large group of hells angels (from Frankfurt with an Arab background) and they quarreled and fought with everyone. What also stood out was that they spend little money. Are the security guards afraid because, among other things, they are underpaid? How is it possible that you don't put people outside who come to make problems? But time and time again letting people argue with people and above all let them fight? Or is it a way to earn what security does? So they can rake in extra tips? Will unfortunately never come here again while it can be fun
11 octubre 2021 11:03
Pésima la música y antigua, deberían actualizarse los DJ’s que tocan allí. No pongo un menos porque no hay esa opción, si no les pondría como mínimo un -5
23 septiembre 2021 20:53
The venue is set on a well decorated open space and the facilities are excellent. You can't expect much from the food, but the worst of all is the bad music taste. They don't have a specific style and with a very bad taste. Plus music is too high that can't even speak.
19 septiembre 2021 22:02
Bad staff, and the security goes around pick a fight with people there for no reason. My friends literally almost got hospitalized! DON'T GO HERE!
16 septiembre 2021 23:41
Desastre, el valet parking no te ofrece aparcar tú mismo tu coche. Y con esas te mandan marchar con reserva hecha. Alegan que llevan muchos “lambous, ferraris, y Porsche” si eres de los que no le gustan la zarpa de uno dentro de tu coche, no vayas
14 septiembre 2021 8:58
Quieres postureo? , vente aquí.
Quieres bailar? , vente aquí. Lo mejor de éste sitio, el DJ, música de 10.
19 agosto 2021 18:28
Service déplorable, plus de 2000€ d’achat et aucune reconnaissance, parle mal au client, ils nous prennent de haut, vraiment à éviter!
31 octubre 2019 2:26
Pool club with restaurant.everything is luxurious.the food is very good and its a great place to people watch! Parties in the summer at night are fabulous
07 octubre 2019 6:46
Great place to.go if you eant to see and be seen, don't go there if you want to relax but if you want to have a fun day great
23 septiembre 2019 18:25
Sorprende que con los precios desorbitados q tienen encima te estafan en la cuenta. Nos han cobrado 36 euros de más en la cuenta.
Cuando el camarero nos trajo la cuenta, pagamos y esperamos a que nos trajese la vuelta junto con una copia del Ticket, para nuestra sorpresa, no dan copia del Ticket, algo obligatorio por ley, por lo q le pedimos copia, nos dijo q tardaría un rato en traerlo y no con muy buena cara finalmente nos lo dió. Y SORPRESA la copia del Ticket era por un total de 36 Euros menos que el anterior, “que ya habíamos pagado”, le preguntamos el porqué y nos dijo q era por el Iva q había q sumarlo al total, dando a entender q los precios q aparecen en la carta del restaurante y los que te dan en la puerta para elegir las camas, no incluyen Iva, siendo mentira. TE ESTAFAN. CUIDADO
30 agosto 2019 13:13
Lugar magnífico ao mais alto nível. Valores exorbitantes, só mesmo para quem pode, mas muito postureo, e pouco aproveitam o ambiente de festa. Gostei.
05 agosto 2019 22:14
Really nice to enjoy sun and food as well cocktail. Very friendly staff, I will come back as soon as possible.
22 julio 2019 4:24
Buena experiencia, fuimos un jueves y estaba light, perfecto, la música podría mejorar si varían un poco el estilo.muy buen personal
21 julio 2019 17:46
I highly recommend this Amazing Young Place. The Diversity of the Music is Out of this World. The Food is Delicious and So Tasty
Just GO! And Enjoy your full day there ️
15 julio 2019 14:44
Best Pool club in Marbella, food spot on with classy feel about that place, much better then the over crowded nikki beach
12 junio 2019 7:58
El sitio es muy bonito y la música está bien. Aunque si vas con invitación la bebida está muy restringida solo pueden ponerte dos tipos de refrescos y son o seven up o fanta de limón, no te dan opción a pedir fanta de limón o de naranja, o cocacola,
Los precios son excesivamente caros, entiendo que es un sitio al que va gente con dinero y que tiene una categoría alta, pero una jarra de sangría que cueste 70€ me parece demasiado.
12 noviembre 2018 19:55
He ido dos veces, la primera (lunes) vez lo pasamos genial la música y el servicio estuvo muy bien. La segunda un completo desastre, la música fue horrible (sábado) y el servicio pésimo, el camarero Guille, muy mal educado haciendo gestos con el brazo, no pudimos tener la hoja de reclamaciones ni hablar con el maitre, aún así pagamos los 1.350€ de cuenta. No es un sitio muy especial.
27 septiembre 2018 15:12
Te intentan cobrar de mas, la encargada es una lista igual que sus camareros, tened cuidado vuestra factura puede multiplicarse por arte de magia
19 septiembre 2018 22:05
Demasiado postureo, mucha gente queriendo aparentar lo que no es, con respecto al lugar, no es para tanto
14 septiembre 2018 16:25
Lugar atractivo para pasar un día o incluso para tomar café, puedes hacer uso de su maravillosa piscina.
14 septiembre 2018 10:28
Fun place with decent food. High quality tuna. They charge you an extra 10% on the bill, so don’t worry about tipping: it’s already included
26 agosto 2018 17:06
This is the best place in the whole Marbella! I try not to talk about it too much hahaha because it’s a few of the best selected ppl that find their way here.

Food is amazing, staff is sooo friendly and go out of their way to give world class service!
Interior super nice bedrock kinda feel to it!

Best place! Love naô
25 agosto 2018 14:56
Specifically asked for a parasol as I was pregnant and they gave priority to another woman instead and took our parasol off us so I was made to stand up and eat and leave early.
18 agosto 2018 9:58
If you are looking for fun and drinks with international music it's not the place to be. DJs are not really welcome to suggestions. If you like good food, exclusive service with a different environment you would struggle merging into it. Just another plain beach club. Nothing to highlight!
04 agosto 2018 18:46
This place so chilled and staff go the extra mile never waiting around to be served. Food is the best I tried in Marbella. Only thing is that they charge for bread without telling you first. For such a class place im supprised they play that trick. The bread is so good and happy to pay.just rather be told in advance.

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