04 abril 2024 6:26
¡La escuela MaestroMío fue increíble! Los profesores hicieron que la experiencia fuera muy agradable y toda la gente de la clase fue encantadora. ¡He hecho amigos para toda la vida y espero volver pronto!
21 febrero 2024 16:02
I had a wonderful experience at MaestroMío Spanish language school during my seven week stay in Malaga, Spain.

I was not there to attend school, but decided to try to take a class or two weekly to help brush up on my intermediate level Spanish.

I wandered in unannounced and the staff immediately set out to make me feel welcome; they gave me an impromptu level assessment, listened to my requirements for a personalized lesson schedule, and communicated effortlessly with me to arrange my schedule. Particular, thanks to Julia, who answered all my email questions within the hour, every single time.

My teacher, Lorenzo, worked wonderfully to help me with what I needed most, understanding the speech of native speakers, and in the process made sure I didn’t miss any of the best things to see, and do in southern Spain.

The location is right in the heart of the old city within easy-walking access to everything. The atmosphere in the school is friendly and warm with great energy from all the other international students.

Mine was only a part-time immersion in study, compared to the full schedules of the many other, generally younger, students. But I’ve been to enough Spanish immersion schools (I’m 68 years old) to know that I would certainly return here if I pass through Malaga again. Highly recommended.


Tuve una experiencia maravillosa en la escuela de español MaestroMío durante mi estadía de siete semanas en Málaga, España.

No estaba allí para asistir a la escuela, pero decidí intentar tomar una o dos clases semanales para ayudarme a mejorar mi nivel intermedio de español.

Entré sin previo aviso y el personal inmediatamente se dispuso a hacerme sentir bienvenido; Me dieron una evaluación de nivel improvisada, escucharon mis requisitos para un horario de lecciones personalizado y se comunicaron conmigo sin esfuerzo para organizar mi horario. En particular, gracias a Julia, quien respondió todas mis preguntas por correo electrónico en menos de una hora, siempre.

Mi profesor, Lorenzo, trabajó de maravilla para ayudarme con lo que más necesitaba, entendiendo el habla de los hablantes nativos, y en el proceso se aseguró de que no me perdiera ninguna de las mejores cosas para ver y hacer en el sur de España.

La ubicación está justo en el corazón de la ciudad vieja, con fácil acceso a pie a todo. El ambiente en la escuela es amigable y cálido con gran energía por parte de todos los demás estudiantes internacionales.

La mía fue sólo una inmersión en el estudio a tiempo parcial, en comparación con los horarios completos de muchos otros estudiantes, generalmente más jóvenes. Pero he estado en suficientes escuelas de inmersión en español (tengo 68 años) como para saber que sin duda volvería aquí si vuelvo a pasar por Málaga. Muy recomendable.
31 enero 2024 3:10
La escuela de idiomas ha superado mis expectativas, especialmente gracias a Noelia. ¡Totalmente recomendable!
29 enero 2024 16:46
Me encanta esta escuela. Las clases son muy conversacionales lo que mantiene todo interesante. Todos los profesores son brillantes también. Se lo recomiendo encarecidamente a cualquiera que quiera aprender o mejorar su español.
28 enero 2024 19:31
Tomé una semana de clases de español para comenzar mi viaje de aprendizaje. Fue una excelente experiencia. ¡Los profesores son increíbles! Amables y divertidos, hacen que el tiempo pase muy rápido, de modo que casi olvidas que estás trabajando duro para aprender un nuevo idioma. El programa está muy bien organizado y tiene mucho sentido. Es exactamente lo que necesitaba. Definitivamente continuaré mi aprendizaje aquí. Pedro y Novelia son los mejores profesores.
15 octubre 2023 21:01
Alto nivel de profesionalismo y competencia. Las lecciones fueron muy claras pero al mismo tiempo también dinámicas e interactivas. Realmente disfruté salir a las calles de la ciudad y poner a prueba mis habilidades de comunicación con los lugareños. Los profesores siempre son de gran ayuda incluso al insistir más en temas que no son fáciles de entender. Si necesito repasar mi español nuevamente, sé adónde ir. Lo recomiendo altamente.
11 octubre 2023 3:45
Gran curso, profesores súper profesionales y divertidos. El curso es muy interactivo y efectivo. Muy valido
06 octubre 2023 9:14
Muy buen ambiente en nuestra clase. Ejercicios originales e interactivos. Un agradecimiento especial a Julio, Pilar y Lucía ‘picasso’
28 septiembre 2023 15:14
Profesores (tuve 3), personal administrativo, actividades de la tarde, 20/20, A+,
muchas gracias
25 septiembre 2023 23:49
Esta fue mi quinta vez en la escuela y la primera en la nueva ubicación. Estuve allí antes del COVID en 2019 por primera vez en el nivel A1 y también durante las últimas etapas de la pandemia. Esta vez, en septiembre-octubre de 2023, asistí a la escuela durante dos semanas en el nivel B1.2. Esta fue quizás la mejor experiencia junto con la primera vez en 2019. Esta vez me alegró mucho tener nuevamente al profesor Lorenzo durante una semana; estuvo allí la primera vez que asistí a la escuela. Es fantástico y además del rigor con el que imparte sus clases tiene un excelente conocimiento de España y Andalucía. También tuve tres nuevos profesores y la escuela ha hecho un gran trabajo reclutando profesores jóvenes motivados y comprometidos. Había algunos estudiantes mayores como yo, lo cual fue alentador ver, pero la diferencia de edad en las clases no marcó la diferencia. Fue una experiencia realmente buena.
29 agosto 2023 21:47
¡No podría recomendar MaestroMío lo suficiente para cualquiera que busque un lugar increíble para aprender español!
Desde mi contacto inicial con la escuela, fui recibido con una amabilidad tremenda. Antes de matricularme asistí a una clase complementaria que rápidamente me convenció de que esta era la escuela para mí. El personal administrativo y el director Kevin fueron increíblemente serviciales con la organización de aspectos prácticos como el alojamiento. Me alojé con una maravillosa familia anfitriona a poca distancia a pie de la ubicación céntrica y extremadamente conveniente de la escuela.
Me colocaron en un grupo de clase que se adaptaba perfectamente a mi nivel. Todos mis profesores, Lorenzo, Andrés, Pepe y Julio fueron muy conocedores, pacientes y amables. Se alentaron las preguntas y se respondieron con franqueza y una experiencia increíble. Tanto la gramática como la conversación se equilibraron perfectamente, y las clases siempre fueron muy divertidas y atractivas. Me sorprendió lo mucho que aprendí en solo dos semanas, sin duda debido a una enseñanza tan sobresaliente.
La increíble experiencia de aprendizaje en esta escuela se enriquece aún más con la increíble variedad de emocionantes y originales viajes y actividades alrededor de Málaga que se organizan y ofrecen de manera tan creativa a lo largo de cada semana. Aprendí mucho sobre Málaga y la cultura española tanto dentro como fuera del aula.
¡Lo único que lamento es que no pude quedarme más tiempo!
¡Muchisimas gracias a todos!
07 agosto 2023 7:39
Mi hermana y yo estuvimos en Málaga por una semana, y tuvimos clases de español del lunes al viernes. Me encantó la ciudad, pero lo que me gustó más fueron las clases que tuvimos. Todos los profesores son increíbles. Me encantó escuchar sobre los viajes de Pedro a Hungría, o el sueño de Pepe de ser arquitecto, mismo si no sabía dibujar. Fuimos en total a dos otras escuelas de español en España, una en Valencia y otra en Barcelona, y la escuela Maestro Mío fue la mejor en todos sus sentidos.
Me encantaría poder volver a Málaga, y especialmente en esta escuela!
25 julio 2023 4:58
¡Estudié en esta escuela durante 1 semana mientras pasaba un tiempo en Málaga y fue una gran experiencia! La estructura es realmente buena (2 horas de gramática, un breve descanso y luego 2 horas de conversación) ya que hizo que el tiempo pasara volando sin sentirse cansado en absoluto. Los profesores fueron realmente buenos, especialmente Andrés, el profesor de gramática, que fue muy paciente y alentador. Realmente sentí que mi español mejoró a pesar de que fue solo una semana. La clase de conversación también fue divertida.

Si estudias aquí también te recomiendo mucho las excursiones organizadas. Pregunta en recepción por ellos el día 1 de tu curso, ya que no se anuncia bien qué son ni cuándo se llevarán a cabo, y hay diferentes cada semana. La excursión a la que fui fue un viaje de un día a Tarifa y mi esposo (que no estaba en la escuela) también pudo venir. ¡Fue un gran día, uno de los mejores momentos de todo nuestro viaje a España! El viaje fue conjunto con las otras principales escuelas de idiomas de Málaga.

La escuela también está muy bien ubicada, justo en el centro de la ciudad. Sin duda volvería a hacer un curso aquí.
06 mayo 2023 9:07
I studied for three weeks at this school and it was time well spent! The teachers, Lorenzo, Andres, Pepe were all excellent and wanted to share the culture and history of their wonderful country. The kindness that was shown to every student, each with our own difficulties in learning a new language, made a difference in how we all all progressed. Grammar was explained thoroughly, sometimes many times over, the conversation portion of the class was interesting, educational and we had plenty of time to practice speaking. I have been to 3 other language schools over 15 years and have to say this was by far my best experience. Met a wide variety of people from young to older and from a variety of countries which made for interesting conversations. Last time I went to a language school 6 years ago I left frustrated and had had enough. This time I left wishing I had more time but I am planning on returning next year to continue on my quest to speak Spanish ever more fluently. Not only the professors but the administration staff was so helpful and welcoming. I was nervous to go back to school and try again after so many years but this experience has me excited to return to this wonderful school. As an extra bonus they have extra school activities which I partook of 4 and all of them were worth the $ and I enjoyed as it just enriched the experience of my stay in Malaga.
03 marzo 2023 12:20
Had a basic spanish course at this school and loved it! Even though it looked nothing like the pictures, must be a different building.but class was great, the teachers were friendly and funny and had a super feeling for the strongly varying levels of their students. Would def go back and can happily recommend!
24 febrero 2023 19:21
I can highly recommend this school for learning spanish. Teachers are very open, friendly and make you learn a lot in a good atmosphere. School has central location in the citycenter.
21 diciembre 2022 2:22
Con motivo a mi viaje lingüistico, hice unas practicas para tres semanas, del 23 de octubre al 12 de noviembre, en la escuela de lenguas OnSpain en el centro de Málaga, España. Estuve trabajando en la recepción con dos otras practicantes. Mis superiores fueron Lorenzo Molina Oya y Kevin O’Connor. También me ayudó mucho Stefanie que me explicó todo.

Fue mi segunda vez en Málaga, mi primera vez había sido en junio, cómo estudiante con mi escuela de FP Berufsakademie Passau.
Sobre todo, tenía fantásticas experiencias aprovechando de la cultura rica y la gente muy amable.

OnSpain no sólo es una escuela, es una familia, y se aprende muchisimo en esa atmosfera cordial.
¡Muchas gracias para vuestra ayuda y amabilidad!
¡Voy a volver, eso es seguro!

Saludos a todos.
20 diciembre 2022 8:35
I've been taking classes with OnSpain for the past 4 weeks with my family. All of the professors are excellent and very personable. The director, Kevin was also kind enough to help us with some logistical problems we had.
There are also many cultural field trips which are well worth the time. Malaga is a fantastic, medium sized city, and a great place to begin exploring the country.
I highly recommend OnSpain if you are interested in learning the Spanish language and culture.
11 diciembre 2022 11:41
The biggest challenge for us moving to Spain was our lack of the language. We turned to OnSpain for private lessons which we began in August with Andres. He has been a superior teacher in addition to being kind and representing all that we have come to love about our new lives in Málaga including kindness, humor and a generous spirit. We have made real progress studying with Andres and highly recommend both him and the school to anyone either beginning their Spanish language immersion or advancing from Levels A to C. We also have been assisted with all of our language questions by Stefanie who is always available to help us with our administrative and scheduling questions. She has made the whole thing work and has been a really huge part of our successful transition to living in Málaga and Spain! We will continue with intensive, daily classes in January and we are excited to be a part of the OnSpain language family. You cannot go wrong taking classes from the professors at OnSpain and working with the staff at OnSpain that makes the whole thing work!
15 octubre 2022 8:38
I attended the intensive Spanish course at OnSpain for 4 weeks and can highly recommend it! I improved my Spanish massively and also met great people. Massive thanks to my teachers Andres and Pedro who were very patient, professional and most of all, lots of fun!

I also recommend joining some of OnSpain's excursions or activities. They are very well-organised and a great way to meet new people and practise your Spanish. Thank you Lorenzo for being a great tour guide! =)
03 octubre 2022 19:25
OnSpain es siempre una experiencia fantástica! Ya he pasado muchas veces allí y cada año hay algo nuevo a descubrir. Los profes y las clases - estupendos!
Además ya he estado en OnSpain con mis alumnos austríacos para ofrecerles un poco de la vida española! La organización de las familias, de los cursos y del programa es simplemente perfecta - todos están para ayudarte! Mis alumnos han aprendido tanto - del país, de la lengua, de la gente, de la vida… y les ha gustado muchísimo! Muchas gracias a Lorenzo, Andrés y también a Stefanie! Voy a regresar, claro que sí!
25 septiembre 2022 13:10
Great school with great teachers (my professor was Lorenzo who I really recommend)!
I regret I could learn at school only through one week this year and one week last year. I hope I will be able to come back next year for longer period because my Spanish really improved a lot after these 2 courses. I definitely improved my communication skills (what was the most important for me) and knowledge of grammar as well. Lorenzo is very patient and helpful teacher who was explaining to me all difficulties. Our lessons were more like meetings of good friends than language course) My course was really intensive because I didn't have much time but my lessons were so interesting that I didn't feel tired or bored after 5 hours of intensive learning. Great thing is you can participate in activities and excursions organized by school.

Thank you for great, productive and nice time and see you next year)

02 julio 2022 8:56
Attended for 10 weeks, amazing, kind and flexible staff. Wonderful environment and great experience. Could not recommend enough.
01 julio 2022 10:22
I have attended the intensive Spanish course (20 hours) at OnSpain for 11 weeks and thus experienced every professor and their teaching style during the classes.

From my first day at the establishment, I have felt at home. After my arrival, the friendly reception welcomed me warmly and explained the course to me. After this, my Spanish journey started in the A0 class, and I have enjoyed it ever since.

Each teacher has a slightly different teaching style, but it is apparent they coordinate their lessons. The system of two grammar lessons in the morning combined with two more discussion lessons afterwards really helps to manifest the newly learnt concepts and words.
I am highly impressed with how much ease the staff manages to explain concepts such as the subjunctive, breaking them down into digestible bites. Our whole class has grasped the grammar; we are now using it in the discussion lessons!
If you struggle to approach people in the streets or restaurants of Málaga, then you will highly treasure the discussion lessons. You get the chance to speak, and you will want to do so. Thus your fluency will increase. I am still baffled by how I had conversations in Spanish in my first week of the course. The teachers create a warm atmosphere of learning and understanding Spanish culture. They make you feel safe and do not pressurise you at all. (It is okay not to know something. And trust me, it will happen a lot.)

Moreover, I have been living with a Spanish guest family. My experience with my guest family has been equally positive. Since my arrival, they have dedicated time for me. Living in a Spanish family has been improving my fluency a lot. It is evident they had other guest students before, as they somehow complement the course. I can try out newly learnt concepts with them. Only then do they start to use them as well. They are very cautious not to overwhelm me with the language. I find this very motivating and fun to talk to them. Furthermore, I feel like I am a family member and not just a guest.

To sum it up, I highly recommend this school. Here, I have seen my Spanish improve significantly whilst having fun.
19 abril 2022 10:52
I learned more Spanish at On Spain in three weeks than in all my previous study. Our teachers, Pedro and Andres, encouraged everyone in the class to ask questions for clarification and to speak freely without fear. They corrected us kindly, showing us grammatically correct linguistic structures, as well as the shortcuts to instant communication. And always, they made us laugh!
The after class and weekend activities on offer enhance the experience and are hosted by teachers Pedro and Lorenzo. Activities while I was there included seeing Málaga from the rooftop of the Cathedral and a wine and jamón tasting at a well known restaurant.
The administrative staff, too, were gracious and professional and helped my experience at On Spain go smoothly.
I already miss Pedro, Andres, and my fellow classmates and hope to return soon!
12 noviembre 2021 7:47
OnSpain is a fantastic school and no doubt it is one of the best in Andalucia. I spent 2 months at the school starting with an extremely low level of Spanish, but i've finished learning more than I could have imagined and had a fantastic time. All the teachers at the school are fantastic; Pedro, Andres, Teresa and Lorenzo all made the experience worth it and helped me have a great experience. Couldn't recommend more.
09 octubre 2021 13:33
I’ve been studying at this school for only 2 weeks now, but already seeing great results! Thanks to all the teachers. They are professional, kind and patient:). Also Kevin, has been very helpful with any questions and requests. I’m the first ever student from Kazakhstan came to study at this school, I’m gonna recommend it to all my friends and family out there.
07 octubre 2021 6:01
Une très bonne école pour prendre des cours d'espagnol à Malaga. Pour ma part, j'ai suivi 20h de cours individuels pour, entre autre, me préparer au DELE C1. Les professeurs sont très professionnels, à l'écoute et de bon conseil. Je recommande sans hésiter.
Merci à toute l'équipe!
06 octubre 2021 22:30
My college age son recently did a 3 week-4hrs/day intensive course at OnSpain during his Summer break and had a wonderful experience!
The professionalism and dedication of the teachers made for a well invested and beneficial time for his Spanish language improvement. We appreciated the flexibility to sign up for whatever number of weeks he had available, and the ability to start classes on any given Monday after his arrival. The language level assessment at the school is ongoing, and changes are always made to provide the highest benefit to the students.
The Malaga Center location was an added value, as he was able to explore sites and culture while practicing his language skills, not only through the organized school activities, but also on his own.
A great experience all around!
15 agosto 2021 2:16
This a very good school for anyone who wants to improve their Spanish and meet nice people while enjoying some time in Malaga! The teachers are super nice and supportive, the location of the school is very central and they offer cool activities. Totally recommandable!
13 agosto 2021 7:46
I had a wonderful time learning at OnSpain. Andres, Lorenzo, and Theresa were very patient, kind, and intelligent teachers. Kevin was a great and open communicator and made my traveling to and planning easy. This was a very well rounded program with a relaxed and easy to learn environment! I highly recommend this program:)
22 junio 2021 23:55
I just finished 6 weeks of Spanish language instruction with OnSpain and cannot recommend them enough! My wife and I grew in our Spanish language skills and had great experiences with classmates and instructors learning more about Spanish, Andalusian, and Malaga history, visiting various sites in and around Malaga. Lorenzo and Teresa are two of the best Spanish instructors I have had at any level (I took Spanish classes throughout my undergraduate years). Lorenzo's conversational assistance helped me build confidence and learn a ton. Teresa's grammar instruction while employing the best of modern learning tools kept what could be a dry subject interesting and instructive. Great job!
03 mayo 2021 7:38
By far the best language school I have come across in Malaga or abroad. I have tried quite a few in my time and I have come on leaps and bounds in a short space of time studying in OnSpain. The teachers are exceptional and very friendly and it is located in the city centre. Also excellent value for money, I would highly recommend.
14 abril 2021 2:03
Just finished my third course here (online this time although the other two were at the school in Málaga). I've had fantastic teachers, really motivating and I learnt a lot every time. Special thanks to Andrés for this course, and to Kevin for all the help in making it happen. Will definitely study here again.
28 enero 2021 8:01
I would 100% recommend this School! I moved to Malaga right in the middle of COVID 19, and Kevin at ON Spain did everything he could to accomodate my work time table with learning Spanish. Andreas my teacher was brilliant, learning Spanish with him was productive and fun!
01 diciembre 2020 17:48
Had the best time here for sure! The teachers are great and everyone else at OnSpain is also super nice and helpful. Really improved my spanish and they also have an outer school program every week with trips or language exchanges in Malaga, there's always something to do if you want to.
Would have loved to stay longer:)
29 octubre 2020 6:40
Great school, amazing facilities and I would consider coming back already. The staff of this school is amazing, thanks to Kevin & Teresa.
Cheers! Keep on going! X Maurits
27 mayo 2020 20:52
In February I stayed two weeks in Málaga with OnSpain and I just loved it. They organized my stay with my host family which was so kind well. The classes were very useful and I learned a lot thanks to the kind teachers. Also the activities were a lot of fun and during the excursions the teacher always spoke Spanish so you could combine traveling and getting to know Andalucía with improving your skills.
I really enjoyed everything about my trip and I can recommend it to everyone who’s interested in it. More over it’s better to support those little schools than the big companies.
Looking forward to stay once again with them, it was a pleasure to be there.
15 enero 2020 13:58
I studied at OnSpain school two times during this year and it was really amazing experience. Firstly, the location of the school is perfect. It's in the center of the city, there are bus stops, shops, cafes near the school. Secondly, studying there was very useful because of the amazing teachers. Every person is so attentive, helpful and friendly. Thank you Andres for the best classes of grammar, thanks to Pedro for so interesting and different classes of conversation. Thanks to Fran and Lorenzo.
Every week school offers different excursions and it was also so cool to get to know Spanish culture and sightseeings better. Especially, I loved our tour to Sevilla.
Overall, atmosphere in school always is so friendly, I met a lot of new interesting people and, of course, would like to come back there one day:)

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