02 enero 2024 23:22
Después de que acogieron a tantos perros y gatos de otro refugio, llegó el momento de que nosotros, después de perder a nuestros dos perros después de 16 años, nos despediéramos de sus camas, ropa de cama, abrigos y jerseys y donáramos todo a este fantástico Refugio de Animales, fue muy muy apreciado.
04 noviembre 2023 16:58
Qué lugar tan increíble es este refugio por todo el esfuerzo y cuidado que pone el personal y los voluntarios todos los días para ver el estado en el que llegan la mayoría de los perros a diario y tal cambio en tan poco tiempo merecen toda la ayuda que puedan recibir
30 agosto 2023 22:36
¡Adorable! Los perros están felices y bien cuidados. El personal es dedicado y apasionado.
21 agosto 2023 9:54
Hola, hemos visto un perrito marrón abandonado en la A7 kilómetro 664, Huércal Overa.
Hemos hablado con la gente de la gasolinera que está justo al lado y por lo visto suele andar por la zona desde hace un par de meses.
04 agosto 2023 16:14
Recién comencé a ser voluntario, todo el personal es excelente. Habiendo perdido a mi gato después de 19 años, decidí que quería devolverle algo. Esto me da mimos de gato y ayuda a asegurar que los gatos y gatitos que han tenido un mal comienzo en la vida tengan la oportunidad de un futuro xx
14 julio 2023 2:38
No ayuda cuando encontramos un perro. Puede haber estado lleno. Pero hubiera estado bien hablar con alguien que nos aconsejara o ayudara.
28 mayo 2023 15:43
Personas increíbles que dedican su tiempo sin valor monetario para cuidar y cuidar a los perritos y gatos; maravilloso esfuerzo
21 mayo 2023 0:08
Gran equipo de ayudantes dedicados que trabajan duro. Obtuve un hermoso cachorrito de ellos.
18 abril 2023 2:34
We recently adopted a little dog called Dennis. Every part of the adoption was so easy through Paws Patas. We collected Dennis on the 25th Feb and he immediately became an important member of our family and settled in very quickly. I have already recommended your Rescue Centre to friends. Thank you for making the adoption so easy.
11 febrero 2023 14:07
Hola necesito ayuda me encontré una perrita ya es adulta y yo no puedo quedármela estoy todo el día trabajando y no me puedo ocupar de ella necesito que paws se pongan en contacto conmigo 627273213 alguien que me hable por privado y me de algun teléfono de esta asociación que he escuchado hablar muy buen de ella por favor es urgente
04 febrero 2023 23:40
Sono andata con un'amica x valutare l'adozione di un cane. è la prima volta che mi sento dire di prendere un appuntamento, visto che sul sito Internet nn c'è n.di telefono, poi chiediamo se hanno un podenco o un galgo e ci viene detto che nn ne hanno.nel frattempo dei volontari rientrano dalla passeggiata con una podenca e una galga, chiediamo notizie della podenca e ci viene detto che possiamo averla? Ok lasciamo n.di Cell e aspettiamo che ci mandino le informazioni su Dorothy (questo è il nome del cane), arrivano le notizie con allegate varie foto e le informazioni varie. A questo punto però mi chiedo chi è il cane nelle foto? Xchè quella vista da noi, accarezzata e guardata bene nn corrisponde alle foto che ci hanno mandato.bohhhh nn so che dire e pensare, però la mia amica ha rinunciato all'adozione
06 enero 2023 1:11
Great place where the volunteers work to care for and re-home cats and dogs in the local community. Loved spending time with the cats in their home, so lovely! If you're considering adopting an animal, drop by and check it out!
25 diciembre 2022 7:55
I used to volunteer here when I lived in Mojacar. Best unpaid job I ever had! If I lived there I'd still be doing it.
12 diciembre 2022 3:05
An animal shelter for rescued cats and dogs, run and organised by some truly amazing and inspirational volunteers, who are to be commended for their hard work and dedication, not just the people at the shelter itself, but the volunteer dog walkers, the girls that spend their holiday time working there, and the fund raisers, if I have missed to mention anyone connected with the shelter, please accept apologies, of my ignorance of ALL involved. Signed. The owner of an adopted dog called Bonnie
01 diciembre 2022 23:48
Son ángeles, abandonaron 7 gatitos pequeños, yo me quedé 2 y ellos se hicieron cargo de 5 peques.
15 agosto 2022 3:19
A centre that rescues dogs and cats all the staff care about the animals and welfare, there is so much to say positively about what goes on here there just isn't enough room to write about it
24 abril 2022 11:15
Went this morning to volunteer and met dedicated people looking after
Over 100 dog's very well run and organised
16 marzo 2022 3:46
The shelter relies on volunteers but what a job there're doing for the cats and dogs abandoned in and around the area. Anything to help is greatly appreciated by the team who run the place.
12 febrero 2022 10:27
I adopted my little podenco from Paws last week. Amazing place and staff. They never stop working. Caring and looking after abandoned dogs and cats. They go above and beyond
11 febrero 2022 8:02
Encontré 6 cachorros abandonados y me ayudaron con todo, se precuparon por uno de ellos que tenía problemas dándole asistencia médica y me proporcionaron comida hasta que pude llevarlos para su adopción. Están muy bien organizados y son profesionales además de tener un gran corazón. Muchas gracias por todo!

I found 6 abandoned puppies and they helped me with everything, they took care of one of them who had problems giving him medical assistance and they provided me food until I could take them for adoption. They are very well organized and professional as well as having a big heart. Thank you so much for everything!
27 abril 2021 17:38
Es un refugio de perros y gatos genial. Todos los animales perfectamente cuidados y organizados. El sitio ideal para venir a adoptar o sino, de voluntario. Le pongo sólo 5 estrellas porque no hay 10.
15 marzo 2021 7:23
We went to see a gorgeous pup today.
Louise who took us to see the pup was very nice and soo was the other lady that worked there did not ask her name.
Soo we will just fill in the adoption form and hope to take our baby home.
24 enero 2021 13:01
Best animal sanctuary around, sadly often inundated with kittens and puppies. Helpers and fog walkers always needed.
13 noviembre 2020 10:42
Great staff and very hard working.dogs are all looked after very well.volunteers all ways needed. I for one will be volunteering.
04 noviembre 2020 6:25
Muchas Gracias por todo, por gente como vosotros muchos animales encontrarán el sitio que les pertenece Mucha Gracias por ayudarme y ayudar a Animalitos sin techo para que tengan un lugar donde vivir y estar sanos y salvos
17 diciembre 2019 14:02
Went to socialize with the cats as they are in need of people who have time to spend with them. Very rewarding couple of hours. Contact Paws for details if you can spare a little time.
11 octubre 2018 21:05
A great place to Adopt a Dog or cat.
The starf are Very conscientious which really shows that they really care about the Dogs and cats.
We have now Adopted "Senna" a lovely little girl Dog who's getting on great with our other male dog.
All in all a Massive thankyou to everyone who helped us.
01 mayo 2018 6:34
Doing great work - had the unfortunate job of taking a dog at risk there and they were brilliant
30 marzo 2018 21:05
These guys do a fantastic job in difficult circumstances. We visited with a small donation of bits from the UK and was shown round the shelter, it stuns me on how people can dump their pets at places like this. Thankfully the team at paws patas treat every animal with the respect and dignity they deserve, helping them overcome their past experiences in order for them to hopefully find their forever homes.
23 noviembre 2017 6:36
We adapted our dog from PAWS-PETAS, so just a quick line to say thank you and please keep up the good work! A picture attached of him and his first English winter!

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