14 febrero 2024 3:25
Can't say that much about them 'cause they simply ignore my calls and texts.
It's been a month since my first contact and the only thing that I've heard from them is that they're too busy to talk to me.happy for them having that much work and clients, but it's not profesional to ignore a client to be. And worst, that's not the first time it has happened with me. I had a similar experience with them two years ago.

Infelizmente eles não te dão muita atenção. Como tem muitos clientes e costumam alugar rapidamente, eles nem te respondem às mensagens. Se você procurá-los um pouco fora da época de busca de apês, eles vão acabar te ignorando. E deve ser um padrão, porque há dois anos atrás também fui ignorada.

Poco puedo decir, porque no me hacen caso a mis mensajes y llamadas. Llevo ya un mes detrás de ellos, y lo único que me contestan es que tienen mucho trabajo, y no sé, será por ello que pasan de atenderme. Y lo peor es que me paso algo similar con ellos, hace dos años. Sera un padron suyo.
Por otro lado, me alegro por ellos de que tengan mucha faena, pero no pueden pasar de la gente así, porque sí. Una lástima.
14 diciembre 2023 17:56
Cuidado con esta agencia, son estafadores, se aprovechan de los erasmus y no devuelven las fianzas!
25 septiembre 2023 17:35
Duración del contrato de arrendamiento de mi hija 4 meses. El depósito solo se devolvió 3 meses y 5 días después de finalizar el contrato de arrendamiento después de demasiadas quejas.
Sólo 3 estrellas.
16 junio 2023 23:55
Esta gente son unos estafadores, se quedan con las facturas de la luz con el pretexto de que la culpa la tiene la compañía eléctrica, es mentira, después de más de 4 meses sin recibir ninguna factura de la luz y viendo que mi contrato finalizaba a las dos semanas me fui a la oficina bastante enojada para sacarlas de urgencia, ya que, hasta que no pagues todas las facturas, no te devuelven la fianza, les obligué a llamar a la compañía eléctrica y esta, efectivamente, tenía las facturas salvo las del último mes. El caso es que todavía no me ha llegado la factura del último mes y es cuando te estafan, ya que estos señores te dicen que calcules las facturas restantes, durante dos semanas me han cobrado 40 euros de luz, que no tiene sentido. He tenido que ceder porque ya no estoy en Sevilla y necesitaba el dinero, que lo saben muy bien. En conclusión, una experiencia desastrosa. No se lo recomiendo a nadie. Solo se puede pagar en efectivo y la calidad de los pisos es pequeña y los precios ridículamente altos
17 febrero 2023 13:51
Although we didn't end up renting from them, I wanted to leave a review because of good the service was. They were very quick, accommodating and friendly. They answered our request within one day and showed us (three people) two apartments, one of them out of office hours on a Friday. Thank you!
12 diciembre 2022 4:54
Tout était parfait, seulement l’arrivée dans l’appart était un peu chaotique, personne ne m’a accompagné, je n’avais pas le numéro de ma chambre donc ce n’était pas rassurant au départ. Mais à part ça tout s’est bien passé, ils sont réactifs quand il y a un soucis à l’appart donc je recommande!
04 diciembre 2022 6:00
Estoy viviendo en uno de sus estudios y estoy encantada. El trato con ellos es genial. El piso maravilloso. Muy contenta con ellos.
26 septiembre 2022 1:34
¡La estancia ha sido magnífica! El personal de la inmobiliaria ha sido muy atento y simpático conmigo y ante cualquier problema me han mostrado su preocupación e interés por solucionarlo lo antes posible.
23 junio 2022 16:58
I had been in Sevilla for 1 year and I had rented an apartment from Roommates Sevilla. It was a safe and pleasure stay and really the roommates staff were friendly and kind.
I hope another time have a new stay experience with them.
Thank you Roommates Sevilla
19 mayo 2022 7:28
My roommate and I were able to find an apartment in Sevilla fairly quickly despite the fact that we were not in the city.
The agency is accommodating and quite responsive in contacting them.
We did not encounter any major problems.
08 diciembre 2021 10:38
We have rented several apartments through Roommates Sevilla and have been very happy with their service, prices, contracts and pisos. The staff are delightful to deal with, are friendly, and accommodating - they even organise great nights out for staff and tenants.

The only reason they don't earn 5 stars is their lack of attention to maintenance issues, especially one particular time when we were totally locked out.

Their maintenance man is excellent, and If they can identify and prioritise urgent matters better, it would be perfect.

Having said this, we appreciate that they have landlords to answer to, and that the issue of maintenance seems fairly typical across Spain.
06 noviembre 2020 21:33
This agency is a scam. They take advantage of strangers and students who can’t see what they are paying for before arriving to Seville.

Warning! Do not rent an apartment through Roommates!

Cette agence est une arnaque totale. Elle profite des étrangers et étudiants qui ne peuvent pas voir pour quoi ils paient avant d’arriver à Seville.

Important! Ne pas louer un apartament avec Roommates!
09 octubre 2020 21:25
I met Roommates on Instagram. I rented a private room in the center of Seville and they were always very kind to me. They helped me a lot, when I arrived I had no idea of Seville and when I needed help, I just had to go to the office and they answered all my questions. I really recommend Roommates Sevilla. If I ever go back to Seville, I will visit Juan, Eva and Angela in the office: D
07 octubre 2020 20:23
Very helpful Company!
I was very happy with Roommates Sevilla during my stay in Sevilla. My room was exactly like in the photos and they helped me with every problema as fast as they could. The staff was always friendly.
Thanks to them I got to know many young people from all over the world.
02 octubre 2020 12:02
Renté una habitación en Sevilla para los 5 meses de mi Erasmus y no tuve ningún problema con ellos, cuando el contrato terminó me devolvieron la fianza pronto y sin ningún problema. Fueron muy amables y gentiles. La aconsejo.
23 septiembre 2020 10:47
I HIGHLY recommend renting a room or appartment with Roommates Sevilla. In fact, I couldn't wish for a better agency to rent a flat with! I moved to Sevilla almost 6 years ago when I was very young (19 years old). I was very nervous and anxious about everything, especially finding a trustworthy company to rent a room with. However, the minute I stepped into the Roommates Sevilla office I immediately knew that I had found an outstanding agency! I have seen a number of staff come and go in the office and I can tell you that they have all (past and present staff) helped me so much whilst living in Sevilla! I 100% trust them, I have always felt very comfortable in my accommodation, and I always know that I can talk to them if I need anything, whether it's about my flat or anything else I'm worried about or struggling with as a foreigner in Sevilla. They dedicate so much time to helping their clients and they always go above and beyond to make your time with them extremely pleasant and comfortable. I honestly don't know what I would do without these wonderful people! They have made my time in Sevilla and in my flat very comfortable and happy. They are such a welcoming and caring team of staff and I hope that many more people will be lucky enough to rent accommodation with them in the future. I will certainly be staying with them for some more time and I am very very happy about that I cannot thank them enough for being so good to me and for being a lovely community of people who make me feel safe and secure in my house and in Sevilla. Muchisimas gracias, Roommates!
05 septiembre 2020 5:20
I used Roommates Sevilla to rent my accommodation for my year abroad and they were great! The room was exactly like the photos and I had no real problems with the agency throughout my time in Seville. They were especially accommodating during the lockdown period where I had to return to England, they allowed me to pay on paypal and were very understanding about everything. The only thing I would say is slightly inconvenient is having to pay in cash and often I would not know how much exactly was needed and so I wish they would have let me know how much the electric bills were before I came to the office. Other than that, I would highly recommend Roommates Sevilla, the staff are all very friendly and are always ready to help whenever they can!
31 agosto 2020 23:00
Ho affittato una camera per il mio erasmus per un anno tramite Roommates, l’agenzia é sería e il personale sempre disponibile e attento! Consigliatissima!
29 agosto 2020 11:28
I moved in 3 flats with Roommates Sevilla since I arrived in Seville 2 years ago. They always have been very helpful, attentive to what I was asking for and there when I needed them. If you need a furnished, fully equipped place in Seville, call them, you might find the place you are dreaming of.:)
28 agosto 2020 16:29
*English below*
Estafadores. Los precios de las habitaciones son muy altos, me dieron una habitacion con un colchon sacado de la basura, y tuve que comprar uno nuevo. Nos han dejado dos semanas sin agua caliente en invierno. E intentan no devolverte la fianza. Simplemente estafan estudiantes y estranjeros. Y entran en el piso sin avisar.

Scammers. The price of their rooms are very high. The room they gave me had a mattress taken directly from a dumpster, I had to buy a new one. They left us without hot water for two months in the middle of the winter. They try not to give you back the deposit. They simply scam students and foreigners. And they enter the flat without informing you in advance
14 agosto 2020 7:56
AVOID THEM IF YOU ARE ERASMUS! They only want to earn money and don’t want to solve problems in theis flats because they have to spend money. Also they try to keep your money charging more money in the house spenses (light, water, gas.) and they will keep part of your deposit once you leave.
20 octubre 2019 13:38
Gracias por ayudarme,! Encontré una casa buena en Sevilla. Espero que otras personas puedan encontrar una casa satisfactoria como yo. Esta agencia de inmobiliaria es genial. Realmente!

10 septiembre 2019 22:51
Esa agencia prevalea la situación de estudiantes Erasmus que no pueden defenderse bien cuando llegan en un nuevo sitio al extranjero. ¡A evitar!
14 julio 2019 1:41
Great rental company in the center of Seville. They helped me a lot over the years when I arrived in Seville as a confused guiri 3 years ago, haha. I am still renting from this company today and I always recommend to my friends who are planning on staying in Seville long term. The owner Juan is also very helpful as well and has helped with any problems and answered any questions that I have had. People in the office are always very friendly as well and open to help. Been renting here for 3 years and plan to stay many more
15 marzo 2019 16:32
Magnífico lugar para buscar alojamiento en Sevilla, principalmente para universitarios. Ayudan en todo, muy buen servicio, amables y te aconsejan sobre servicios en la zona que alquiles como supermercados, para salír, cenar, comunicaciones, bus etc. Inmejorable relación calidad/precio.
14 febrero 2019 19:55
No arreglan los desperfectos, solo se puede pagar en mano (nada de transferencias), se meten en el piso a enseñar otras habitaciones sin avisar y meten a otra gente sin avisar. Estoy deseando que se acabe el contrato.

They don't fix what is broken, you can only pay in cash (no trasference), they come inside the appartment to show the other rooms without telling you and they accept people in those rooms without telling you. I am looking forward to finishing the contract.
04 febrero 2019 14:56
Maravilloso trato. Me ayudaron a encontrar la habilitación y además tuve la oportunidad de conocer a mucha gente gracias a sus quedadas:)
02 agosto 2018 20:03
Durante mi experiencia debo decir que no me puedo quejar del trato recibido. Sin embargo, la calidad de sus pisos no va acorde con sus precios elevados.

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