12 diciembre 2023 1:08
Cada vez que visito Nerja reservo un masaje con Rut. Ella es muy profesional y amable, siempre me hace sentir cómoda y mi cuerpo se siente fantástico después. ¡Esta vez probé el masaje tailandés y también lo recomiendo mucho! Mi cuerpo se sentía muy rígido después de un viaje y todo desapareció después del masaje. ¡La sensación de bienestar duró muchos días! Muchas gracias Rut, espero volver a verte pronto!:) X
13 octubre 2023 23:34
Como siempre, es sencillamente maravillosa, profesionalmente competente y, sin embargo, infinitamente sensible. Tiene manos mágicas. Gracias por hoy, me siento maravillosa
12 octubre 2023 23:22
Recibí dos masajes con Rut en las últimas dos semanas. Rut es una verdadera sanadora. Su toque es intuitivo y está lleno de energía amorosa. La curación que siguió fue tremenda.el mejor masaje que he experimentado jamás.
Imprescindible cuando estés en Nerja.
09 septiembre 2023 9:55
Estaba de vacaciones en la región de Nerja y recibí un masaje maravilloso el 13 de septiembre de Valentina. A menudo me decepcionan los masajes que probé durante mis viajes, pero esta vez fue muy placentero. Valentina tiene una presencia hermosa y supo liberar mi tensión y transmitirme su energía. ¡Calma y serenidad! NAMASTE
06 julio 2023 16:05
En mi última visita a Nerja, tuve la suerte de encontrar a Rut Montiel. Durante mi estancia, me hizo dos masajes y noté una gran mejoría en mi movilidad y nivel de stress. Rut es muy profesional y amable y en todo momento me hizo sentir cómoda y cuidada. Estoy deseando volver a Nerja y recibir un nuevo masaje por Rut! Mil gracias Rut!:)
13 mayo 2023 17:25
¡La clase de yoga de la mañana en el Parador es exactamente lo que necesitaba! Mi cuerpo estaba cansado y rígido. Empecé a ir esta semana y ya me siento y duermo mejor. ¡La vista de las montañas y el mar, el sonido del canto de los pájaros y una suave brisa lo hacen aún mejor! ¡Gracias Rut!
10 febrero 2023 11:02
Rut es una gran profesional y una persona cercana y cálida. Pude disfrutar gracias a ella de la gozosa experiencia de un masaje hawaiano lomi-lomi y lo recomiendo por lo diferente que es, envolvente y energizante, en un espacio muy acogedor y ambientado hasta en la música más isleña. Finalmente en el herbolario encontré cositas para seguir cuidándome, Renata me recomendó los mejores productos. Probaré el resto de servicios porque prometen!
07 septiembre 2022 8:50
I booked a massage with Rut and it was quite honestly the best experience of my entire time in Nerja. I wish I’d found out about her sooner, as it’s my last few days in Nerja and I would have loved to book another one.
Rut is INCREDIBLY gifted and intuitive, and gives an amazing massage! She combines her knowledge of yoga, physiotherapy, and reiki (and I’m sure many other things) and creates a very healing experience.
I highly, highly recommend booking a massage with her.
03 julio 2022 14:34
I have been doing yoga with rut for almost a year now after a back injury. I’ve never felt fitter or stronger in my life. She is an excellent instructor, working muscles I didn’t know I had! She’s such a gentle soul too, can’t recommend her enough
25 junio 2022 13:18
I'm grateful to have found Rut on my yoga journey. Always different and a beautiful practice in beautiful surroundings.
14 mayo 2022 20:34
Rut es una pedazo de profesional, tanto como fisioterapeuta como maestra de yoga. Conozco sus dos facetas y la recomiendo 100%.
10 mayo 2022 9:29
Buena profesional y buena persona.
Con grandes dosis de paciencia.
Combinación maravillosa.
Un yoga adaptado a cualquier nivel y a tu cuerpo.
Sea cual sea.
03 octubre 2021 18:27
I have had the pleasure of having Rut as my yoga teacher for almost a year. In my experience she is by far the best yoga teacher.
She is unique in that she will always reinvent her classes, they are never the same.
She understands her pupils and magically customises her classes to suit the participants that day.
I highly recommend her!
22 septiembre 2021 4:50
Rut offers a marvellous combination of western certified Physical Therapy along with years of deep study and practice of Ayurvedic massage. She works seamlessly between the two disciplines, incorporating the best of both worlds into wonderfully healing and relaxing treatments. She is as happy helping clients develop a routine for post-op exercises as offering the best therapeutic massages ever! For those inexplicable aches and pains, Rut finds the causes and gently works them out to get the energy flowing in a healing manner. The overall experience is a joyful immersion in relaxation!
02 septiembre 2021 10:19
Rut is one of my favourite yoga teachers? ‍️She has the rare quality to be able to adjust both to beginners as well as advanced yoigis. She’s a wonderful person and a great guide into yoga and I can highly recommend her.
31 agosto 2021 21:10
Clases de yoga llenas de paz en la mejor compañía. Rut logra que disfrutes de la experiencia sea cual sea tu nivel de práctica. Recomiendo sin duda probar sus clases en un entorno fantástico como es Frigiliana o, si tienes la oportunidad, sobre un paddle board mientras contemplas los acantilados de la playa de Burriana.
27 agosto 2021 21:23
Best yoga experience I ever had. Every session is unique, special and thought thru. Rut is a world class instructor! Also don’t miss a massage from Rut, she does magic to a sore body. But most of all she is a wonderful person with lots of positive energy!
08 agosto 2021 14:57
The best yoga teacher you can imagine, yoga for experienced and beginners, adapted to everyone’s ability, good for body and soul
16 febrero 2021 7:41
Rut Monteil Bio Centre is one of the must professionally operated Yoga and Health Centres which I had the pleasure of using Rut is and excellent Yoga teacher who encourages participants in her Yoga classes to work within their limitations while encouraging them to continue to increase their flexibility. Rut is also a qualified Physiotherapist and having a massage by her one feels completely relaxed. I cannot recommend both Rut and the Bio Centre highly enough
03 febrero 2021 13:01
I have been going to Rut for many years now and love her yoga sessions. She prepares every session very thoroughly and is just such a great person. I can also recommend her massages)
27 enero 2021 21:11
I've been going to Rut's yoga class in Frigiliana for 2 years now and I would highly recommend it. Rut is a great teacher and is fluent in Spanish and English. No two classes are the same and I always feel great after attending the class.
27 enero 2021 6:29
Great classes! Even with some restrictions you can do them. Rut is fluent in English & Spanish!
23 enero 2021 18:10
Rut is a great professional. She has the knowledge, experience and responsiveness to offer you a excellent experience. Always a pleasure and honor to count with her. In a class or in a massage. She is the one ;)
19 enero 2021 16:45
I warmly recommend both Ruts massage and as a yogateacher. I had followed her in 6 years and her deep knowledge and wisdom in the fields
of soul and body is never ending. As an example, during this semester I went to 35 yoga classes and Every class is a little different from the last. Never the same. Her massage is the best I ever had, both in Sweden and Spain.
16 enero 2021 5:23
Rut has been both my yoga teacher and physiotherapist. I couldn't recommend her enough, she has been very helpful with my spinal injuries. Also she is a lovely person and very professional
07 enero 2021 12:29
Super recomendable! La pasión de Rut por su trabajo se nota en todo momento. La mejor profe de Yoga. No os lo perdais!
06 enero 2021 16:45
I have been a yoga student of Rut for many years and she is wonderful.i look forward to returning to class very soon.
Rut is an excellent massage therapist who has helped me over the years so much. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful healer in our small town. Rut has a special gift. God bless her. Love you Rut.
21 diciembre 2020 8:54
I can highly recommend Rut Montiel for her superb physiotherapy skills. Over the past 18 months I have had a number of problems and she has improved them all.
Her clinic also has a high standard of cleanliness.
09 noviembre 2020 13:20
Fantastic Yoga classes with Rut. Her wealth of experience in a relaxing environment is just what is needed to reduce stress and increase Mindfulness.

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