23 febrero 2024 11:12
Un lugar realmente fantástico para cargar pilas, aprender más sobre yoga y meditación y disfrutar del silencio.

Sales de la carrera de ratas y Rose e Ian brindan con cariño un programa agradable y tranquilo, buena comida y excelentes conversaciones.
11 octubre 2023 22:05
Reservé un retiro con Rose e Ian en enero de 2023. Fueron muy serviciales y amables desde el primer momento del contacto y continúan apoyándome incluso después del retiro. La habitación era espaciosa, limpia y muy acogedora y acogedora. Comenzamos con una comida increíble cocinada por Rose, toda vegana y cuidadosamente seleccionada de su propio jardín. Fue absolutamente delicioso y satisfactorio. Tuvimos sesiones de yoga para despertarnos por la mañana con Ian y meditaciones por la tarde con Rose. Durante las meditaciones recibimos música y orientación de Rose que fue acertada. Aunque la experiencia de cada uno es personal, todos fuimos guiados a conectarnos con nosotros mismos y encontrar respuestas en nuestro interior. Tuve una experiencia muy profunda y profunda durante este retiro. Rose me ayudó a seguir adelante y a profundizar más de lo que lo habría hecho solo en una meditación en casa. Después de las meditaciones, compartimos nuestra experiencia de nuestro viaje interior y Rose compartió su sabiduría y brindó herramientas prácticas para la vida diaria. Fue una experiencia que me cambió la vida, sin exagerar. Recomendaría de todo corazón este retiro a cualquiera; de hecho, lo hago cada vez que surge este tema en las conversaciones.
07 mayo 2023 9:17
¡Solo puedo darle 10 sobre 10 pero daría más si fuera posible! ¡Hice este retiro en abril y fue una bendición! Ian y Rose son muy acogedores. ¡Te guiarán desde el principio hasta el final de tu retiro! ¡Incluso después del retiro ofrecen apoyo! ¡Estoy realmente agradecida por este hermoso retiro ya que realmente te cambia!
Gracias Ian y Rose
08 marzo 2023 16:49
Secret Garden Retreat is the perfect place to slow down, go inward and take care of your body and mind. The location is breathtakingly beautiful and peaceful, Rose and Ian are caring, compassionate hosts. The four days I spent there were really life changing and I felt totally safe and held in this space. I am so happy I found this place and cannot recommend it highly enough!
06 marzo 2023 5:43
My yoga and meditation retreat at Secret Garden Retreats was a wonderful experience. Rose and Ian are great hosts, who make you feel at home immediately. Rose's knowledge regarding meditation is impressive and she cooks delicious vegan meals. Ian's yoga sessions are a great start of the day and his body massage is a must-do during your stay.
30 enero 2023 8:57
The Secret Garden Retreats is a hidden Gem. Rose & Ian's hospitality was warm and welcoming from the first correspondence to even post-retreat. The accommodations cozy, the fresh homemade food prepared with the fresh vegetables & fruit from their garden made with love by Rose, the gentle yoga led by Ian, and meditation & tools shared by Rose were all what my body & soul needed. Every little detail from their landscape to the daily quotes made my stay memorable. Thank you Rose & Ian for your kind hospitality.
10 diciembre 2022 1:17
Dear Rosa and Ian,
Thank you for the special journey I started in your Secret garden. It was a beautiful and instructive experience for me, the garden is a beautiful place, with beautiful cassitas, good healthy meals from your own garden and region prepared by Rose, fine meditations and yoga sessions. You have given everything, I have learned to trust myself, open my heart and find self-esteem. Rose and Ian thank you very much, I hope we will meet again.
19 septiembre 2022 18:46
I've just finished a retreat at Secret Gardens and I can only say it was absolutely fantastic. Everything is done with care, the food, the teachings, accomodation.everything! I highly recommend this place and for sure will return
24 agosto 2022 11:35
I did not expect what I experienced with Rose and Ian in the Secret Garden. It was very special.like coming home. - the way I would want it to be; loving, respectful, attentive, guiding, honest, interested, careful yet challenging as far as mediation goes. I have not meditated before and was not aware of what meditation really meant. After the retreat with Rose and Ian I understood one thing for me, that the heart opens and gets a chance to be part of one's life. I feel very grateful for the time and love at Secret Garden. Thank you. Tanja
24 julio 2022 15:59
A beautiful location which is even bettered by Rose and Ian's amazing personalised attention, in both the meditation and yoga practices. A retreat that works to heal mind and body and that provides tools to take this forward even after leaving.
05 julio 2022 6:21
I did a Meditation Teacher Training (MTT) with Rose and Ian and it was just the absolute best decision. I already did a training, this one just puts my understanding and practice of meditation on another level. The training started already two months in advance with Rose via Zoom calls every other week. It was very easy to organise it with her, she has such a big knowledge that she always found the exact exercices that i needed to go deeper and came further in my practice/teaching. The retreat at Secret Garden was more than i ever could have expected. Rose and Ian put so much love and energy in everything they do, they say, they teach. If you are looking for a high quality TTC or for a Retreat to grow, to understand, to transform, finding your path in life.i highly recomend to book it here. Thank you from all my heart, Carmen.
26 junio 2022 22:34
My experience at the Secret Garden Retreat was very beautiful and life changing. Ian and Rose are amazing and dedicated people who helped me to get closer en more connected to myself. I learned so many things from Ian and Rose that I can take with me for the rest of my life and I am really grateful for this. The Secret Garden is a super beautiful and safe place. I could not get enough of the views and Rose her culinary arts. Thank you Ian and Rose for this gift
11 junio 2022 13:15
Fantastic intermit retreat set in beautiful surroundings. Rose was able to guide my meditation to the next level. Very calming yoga by Ian also. Came away feeling blessed for meeting such beautiful hosts and guests.
14 mayo 2022 21:43
My experience at the Secret Garden Retreat has been in many ways life changing. Rarely have I met such passionate, intentional and dedicated people such as Ian and Rose. This is a safe, private and loving place where you can connect to yourself and other like minded souls. The experience that Ian and Rose have shines through in every detail of the retreat and you can't help but feel held and supported. Thank you Ian and Rose for shining your light for us!
14 abril 2020 11:20
Das Retreat in Secret Garden markierte den Übergang ins Jahr 2020 und war ein gaz besonderer und kraftvoller Übergang, so anders als alle vergangenen Veranstaltungen um Silvester! Es gab ausreichend Zeit, mich mit mir selbst zu verbinden, mit meiner tiefen inneren Sehnsucht und der Richtung, in die mein Leben gehen kann und soll. Der eigentliche Übergang ins neue Jahr, ohne die üblichen Zeremonien und Aufgeregtheit, stattdessen das alte Jahr auf ruhige und doch lebendige Weise zu beenden, Schritt für Schritt tiefer gehend und meine innere Verbindung stärkend, dabei Klarheit und Vertrauen finden und vieles mehr. Und sehr sanft und harmonisch segelten wir quasi (und tanzten zugleich), verbunden im Herzen, miteinander in das neue Jahr. - Ich habe so viel von diesem Prozess erhalten und gelernt, dass ich es zu jeder anderen Jahreszeit gerne noch einmal mitmachen würde! Vielen Dank an Rose und Ian für ihre kontinuierliche Ermutigung und ihr Vertrauen in alle Beteiligten und in alle unsere individuellen Prozesse. Ihr wart so unterstützend, einfühlsam und respektvoll, und ich fand, dass ihr absolut auf die Anforderungen und Bedürfnisse der individuellen Bewegung und des Prozesses jedes Einzelnen eingegangen seid. Was für ein Geschenk, das wir erhalten haben!

The retreat in Secret Garden marked the transition into the year 2020, and it was a very powerful transition. How different from all past events around New Year’s Eve! There was abundant time to connect with myself, with my deep inner longing, and the direction that my life needs to take. The actual transition into the New Year without the usual ceremonies and excitement, but rather completing the ending year in a calm and yet alive way, continuously going deeper and increasing my inner connection, finding clarity and trust, and more. And in a very gentle and sweet way the whole group, bonded in the heart, sort of sailed and also danced into the New Year. – I received and learnt so much from this process, that I would gladly do it again at any other time of the year! Thank you to both Rose and Ian for their continuous encouragement and trust in everyone participating and in all our individual processes. You guys were so supportive, sensitive respectful, and I found you absolutely tuned in to the requirements and needs of everybody’s individual movement and process. What a gift we received!
11 marzo 2020 3:19
This is more than a holiday. This a retreat for yourself, your body and mind! You do not sit and wait till things will get better, NO, here you come home. You will focus only on yourself, in this beautilful place and surrounding you can finally see what it is you want in life. And start acting and DO it! Best journey ever you can give yourself.
10 marzo 2020 13:33
I have been in The Secret Garden a few times, starting about 4 years ago when I met Rose and Ian. Ive done some retreats with them, and ALWAYS got a lot of benefit. Truly speaking, I can say my life has changed, or rather I have changed for the better, so I am full of gratitude. Theirs is such a special place, a real solace for everything: body, mind, heart and soul. If you are looking for authenticity, truth and a special time for yourself in Nature, this is THE place to go. I highly recommend it, best way of all to invest both time and money.
15 febrero 2020 12:37
Thank you so much, Rose and Ian, for the wonderful time and the profound experience, that I got from the retreat in the Secret Garden. Your highly individualized and personal support helped me to leave behind self-doubt and complacency. I found a lot of strength in heart and soul to trust in myself and in my vision to bring out, what lives inside of me. My life is changing in so many ways. I am finding strength and determination to carry on each day and to come closer to my life’s purpose. With gratitude, Petra B.
01 enero 2020 16:12
I’m back from a 6 days yoga and meditation retreat at the Secret Garden and I’m delighted by this experience (first retreat and beginner level in these 2 disciplines).

Ian and Rose are beautiful and benevolent persons. The morning is dedicated to yoga and meditation with Ian, the afternoon to meditation and discussions-sharings with Rose.
With them, you rediscover the meaning of the word "gratitude", you take care of your body, heart and mind. You feel good, reconnected to your true self.

The place is beautiful (very quiet, surrounded by the mountains of Andalucia), the accommodation very clean and comfortable. There is also a pool and massages available, nice walks all around (Juzcar, the blue village is about thirty minutes walk). The food cooked by Rose is excellent! I came back full of energy with a positive state of mind.

It is difficult to summarize in a few words this stay, it is an experience to live. Thank you again for everything Rose and Ian, I hope to see you soon:)

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