13 octubre 2023 21:36
29 de septiembre: Hacía bastante tiempo que no hacía un buceo, y nunca antes en tales olas, odio admitirlo pero me asusté y detuve mi buceo. El personal de Simply Diving fue increíblemente servicial y comprensivo. Regresé a la orilla mientras el resto del grupo continuaba buceando.

Lección aprendida: primero debería hacer una lección de repaso. Simply Diving se ofreció a hacer uno conmigo. Lamentablemente, se me acabó el tiempo en Marbella.

Por el apoyo y comprensión: 5 de 5 corazones
05 octubre 2023 10:00
Qué experiencia tan brillante. Instructores altamente capacitados y conocedores. Al principio, respirar bajo el agua me resultaba incómodo, pero con la tranquilidad de los instructores, completé la inmersión sintiéndome eufórico. ¡Muchas gracias de hecho!
20 septiembre 2023 18:03
El equipo fue muy informativo al hacer la reserva. Hacía mucho tiempo que no buceaba y estaremos encantados de atenderme. Tuve un par de viajes estupendos. Ojalá vuelva.
11 septiembre 2023 8:12
Estos chicos son absolutamente geniales. Súper profesional y es un placer pasar el rato y aprender. Completé mi curso Avanzado Open Water en poco tiempo. Excelente equipo y personal muy capacitado. #crocdiving
03 septiembre 2023 14:30
Pasé 3 días buceando con Simon y su equipo y después de haber buceado con escuelas por todas partes, ¡están entre los mejores! Incluso tienen un miembro de la tripulación que es un verdadero salvavidas, una habilidad que la mayoría de nosotros sólo practicamos. Llevo mi propio kit, pero habiendo visto lo bien cuidado que está el kit central, me habría encantado usarlo.
Vi que se llevaban a cabo algunos entrenamientos y, como instructor, siempre es bueno ver a nuevos buceadores aprendiendo y en condiciones ligeramente desafiantes.
Si alguna vez vuelvo a la zona, este es el centro de buceo que utilizaré.
08 junio 2023 18:59
Me inscribí en un tour de medio día para hacer una inmersión deportiva de 2 estrellas Cmas. Los empleados hacen su trabajo profesionalmente y tratan de ayudar en todos los sentidos. El equipo se presenta a los buzos en una forma preparada previamente. Hicimos nuestra primera inmersión en el punto San Diego de 19 metros de profundidad. La visibilidad era demasiado corta. Toda la inmersión se pasó tratando de encontrarse en una nube de polvo borroso. Los instructores afirmaron que esta distancia visual corta es normal en esta región. El entrenador solitario tuvo problemas para manejar un grupo de cinco, y hubo caos a la salida. Hicimos nuestra segunda inmersión en la torre. Fue un buen buceo de una estrella. Pudimos bucear durante 45 minutos a una profundidad de 12 metros. Recomendaría el centro de buceo a los que están en la zona turística, no puedo decir que la zona de buceo sea muy buena.
29 mayo 2023 15:25
Excelente lugar para aprender a bucear y para ir a explorar el Mar Mediterráneo con profesionales con experiencia, paciencia, pasión y muy amables.
Súper recomendable!
01 mayo 2023 2:44
Acabo de completar mi curso PADI de aguas abiertas en el centro de buceo Simply Diving Marbella. El personal es muy profesional, experimentado y amable. Te sientes seguro en todos y cada uno de los pasos del proceso de aprendizaje y también recibes informes y comentarios muy agradables antes y después de las sesiones de buceo. ¡Muy recomendable!
27 octubre 2022 12:08
My family and I did our first scuba dive at Simply Diving. It was an amazing experience. Corneel, our instructor was extremely good. He gave us very clear instructions and made us feel very comfortable. While in the water I found it difficult to stay under water for long, but Corneel did not give up. He tried and tried and made sure I managed to see some fish. He then took my daughter further deeper and ensured she had a memorable experience. For first timers as well as experienced scuba divers, this is the place to go. Good gear and very safe. Thankyou Corneel for the great experience we had.
24 octubre 2022 19:17
We had an incredible day and 3 nice dives with Simply Diving today. The instructor was relaxed, pedagogical and we gained a lot of trust in the entire crew. Serious diving club with a great focus on safety!
11 octubre 2022 20:00
Just got back from Marbella. My 13 year old completed his adventure diver course after completing his open water a few years ago with simply diving convincing me to take my open water course this year with then. Had a great time saw lots of sites got a great picture of an octopus! Big thanks to Simon and team for always looking after us. Would definitely recommend them, no doubt we will be back next year! Special mention to Nigel for looking after ethan so well!
08 octubre 2022 4:14
Great staff and great dives! I did a few certifications there and really enjoyed doing them. I feel very confident and I was very well taught by Nigel and Eddie. Simon is very friendly and enthusiastic.
05 octubre 2022 1:48
After a minor panic reaction, I ended my dive early. I was a bit scared and refused to go on the next dive. So I stayed on the boat with Simon during the next dive who did everything to put me back at ease. While waiting we even went to see some dolphins. I had also gone diving with Sylvia the day before and the only way to get back in the water was with her. I had complete faith in her but not in myself. We had booked a dive 2 days later and I reported to Simon that the only way to get me back into the water was with Sylvia. When we arrived at the dive center 2 days later I talked to Sylvia who informed me that Nigel would come with me that day and that he would not let me out of his sight for a minute. Nigel also came to reassure me. After some hesitation, I got back on the boat.
Nigel stayed with me during the entire dive. I've never felt so safe. That day I did 2 dives and had a wonderful day.

Thanks to Simon for arranging this.
Thanks to Sylvia for reassuring me
Thank you Nigel for reassuring me & giving me a wonderful diving experience.
22 septiembre 2022 8:54
A must visit for any diver in Marbella! Simon and all of the staff were extremely professional and friendly, and the equipment is of the highest quality. Would definitely recommend!
16 septiembre 2022 2:19
En Noviembre de 2016 comencé un IDC en el centro de buceo Simply Diving Torremolinos, Málaga España, con Simon Bell.
Este señor me vendió un IDC supuestamente en español, pero lo unico que recibí en español fueron los libros.
Las clases eran en inglés y sólo en contadas ocasiones me explico algo en español.
Además, intentó ridiculizarme en diferentes ocasiones, se puso agresivo y me dijo que yo nunca seria instructora y que el problema no era del idioma, insinuando que el problema era de mi capacidad de aprendizaje.
Despues de todo lo ocurrido, no me quedó mas remedio que tomar la decision de no continuar con el IDC, ya que el me habia vendido un supuesto IDC en español, pero el único idioma en el que las clases se impartieron fue en ingles. Mi ingles no es tan alto como para seguir clases en ese idioma, ademas de que lo que acordamos en un principio es que yo recibiría mi IDC en español.
Intente hablar con el y que me devolviera mi dinero y quedaba todo olvidado, a lo que se negó completamente. Le puse entonces una hoja de reclamaciones y contacte con PADI, los cuales intentaron que llegara a un acuerdo conmigo permitiéndome hacer el IDC en el centro de buceo Simply Diving de Marbella, a lo que también se negó completamente. Lo único que he recibido por parte de Simon Bell ha sido una negativa y que me hablara mal en diferentes ocasiones, tanto en español como en ingles.
Por supuesto, abandoné las clases a los 4 días y no he podido aún hacer el curso puesto que mi dinero no me lo ha devuelto.
El día que decidí irme y decirle que iba a tomar medidas sobre el tema, cogió mi equipo y lo tiro en la calle, no dándome la opción de recogerlo al completo, por lo que mis aletas también se quedaron en so centro de buceo y no las he podido recuperar.
Es una estafa lo que ha hecho y por ello informé a PADI y en estos momentos he contratado a un abogado que pueda tomar medidas judiciales contra este señor, por llamarlo de algún modo.
Simon Bell se ha quedado con mi dinero 1474 euros. Además, de que ni el kit completo de libros me fue entregado, ya que no me entregó nunca la pegatina de PADI que se requiere para examinarse, así como tampoco me dio la copia de contrato que firmé el primer día y que legalmente me corresponde.
Después de todo lo ocurrido con este tema y de intentar llegar a un acuerdo con Simon Bell y que este se haya negado.
Tengo la sensación de que en este mundo del buceo, cualquiera puede cobrar un dinero y después desentenderse como si nada, ya que todos se limpian las manos y el cliente queda totalmente desamparado. Sinceramente es un robo en toda regla.
Alguien te cobra y si el cliente no está satisfecho, simplemente pierde el dinero y nadie sabe nada, ni puede hacer nada.
Creo que para ser buceador o course director, también es necesario ser honesto y buena persona. Hay demasiadas máscaras y poca ética en los grandes como PADI. Eso es lo que me ha llevado a pensar despues de todo esto.
Voy a publicar esto en todos los foros de buceo que encuentre. Gracias a una buena amiga tendré la fortuna de poder poner esta queja tanto en español como en inglés, para que todo el mundo pueda leer y entender perfectamente.
No voy a parar hasta recuperar lo que es mío.
15 septiembre 2022 2:06
Five of us dived today with Corneille and it was amazing, all of the staff were extremely friendly, informative and supportive. We all felt safe and 2 went back for a second dive the same day with the same instructor. He was so calm and kind when we felt nervous, we would highly recommend plus he was vegan so even better! Love from the vegans:)
27 agosto 2022 10:07
Incredible place. My girlfriend & I booked onto the beginner discover scuba course here and it was brilliant. Staff will make sure everyone has a great time. We are very inexperienced but our instructor Eddie was top class, very reassuring and made sure we were okay at all times. Owner also very friendly. Plenty of dives available and cool things to see. Would go back in a heartbeat.
26 agosto 2022 2:09
Primera vez en mi vida buceando, tenia muchas ganas pero me daba respeto, asi que decidi hacer un bautismo. Dar la enhorabuena a todo el equipo y en especial a Silvia. Desde el primer momento fue super maja y agradable conmigo y me dio la confianza y la tranquilidad que necesitaba. Me ha encantado, deseando repetir!
07 agosto 2022 6:47
Amazing for literally anyone! From blowing your first puppy-bubbles to enjoying Menapier as an experienced diver-You'll definitely have a great time! Highly professional and kind staff and perfect equipment! Can't wait to be back!
05 agosto 2022 1:27
I would not dive with this shop.

They will not give you a refresher course. According to Padi "the instructor should assess the level of training and student satisfaction and put students in a safe environment. " This shop owner does not run a business with this focus.
06 junio 2022 3:33
No control over the weather of course so poor viz both dives is nothing more than unfortunate. However the guide losing me and my buddy on both dives is not professional. Getting rushed into and out of the water doesn't help comfort levels much either. Saw a big stone crab which was neat.
25 diciembre 2021 20:53
Best diving center by far very helpful staff great prices brilliant dive sites great all year round.
10 diciembre 2021 21:58
My daughter and I did a PADI Scuba Diver certification here.

Nigel is a passionate instructor, and his "can do" attitude (punctuated with good old British humour!) was a motivating force.
The diving equipment was in excellent condition and safety was emphasised at every step along the way.

Very special thanks to Simon, the owner, who consistently went out of his way to accommodate us and was a pleasure to deal with.
01 octubre 2020 15:35
Centro Padi, súper amistoso y profesional Simon te echará una mano, te dara consejos, además de mostrarte los mejores lugares para bucear de su mano, muy recomendables, volvere siempre que pueda. Gracias por vuestra profesionalidad, se agradece y marca la diferencia con otros centros.
27 septiembre 2020 9:27
Had a great Afternoon with my son at Simply Diving. Really made to feel safe and enjoyable at the same time. Great set up and staff. Will be signing up for further courses. Would recommend.
29 agosto 2020 15:00
Amazing team and crew, had a fantastic time diving. Simon really knows what he's doing and led me carefully through my first dive. Highly recommend diving with simply diving
09 agosto 2020 4:03
I wanted to refresh my open water diver which I did 15 years ago. Ended up doing my refresher plus an advanced open water diver course. Let me tell you why: Simon, the director of Simply Diving in a very experienced but down to earth diver. He really knows what can happen down there and how to handle every situation. Furthermore, he’s super funny and get along with everybody. I‘ve seen kids laughing with him and people in the middle-age. No prob. His team is as professional as he is and rounds the experience up. They all speak perfect English plus one French and one German. The equipment is new and fresh. The CBDs, reglulators, inflators, masks, fins, everything is in a very good condition. (I was there July 2020). This gave me the feeling of security. Felt really good with these guys. Simon also knows every location to dive and the conditions of the sea so that he can recommend you the very best spot. The boat is just around the corner of the shop. The team brings everything to the boat. You don’t have to take care of that. Just sit back, enjoy the ride to the dive spot and jump in.

What can I say: I will definitely come back, do some more courses and enjoy the time.
29 enero 2020 4:57
I had the chance to dive with SD Marbella several times over the course of the summer, as well as do a few specialty courses with them, and I really can't say enough good things about the place.

After a few dives with them, I realized most of what I knew about diving wasn't all that good (I got my OW cert on holiday like everyone else and didn't really have that many "skills"), and I feel as though I have improved loads working with some true pros. I'd now feel comfortable diving all over the world safely, something I didn't feel before connecting with Simply Diving. This level of comfort has helped make diving WAY more fun, as I feel much more confident in the water, and I can spend more time doing stuff I like, i.e. Hovering beside a tranquil family of torpedo rays and snapping photos with my GoPro instead of slamming into the bottom and worrying I am constantly going to float away!

Also, the staff there are really something else. It's a small dive center that deals with TONS of people in the busy Marbella summer. I mean, I got stressed just looking at how much was going on. They run around constantly making sure all the gear is ready to go and loaded so that all you need to do is sit back and enjoy the beautiful Spanish coast, and they still somehow find time to sit and chat with you to learn about your diving experience and offer you some tips on how to improve. Sure, there's some shouting, but it's all done to make sure everything is done right and quickly so that the divers have a fun, safe experience.

As for the dive sites, well, they really are unique. I heard some people on the boat talking about how the visibility wasn't like the Red Sea, but then I was thinking "if you want to dive the Red Sea, why did you come to Spain? " The fun of diving is that you get to explore new places, and you get to test out your skills in new environments, at least for me anyway.

Throughout the summer, we had days of impeccable 30-40m visibility with little to no current and some other days where vis wasn't as great and the sea wasn't as cooperative, but that's Mother Nature for you. No matter what, though, the experience was always the same: friendly, professional, and fun!

I'll be back in Spain next year and will surely be diving with them. I've heard great things about their trips to Gibraltar, so if you're looking to explore more of the coast, this is really the spot.

Thanks for everything guys!
06 diciembre 2019 4:38
My friends and I had an amazing day with the Simply team. Martin, Nigel & Simon made sure we were really well looked after. They are absolute professionals and a great laugh too. Some of us are coming back this summer to do our PADI. Sorry guys, but looks like youll be seeing us again!
16 agosto 2019 12:28
Netter Tauchshop, bei dem man Tauchausflüge buchen kann. Sie sind sehr entspannt aber der Chef passt wirklich gut auf und alles ist professionell organisiert. Die Tauchspots die wir besucht hatten sind sehr gut gewesen. Wirklich zu empfehlen wenn man in Marbella im Urlaub tauchen will. Sie bieten auch Touren nach Gibraltar und anderen weiter entfernten Orten an wenn sich genug Leute finden.
10 junio 2019 19:27
I dived with the Torremolinos and Marbella shops for my Advanced course. I couldn't have booked with a better dive centre. I've dived with others on the costa, but none are as professional as Simon and his team. A really good variety of sites by boat or from the beach and instructors who know their stuff.
07 mayo 2019 8:59
Both myself and my friend went diving with these guys. Met Simon and Richie and we were instructed by Nigel. All were great and we had an awesome time with our DSD. Hopefully will see them all again soon.
30 octubre 2018 20:03
Amazing experience, first time diving and was great! Staff were very kind and professional.simply diving is the best!
08 octubre 2018 20:10
We did two very spontaneous dives with "simply diving" last week and enjoyed them very much. The crew was very friendly and helpful, equipment was excellent and the guides did a great job.

Would definitely dive there again! Thank you!
03 octubre 2018 17:06
Surprised to read any bad reviews! My husband and I did x2 dives today. ALL the staff including the owner, Simon were really friendly and helpful. I felt safe at all times and was checked on a regular basis whilst diving. Saw lots of interesting sealife even a sunfish (which the whole group saw bar me sadly lol.need to look up more DOH!).
Thanks guys for some great drives and best of luck for your school's future).
18 mayo 2018 4:37
As a DM (T) I started my course in with the London School of Diving (LSD) my Instructor (Evan) was extremely good and I only had a 4 things left to do.

As I had booked a short holiday in Marbella I thought I would continue my course at a local Dive School. I sent an email to Simon the Course Director of Simply Diving and within a few hours I got a reply saying " we would be very happy for you to continue your DMT Course with us. (The price was good too) After meeting Simon in person I realised Simon is as mad as a fish and No job is too much for this Course Director, he leads by example at all times and is the fountain of knowledge with a great sense of humour!
I arranged via emails to do 3 days to finish my DM course, the Dive Centre is located right next to the beach with great access to the Boat.

I arrived prompt at 08: 15hrs to be greeted by my lovely Instructor Queenie putting out chairs and tables and setting up the Dive Centre.
I had a brief introduction and then straight to business, Queenie give me a clear explanation of what I would be doing over the 3 days, straight away I felt very much at ease with Queenie as been a Military Instructor for 26 years I don't suffer fouls lightly and I can tell a good Instructor regardless of subject.
(Lets Put it this way she knows her stuff!)

As a Scuba Pro user I was very Impressed by the quality of the equipment the Dive School had, as it was all in good condition and up to date (not like other Schools I have dived at were you get a leaky mask or a ripped wet suit with zips broken. They have all the equipment for all sizes this includes dry suit if you feel the cold.

Everyday started with a safety brief followed by a overview of what subjects we were going to cover, this put my mind at ease plus it also allowed me to ask questions. The diving was great and Queenie even tho a Certified Instructor of many years was still excited as I was every time we dived or I completed a skill. Each day we ended with a coffee and a de-brief. On my last day I worked with the cheerful Melody another Instructor at Simply Diving, Melody has a GSOH and say's it as it is, she is as bright as the pink finns she dives with and knows the dive sites very well and was a great help on my OW DLD.

After handing in my Mapping Project to Queenie she Officially signed me off as a Fully Qualified DIVE MASTER!

The Centre is very busy everyday with people returning back form last year and the years before knowing Simon very well.

So I will end my review here with a few words SIMPLY DIVING is like the Dive Centres name its "SIMPLY DIVING" but with great Instructor's In a Safe environment in a Fantastic Location.

I fully recommend you use this Centre if you want to experience Scuba Diving at its best!

Sorry got to go now as going Diving

Lee Millett
27 diciembre 2017 11:01
Having passed my open water course 4 months ago in Thailand it is very hard to compare these but I will just write my experience on the dive place here.

I gave Simple Diving 3 stars, the guys here area really great and friendly and the equipment is pretty good as well.having only dived in Thailsnd I would have to say it was pretty average diving here but there are still some cool things to see but not at any depth (but that' is fine because I'm not an advanced diver) boat was pretty good and pretty easy to roll off for a beginner but the groups felt a bit too big, there was a lot of people crashing into me and barging in to see things kicking up loads of dirt. The speed that the dive went at was also very rushed and I felt I had to power kick everywhere but I don't know if this is the norm? I'm more used to just floating along and doing everything very slowly.

The time we went down was pretty cold and after the first dive they gave us more stuff to put on which was good as it got pretty cold! But it was still nice. The only other thing was in previous places staff usually stick around chat a bit more social and helping with log books.wasn't quite sure what to do here as everyone then disappeared after the dive and was stood there like a lemming just picking on some random cookies on the table.

Anyway it was a good place to dive, so if you are thinking about it I would definitely go do it. Guys really helped me with the booking and advised what I should do and what was best to see at the time and were very easy with changes and taking payments after any corrections.

25 noviembre 2017 9:58
The dive staff is OK but the owner is aggressive, mean and unprofessional. He treats his staff like they are children. Two of the dive leads told me they were leaving due to his attitude. I have over 150 logged dives as an advanced and rescue PADI diver and he acted as if I knew nothing about diving. The rented BCD was old and my reg malfunctioned several times, which the owner said was my problem because I had to use the spare (octopus) reg. The dive boat is a very small skip that he packs with as many people as possible to make money. This is a very poor dive operation that you should avoid.
14 noviembre 2017 21:34
My Wife and I took our Advanced Open Water course here. The staff were very professional. My Wife and I hadn't dived in over a year, so we were a bit rusty. Our instructor Queenie was kind, patient, and very professional. All the staff spoke perfect English, which is a bonus in Spain. Overall I highly recommend and would dive with them again.
27 octubre 2017 9:28
Awesome diving center, great service and very professional crew! I would recommend for any kind of diver!
20 octubre 2017 12:22
Just back in the UK from a 10 day break in Marbella, I just wanted one days diving and Simply Diving were happy to fit me in at short notice. A great days diving was had and the team could not be more helpful. We saw Dolphins on the way out to the first dive site as well! If you are looking for a professional team who keep it fun but safe go for a dip with Simply Diving, hope to see you all again on my return to Marbella.
18 octubre 2017 11:48
I have a villa near Malaga and have been diving with Simply Diving for around ten years. Simon and the team are always really professional, friendly & efficient and always have good rental gear.
I normally dive at La Herradura rather than Marbella as it was given conservation reserve status several years ago and as such there is always loads to see.

Highly Recommend!
17 agosto 2017 14:39
Fantastic place to dive. Superb instructors and great team. Made to feel so welcome and looked after in every aspect.
24 julio 2017 10:34
Best dive center in Marbella with great staff! Had lots of fun diving here and made many new friends!
28 abril 2017 23:36
We had a great adventure, with dolphins and plenty sea creatures.
Fantastic crew, Simon and her beautiful angels. Thanks
21 abril 2017 7:23
Service was excellent. Bus picked us up on time and brought us to our hotel. Came back on time and delivered us to the airport. No fuss

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