03 febrero 2024 5:00
¡Una boda de ensueño hecha realidad con Sunshine Weddings en España!

Tuvimos la experiencia más increíble con Sunshine Weddings para nuestra boda de destino en Finca Monastario en España en septiembre pasado, y no podríamos estar más felices con el servicio excepcional que recibimos de Scott, Zoe y todos en Sunshine Weddings. Desde las etapas iniciales de planificación y las visitas a los distintos lugares hasta los momentos finales de nuestro día especial, Sunshine Weddings realmente hizo todo lo posible para hacer realidad la boda de nuestros sueños.

La atención de Scott y Zoe fue insuperable. Se tomaron el tiempo para comprender nuestra visión de la boda y dieron vida a cada detalle. Su profesionalismo y dedicación fue evidente durante todo el proceso, sabíamos que estábamos en las mejores manos posibles.

Lo que realmente distinguió a Sunshine Weddings fue su notable atención al detalle. Cada aspecto de la boda fue planeado y ejecutado meticulosamente, sin dejar piedra sin remover. Desde la configuración del lugar hasta la coordinación con los proveedores, Scott y Zoe se aseguraron de que cada elemento de nuestra celebración fuera impecable. Para nosotros era obvio que realmente se preocupaban por crear una experiencia mágica y memorable para nosotros y nuestros invitados.

Siendo de Irlanda, planificar una boda en el extranjero podría haber sido una tarea desalentadora, pero en realidad no lo fue. Scott y Zoe administraron a todos los proveedores, dejándonos con la tranquilidad de que todo estuvo a cargo. Su experiencia y conocimiento local fueron invaluables a la hora de afrontar las complejidades de la organización de una boda de destino. Ninguna pregunta fue tonta o ignorada, Scott nos hizo sentir como su prioridad cada vez que hablábamos o nos reuníamos.

Estamos realmente agradecidos con todos en Sunshine Weddings por hacer del día de nuestra boda en España la experiencia más mágica e inolvidable de nuestras vidas. Su dedicación y cuidado genuino por sus clientes se reflejan en todos los aspectos de su trabajo. Recomendamos de todo corazón Sunshine Weddings a cualquier pareja que busque una experiencia de boda extraordinaria, personalizada y sin estrés. ¡Gracias por todo!
13 diciembre 2023 15:39
Queríamos celebrar una pequeña boda familiar y relajada junto al mar. Después de buscar algunas empresas de planificación en España, encontramos Sunshine Wedding y de principio a fin fue una gran experiencia. Han escuchado qué tipo de lugar buscábamos con el objetivo de darle ese toque familiar. Tuvimos pocas opciones de hoteles boutique que se adaptaban perfectamente a lo que queríamos y nos decidimos por El Océano, que no solo es un lugar increíble con estilo caribeño sino que también cuenta con un personal y una comida excelentes.
Sunshine Weddings ha brindado opciones para bandas, maquillaje y peluquería, decoraciones y selecciones de pasteles. Tenían todo guardado en un archivo Excel donde estaban disponibles todos los requisitos necesarios para planificar la boda y podíamos modificar las cosas que no queríamos o no queríamos. Lo hizo muy fácil y sin estrés.
Cualquier pregunta o inquietud que tuviéramos, recibimos comentarios de inmediato.
Fuimos a España para encontrarnos con Scott y probar y seleccionar el menú y el pastel. Fue un placer absoluto. Scott nos brindó algunas pautas sobre cómo abordar algunas cosas durante la ceremonia: por ejemplo, cuándo programar discursos para que la gente termine y disfrute el resto del gran día, cómo organizar a las floristas y al paje mientras caminan por el pasillo.eran sólo niños pequeños.
Y vaya boda que tuvimos. Todo estaba según lo previsto; Fue un día muy relajado para los dos. No nos sentimos nerviosos ni preocupados de que algo pudiera salir mal.
Todos nuestros invitados quedaron asombrados con todo el panorama y pasaron un tiempo maravilloso con nosotros celebrando nuestro Día Especial.

Gracias nuevamente Scott y su equipo por todo lo que hicieron por nosotros. Gary y Angelika
03 noviembre 2023 0:37
¡Por dónde empezar con Sunshine Weddings! Desde los primeros correos electrónicos poco después de nuestro compromiso hasta atar los cabos sueltos un mes después del día más maravilloso, nuestro equipo de bodas bajo el sol ha sido excepcional. Desde el principio el equipo nos conoció y nos recomendó un lugar que no habíamos visto sabiendo que sería perfecto para nosotros. A partir de entonces, nada fue demasiado problema: Justine, Cristina, Merry, Julie y Scott estuvieron disponibles en todo momento para explorar todas nuestras ideas y hacer que el día de nuestra boda fuera único.

No podemos agradecerles lo suficiente por quitarnos el estrés y hacer que nuestro día fuera perfecto: todo salió a la perfección ese día con nuestros proveedores recomendados y cuidadosamente seleccionados. La profesionalidad del equipo no pasó desapercibida para nuestros invitados, quienes comentaron lo fluida que fue toda la producción ese día.

No podemos recomendar lo suficiente tener una empresa de planificación de bodas, y si estás pensando en casarte en el sur de España, Sunshine es realmente la mejor en el negocio.

¡Muchas gracias por brindarnos la boda de nuestros sueños!
24 octubre 2023 4:15
¡Dónde empiezo! Originalmente estábamos programados para celebrar nuestra boda en septiembre de 2020, luego llegó Covid. Luego lo programamos para el año siguiente, que nuevamente cancelamos debido a Covid. Luego lo retrasamos hasta 2023. Durante este tiempo el lugar de nuestra boda estuvo a la venta, perdimos numerosos depósitos y el precio de todo aumentó un 30%, ¡durante una crisis de coste de vida! Sin embargo, entre toda la locura, las bodas Sunshine fueron absolutamente increíbles. La comunicación constante, las actualizaciones y la organización de todo el equipo aliviaron gran parte del estrés causado por circunstancias sin precedentes. Nunca aumentaron sus precios durante los 5 años que trabajamos con ellos. Aunque tienen una gran cantidad de bodas cada semana, ¡siempre sentimos que la nuestra era la más importante! Desde la búsqueda del lugar hasta la degustación de comida, y el peinado y maquillaje hasta los DJ, las bodas bajo el sol lo solucionaron todo. Susie, Zoe, Paula y Scott son realmente increíbles en lo que hacen, y cuando recordemos nuestro gran día, siempre estaremos agradecidos por todo lo que hicieron para lograrlo. ¡No podemos recomendar sus servicios lo suficiente!
19 septiembre 2023 22:43
Muchas gracias a Cicilia por su fabuloso apoyo durante el último año. Trabajar con Sunshine Weddings realmente hizo que el proceso de planificación fuera mucho más fácil. Fue fantástico tener proveedores disponibles y probados y fue aún mejor ver que todo funcionó ese día.
17 septiembre 2023 12:42
Trabajar con Sunshine Weddings fue la mejor decisión que tomé a la hora de planificar mi boda en Mallorca. De principio a fin, todo fue muy profesional y sorprendentemente organizado. Los numerosos viajes para visitar lugares, reuniones con proveedores y degustaciones de comida hicieron que fuera una experiencia real para nosotros y nuestra familia. En lo que respecta al día de la boda, tuvimos el día más increíble de nuestras vidas, ¡muchos de nuestros amigos y familiares dijeron que fue la mejor boda a la que habían asistido! Mi marido y yo pudimos relajarnos todo el día sabiendo que todo estaba solucionado. ¡Un agradecimiento especial a Justine y Andrea, quienes fueron simplemente increíbles e hicieron realidad la boda de nuestros sueños! Gracias Bodas Sunshine:)
17 septiembre 2023 11:17
¡Mi pareja y yo acabamos de celebrar nuestra boda en el cortijo bravo, todo planeado por Sunshine Weddings!

Claudia y Caz no podrían haber sido de más ayuda durante la preparación del día. Caz estuvo con nosotros ese día e hizo absolutamente todo lo que pudo para asegurarse de que el día fuera perfecto.

Recomendaría la empresa a cualquiera que quiera casarse en el sur de España.
08 septiembre 2023 19:51
Celebramos nuestra boda en Marbella el 24 de agosto. Nuestro GRAN día no habría sido el día que fue sin la ayuda de Sunshine Weddings. Todas las personas con las que tuvimos contacto durante los 12 meses previos fueron muy serviciales, organizadas y profesionales. Ninguna petición fue demasiado grande o demasiado pequeña. Scott, Claudia, Christina, pero por nombrar algunos miembros del equipo, no podemos agradecerles lo suficiente por hacer que nuestro día fuera tan especial. Tuvimos 120 invitados que viajaron de todo el mundo para estar allí y todavía, un mes después, escuchamos cosas maravillosas sobre lo mucho que lo disfrutaron nuestros invitados, muchos dicen que fue la mejor boda en la que estuvieron.
Recomendamos encarecidamente Sunshine Weddings, ¡son las mejores en el negocio!
09 agosto 2023 2:19
Honestly we can’t thank you and the team enough our day was everything we imagined/ dreamed of and more! We wouldn’t change a thing! Everyone has non stopped talked about it being the best wedding/event they have been or will ever go to! Just magical so thank you so much again! Do not hesitate in booking sunshine they are friendly professional and know their stuff!
01 agosto 2023 20:32
Where do I start! Unfortunately due to a sudden Illness my Husband to be got sick a few days before our wedding, so we could not fly out to say I DO, but the party still went ahead for all our family and friends who had saved up to celebrate our wedding abroad.
Only for Caz and the Sunshine Wedding team the guests would not of enjoyed what was meant to be our Wedding day.
From day one, Caz made us feel as ease, made our decision to have our wedding abroad the best choice, she listened to what we wanted and found us the perfect location.
Laura who I was in constant contact with by email, helped me with every detail and request that I had, whether it was flowers to the menu!
The compassion from these guys because of the situation was amazing, if anyone is weary of booking their wedding abroad, Honestly - please please book with Sunshine weddings, each and everyone of them were amazing!
Thank you Caz, Scott and Laura XXXX
20 julio 2023 12:04
Scott, Cicilia and the team at Sunshine Weddings are incredible!

They planned and executed our wedding from start to finish flawlessly. They really took the time to get to know us as individuals and as a couple, and thoughtfully tailored every element of our wedding based on everything they knew we would love. The entire planning process was fun, smooth and stress-free because of them.

On the day of, we were lucky enough to have Scott there to make sure everything went to plan. Even our guests were raving about how he was able to make changes on the fly to ensure that the day stayed on track and that everyone had the best time possible. He really went above and beyond to make sure we had the perfect day.

It was nothing short of a fairytale wedding and we can't thank them/recommend them enough for that!
06 julio 2023 22:45
Scott, Claudia and the rest of team at Sunshine Weddings were absolutely brilliant. Everything on the day went to according to plan, without a hitch, and communication throughout was fab.

I'm glad I'm not doing it again (ever) but if you're reading this and wondering "are they worth it? ", the answer is a resounding YES.

Everybody said how special the day was, and we owe all that to Sunshine Weddings.
16 febrero 2023 21:01
Sunshine Weddings organised our wedding last year in Casa de la Era in Marbella. We cannot put into words how perfect the wedding day was. It was magical from start to finish, and everything we could have wished for and more. That was all down to Sunshine Weddings!
Our guests were completely blown away by the venue and the food, with many guests saying it was the best wedding they had ever been to. Everyone that Sunshine Weddings recommended were incredible – the catering team, the florist, the Minister, the makeup artist, hair, the cake, DJ and the photographer/videographer. They recommend fantastic people – 5 star!
When we first starting looking at getting married abroad I wasn’t sure it would be possible but when we found Sunshine Weddings it just seemed easy from day one.
Sunshine weddings organisational skills and attention to detail were impeccable throughout. We cannot thank our wedding planner Pamela enough. She always responded promptly and was on hand to answer any questions, or make any changes we wanted. She dealt with all the vendors and kept us up to date with the costs. Also, a massive thank you to Scott for our wedding meetings, the food tastings and being there on our big day to make sure everything ran smoothly. His professional and relaxed attitude meant the day exceeded all our expectations.
Our perfect wedding day literally would not have happened without Sunshine weddings. They made our dreams come true and no words can ever thank them enough for that. If you are looking to organise a wedding abroad I cannot recommend them enough.
18 noviembre 2022 16:56
Out of the variety of wedding planners operating in southern Spain, from the get-go it was obvious that Sunshine Weddings would be our choice — the company was the only one to show initiative and initiate a dialogue with us even before any agreement had been signed.

Finding a venue turned out to be a bit of a process due to a very specific set of requirements from us, but Sunshine Weddings worked tirelessly to find the perfect setting, and eventually found one that was beyond anything we could have dreamed of. The same applied for the rest of the suppliers: from the florist, through the catering, to hair & make-up artist, Sunshine Weddings found the perfect match for us.

Then COVID-19 hit and forced us to postpone our dream wedding first by one year, then by another. And this is where, I think, Sunshine Weddings really kicked into action, ensuring that everything was carried over seamlessly, checking in with us regularly not only to see if we were still happy with all of our choices, but also just to see how we were doing. The company was with us the entire way from the first meeting in September 2019 to our wedding in August 2022, where head honcho Scott was personally there to ensure that absolutely everything ran smoothly and without disruption.

We are so grateful to have worked with Sunshine Weddings, and impressed by their attention to details that we would almost certainly have forgotten about ourselves. We felt like we were in the safest of hands, and when the big day eventually came, it was so much more magical than we had even dared to hope for!

So a huge thank you to Sunshine Weddings for planning and executing the most unforgettable day of our lives!
15 noviembre 2022 9:04
Having come down from the massive high of our wedding day, the biggest reflection was how it really was everything we could have hoped for and more and a lot of that is down to Sunshine Weddings, who have been nothing short of fantastic from start to finish.

One thing I guess you always want with any service, but especially when planning a wedding, is value for money and the level of service from Sunshine and the personal touch was perfect.

The biggest shoutout has to go to Pam, who is probably the unsung hero, behind the scenes. Pam's constant diligence and effort was second to none and nothing was too big an ask. We were demanding as clients at times and really appreciated Pam's continued hard work in what must have been their busiest year ever.

Michaela on the day was unbelievable. She was everything we needed and she has a wonderful way about her. Everyone in our families commented on how brilliant she was, keeping everything running smoothly, noticed, but in an unnoticeable way.which is how it should be. A true professional.

Maria too, was so friendly and a constant source of support when we needed.and when people were most inebriated!

Scott, who runs the company, also deserves a mention for always being available if we needed him. He has assembled a great team and we would highly recommend Sunshine to anyone thinking a bout getting married in Spain.

Thank you to you all!
11 noviembre 2022 14:07
Sunshine Weddings have been absolutely fantastic with the planning of our wedding!
We could never have done it without them.
We have enjoyed the whole process of planning alongside them. Everything is so well organised, we were in constant contact with our planner Cicilia who always replied promptly and nothing was too much trouble.
To the actual day running so smoothly with big thanks to our wedding co-ordinator Cristina who was there to over see everything and Scott for all his help and support when we came out in March to plan and leading up to the big day!
If you are thinking of getting married in Spain we can’t recommend Sunshine enough!
Laura and Grant
10 noviembre 2022 17:40
When we decided to get married abroad, it was difficult to know who to trust. Sunshine Weddings was recommended by a couple who previously got married at our venue and we were very happy with the service. We were introduced to some fantastic vendors who made our ideas come to life. We never felt pressured into anything and received very pleasant communications from Scott and Justine. We had to postpone our wedding due to COVID and Scott was very understanding, making sure we felt OK. He made the whole situation stress free during a very upsetting and uncertain time. When we visited Mallorca for vendor meetings, Maia was very friendly and listened to all of our suggestions. When the event finally arrived, we had the time of our lives with many people commenting that it was the best wedding they had ever been to. Thank you to the team for making our dream wedding come true, Lisa and James x
31 octubre 2022 18:33
Absolutely the best wedding organisers in Marbella Area, from start to finish Scott, Laura, Lou and all team at Sunshine worked their magic to make my wedding day unforgettable. These guys can work with any budget, style and size Highly recommend and THANK YOU for making my day happen and making it so perfect! Dina & Aidan
20 octubre 2022 14:58
Initially contacted Sunshine weddings in 2019 and from start to finish were the most professional, personal wedding planners I had spoken to. We were initially to get married in September 2021 but due to living in Australia and boarders not opening we had to push it back by a year.they were so accommodating and kept us at ease.
When the day finally arrived everything I had dreamt about for 3 years was way more then I could of ever imagined. Scott, Laura and the team went above and beyond our expectations.
All the vendors they engaged for us were perfect.
We had the best day of our lives and I would not recommend any other wedding planner for anyone think of getting Married in Marbella or Majorca
15 agosto 2022 15:21
Used sunshine weddings for our wedding day in the westin la quinta. Scott and Julie were extremely helpful and went to all lengths to make our day exactly how we wanted.

At first we thought about planning the wedding ourselves after some research we soon realised it was a huge task to take on. Thankfully we found these guys.

Delivered on the wedding day 100%. Even through all the covid setbacks etc they were always just a phone call or email away.

Down to our day 2 celebrations they helped us find exactly what we wanted.

If your going to get married in Spain these are the guys to use. Your happiness is there number 1 priority.
20 julio 2022 13:50
We can’t thank Justine and Scott enough for helping us to arrange our perfect wedding weekend, and a massive thank you to Alex and Maria for their help on the day!

We are so grateful for their help over the last two years and all of their amazing recommendations! Justine’s organised spreadsheets helped keep all of the chaos in our heads in order, she read our minds! She was so on top of everything so that we could relax and enjoy the process. We would recommend Sunshine Weddings to anyone wanting to get married in Spain:)

Thank you so much Sunshine!
12 julio 2022 23:07
I have been working with Sunshine Weddings since 2019 when I first got engaged. From the beginning they have been so great to work with. They are responsive and their attention to detail is second to none. I just had my wedding last week at Villa Candela en la Colina and the day couldn't have been more perfect. Scott and Zoe had everything ready to go and Lou our day of coordinator was amazing. The day could not have gone more perfect. We used Deseos Florist for flowers and WOW, just look at my flowers. We used Louise for our cake, nano for the guitar (amazing and our guests loved him!), DJ bodas who kept us dancing all night, Sana Catering (just amazing, I have no words!), and LemonFace for our seating chart and decor items, Anna Kudiva for photos, and Jeremy Standley for our videography.
28 junio 2022 17:36
I really don't know where to start other than try get across how extremely greatful we are for the Sunshine Weddings team and recommend them to other couples so they can have a day as magical as ours was. From the moment we first contacted them they were an absolute pleasure to work with so repsonsive, helpful and knowledgeable, I never once felt planning a wedding abroad was stressful and that is down to the help and expertise from Scott, Susie, Zoe and the team.
All of our vendors recommended by the team were amazing, and I always felt we were in safe hands.

We married in Casa De La Era Marbella and I never could have imagined the day to be as perfect as it was. We were able to be present in the moment and not have any worrys as the team had everything organised so seamlessly that the whole day went perfectly and exactly as planned on our schedule of the day.

All of our ideas were taken and combined with the knowledge and expertise, a day we will never forget which exceeded all of our expectations was created and we will be forever greatful for that.

Could not recommend Sunshine Weddings enough, you will be so thankful for choosing them as were we.
14 mayo 2022 4:43
If you're thinking of booking your wedding in Spain then I would highly recommend Sunshine Weddings! Julie organised a trip to visit venues in March 2019 which we spent the day together on our search which was fantastic, from here we found our dream venue then COVID happened! Julie and the team were fantastic in re-organising our date, I honestly do not have a bad word to say. We also worked with Caz our onsite wedding planner who was fantastic at the menu tasting, meeting all the suppliers together and onsite when things didn't go quite to plan with the weather!

Our wedding was the best we could have hoped for and that's down to the fantastic service Sunshine Weddings delivered. We will be eternally grateful to the team.
08 mayo 2022 1:10
We started working with Sunshine Weddings around January 2021 - the team handled everything - hats off to them for finding the perfect venue for us! Once we had secured the venue, Pam took over the entire planning process and she was absolutely incredible to deal with. She was patient, understanding and pushed on the suppliers when we needed her to. Pam was incredibly organised from start to finish - she kept me and my husband in check on budgets and deadlines! The day of the wedding was just amazing, and all that credit goes to Pam for her hard work and passion, we could not have done any of this without her. We got married a month ago and can honestly say we had the best day / weekend of our lives, thanks to Sunshine Weddings, but a very big and special thanks to Pam!
06 mayo 2022 23:13
Pamela, Scott and team provided a wonderfully turnkey service, helping to organize everything from dinners in the nights leading up to our big day, to all the things one would expect from a wedding in the Costa Del Sol from Flamenco Music, to seaside venue, photos, video etc. I would highly recommend.
23 enero 2022 20:06
Sunshine weddings organized our wedding in Mallorca (@Son Mir) in September 2021, that had been originally planned for October 2020.
Being based really far from Spain, and with covid and all, I would definitely say that the organization was challenging for us as a couple, but Sunshine weddings did a great job in accompanying us through this time, the changes and uncertainty due to covid, and when the day finally came it was just spectacular!
They are very responsive, great professionals, and really care for the wellbeing of their clients. Also their list of providers is great.
Maia was the one accompanying us more on a daily basis and on the day of the event, and she was great. All our guests, and us included, noticed the perfect balance Maia had by really being behind every detail during the event and yet being so discrete (almost invisible).
And Scott was also very supportive and understanding in every key moment of the process.

Overall we just had a great experience, absolutely loved our special day, and really recommend Scott and his team!
22 enero 2022 8:07
My husband Brian and I got married in Spain in August and couldn’t recommend Sunshine Weddings enough! If we could give more than 5 stars we would.

We were initially supposed to get married in 2020 but moved to 2021 due to covid. We were a little apprehensive coming up to the date wondering if we were right to go ahead but with Scott & Julie in charge we literally had nothing to worry about. Everything was absolutely perfect and guests are still talking about what a fantastic time they had. We had been to weddings abroad previously but when it comes to wedding planning Sunshine Weddings are in a league of their own.

We decided to do a night before in Mijas Pueblo at short notice and Julie was an absolute rockstar and had the night sorted within a matter of days.
We rented a hacienda for 4 days and although we could have done the wedding there we opted for a different venue, Finca Villa Palma in Ojen. The wedding day surpassed our expectations. The scenery & food were amazing and there were so many delicious canapé’s we could nearly have skipped dinner. The staff were excellent and friendly. Proper covid measures were in place so while we and our guests felt extremely safe, it didn’t take away from the day. Scott was on hand all day and everything was taken care of while we had the best time with our guests. I appreciate it is clichéd but it genuinely was the best day of our lives.

We did a bbq at the hacienda the day after and again the day was fantastic. The bbq & paella prepared by the caterers were absolutely delicious and we were able to order in kegs, wine, spirits etc.from idrinks, who were recommended by Julie. Service was fantastic, they even came back and collected the left overs (not that there were very many) and arranged a refund before we left. The hacienda itself is stunning. The pictures don’t do it justice. Our guests were so impressed and we did not want to leave.

All of the vendors the team put us in touch with were fantastic. A special mention to our band monkey tennis & DJ Kmiss. The dance floor was hoping all night. Value for money across the board was unbelievable.

We were genuinely blown away by the professionalism & organisation shown by Sunshine weddings. Every query / email was answered almost immediately by Julie and no question was too big of too small. Not only are they a great company to work with they are genuine lovely people.

Scott & Julie are on our Christmas card list for sure!
23 diciembre 2021 11:36
We could not have been happier with Sunshine Weddings Spain. Our day was perfect and they took so good care of us all the way, even Covid postponed our day for one year.
Scott and Laura and the whole team are professionals with a big heart! I can really recommend it to everyone!
07 diciembre 2020 4:19
Sunshine Weddings has been amazing from the start! From sending us a variety of wedding venues, to viewing places or planning for the wedding day, they think of everything and are experts.
We went to Spain a couple of times for the planning, the days were planned meticulously and efficiently with no waste of time.

Not only are they friendly, responsive and very professional, they have been absolutely fantastic during Covid. We were meant to get married in September in Spain but had to postpone due to the circumstances. They took care of everything, keeping us updated, calling us to check up on us. You could not be in better hands, I believe I would have gone mad without them.
Thank you Julie, Scott and the team for all your help.
I am looking forward to our big date in May next year!
30 octubre 2020 15:51
We started working with Scott and the team back in June of 2019. We had previously been working with another planner but they were extremely slow to respond to mails and the venues we were being sent were not what we wanted. We contacted sunshine weddings and were straight away so impressed by Susie. She responded to every mail and query right away and sent us the most beautiful venues to consider. We flew out shortly afterwards and met Julie. We spent the day touring around Malaga with Julie and couldn’t have asked for a better guide! Julie is so knowledgeable on all things weddings and Spain but she is also just such a genuinely nice person that we had a fantastic day with her. Julie even dropped us to town for dinner that night.
We’ve been lucky enough to have Julie as our planner the whole way through. Everything we’ve asked has been done in a matter of hours and we couldn’t be happier with the vendors that had been recommended.
The food tasting in February with Raquel was so impressive and we were so sure we had picked the perfect venue and planners for out August wedding.
Unfortunately Covid 19 had other plans and as we were travelling from Ireland we decided to postpone, it was such a hard decision but Scott, Susie & Julie were fantastic. Within 2 days everything had been moved to 2021. It was such a relief and handled so professionally by the team. We can’t wait to see you all next year!
02 octubre 2020 7:20
From the very beginning, we have been well and truly looked after by Scott, Susie, Zoe and the rest of the team at Sunshine Weddings. Susie was instrumental in helping us pinpoint our venue, budget and start to consider vendors. Zoe and Scott have been fantastic linking us in with the venue, providers and even organising for my mum and dad to do the food tasting on our behalf (as we are in New Zealand!). We were a bit apprehensive about organising a Spanish wedding from the other side if the world, but the team at Sunshine Weddings have made it so easy, coordinating Skype chats to fit our timezone and sending lots of photos and videos when we weren't able to physically visit the venue. We had our wedding booked for this summer, which we have now postponed until next year due to the pandemic. The team were so understanding and absolutely brilliant in coordinating everything so we didn't have to worry about a thing. I don't usually post a review before having experienced a service, but I feel Sunshine Weddings have already been so amazingly helpful & hard working it would be wrong not to recognise the fantastic work they are doing. If you would like a bespoke Spanish wedding, maintaining control and being able to oversee everything without having to stress about all the details I would HIGHLY recommend Scott and the team at Sunshine Weddings.
25 septiembre 2020 19:47
We have worked with Sunshine Weddings for the past year to plan our wedding which would have been in June 2020, but due to Covid-19, we have postponed it to 2021. Scott and his team have been so helpful in the planning process, and have provided a seamless transition to move our new date to 2021! They have coordinated with all of the vendors to switch dates and have reassured us that everything will be taken care of. I cannot recommend Sunshine Weddings enough! We are thankful for the support and look forward to continuing the planning process and celebrating in May 2021.
24 agosto 2020 6:33
Sunshine weddings helped us get married this July, given what was an eventful time they have been incredibly professional and supportive throughout and were there for us with whatever we needed. Forever indebted to the whole team who gave us the perfect day in an otherwise gloomy year. Could not recommend Cicilia, Scott and the whole Sunshine team from first inquiry to post wedding everything was perfect and couldn't be faulted!

Tom and Kerry
01 junio 2019 21:20
We got married at the Hacienda San Jose in Mijas on 27th April 2019 and honestly, I could not recommend Sunshine Weddings highly enough. From the very first emails exchanged right up to the wedding day and everything in between they were incredible.

Our first point of contact was Susie, who was really knowledgable and so helpful when we were trying to find our perfect venue. I told her the estimated size of the wedding and what we wanted from it and she recommended the about 3 venues around Spain. Immediately we fell in love with the Hacienda just from the photos and Susie happily set up a viewing for us to coincide with a holiday we had planned.

When we went to view the venue we met with Angel who was so lovely and helpful, and very patient with our little boy who was only about 9 months at the time. We were shown the venue and I can’t stress enough how much the photos don’t do it justice. The venue is absolutely stunning! The views are incredible, the sheer size is incredible, there’s so many little areas where you can get some alone time and plenty of communal space for everyone to enjoy such as the pool and bbq area. Honestly, we were so in awe with it that my husband turned to me when we were alone and said “are you sure we can afford this? ”. We couldn’t believe it was within our budget. It took us a grand total of about 1.5 seconds to confirm that it was the venue for us and we ask Susie to book it for us.

From that point we were then introduced to our wedding planner, Justine. Justine was so helpful from the get go. She had a checklist set up for us with everything we would need for the day including estimated prices and was really great at giving suggestions on suppliers. I never felt at any time during the planning process that things were rushed, Justine just knew exactly when everything should be done and made sure to give me a little nudge if there was something I’d forgotten to reply to her about. Having Justine in charge of everything made it feel like I wasn’t even planning a wedding, it was so stress free and relaxed.

Justine organised a 2nd visit for us so that we could see the venue again, do a menu tasting and meet with Scott and Sharon who would be running things in Spain on the day. The menu tasting was excellent and I’m glad we did it as things I hadn’t considered having for the meal/canapés I changed my mind once I’d tried them.

Meeting Scott and Sharon was great, they ran through the entire day with us and how everything would work, and helped us to work out how much alcohol and soft drinks etc we would need.

On to the weekend of the wedding - we met with Scott and Sharon again the day before the wedding just to run through everything one last time and make sure we were totally happy. On the morning of the wedding Sharon arrived early to make sure everything was set up as we wanted it and made sure the day ran so smoothly. Everything was perfect from start to finish. I honestly don’t think our day could have gone any better, it was just incredible. I wish I could go back and do it all over again.

For anyone thinking about planning their wedding in Spain, please go with Sunshine Weddings, you will not regret it!

Thank you so much to the entire team, we know how hard everyone worked to make our wedding so special and we are so grateful.

Siobhan & Mark
31 mayo 2019 6:46
I had the pleasure of working with the team of Sunshine Weddings Spain on my most recent wedding in mid-April. I was the photographer and I couldn't be happier with level of communication (in the lead up to the event and on the wedding day) and professionalism.

We came from Sydney, Australia and every minute of the day was perfectly planned and executed. Thanks for the amazing team work!
24 mayo 2019 15:26
We have just had our food tasting for our big day at Tikitano Beach Club & Restaurant. Let us start by saying Scott and his team at Sunshine weddings and a delight to work with. Super friendly and always helpful with whatever you need. The venue itself is a thing of beauty both outside and in. For anyone considering it, we would definitely recommend making the journey to see the venue as pics/videos just don't do it justice! We're looking forward to our big day!
12 mayo 2019 19:00
We had our wedding last weekend at the Hacienda San Jose and it was incredible! Organising a wedding from the opposite side of the world, in Australia, would have been impossible and without a doubt our day would not have been so amazing without the incredible team at Sunshine weddings. A huge thank you to Justine who, whether day or night, would reply to my emails promptly and calmly. The day itself went without a hitch, run by Sharon and Scott! I think the most important thing for a bride and groom at their wedding is that they don’t have to organise or worry about a thing on the day and Sharon and Scott made this possible. They discreetly moved guests on from canapés to dinner and then to the dance floor, amongst countless other things to make the day flow perfectly. Thank you to all the sunshine wedding team again for making our day incredible! Lots of love, Katie and Dom xx
05 mayo 2019 8:02
From the very first moment that we contacted the team at Sunshine Weddings some 18 months before the big day the service has been beyond expectations. Every detail was thought of and no stone left unturned in the planning of our wedding in Mijas. From our initial emails and venue viewing of the Hacienda San Jose, we felt incredibly well looked after and confident that no question was too silly and no request too big. In the months of planning we were in regular contact with the great team of schedulers and organisers in particular Justine, who always responded to our questions promptly and in detail. As the wedding approached, we were offered direct communication with Scott to iron out the final details who put us at ease.

No matter how confident and prepared the team at Sunshine made us feel ahead of arriving in Spain we were of course very nervous. We need not have been. Everyone was incredibly reassuring and had everything covered. On the ground, both Scott and Sharon made sure that the wedding ran perfectly without hiccup and were not only professional but great people to talk to. The way that both worked alongside Yvonne from the Hacienda San Jose was seamless and they were always one step ahead of any question that we had. Yvonne even went to the trouble of making sure that our vision for the wedding was well executed and offered her experience to add to the decorations that we had already provided. The Hacienda is a perfect wedding venue and we can’t recommend it to future brides and grooms enough. You will not be disappointed.

Thanks to everyone at Sunshine Weddings we had the day of our dreams and our guests could not have been happier. We wish that we could do it all over again and we will certainly return to the amazing Hacienda San Jose in future. We began as clients and ended as friends.

Blake and Nicky.
08 abril 2019 10:41
Best Wedding Ever! (even if i do say so myself!)

Sunshine Weddings organised an absolutely amazing Wedding in Sep 2018 for us! Hacienda San Jose was our dream venue and we LOVED our stay there. From the very start of working with Sunshine all the staff were extremely professional, friendly and responsive.

Julie is simply amazing! She worked tirelessly with me, responding to all my crazy emails and questions that I sent over (there were thousands!), she was super helpful in making suggestions, recommending great suppliers and working with me to ensure that everything was how we wanted it!

Yvonne from the Hacienda is also amazing! She made sure that we had the most beautiful decorations and really went the extra mile to find us the perfect looking (and tasting!) cheese for our wedding cake to match the rustic style we wanted. She also made sure we had some flamingos for our pool party the next day as she knew how important that was for us!:) super star!

Raquel is super lovely and was fab on the day making sure that everything was as we wanted it, that all the timings went to plan, and with a smile on her face the whole time!

In terms of the suppliers we used, Natasha Johnson is the most amazing Wedding Celebrant (probably in the world - check out her blog!), Bunches Florist - Shona provided us gorgeous, great value flowers, Scott McNaughton was a very accommodating, fun DJ to get the party going and Roberto added so much fun to our dance floor with his Saxaphone Skills!

I would wholeheartedly recommend booking your Wedding with Sunshine and using the suppliers I've mentioned above. We couldn't have asked for a best Wedding planner and suppliers to work with to make our day so memorable! Thank you so much to everyone involved!:)
12 marzo 2019 20:42
We have just come back from our second visit with Sunshine Weddings. Wow! I feel very relaxed as the wedding date looms. Excellent organisation and in the short time we were over we were able to meet the photographer, have the all important hair and makeup trail as well as meeting the florist, having a tour of the venue and the food tasting! The food tasting was fabulous and we can't wait for our big day to come. Excellent service! Bring on August:)
18 diciembre 2018 23:59
What a great service we had from Sunshine Weddings!
At our initial meeting with Scott he took us to visit potential venues based on the type of place we had expressed to him we were looking for. He also told us about different types of venues in case we’d been interested in something different. It was clear Scott had very extensive knowledge of so many different venues.
Once we had chosen our venue, the Sunshine Wedding team were so helpful in recommending local suppliers to help make our day perfect. It was great to have a single point of contact in the Sunshine Wedding team to help with our preparations, and Justine did a great job of keeping in touch with us and dealing with all our requests and queries.
The week before the wedding we had a final meeting with the Sunshine Wedding team to talk through all the finer details for the day and this really helped put our minds at ease!
We couldn’t have been happier with the service provided on the wedding day – everything ran perfectly and it was great having Sonia and Scott there to make sure everything went without a hitch.
Throughout the process it was clear that Scott and the team really listened to and understood what we wanted and helped make it all happen. We can’t thank you all enough for everything you did to make our wedding day at Tikitano perfect.
08 diciembre 2018 2:37
So. I don't know where to begin. Having spoken to so many different planners at the beginning, sunshine weddings really stood out. Susie was the first point of contact we had and she was immediately listening to us, coming back to us and not judging us on how much money we were planning on spending (we found some suppliers very dismissive). Vae picked us up to bring us around to nearly every single venue on the Costa Sol and on the way home suggested somewhere we didn't even know about, Aqui te quiero ver, just on the outskirts of Marbella. It is the most beautiful venue, which is also an amazing restaurant, a hidden gem - right on the beach. From there we had back and forth with trying to book a church, Susie, you were amazing here! Once all finally in place, Julie took over and literally introduced us to every supplier we asked for and really guided and held our hand through the whole thing. I think there wasn't a day that went by that I wasn't in touch with poor Julie and then later Gillian. The guys were on top of everything and must have the patience of saints! On the visit to finalize the details and taste the food, we met with Scott and Raquel. They are both awesome! Such good craic and really put us at ease, reassuring us. We met them both again on our meeting the week of the wedding and again calmed the nerves and just took over. The day itself was absolutely amazing, it was better than I could ever have imagined. I have to shout out to all our amazing suppliers. Nicola McGeorge (make up) was the most impressive, professional make up artist I have ever met, seriously knew her stuff, not just make up, skin, brides, prepared for everything! Ella was fab, got 9 of our hair done single handed through the morning. Talia, our photographer literally ran the show, calmed me at each stage and I actually felt that she was a real support during a nerve-wrecking day. Dougie from silverscreen was amazing, such good craic and it was so fun doing all the shots. The flowers were by Karen, and even random pics and little else, she created the most beautiful bouquet and the most fabulous table settings, just what I had pictured in my mind. The food, OH MY GOD THE FOOD.our guests are still buzzing about this, the food provided in the restaurant was out of this world. On that food and music were the key elements of our dream wedding, Georgie O'Neill sang at the church and I have goosebumps still, hearing her voice in my memories of the day. Scott! The Irish DJ who literally tore up our dance floor kept every single guest on the dance floor until close! Finally Michelle, who did our decor. Oh wow, she literally read my mind, everything she did was better then I had even requested, including coming up with imaginative decor I hadn't even considered. I know this is crazy long. I just really wanted to shout out to every person who made our day so special. Sunshine weddings you are amazing, provided an exceptional service, at unreal value. I just hope Scott and all his gang know what a serious show you put on. YOU WERE AMAZING, and Julie I miss our emails! Love you guys. Thank you so much for everything. Amy & Alan Cox.x
06 diciembre 2018 10:16
We’ve just finished our food and wine tasting before the big day. We knew it would be good, but didn’t think it would be that good! The whole day has been amazing and Scott and the team have been there to guide and advise when needed. We are feeling so calm, chilled and prepared for the big day next year.we can’t wait!
02 diciembre 2018 4:51
Me, Andrew and all of my guests had just one word to describe the wedding and that was WOW!

From our first enquiry with sunshine weddings up until the big day arrived you were all awesome Susie, Nieves and Justine and of course Scott, I can't thank you all enough you took away every stressful element that comes with planning a wedding and ensured that our day was perfect in every way.
All the suppliers you recommended were lovely and fantastic at what they do and just added that extra special spark on the day.
It's a day that we will treasure for the rest of our lives.
I would definitely recommend sunshine weddings to anyone looking for a wedding planner in Spain.
Scott and the team just keep doing what your doing and you will continue to make every bride and grooms dream wedding come true! You truly made our day thankyou from the bottom of my heart xxxxx
24 noviembre 2018 22:17
Thank you so much Sunshine Weddings for being a part of our Ever After! It was truly the Best and Happiest day of our lives and we loved every minute of it!
Coming halfway around the world from the Philippines, it was not easy for us to organise a destination or in our case a “journey” wedding in Spain much less our dream “journey” Feria-themed wedding because of obvious reasons like time differences, language barrier, distance, logistics among others! But you have never made us feel that what we wanted could not be done. Every time we wanted something you never discourage us and you always went above and beyond, continually working with us, understanding what we envisoned and helped us implement that vision that into reality.
We had an amazing, amazing day, and made truly unforgettable memories! All our guests were just blown away with all the unexpected deluge of sights, sounds, tastes and emotions as they have never been to a wedding like what you created for us and it would not have been possible without your dedication and passionate effort to help us fulfill our vision! Even until know looking at our photos makes me feel like we stepped into a dream.
All the people you chose for us - Jeremy, Antonio, Lorraine, Shona, Roccio, Nano, Quike, Damian, Laura, Catriona, Justine and Merry! And all the rest are just fantastic professionals as well as individuals - people we are so happy to be part of our day. They are all super amazing! Most importantly we felt that YOU were truly 100% dedicated throughout the entire process. We feel that you are already a big part of our lives and we have created a friendship that will last even beyond our wedding day.
21 noviembre 2018 18:34
Booking a wedding overseas can seem like quite a daunting task. My fiancé and I have always dreamed of a destination wedding and wanted a place that was special to unite our families together. My fiancé’s family lives in Macedonia, my family is all here in the United States, and we live in the United States as well. Being of Spanish heritage myself, Spain seemed like the perfect place!

We started researching planning a Destination Wedding in Spain online and came across a few wedding planners. We heard back the next morning from Susie at Sunshine Weddings. Susie was warm and welcoming. She was sincere and really showed she cared about us planning a wedding. She was always an email away and answered all of the questions we had. She really helped us take our vision into a reality. She is very knowledgeable and pays attention to details! She gave us all of the information we needed and more! She also arranged for us to have a Skype Call with Scott, the wedding planner!
Meeting Scott via Skype showed that he cared to meet us in person and wanted to get to know as a couple. Personalized attention and the amazing people made us fall in love with Sunshine Weddings and made us confident in Sunshine Weddings! Our Skype call was organized by Susie and was made with our time difference in mind. It was very reassuring and we were so excited to talk to Scott. Scott has a lot of experience and you can tell by his impressive portfolio!

Once the venue was locked down, Susie introduced us to Hannah. Hannah is such a bubbly and happy person that makes us very excited to check our emails! She will ask what you are looking for and make suggestions based on what we have envisioned for the day! She helped us decide on Music, Hair & Makeup, Accommodations, and everything in between. She always says she is just an email away but that is actually true. She is very prompt in responses! She has thought of all of the details! The whole team is amazing!

During our Skype call, Scott told us that he would be in NY to visit and would love to meet us! We were so excited that Scott, on his vacation, would take time to meet us. We met him at a restaurant in Manhattan. He was super friendly and we had such a great time with him discussing planning for the wedding and also getting to learn about Scott and how Sunshine Weddings got started. It was great to meet our planner in person before going to Spain! That was such an amazing personal touch and we loved getting to meet Scott!

Our wedding is next August in Spain and we could not be more excited to keep planning with the Sunshine Wedding Team! They make wedding planning fun and easy! Scott, Susie, and Hannah have been amazing helping us plan our dream wedding in Spain!
20 noviembre 2018 7:51
My wife and I cant thanks sunshine weddings enough for all their help organising our wedding.from finding the venue, to the very finest detail on the day, sunshine weddings covered everything. Scott and his team are very profesional and have a great knowledge and understanding of the local areas and what can be provided. I would highly recommend them for anybody who want thier big day to run smoothly and seemless!
01 noviembre 2018 15:16
I would highly reccomend Sunshine Weddings for anyone thinking of getting married in sunny Spain! We got married on the 21st of September in the beautiful Hotel Cortijo Bravo and it truely was the most wonderful day of our lives- thanks to Karolan, Justine, Scott and all the team at Sunshine weddings:) What initially seemed like a daunting task to begin planning for a wedding abroad, was made so easy from the very beginning right up to the big day! Justine was our main point of call during the planning process and she was absolutely fantastic to work alongside, always available to answer any questions we had and made the whole experience so easy and enjoyable! Any ideas we had, big or small were made possible through Justines research and planning and she worked incredibly hard to turn our vision into reality! Scott and Karolan co-ordinated the day meticulously! Nothing was left to chance- every minute of the day was scheduled but at the same time flowed beautifully and far exceeded our expectations- it was just magical! Karolan on the day itself took charge of everything from dealing with vendors, payments, timings etc and because of this we could all sit back and enjoy every minute of the day-and we did! Our guests are still chatting about how great the day was and how well planned out everything was! I cannot thank the team at Sunshine Weddings enough- you are all so professional in what ye do and really made our wedding day so special! Future brides and grooms.ye are in the BEST hands with this team so feet up and let them work their magic!
20 octubre 2018 3:04
My husband and I got married at the Hacienda San Jose in July. We didn't ever imagine that arranging a wedding abroad could be done with such ease, and actually be an enjoyable experience. Thank you to Sunshine Weddings and all their suppliers for making it that way. From our first contact with Susie (back in summer 2016!), the venue tour with Sheila, planning with Nieves & Justine and then the final execution with Scott & Raquel, everything went like a dream. We couldn’t have hoped for our wedding day to go any better. All of our guests tell us it was the best wedding they have ever attended. We would highly recommend Sunshine Weddings to those planning a wedding in the sunshine. Mr & Mrs Koo (Johnny & Laura).
16 octubre 2018 16:10
Thank you Scott, Sonia, Justine and the whole team at Sunshine Weddings! Marc and I live in Canada and just returned from our wedding and honeymoon in Spain. We got married at TikiTano Restaurant on August 11th 2018. We found Sunshine Weddings online and couldn't be happier with everything that they did, and for helping us organize the wedding of our dreams! I was skeptical about having a wedding planner, but oh my goodness, these guys know what they are doing and now I can't imagine how our wedding would have been without them! Sonia was an absolute star the day of our wedding. She made us feel so relaxed and made our day even more special by doing little things that went a long way (bringing us drinks while we had photos taken, saving canapés for us to nibble on after the photos, gathering family members, helping the flower girls.the list goes on). The services that they recommend are so perfect! We had Nano the Spanish guitarist, Jon the DJ, Karen the Florist, Rebecca our Photographer & Charlotte for make-up. Our guests said that we really raised the bar when it comes to weddings and none of them would be able to top it! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Marc & Candice
11 octubre 2018 9:35
Scott and his team were absolutely amazing. We couldn’t have asked for better. Nothing was too much for them. Special thanks to Mary who went above and beyond On the day and made sure everything was perfect. Thank you all for everything. Highly recommend Scott and his team.
05 octubre 2018 12:16
Julie, Louise and Scott were all amazing and really helpful and very patient! We had an amazing day and will forever be grateful XXXX
28 septiembre 2018 11:02
We have just returned to Spain 6 years after we celebrated our daughter Marilyn’s wedding to Alon.
The whole wedding experience was absolutely unbelievable, from Scott collecting us and showing us venues, through his advice and help and to masterminding the most magical night of our lives!
We can only thank Scott a million times for making this incredible event possible!
All our friends still talk about the wedding and someone even told us they felt like they were at Cinderella’s ball!
Please contact us if you would like any endorcement of Sunshine’s services)
27 septiembre 2018 10:47
We had the most amazing wedding at a stunning beachfront villa in Marbella. We’ve only started organizing at the beginning of the year, but everything turned out fantastic. Debbie was very well organized and quick to answer any inquiry. Also, I had a very nice surprise from Scott to have brought Maria to our wedding. She’s speaking my parents’ language which made them feel as great as everyone else. The whole team was very warm and very helpful. Big thank you, Sunshine!

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