17 marzo 2023 2:26
The dogs at the shelter are very well cared for. The people working there are doing their absolute best and even more to care for nearly a hundred dogs at times. They have toys, treats, sleep in comfy beds and with blankets. The refuge isn’t publicly open as many of the dogs are nervous and anxious of new people, to keep their calm and safe space, they offer dog walking, if you’re interested in interacting with the dogs. Can recommend this place both as a walker and as a volunteer. Volunteering work isn’t easy, but it is totally worth it!
20 septiembre 2022 0:57
Fuimos en nuestras vacaciones a pasear a algunos perros del refugio. El trato fue adecuado y los animales estaban en buenas condiciones.
23 junio 2022 17:34
We arrived with a boot full of quality dog food to donate and the woman who opened the gate was at best unhelpful at worst rude. Not interested in us at all and couldn’t wait to shut the gate. Thought they would have been delighted to receive a free boot of dried food. Incredible.
15 abril 2022 1:18
Me parece un lugar estupendo para los animales y unas personas maravillosa que los cuidan muy bien y les buscan nuevos ho hogares oleeee por ellos
01 enero 2022 3:04
Magnífica labor por los perros abandonados. Pero y por los gatos? Ellos también son seres vivos que sienten y padecen: (hace un tiempo recogisteis firmas para presentar al Ayuntamiento para que aplicara el método CES. Desapareció, cerrasteis esa protesta sin aún haberse implementado nada: (colaboraba activamente en el teaming y con ropa.pero me falta esa parte de mirar por los gatos también. El Ayuntamiento os haría caso, pues ya os pone en su presupuesto anual con una contribución de 7mil euros, según la documentación pública del propio Ayuntamiento. Gracias por no mirar para otro lado y Ojalá los gatos tuviesen la misma suerte aquí. GRACIAS
23 diciembre 2021 19:36
Volunteered here in tough conditions. Owners are up agsainst it with a tough job and limited resources. Local community and volunteers make a big difference. Pop by if your in the area
06 diciembre 2021 22:41
Tail Torrox Dog refuge does a great job for their dogs and the dogs are doing really, really well. But as a volunteer I can unfortunately not recommend this place. I was down there for 3 months, 5 days a week to clean and tidy the cages, all that time there was virtually no one talking to me, neither a “good morning” nor “goodbye”. It would have been nice if I had occasionally received some feedback, both about the dogs, but also if there were things I did well or maybe could do differently or if there were other jobs to do on the site, so it all just became a very strange experience. On the other hand, there was another volunteer on site who gave feedback, an unpleasant one of a kind, she was so rude to other people. However, the dogs are absolutely amazing which made me stay there for the 3 months.
01 diciembre 2021 15:49
The shelter makes a fantastic effort for the dogs, but unfortunately does very little for the volunteers.

If you come to Torrox and want to make a voluntary contribution to the shelter, you must really enjoy being with the dogs. There is no social community between the volunteers and the daily interaction with the shelter management and the resident volunteers is very limited. They focus solely on the dogs and unfortunately have no focus on either keeping you informed about everyday life or making your stay an experience that you want to repeat.

After more than 3 months of volunteer work 5 days a week, I miss the dogs a lot but regrettable nothing else.
18 noviembre 2020 6:25
Caring, dedicated and knowledgable staff. Hats off to both Rune and Kayleigh for their fantastic work.
22 abril 2019 4:12
The dogs in here are treat as well as possible and people are allowed to take the dogs out a walk but more people are needed to help take the dogs out walking. By doing this you aren't just helping the dogs but you are benefiting yourself with exercise too.
03 marzo 2019 18:15
Please go an adopt and help the please great people and great animals u can walk and love the dogs and make a the change u want
20 diciembre 2018 10:06
A deeply caring staff fighting an uphill battle against animal abandonment. More power to their elbow!

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