31 enero 2022 18:25
Unlike other Movistar shops in the area, the people at this office wants to help, waiting time is short and the personel is very helpful end efficient. Thank's a lot!
11 enero 2022 4:19
Hace tres anos que vivimos en Nerja y aprovechamos de esta tienda para todo lo que es telefonia. Siempre nos attienden con mucha cortesia y profesionalidad. El tema de telefonia es bastante complicado y las reglas y las ofertas cambian a menudo.tener un asesoramiento preciso y amable es lo mejor que te pueda ocurrir. Un agradecimiento particular a Nerea que nos ha siempre aconsejado bien.
29 septiembre 2021 6:53
He estat a Nerja de vacances i he tingut un problema amb la tarjeta del mòbil. La noia de la botiga, molt atenta i propera, m'ho ha solucionat en un moment. Estic molt agraïda. Moltes gràcies
23 julio 2021 12:41
Me han solucionado el problema que 1004 no me soluciona en 3 días, una atención escelente por parte de todo su equipo. Gracias
18 julio 2021 11:52
Venimos de vacaciones de Bilbao a Nerja con un cambio de portabilidad nada más llegar. Por un error de activación de tarjetas nos hemos visto incomunicados y sin ningún tipo de respuesta por parte de nuestra oficina Movistar en Bilbondo. Sin embargo, agradecer enormemente la amabilidad y ágil solución al equipo de la oficina Movistar de Nerja que no ha tardado en solucionar el problema con su equipo técnico. Muchas gracias!
18 diciembre 2020 7:21
He tenido unos problemas con el servicio y ellos me lo han solucionado, aunque han sido un poco lentos. Pero contento. Gracias
18 abril 2019 23:16
Servicios mínimos es imposible hacer algo en menos de 2 horas de espera infinita. Mínimos medios para grandes CIAs.
04 marzo 2019 22:12
We were there to ask for quotations. My experience was very good. I will highly recommend Nerea, she is very professional and with a perfect English. She really helped us to decide the right product according what we were looking for. She was very friendly and knowledgeable. She was able to answer any questions I had about my contract and explained my final paperwork to my wife and me.

I advise everyone who visits the store should deal with her!
24 julio 2017 0:08
Appalling service - don't go there!

If there was an option to give 0 stars, that's what I'd give to Movistar's Nerja shop. These jokers are the rudest, most useless shop assistants I've come across in a long time. We waited patiently while they took an interminable time serving their Spanish customers, talking at great length and spinning out transactions that should have taken 5 minutes to around 20. Not even any eye contact to show that they’d noticed we were waiting. Finally, after half an hour, it seemed like it was our turn to be served - but no. A Spanish customer came in, pushed in front of us, asked to be served - and was! Our protests at this treatment were met with a blank stare and we left, never to return. Maybe they don't like foreign customers, which is a pity as Nerja is a popular holiday spot and gets hundreds of thousands of visitors from other countries every year. Whatever the reason, there's no excuse for such rudeness and shabby treatment of potential customers.

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