31 diciembre 2023 8:58
Excelentes resultados al utilizar la correa Y en las afecciones del cuello y la espalda baja de mis pacientes.
20 julio 2023 10:05
Como quiropráctico que utiliza el dispositivo Y-strap, he visto de primera mano los increíbles beneficios que este dispositivo es capaz de lograr para muchos de mis pacientes. He visto personas que han logrado una resolución completa de trastornos crónicos utilizando este dispositivo en múltiples sesiones. ¡Ha sido un punto de inflexión implementar este dispositivo en la práctica y no me puedo quejar!
16 marzo 2023 3:38
Love the Y strap! I have had several patients who complain of chronic migraines that had minimal success with other adjustments. As soon as I implemented the y strap they improved!
24 marzo 2022 14:25
The quality of the Y strap is far above the rest. For my chronic neck pain and headache patients this has been an effective go-to tool. I like the padding on the strap and feel that it does a good job providing enough comfort to the patient.
12 febrero 2022 0:54
Já tinha conhecimento de várias técnicas e utensílios para a realização da tracção cervical. Mas na minha experiência prática nem todas eram eficazes, variáva de paciente para paciente.
Quando vi pelo primeira vez o Y-Strap fiquei com certeza que este seria o utensílio ideal.
Depois de o comprar e utilizar, fantástico, muito prático, confortável e ergonómico.
Os pacientes aprovaram.

Obrigado Team Y-Strap
09 febrero 2022 0:06
Y strap feels very sturdy, and is made of quality materials. It helps take pressure off of hand and wrist joints when doing manual cervical traction. Wish I would have ordered this sooner!
05 febrero 2022 1:31
Purchased the Y-Strap for my clinic and was truly amazed. Everyone I have worked on absolutely loved it and I even had another clinician do it on me so I could experience it. The relief was instantaneous. I can see so many of my patients benefiting from this therapy.
02 febrero 2022 16:48
I’m a chiropractor and just got this tool. Totally worth the price, my patients are loving it and feeling great, also, their costumer service are top tier. You won’t regret buying this.
29 enero 2022 6:27
Behind all other acquired misalignments from accidents, injuries and daily repetitive stress, is the pervasive physical compressive stress of gravity, that all of us deal with from the moment of our birth. Any spinal rehabilitation that hopes to be successful MUST address this underlying compression. The Y-Strap is one of the most effective and efficient tools for dealing with this crucial component that ALL patients need.
19 enero 2022 7:08
The Y strap is a great tool to help decompressing the spine and reduce pain. I recently started using this technique in my clinic and this gives me one more way to help my patients. There's also research that demonstrates how decompression helps to reduce pain and increase mobility. A great tool to help improve motion and decrease pain.
18 enero 2022 12:12
This product is amazing! My patients love it and it provides great relief for a variety of conditions. It is comfortable for both the practitioner and client and easy to use. I would highly recommend this product.
16 enero 2022 20:23
I had been looking at the use of y-strap for a year before I decided to buy it. It came yesterday. I used it on one of my patients and he felt "it" from neck to his lower back. He was so happy.

I must say that this stuff is worth buying and using. The difference it makes during treatment is obvious. I highly recommend the y-strap to all.

Lastly, the company delivered this stuff fast to me. I was surprised. The customer service is exceptional too!
14 enero 2022 4:47
Great service, ordered strap delivered to me within a few days. No issues or problems whatsoever.
05 enero 2022 6:01
Uma experiência terapêutica fantástica o uso deste aparelho maravilhoso que tantos pacientes tem ajudado ao longo do tempo da sua aplicação. Obrigado por tudo. Tem sido uma ferramenta extraordinária com resultados fantásticos.
02 enero 2022 22:19
Prompt international delivery. Package arrived badly damaged and almost as a separate delivery to the ordered item, the latter of which was nevertheless intact.

After writing to complain about the unacceptable condition of the overall package I received a very prompt response apologising for the delivery condition and assurance that the instructions etc would certainly be inside the pouch with the item (I should have checked this before writing).

Even though the delivery condition would have undoubtedly been due to Post Office incompetence at some point down the line, I felt something of this nature would have been better packaged in a box.

I haven't yet used the Y-Strap but it does look of good quality.

My 4-star rating reflects my feelings that the item should have been more securely packaged and also that although of seemingly good quality it's a little expensive for what it is.

Good, helpful and pleasant company to deal with.
30 diciembre 2021 19:13
Simple and effective occipital lift adjustment tool. Surprisingly gentle, and patients love it!
30 diciembre 2021 8:22
Y-strap makes it so easy to perform cervical decompression type manipulation. Much less stress on my body and more effective on patients with muscular or thick necks.
24 diciembre 2021 21:12
Strap robust & well made.non slip surface gives god traction around Occiput.
Is expensive for such a simple device
20 diciembre 2021 4:05
Great product. Simple and effective, and my patients love it! And very quick shipping.
Perfect. Thanks from Denmark
JP Treatment
19 diciembre 2021 12:44
Only purchase the authentic Y-Strap! It's the only one that actually grips the Clientele's head for the best stretch they have ever had!
18 diciembre 2021 17:07
Only used for a few days and my patients that have experienced it have all reacted well. Very easy to use, juat need to find someone to use on me regularly now.

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