23 noviembre 2023 22:57
¡Experiencia maravillosa! Hicimos un tour de vino y pintxos de 3 horas, visitando 5 bares con 1 copa de vino y 1 pintxo en cada uno. Nuestro guía brindó una excelente explicación de todo lo que comimos y bebimos, así como de la historia local. Bien vale la pena el dinero para conocer los mejores bares de pintxos de Donastia.
23 octubre 2023 5:51
Uno de los aspectos más destacados de nuestro viaje de 3 semanas por el noroeste de España y Portugal fue nuestro tour de tapas con Nerea. Ella fue encantadora, muy conocedora de San Sebastián y seleccionó pintxos maravillosos para nosotros. No eran pintxos típicos, sino especialidades de cada uno de los restaurantes que fueron preparadas especialmente para nuestro pequeño grupo de 6 personas. El maridaje de vinos fue muy bueno. Fue una velada excelente. Gracias Nerea.
06 octubre 2023 21:23
Hoy tuvimos una masterclass en MIMO Gastro School. Recomiendo encarecidamente esta experiencia, ya que fue increíble e inolvidable. Nuestros chefs eran súper talentosos, divertidos y amigables. Definitivamente regresaré para otra clase magistral
02 octubre 2023 20:42
Pasamos una tarde maravillosa con nuestra guía Ane. Nos llevó a 5 bares de pintxos diferentes y pidió sus favoritos junto con un vino diferente para probar en cada bar. Nos encantó cada elección de comida y vino. Conocía mucho la historia de San Sebastián, la cultura y el idioma. El mejor recorrido gastronómico y guía, ¡lo recomiendo encarecidamente!
10 septiembre 2023 7:00
¡Gran recorrido para experimentar pintxos que normalmente no pedirías! ¡Gemas ocultas! ¡GUILLERMO estuvo increíble!
05 septiembre 2023 1:45
Nuestro chef/profesor Eneko fue un punto (divertido y atractivo). También era un chef altamente calificado; no tuve problemas para creer que una vez trabajó en un restaurante con 3 estrellas Michelin. Nuestro grupo aprendió muchas cosas sobre las lonjas vascas y la cocina gracias a él, pero sobre todo absorbió su pasión por la cocina y la cultura vasca.

Fue un privilegio estar en su clase. ¡Altamente recomendado!
29 agosto 2023 17:22
Esto es más que una clase de cocina, es una oportunidad de escuchar, ver y sentir la pasión del País Vasco y su cultura gastronómica. Los chefs que lideran la experiencia tienen entusiasmo y energía que penetran en el grupo y dan vida a esta experiencia. Aprendí mucho no solo sobre la cocina vasca, sino también sobre los conceptos básicos de la cocina, nunca volveré a hacer ensaladas, cortar cebollas o cocinar bistecs de la misma manera. Lo haría de nuevo en un latido del corazón. Vale la pena cada centavo.
29 agosto 2023 1:11
Experiencia excepcional
ce, Eneko, nuestro talentoso y entretenido chef, fue fantástico. Llevaremos nuestras nuevas habilidades adquiridas de regreso a Australia para sorprender a nuestros amigos y familiares.
24 agosto 2023 0:58
¡No puedo decir lo suficiente sobre nuestro recorrido y guía turístico! Verónica no solo nos presentó una comida increíble, sino que también compartió historias de su familia y la historia del área. Ella nos cuidó muy bien y nos hizo sentir como en casa en su ciudad. La velada fue estupenda y la comida increíble. ¡Muchas gracias a Verónica!
31 julio 2023 23:04
Mi esposo y yo disfrutamos mucho de los 4 platos que cocinamos con el chef Ekko, incluida una paella de mariscos. La cocina de la escuela está equipada con electrodomésticos Siemens hechos para una cocina de 3 estrellas Michelin. Nos obsequiaron con café, vino y hospitalidad mientras cocinábamos. Uno de los días más agradables que pasamos en San Sebastián y quizás nuestra mejor comida también. ¡Una experiencia memorable!
22 marzo 2023 4:36
Fantastic experience. Part of SS' appeal is of course all the wonderful restaurants. With Mimo, its more in depth than going to a restaurant, you're cooking, learning about the region, dishes etc. Patricio is fantastic, experience, and food were wonderful
10 marzo 2023 11:17
We were lucky. We were the only two people in the class, off-season traveling is the best. We were concerned they might cancel the class, but Patricio explained that they never cancel, even if only 1 person. He told us people plan their trips around the cooking classes and they cannot let anyone down. Sound business philosophy.

Our classes focused on authentic Spanish paella. We made one rabbit one squid paella and crème brûlée). Patricio had all the ingredients ready - although the squid was delivered fresh while we made our introductions.

This wasn’t just a cooking class, it was about the philosophy, passion, culture, and creativity of making something special. Basque cooking is focused on simple ingredients (e.g, not using many spices, if any at all). It is about quality and fresh ingredients.

We started focusing on the stocks. The squid had a fish (Hake, leek and parsley) based stock, while the rabbit started with caramelized onion, carrot and rosemary). We prepped everything else; squid, rabbit, onion, tomato, etc. We had never prepped either rabbit or squid. It was so enlightening how to prep each. We can easily do this at home (we live in San Diego, so have access to fresh squid - not sure about the rabbit, but can substitute chicken). We even learned how to properly dice an onion and tomato. We cook together nearly every evening and didn’t know the best way to chop an onion (as Patricio kept saying, “you’re not wrong, just doing it different”).

We learned a lot about Basque culture. Mostly because it centers around food and preparing food. The Basque philosophy of eating is eat small portions and eat often. We fell in love with this eating style as well as fresh, fresh, fresh ingredients. I think back on how Patricio dwelled on the freshness of the squid and how you can tell how fresh it is. My wife fully separated both the squid and the rabbit. She’s my hero. I took the pictures and video.

Our class was not about preparing the perfect meal, it was completely about us learning the nuances of cooking. Patricio went to great lengths to teach us the details and importance of each step. For example, stocks are the foundation of the dish - they use simple ingredients and from there you can build.

I spent about 15 minutes with a mortar and pestal grinding garlic into a paste for the aioli. My wife made fresh mayonnaise. We were both blown away by how easy fresh mayo is to make. The aioli was unbelievable… again, fresh simple ingredients.

I prepared the rabbit paella and my wife the squid. We worked every step with Patricio guiding us. His passion for cooking is so strong it emanates so broadly we were energized (yes, I went on Amazon and ordered a paella pan and emulsifier that evening).

After we cooked, we ate. It was such an enjoyable meal… it felt more like home than a class. Lara joined us and we chatted about many things, food a little bit - but mostly we talked about each of us. My wife and I feel blessed to have had that time and met two wonderful people in San Sebastián. We will be back, no doubt.

If you are considering any class with Mimo, don’t think too long - just do it. It is worth every cent and every moment your time.
11 enero 2023 10:11
Excellent class with Patricio. He is very knowledgeable and he made this class so much fun. I really recommend taking a class at Mimo's school.
27 noviembre 2022 3:48
Absolutely incredible experience, I took a seafood cooking class with Patricio and Eneko, they took us to a local market and we all learned how to prepare seafood basque style, and made lovely friends and had a lovely time in the process. Incredible day! Thank you so much.
18 septiembre 2022 0:57
We did the Pinxtos tour, it was absolutely amazing, some of the best food I've had. The guide was superb - Lida - she really knew everything and kept us informed and entertained. Generous too, we ate and drank loads! Thanks!
15 septiembre 2022 23:23
I heard about the class through our tour guide and I couldn’t wait to book a spot. Beautiful kitchen in the Maria Christina Hotel San Sebastián. The class was traditional Basque cuisine. From start to finish it was hands on instruction from the chef and interactive. Definitely a must for those really into cooking and sharpening their skills. Learning how to handle and prepare fresh whole calamari was one of my favorite parts. Thank you chefs!
16 agosto 2022 10:27
Un lugar fantástico donde poder aprender esas recetas que siempre vemos por la tele. Una experiencia que no te va a dejar indiferente, ideal para ir con amigos o con tu pareja y conocer buena gente. Asistimos a una clase de cocina Tailandesa, un trato buenísimo de parte del personal, Mikel y Alba siempre atentos a que no nos faltara de nada. Repetiremos sin duda.
31 julio 2022 16:15
We booked a Pinxto with wine tour for dinner in mid-May and it was absolutely wonderful! I would highly recommend this tour to anyone looking for a fun dining experience and to get to know the amazing city of San Sebastian, learning about its food, culture, people and language by experiencing the city on this tour first-hand. Our host, Lida, was so knowledgeable, fun and provided the absolute best service. Not only did she accommodate my friend's gluten dietary restrictions, she provided us a list of other pintxo bars to visit after our tour and a recipe to make the famous Basque cheesecake. It was my favorite thing I did on my vacation in San Sebastian!
29 julio 2022 0:49
My boyfriend and I had an amazing time on the Mimo old town pintxo tour! We stopped by 5 pintxo bars, each better than the last. I am a vegetarian and was accommodated at each place very well (highlights included a local cheese risotto and a very tasty ravioli), while my boyfriend enjoyed all of the fantastic meat and fish offerings (including highlights such as pigs ear and oxtail sandwiches). Each pintxo was paired with a glass of wine and we had the opportunity to sample many different representative wines from the surrounding areas.

The tour itself was very fun, with Lide being a great guide to show us around the old town. She was extremely knowledgeable not only about the great food and wine scene of San Sebastián, but of the history of the city and the Basque region as a whole. She never hesitated to give her honest recommendations which included many tips for the places we will be visiting next! We got the chance to meet plenty of other couples traveling from various parts of the world and really enjoyed the chance to talk with them for a few hours.

Overall, would highly recommend!
12 julio 2022 1:02
We took a private pintxos tour with (the wonderful) Veronica. This was the perfect “day 1” experience to get the etiquette and the lay of the land down. Veronica is somewhat of a national treasure: she knows everyone and every corner of the town. And she’s fun to be with. A perfect combination. Highly recommended.
04 julio 2022 4:42
Incredible experience at Mimo Bite the Experience. We had a private cooking class with Chef Patricio, who designed a "tour" of pintxos from the most famous bars of San Sebastián. The team at Mimo is passionate about sharing their love of Basque food and culture. Everyone is so warm and welcoming; you will feel like you're cooking with a friend who happens to be a professional chef. This class was the highlight of an already amazing vacation in Spain. I highly recommend taking a class at Mimo. I will certainly do so again if I'm ever back in San Sebastián!
07 junio 2022 16:07
If you make the trip to San Sabastian, then you obviously care about really good food. You must attend (at least) one of the classes offered at Mimo. It was such a truly fantastic experience for my wife and I. Going to the market to select our food and understanding more about the seasonality of the ingredients and even how to interact with the various shop keepers when discussing their food was so much fun. The Chef's are extremely personable and very attentive. I hope to return during a fall season and I will absolutely do this again. It was the complete highlight of our experience in San Sabastian.
25 mayo 2022 6:13
We had the most wonderful fun time with our Pintxos Guide Lide. She was very interesting as she gave us the history and interesting stories of Donostria. Since it was a Friday night and very crowded, we were very glad to have a seasoned local slide us through and recommended the best pintxos of each place. She gave us the confidence to do our own Pintxos Crawl solo which was invaluable! Mucho gracias and eskerrik asko!:)
10 mayo 2022 20:10
Muy Buenos días.
Hemos disfrutado una experiencia muy bonita. El recorrido por el barrio y la descubierta de varios bares nos gustaron mucho.
Los sabores increibles de los pintxos nos encantaron tanto como el profesionalismo y la amabilidad de nuestra acompañante Lide a quién decimos "Muchísimas gracias".
Un abrazo de Denise y Albert.
16 abril 2022 8:21
Myself and my partner booked the Pinxtos and wine lunch time tour on Friday 18.03.22 and it was fantastic. Our tour guide was the wonderful Juan and we were very lucky to be the only ones on this tour which meant he was able to tell us all about the history of San Sebastián in detail as well as advise on some delicious and different Pintxos. As we said on the on the day, it was like spending a few hours with a friend and enjoying delicious wine and food. We will definitely be back to San Sebastián and will be looking to book another tour!
15 abril 2022 3:36
We booked the "pintxo cooking course"and it was completely worth it, I would recommend it to anyone.
We enjoyed the experience a lot. Everything was prepared for us with a lot of love for detail and we cooked and tasted everything without rush just enjoying.
The selection of the dishes was very appropiate, not only they tasted very good and surprising, but it was a lot of fun and learning to cook them.
Patricio was our host and he explained everything thoroughly and made us feel very confortable.
06 marzo 2022 15:38
I had the pleasure of doing 5 classes with Patricio and Eneko - a total dream come true. The produce is of the highest quality. The kitchens are beautifully designed. The teachers explain their methods very clearly and patiently, giving plenty of opportunities for practice (and testing). Eating the unbelievable results while drinking local wine and chatting throughout the relaxed sessions made the experience unlike any other. I could not recommend Mimo more.

I also did a wonderful Pinxtos and Wine evening tour with Lide! Lide gave a wonderful tour of several well/picked pinxtos bars in different areas of San Sebastián. In addition to sharing her knowledge of each dish and different types of wine, she explained the history of the Basque region in between stops. A brilliant night with fantastic company.
09 febrero 2022 5:07
Decepcionante. Tras adqurir un curso para el 2020 e intentar contactar con ellos durante un año nos dicen que la empresa quebró y que ahora son otra distinta aunque haya 2 socios de la anterior empresa.lamentable que nos den por perdido todo el dinero del curso anterior y solo ofrezcan un pequeño descuento para un nuevo curso con ellos. La verdad es que no esperaría esa actitud de un sitio así. Muy disgustado con la atención y el servicio. No recomeniendo ir.la peores experiencia que he tenido en sitios como este
18 enero 2022 19:39
Un 10 para Mikel, y un 10 para Lara.escuela de cocina donde te hacen sentir bien con todo en conjunto.repetire experiencia.muy recomendable
03 enero 2022 20:30
Mimo food experience Basque Pinxtos Tours was a great experience, with our personal gude Lide. We received a history of the City and Basque country, and a wonderful choice of different bites and drinks at each location. The choices were great and the food amazing. Lide was wonderful company and knowledgeable about all aspects of the food and drink experience as well as the history and politics of the Basque area. We highly recommend it as an introduction to the pinxtos experience, at which time you will feel comfortable striking out on your own for additional venues.
18 diciembre 2021 15:35
Amazing and pleasant cooking class. We learned a lot, had fun and ate top dishes (really, the best dishes among all restaurants we tried during our stay in Bilbao & San Sebastián).
24 noviembre 2021 13:25
Great food and wine tour! Fabulous choices of some of the best local restaurants - all of which had different styles of pinxtos and wines.
Lide was very knowledgeable and friendly and gave great recommendations on which dishes to try at each! Would 100% recommend going on this tour!
24 noviembre 2021 1:51
Fabulous experience. Jani, our guide, was wonderful and exceptionally knowledgeable. The food at every destination was delectable. Highly recommend this food tour if you’re visiting San Sebastián!
21 noviembre 2021 3:25
We had done our due diligence on the bars in Old Town San Sebastián, but we never would have been able to navigate and prioritize the best pintxos and places without our Mimo food experience tour. Jon, one of the co-owners, was our guide for the night who went completely above-and-beyond to provide us with a delicious and insightful experience.
29 octubre 2021 4:26
Genial cooking show donde además de disfrutar de sabores sorprendentes, originales e innovadores, aprendimos técnicas de cocina mientras el chef nos guía en la preparación de algunos de los platos. No es un restaurante, es más. Un referente y una bonita experiencia para todos aquellos a los que les gusta meternos en los fogones. Llevo 4 experiencias y seguiré repitiendo con ellos!
12 octubre 2021 13:16
My partner and I did the walking tour and we had the most amazing time. Our guide Jani was absolutely fantastic! Great knowledge of the city/old town as well as terrific food recommendations.

Given the current restrictions having a guide is particularly important, we were able to skip the queues and enjoy our time.

I'd highly recommend this experience!
31 agosto 2020 11:17
Fantastic Experience! As a Group we learned técnica, about the food, and great wine. We all enjoyed every minute of it and the food. Happy to come back soon. Thank you Patricio!
28 agosto 2019 20:55
I highly recommend the classes here. If you have any interest in cooking or learning first hand about the basque culinary world - you won't find a better experience. The folks here are exceptionally kind and passionate about the program. Their knowledge is very insightful and interesting.
13 agosto 2019 11:26
I have done several multi-day cooking courses around the world but this is by far the best of all. I spent one of the best week of my life. Not only because, in a week, we covered techniques from cutting onions to spherification but also because I felt like being with friends instead of teachers from the first day. I will make it my yearly pilgrimage to come to San Sebastian to learn with Pato, Agustin, Julian and Carmen. Thanks guys and see you next year!
03 mayo 2019 17:06
Did a great cooking course here. Staff were excellent. Learnt loads of new tricks and tips. Good experience. Thanks all
28 enero 2019 11:33
Excellent Pinxto crawl tour with Eli. Made our trip to San Sabestian the highlight of our trip to Spain. Would highly recommend!
14 septiembre 2018 15:35
We were family of four (children 12 and 13) - everybody loved the experience and food. Very relaxed and busy at the same time.
17 junio 2018 19:09
Best cooking class we have ever been to. We are from NYC and have had a few classes there including Momofuko classes and this was honestly better in value and in what we learned. Fuentos is very passionate about what he does and how he does it. It is truly an experience and we would have been remiss if we did not take part in this class. The quality of the ingredients from proteins to garnishes to seasonings were also top notch as well as the wine pairings. Finally my wife was pregnant and they were very cognizant about this and accomodating! Thank you!
15 junio 2018 12:10
Hemos realizado un Tour de Pintxos por San Sebastián con la guía local Asunta Larrinaga. Ha sido una experiencia absolutamente gratificante.
Nos ha llevado a sitios fantásticos haciéndonos degustar unas exquisiteces regadas cada cual con los vinos más adecuados y que fueran de nuestro gusto.
Y además hemos disfrutado de las explicaciones de los distintos rincones del casco viejo; de recomendaciones de lugares que visitar tanto en Donosti como de los alrededores. Y todo ello con una gran amabilidad, encanto y "mimo".
Cien por cien recomendable.
22 marzo 2018 23:29
Lourdes was my tour guide for the lunch tour and it was the best experience ever. She was funny, charismatic, informational, and grew up in San Sebastián! Having a guide who not only knew everything about the area but grew up with the people who owned the bars and the customers was so fun.

She made sure I was taken care of and emailed me all the wonderful things we tried, recipes, and more suggestions of places to eat!

I was going to do the off the beaten path dinner tour, but fell asleep.

However I still had time to do the cooking class before I left. Will report later on that.
25 octubre 2017 8:40
Fantástico lugar donde acudí al banquete de una boda, muy buena calidad en la cocina, el servicio y presentación. Totalmente recomendable.
En la categoría de restaurantes especiales le doy un 10 sobre 10
25 septiembre 2017 3:24
Si no eres de San Sebastián, es casi obligatorio pasar por aquí; te enseñarán los mejores pinchos, tapas y comidas en los mejores bares.
Además puedes hacer catas, organizar excursiones.
Sencillamente, fantásticos.
24 agosto 2017 14:15
Fun morning (and afternoon) playing with local food at the cooking school. Lovely experience that makes you feel like you're cooking at home.
23 agosto 2017 23:48
Delightful Pintxo Tasting Tour with Arantxa! So much more food & wine than expected.

Our guide, Arantxa, was friendly, fun, enthusiastic, and gave us helpful tips on how to order pintxos when we're on our own.

And the places she took us, the pintxos we ate were so amazing. We're not fish-eaters but we want to eat like the locals so we are what Arantxa ordered for us-including anchovy and cuttlefish-and are we glad we did! Each and every pintxo was delicious!

We can't recommend this tour highly enough!
16 agosto 2017 8:30
5 stars for a 5 star experience. The experience was thoroughly enjoyable and a great introduction to Basque cooking.  

We unfortunately booked on a national holiday which meant that we could not visit the local market as it was closed. Instead, we were guided around the old town and given a history lesson on the city followed by a delicious pinxtos tasting in one of the bars.  

When we returned to the kitchen, we were greeted with a delicious gaspachio and a much needed coffee. We then got down to business and cooked a wonderful array of tapas under the careful instruction of our chefs Augustin and Bendur. The process was simple and easy to follow and produced great results! At the end, we all sat down to sample our goods accompanied by some delicious wines.  

One small caution, many of the dishes we made came with 'assistance' from the very talented chefs so don't expect to not encounter some difficulty in recreating these delicious morsels.  

I could not recommend this enough.
19 abril 2017 2:12
Tiene gran variedad de productos de alimentación españoles. Perfecto para llevarte un recuerdo de tu visita a San Sebastián.

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