06 diciembre 2023 17:46
Sitio totalmente insalubre, la habitación el techo lleno de polilla, el la cocina muchas ratas, le pregunte al dueño y me dijo como excusa que era una casa vieja yo tenía una reserva de 6 dias y al segundo día me fui. Ese lugar no tiene las condiciones para poder ser un lugar de alquiler.
04 diciembre 2023 2:14
No os fiéis de las reseñas de Google, la mayoría son del personal que trabaja en el hostel por lo que pueden alojarse gratis. ¿No me crees? Consulte el asesor de viaje.

Ahora mi reseña: No vayas, ahórrate el viaje. Los estándares de higiene en este albergue están lejos de ser sanitarios, la cocina era asquerosa, los propios huéspedes tenían que limpiar los platos, pero la mayoría de las veces eso no se hace correctamente y las duchas tampoco están limpias (pensamos que alguien vendría a limpiar el fregadero, pero él solo trajo una esponja 'para limpiarse los pies'.)

Las literas chirriaban, había una pequeña ventana en un dormitorio con ±35 personas, los colchones eran finos como el papel y el olor en el dormitorio era horrible. He estado en muchos albergues, pero esta fue, con diferencia, la peor experiencia para dormir de todas.

El surf estuvo bien, había que tomar un autobús por la mañana a Zarautz (que sale a una hora diferente cada día por alguna razón), y allí, en Zarautz, hay una caminata de ±20 minutos hasta la playa con el equipo de surf. El equipo de surf está incluido, pero la mayoría de las tablas están desgastadas o dañadas. Logré atrapar algunas olas con ellos, así que fue bastante agradable.

La comida tampoco era buena, si había suficiente para todos. La cerveza y la sangría están incluidas si te quedas siete días (o pagas 10 euros por día por la cerveza y la sangría), lo cual fue una buena oferta. Pero aparte de eso, te aconsejo que no vengas aquí, hay alternativas mucho mejores. Ahórrate la experiencia que tuvimos que pasar.
16 octubre 2023 20:41
NO RECOMENDABLE. ¡Lugar asqueroso! ¡Un amigo que se quedó allí conmigo ahora tiene picaduras de chinches! Esto podría deberse a una falta extrema de higiene. Además, en el dormitorio grande las ventanas no se pueden abrir, lo que significa que hay 24 personas en una habitación y no es posible el flujo de aire.
En la web pone que se pueden alquilar toallas pero no había ninguna.
Las dos duchas de la casa no se podían utilizar y no tenían agua caliente.
Además, no había suficiente comida para nadie. A los voluntarios que trabajaban en el albergue no les importaba en absoluto, sino que estaban borrachos todo el tiempo y algunos caminaban medio desnudos intentando animar a cualquiera a beber.
Podría seguir y seguir, pero en resumen: no gastéis dinero en este lugar.
Lo único bueno es la ubicación en un barrio muy verde, pero como todo el mundo estuvo de fiesta toda la noche, no fue posible relajarse y disfrutar de la tranquilidad del lugar.
13 octubre 2023 19:12
Este lugar puede describirse literalmente como una casa de una fraternidad de surf australiana. Excepto que este lugar es más sucio que una casa de fraternidad. Hágase un favor y lea la reseña de Katja Keller, quien incluyó fotografías del lugar que representan con precisión al 100% las condiciones del albergue. La forma en que se anuncia este lugar es completamente falsa. Las tablas de surf son de difícil acceso porque no son suficientes para la carga de huéspedes, no hay yoga con instructores CALIFICADOS, no hay tablas de skim, un half pipe roto en una colina fuera del albergue y mucho más. Todo lo demás por lo que se espera que pague más, como lo anunciado, incluye excursiones de un día a Francia, paseos a caballo, visitas a bodegas, etc. Además de eso, el personal fue extremadamente inmaduro y atrevido cuando lo confrontaron por su mala administración de la propiedad. Cuando pedí alquilar una toalla, me dijeron que tomara una del montón sucio de objetos perdidos y encontrados. Cuando mencioné esto como una queja en el correo electrónico a la gerencia, me dijeron que "solo estaban bromeando conmigo" y que lamentaban no haberme dado cuenta. De todos modos, me dejaron usar mi camiseta como toalla durante el fin de semana. Imposible dormir bien por la noche, las camas chirrían mucho, NO SE ALQUILAN TOALLAS (en un albergue de surf.), las habitaciones tienen arañas y telarañas, los baños están sucios y te dan como 1/4 de almohada. No hay taquillas (al menos en mi habitación) para guardar cosas. Las instalaciones no cierran desde el exterior ni desde los dormitorios. Como viajera sola con un presupuesto limitado, estaba tan desesperada por salir temprano de este lugar que pagué una cantidad significativa más para tomar un vuelo más temprano. Lo único positivo de mi experiencia fue la gente que conocí (para aclarar, no los empleados, sino los demás viajeros que se hospedaron en el hotel). Realmente pasamos el fin de semana uniéndonos por lo mucho que queríamos salir del lugar. Conozco al menos otros 8 viajeros que estuvieron allí el mismo fin de semana y que acordaron salir antes de lo planeado. Le doy un 2 a la ubicación porque si bien es hermosa desde las montañas, estás bastante aislado de todo y son muy inflexibles a la hora de proporcionarte traslados para acceder a San Pelayo u otras formas de transporte público. Hay mucho más que puedo decir. Pero en serio, hágase un favor y lea las reseñas de 1 estrella que describen correctamente este lugar y no las reseñas falsas de 5 estrellas dejadas por los miembros del personal.
11 octubre 2023 2:59
Me encantó este lugar, súper relajado y con vibraciones sociales. El personal es muy divertido y está dispuesto a involucrar a todos en el surf, el yoga y la fiesta. La comida también era MUY BUENA.
06 octubre 2023 7:13
Reservé este lugar para un fin de semana largo porque mi amiga tuvo una muy buena estadía, pero desafortunadamente mi experiencia no coincidió con la de ella. El primer problema que encontramos fue que no había alquiler de toallas. Ninguno de mi grupo empacó toallas porque en el sitio web se anunciaba que había alquiler de toallas disponibles, lo cual no era el caso. Esto provocó incómodas dificultades en la playa y en la ducha. El personal del albergue nos animó a buscar entre los objetos perdidos y encontrados para tal vez encontrar una toalla sucia para usar.
También me decepcionó la calidad de la experiencia de surf. Muchas tablas resultaron dañadas o rotas. Los trajes de neopreno tenían agujeros y deshilachados. Tampoco había suficientes tablas para que todos pudieran surfear al mismo tiempo. No muy bien organizado, algo así como gratis para todos. Entiendo cómo se dañó el equipo de surf, ya que los huéspedes del albergue eran responsables de llevar los trajes de neopreno y las tablas hasta la playa, lo que fue una caminata de 15 minutos.
La comida era buena, pero no había suficiente para que todos pudieran saciarse cómodamente. Nuestra estadía fue durante un fin de semana festivo, por lo que el albergue estaba a su máxima capacidad y el tamaño de las porciones por el precio era bastante pequeño (una cucharada pequeña de proteína y una cucharada más grande de carbohidratos, por ejemplo, pollo y arroz). Por el precio (10€ por cena por persona y más de 40 personas) me pareció extraño que no pudieran permitirse algunas porciones extra. Especialmente porque casi todo el mundo se entrega al consumo ilimitado de alcohol, no tener suficiente comida puede ser bastante peligroso.
La limpieza del lugar es bastante mala. Sabía que esta experiencia sería algo parecida a acampar, con alojamiento estilo dormitorio en una antigua granja en el campo. Sin embargo, las prácticas de higiene específicamente dentro de la cocina eran bastante asquerosas. Se animó a todos a lavar sus propios platos y fui testigo de cómo muchas personas simplemente los enjuagaban y los tiraban a un lado.
La vida estilo dormitorio estaba bien. Veo otras críticas de personas quejándose de la gran habitación llena de camas. Eso no me molestó tanto. Sin embargo, dos chicas que se alojaban en el albergue al mismo tiempo que nosotros tuvieron dificultades porque sus camas estaban secas. Se suponía que uno de los trabajadores del albergue debía proporcionar sábanas limpias a su cama, pero en su lugar les proporcionó sábanas que estaban empapadas. ¿Su respuesta? Espera 5 minutos, se secarán.
También me decepcionó el personal y los voluntarios del albergue. No me sentí bienvenido por ellos en absoluto. Estaban compuestos principalmente por australianos, y el día que nos registramos, muchos de ellos hicieron comentarios negativos sobre los estadounidenses, porque muchos estadounidenses se estaban registrando ese día y estaban muy descontentos por ello. Entiendo que todo el mundo tiene derecho a tener su propia opinión, pero hacer comentarios tan poco acogedores como miembro del personal de un albergue fue bastante desagradable, especialmente porque soy estadounidense. ¡¡No me imagino trabajando en turismo y quejándome en la cara de los turistas a los que atiendo! Continuamente tenía la sensación de que el personal del albergue no quería trabajar, sólo quería divertirse y beber. Fui testigo del personal del albergue caminando en ropa interior, bebiendo en exceso y también corriendo literalmente desnudo. Sólo puedo imaginar la frustración de los vecinos del albergue, que viven al lado de lo que es esencialmente una casa de fraternidad australiana sin ley condenada, contribuyendo constantemente con nada más que ruido desagradable de fiesta y caos de borracheras. Además, después de leer algunas críticas negativas de Google, me molestaron bastante las respuestas algo atrevidas que escribieron los miembros del personal. Creo que cuando alguien deja una mala crítica por una experiencia por la que pagó, la respuesta adecuada es una nota de disculpa y tal vez un compromiso de mejora. Sentí que el personal del albergue en Google básicamente respondía en un tono que decía: “Hmm. Tal vez esfuércese más por divertirse la próxima vez. Lamento que seas demasiado tonto para entender lo genial que es nuestro estilo de vida”.
No me malinterpretes. Lo pasé muy bien y en general estoy agradecido por mi experiencia en Aia. Sin embargo, mi gratitud hacia mi experiencia personal no quita el hecho de que este albergue y su personal necesitan algunas mejoras importantes.
05 octubre 2023 22:10
Lo pasé bien. Seguro que tenía una higiene cuestionable, camas chirriantes y sin toallas. Pero entré con 0 expectativas y simplemente viví con invitados geniales. Es un albergue de fiesta. Grita a mi amiga Lily Anna aunque
05 octubre 2023 21:04
¡Me encantó mi tiempo aquí! Los voluntarios y el personal tienen una gran vibra y crean una atmósfera increíble. ¡Todos son súper amigables y puedes conocer gente de todo el mundo!
Si estás buscando la experiencia de tu vida (incluido todo lo que necesitas) y te gusta el surf, las noches locas y las comidas increíbles cocinadas, ¡deberías venir aquí!
21 enero 2023 0:20
Such amazing vibes, location was amazing and the food was just spot on for the amount of surfing we were doing. Beds were super comfy and so suited to all us students
07 enero 2023 14:14
This place is so cool I had the best time and en ever once hot lost in the Spanish mountains. Class surf spot couldn’t recommend more (:
20 diciembre 2022 14:04
Absolute unreal time here. The surf is great, staff is amazing and the food’s fantastic as well. Highly recommend for solo travellers, met some incredible people here. The manager Nora is a killer and super helpful.
18 diciembre 2022 2:54
J’ai adoré mon séjour, je voyageais en solo et j’ai pu rencontrer de gens super sympa. Un ambiance de dingue, bonne bouffe.
09 diciembre 2022 19:12
I stayed on week at the surf camp and had a wonderful time full of laughs with amazing people around me!
The staff is super friendly, fun and helpful!
The food was great!
If you are looking for a laidback hostel with good atmosphere and fun people this is the right place for you!
05 diciembre 2022 14:05
It was so much fun, the crew really took care of us! Unfortunately we could only stay 2 nights but we got a discount because we slept in our van. We had a great time and the crew made sure of that! <3
05 diciembre 2022 7:07
Was here for a weekend and wish i could have stayed longer! There's always something to do or someone to socialize with and the vibe is overall super chill and fun. Everything is run pretty smoothly and you have everything you could possibly need at the house for an awesome stay:) Special shoutout to the best staff Nora, Liberty, both Eds, and Riley <3 love u guys, hope to see you again:)
30 noviembre 2022 16:47
I was staying at the camp for a month and worked as a volunteer. Had a really great time trying to learn how to surf at the beautiful beaches of Zarauts! Besides that there were really nice parties, friendly people and a really beautiful area where you can do nice hikes.
30 noviembre 2022 0:48
This place is incredible I had the best time there: incredible quality guests and staff. I arrived at first for 3 days and ended up extending another day and would have for more days if it would have aligned with my travel itinerary. The vibes are so good there- rooms are clean, there is insane view of the ocean, the food they made was amazing. I did yoga and surfed and ate good and met awesome people. The manager there Nora was constantly making sure that everyone is having fun and is comfortable, she managed the whole place pretty much by herself while still having a good vibe and having fun all the time! And in general all of the staff was this way: good vibes 24/7. The 3 highlights of the place in my eyes are the beach, the view/ mountain air, and the hot water in the outside shower (there was really hot water which was nice coming back from surfing in the colder days). Surprisingly there was also really good places to go out that they showed us in the slightly bigger cities around the hostel. But despite all of this this place is not for everyone: it’s a more distinct area submerged in nature- which for me is a huge plus but if you hate nature it’s definitely not for you. Also some things aren’t the cleanest like the indoor bathrooms but it wasn’t intolerable it was actually very reasonable. Overall if you are a chill person who doesn’t hate nature and can tolerate a bit of discomfort for amazing food surf yoga meeting cool people and great vibes: 10/10 I recommend.
28 noviembre 2022 9:44
This surf camp was amazing, it has it all: very international, nice people, great food and good vibes mainly. Whether travelling on its own, like I did, or with friends, there will be great parties and always something to do (whether chill at the camp, surf, hike or something else). Definitely a getting out of your comfort zone type of place. I wished I could have stayed longer than 5 days. GO GO GO!
02 noviembre 2022 16:00
Great staff, great atmosphere, great views! Everyone made me feel welcome right from the moment i stepped through the front door. Food was delicious and made daily with love! Special mentions go to the aussies: Josho, Snakes, the Harries and Lachie.and even specialer mention to the chicks: Norz and Tigs (and Oscar: p). Would recommend to anyone looking to make some new friends and have a laugh!
27 octubre 2022 19:01
Big old house in the mountains with incredible views! Staff and guests combine to create a v social atmosphere, and the surf in zarautz does pump!
24 octubre 2022 14:25
Drop everything and stay here! The vibes are simply immaculate and there is something for everyone, whether you’re wanting to relax or party. From the surfing to the yoga to the hikes to the 3 insanely tasty meals a day to the organised trips to San Seb and Orio to cozy projector movie nights. Hands down two of the best weeks of my Europe trip. Plus did I mention unlimited beer and sangria? !
The people you’ll meet here, both the guests and the staff will make your heart sing and you’ll make memories that will last a lifetime.
This place is unique in all the right ways. Couldn’t recommend it enough!
23 octubre 2022 22:50
Mon séjour a été exactement comme je m'y attendait.
Une auberge espagnol la vraie!
Les journées se passent à la plage, à faire du surf:)
Pour ce qui est de l'hôtel, c'est une très bonne ambiance de fête!
Alcool à volonté!
L'auberge propose différentes activités: du yoga, des balades en forêts, des sorties dans les villes d'à côté comme San Sebastian et Zarautz (où l'on mange des tapas, visite des bars et clubs dansant).
Aussi, une dégustation à la cidrerie du coin peut être organisé. Le petit village d'Aia (là où est situé l'hôtel) possède ses petits bars/cafés, très sympathique d'y aller se balader.

On se s'ennuie jamais! Je recommande:)
01 agosto 2022 3:29
El hostel tiene un estilo relajado que te hace sentir súper cómodo desde el primer momento que llegas. Es un ambiente cálido y amigable. Perfecto para conocer gente nueva. La atención es realmente impecable, gente muy amorosa y atenta, siempre bien predispuesta a ayudar.
Mientras entiendas que es un hostel y no un hotel cinco estrellas vas a pasar un tiempo increíble.
23 julio 2022 18:29
Best place; best people. Amazing vibe.
I booked for one night and ended up staying over two weeks! The daily yoga was a great perk and you can really tell the difference. Really professional and attentive lesson by Andrea (which leads me to the surf!).
I've surfed before, but never felt confident. Rachel, Gabe and Riley were so encouraging for every level. Really makes a difference.
Lastly, UNLIMITED BEER, SANGRIA AND CIDER. You'll meet the best people ever - learn so much about yourself; and hey, surfing's pretty cool too;)
Thanks to Nora, Anna and the amazing team for having me xxx
20 julio 2022 19:30
I recently stayed here for a week and wished it was longer! The food, vibes and all the activities planned were top quality. You really get a best of both worlds experience of beach life and up in the hillside Basque region. All the staff were such good craic and we were good friends with everyone by the end of the trip. We had fresh bed sheets, clean bathrooms, good boards and wetsuits to take and the best time. Really looking forward to going back. Anna and Nora were A1 too.:)
15 julio 2022 7:31
Planning my next trip back already! Not much of a surfer but that didn't even matter as I wasn't the only rookie there. Definitely don't need to be a pro to go to San Sebastian surf camp. The sangria was 10/10 and my awful surfing skills also improved. Met the best people here and had the best week exploring San Sebastian. Wouldn't recommend the hangovers though
14 julio 2022 3:35
Recently stayed in the San Sebastian surf house for a week and had THE best time thanks to all the lovely staff! The hostel itself may not be of 5 star quality but that didn't matter when you're too busy enjoying the beautiful location and delicious food with amazing people! It's true that you really don't need any experience with waves to have a great time there. Cannot wait to go back:)
04 julio 2022 2:22
Truly one of my favorite places I've been to, everyone was so fantastic and welcoming. There wass never a dull moment, between surfing, yoga, trips to San Seb or Orio, or just partying at the house after a long day at the beach. Highly recommend having this experience any time you come into Spain.
27 junio 2022 9:39
Stoke Surf House is the place to be!

I have met so many great people here. The staff are super fun and helpful and create a perfect atmosphere where you can only feel welcomed. There is such delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner which tastes even better after a tiring surf session (cheers to Jo and Mika). The surf guiding is also very helpful thanks to fun and dedicated surf instructors and I was able to make some progress during my stay. In the evenings there is usually a party together with the guests and the staff - a great opportunity to meet people and have heaps of fun.

It's hard to find a better deal - food, accommodation, transport to the beach, surf equipment and guiding, and free alcohol (beer and sangria from a tap) are all included! For me, I hope to return there one day and I highly recommend anyone to spend a few nights there - you definitely won't regret it!
18 junio 2022 18:13
Really nice hostel for groups or solo travelers with lovely staff, great food and unlimited beer, cider and sangria. It's a bit far from the beach so unless you make your own way you can't pick when to go or come back, but the scenery around the hostel is amazing and it's in a beautiful location!
05 mayo 2022 2:39
Ana and the rest of the staff were all suuuper nice and thoughtful. Great at dynamazing activities and keeping everyone engaged. Recommend
06 noviembre 2021 21:31
Amazing vibes. Amazing staff. Tasty food. Surf instructors are so helpful too. Dan in particular was a superb instructor with great tips. Nothing but good things to say about this place. Would recommend to anyone solo travelling and in groups
03 noviembre 2021 3:44
Great spot and great value for money! Staff are really chill and fun, Had home like vibe. Pleanty of other activities to do if surfing is not your cup of tea. Was some of the most memorable 4 days ever!
21 octubre 2021 3:32
The stoke house is an amazing experience and really takes any worry out of your travel. Plenty of great food and unlimited alcohol. If you’re looking for great vibes and good people, this is the place for you
17 octubre 2021 8:31
Call me crazy but after a week of surfing, parties, good food and amazing people (as well staff as guests), I decided to come back 2 weeks later for another weekend at Stoke I made memories for life so I would like to thank the boys of the staff big time!

(Rooms were good, enough showers, a nice week planning, beautiful hikes (I didn't do because of the hangovers lol), amazing yoga sesh every day, unlimited beergria's and most important; goooood vibes).

See you next year Stokies!
10 octubre 2021 23:14
I had an amazing time at the surf house but to enjoy you have to be very laid back about the quality of the accommodation. There were also several things in the marketing material that I feel were misleading.

The people - these are the ones that make it. The isolated location of the hostel mean that most guests stick together and the atmosphere is very easy for single travellers to find lasting friends.

The staff - some in particular are very friendly and helpful

The food - the ingredients are budget but I was very impressed at how tasty meals were created from them.

Rundown building - the building is in dire need of repair and cleaning. At times it felt like staying in a squat house. Many of the beds are very uncomfortable, hot water and electricity often had issues. I've stayed in probably more than 30 hostels and this was the worst condition that I've seen.

Location - the rural setting is beautiful but its not in San Sebastian and is 20 mins drive + 20 mins walk carrying surf equipment from the beach. So to call it a surf hostel is pushing it. Carrying the surfboards everyday is very tiring and I consider myself in reasonable fitness. Opportunities for a free ride into town are few. There is an infrequent public bus and taxi is 15-20 euro each way.

Misleading marketing - most of the advertised excursions were not offered during my week stay so don't get your hopes up on any particular one of them. I understood that surf instruction would be every day but for each guest there is only a 1.5h lesson on the first day.

Overall, considering the cons I would say that the hostel is overpriced for what it is. That being said I did enjoy my stay but that was mostly due to the other guests and not something guatenteed by the hostel.
10 octubre 2021 10:41
El camp surf tiene un problema principal: LA FALTA DE HIGIENE. Esta todo sucio, descuidado, insalubre, no se limpia lo suficiente. Alguna ducha sin agua caliente, otras se corta el agua. Es una pena pk el lugar es precioso y la casa tmb.
Las clases de surf no existen, no hay organización y el material esta roto, no hay diferentes tamaños de tablas, neoprenos sin lavar.
La comida está muy buena pero si no te das prisa desaparece y te quedas sin comer.
El personal es atento y respetuoso, nos trataron siempre bien, pero no recomiendo este lugar si lo que realmente quieres es surfear y dormir con una almohada limpia.
14 agosto 2021 23:29
What an experience! Had a really lovely time, the staff where really accomodating, by far the the best hostel I’ve stayed in. The most fun I’ve ever had, would highly recommend!
25 septiembre 2020 7:19
Id definitely recommend San Sebastian Surf Camp/Hostel if you enjoy having an excellent time in a sociable/laid-back atmosphere & a few beers/sangrias or ciders after a good day, of surfing/chilling and or plenty of other activities provided daily (if the surfs flat). On-top of this, you get three solid meals from an unreal in-house Chef, to keep you going and going and going!) Best Wishes to all who I Met on my Travels. Absolutely the best Value, which you can't find anywhere else, and a vibe which can't be beaten. <3
22 septiembre 2020 8:27
I had planned on staying at the camp for two nights but had kept extending because I was having too much fun.
The communal spaces are so well set up, creating a great atmosphere and allowing you to mix and meet with all the other travellers seamlessly. There’s a good mix of activities (lots of surfing) during the day to participate in or you could choose to sleep on one of the many couches around the camp to recover from the early surf or late nights. We were kicking the day off with morning surf lessons, breakfast before and after, a yoga class, lunch, more surf, then start on the unlimited beer or sangria before dinner that you can start drinking at any point really.

The staff were great fun too and are always getting involved with the activities. Really friendly and happy to help you out if you want to try something different for the day like go in to San Sebastián old town, find a hike or search for the best Pintxos.

This place is great for the solo traveller or groups of any size even during Covid. Beds are comfortable and bathrooms are a good size. I will definitely be coming back.
Thanks for the sick week Stoke Travel!
15 septiembre 2020 16:12
Amazing stay at this house. The staff is very nice. Food is so delicious. The view from the house is wonderful. So many activities to do around: surf, yoga, ping-pong, hiking, party. I highly recommand!
15 septiembre 2020 5:12
La primera impresión según llegas a la casa es bastante buena: zonas comunes, música, ping pong.luego te das cuenta de que está todo super sucio y que apenas limpian. Por no mencionar las clases de surf que son inexistentes: te llevan en furgoneta a la playa y te dan una tabla bastante vieja y rota, con una explicación super breve de cómo surfear. La comida es muy escasa y ausente de proteínas. Los platos y las mesas están sucios, el staff deja que lo limpien los huéspedes y no todo el mundo limpia.
No hay normas en la casa y permiten poner música alta hasta que la última persona se va a la cama, por lo que fue imposible dormir.
Por último, no entiendo todas estas buenas reviews porque ninguna se acerca a la realidad.
06 septiembre 2020 2:05
I cannot be happier with my stay at the San Sebastian Surf Camp! The food was amazing, the staff were legends and I finally got to surf my first waves thanks to the sick surf classes! I honestly feel like I’ve made friends for life and can’t wait to go back again and a sip a sangría watching the astonishing views at the house! Eskerrik asko!
06 diciembre 2019 11:46
We could not have been happier with our stay at San Sebastian Surf Camp. Book it now and you won't regret. The crew is incredibly diverse and adventurous, yet totally chilled-out at the same time. The fellow guests/travelers all got along great, and we will always remember the fond memories in this Basque paradise:)
21 noviembre 2019 23:58
Could you imagine stepping back in time to a place of simplicity and beauty? The San Sebastián surf camp is the perfect place to forget about the usual stressors involved in life and maybe just learn to be present in the moment. I would recommend it for someone looking to relax for a couple days, or like me, check into a self imposed rehab clinic after Octoberfest and let the friendly staff nurse you back to health! The vibe in the house is one of positivity and the enthusiastic surf instructors will get you surfing in no time, and for more advanced surfers they will always give you advice if you ask. With yoga sessions in the afternoon, it’s the best way to recover after a big day in the water. There is a great variety of food everyday, catering to people with different allergies or diets. With such an inclusive nature in the whole house, everyone feels welcome to hang out and have a drink in the evening. Whether you want to play some games, go on a pintxos tour in San Sebastián, or find somewhere quiet to read a book, you will not be disappointed. This week has been the highlight of my travels around Europe, and I want as many people as possible to have an amazing experience like I did, so do yourself a favour and book yourself in.
19 noviembre 2019 6:15
this has been my 6th camp and it was the worst!
Arrived at 2. At night I was immediately urged to pay the remainder of the bill. Of course I was not planning to escape the day after. Apart from Sunday's English breakfast - which was of very good quality - for the rest of the week I have not seen meat anymore.implementing vegetarian menus is best specified to customers.they may not agree. I take care of nutrition as a hobby and I am a sportsman. Therefore, even in vegetarian or vegan nutrition, proteins are to be provided because if you do sports, good nutrition is essential for good performance. No trace of tofu soy or seitan either, as they are definitely more expensive than meat.minimal and not enough portions.and the boss knows it well. But I was here to surf so let's talk about this: in a week I didn't even receive any advice either in or out of water.saddened. I had paid for this.the shoddy material, ruined mute leach too short ruined boards. It'd be good for those who run these surfcamps to take care a little more of the surf and the paying customers and less of the borders and the refugees (check out the plastic glasses). It was supposed to be the cheapest camp and it ended up being very expensive because at the end of the meal I had to go to the restaurant. Good freebar and company.
03 noviembre 2019 8:02
Mong the 3 surfcamps I've been to this is by far the worst. We arrived by car at 2: 30 a.m. And were asked to pay right away the rest of the weekly fee (we had made a deposit online when we booked) without even letting us drop our stuff in our room. In my past experiences they wait at least until the morning after. The morning after a great english breakfast was awaiting and so it looked like a good start. The problem is from that moment on all meals excluded meat or fish of any kind. So you'd say it's a cool vegetarian friendly surf camp. Well it was vegetarian friendly, but not cool; no tofu nor avocado nor hummus nor seitan whatsoever in any meal. We were only given inexpensive veggie food. On top of that, the portions were ridiculous: you had to wait until everyone else had had their first plate to ask for a second portion, and not always that was possible, because of course it would finish in a blink of an eye.
Regarding the surf lessons: the material was not bad but the instructors would barely give you any advice in the water, at least if you are not a beginner.
So guys if you’re looking for an inexpensive surfcamp don’t come here: you’ll end up having to take your car and going to Zarautz to have a proper meal both after lunch and after dinner.
Positive things were the free bar included (beer, cider and sangria) in the 7 days stay, which was great, and the people.
14 octubre 2019 4:50
Epic little spot tucked up in the hills away from the chaotic summer beach scene. Views are incredible, staff are legends. Easy rides to/from the beach provided, general vibe of the camp is great. Worth a few days stop for sure
17 septiembre 2019 8:48
We had an amazing time at Surf Camp San Sebastian, staying at the Farmhouse near Zarautz. The staff made the whole weekend so special and really looked after our every need from start to finish. We got the warmest welcome from Adam & Matt when we arrived, who made us feel at home immediately! Will put on some awesome surf lessons and Kate did beach yoga for our group too, everyone had a great time and some first time surfers managed to stand up in their first lesson! The food was really great over the weekend, especially the full cooked breakfast on our last morning after the late night partying in San Sebastian. The guys also took us on a Pinxtos crawl in San Seb and got us free entry into the nightclub afterwards for a dance. Overall, the weekend was so well organised, the whole team couldn't have worked harder or made our stay any better! The house is really cool - social area is amazing, bonfire and thinking chair made outside so chilled, and there was so much space to relax and hang out, not to mention the fun of pouring your own beer and sangria from the bar! Top marks to the team at the Surf Camp San Sebastian - hopefully see you again next year! THANK YOU, from Try Tag Rugby & Steph xx
06 septiembre 2019 5:01
Had an absolutely amazing time at the Surf House. As a vegetarian I was more then catered for with the food, the chef went above and beyond. The House is up in the Hills with a supermarket and town a 5 minute walk away. There is a beautiful hike starting from right behind the house through the national park. Zarautz beach is perfect for improving my surfing skills and all the surf instructors were legends. Enjoyed some chilled days around the house which has a massive common area and deck overlooking the beach, with local sidra on tap and great yoga classes. Would recommend for travellers looking to meet new people and really experience what the Basque Country has to offer
25 agosto 2019 8:05
I’ve never stayed anywhere with a better atmosphere. All the staff love getting involved and getting to know you. I was meant to be staying just for 3 nights, but ended up staying an extra night. The camp was fully booked that night, but Adam - the manager - tirelessly shuffled stuff around and found beds for me and my mate. Top bloke. The surf lessons were excellent - I’m not a great surfer but I feel I learnt a lot - there’s surfing for all standards there. Now, the FOOD. Never stayed anywhere with better variety and tasting food. Fantastic. Loved every minute of it and I feel I’ve made some genuinely good life-long friends.
18 agosto 2019 8:43
Stayed for a week, wish I could’ve stayed longer
The food was amazing and all the staff were super cool and helpful, the surf instructors were very thorough and patient with me
The huge house was real clean and the vibe was really chill, with beer and sangria on tap, ping pong table and yoga sessions every day
As well as trips into town and hikes up the hill and down to an old steel forge
I loved every minute of it and meet new mates from all over the world definitely going back next time im in europe
Thanks for having me guys I’ll probably see yous next year
27 julio 2019 5:47
Me and my sister were staying for 10 days at the Surf Camp and we had a great time there!

The camp itself is on top of a mountain overlooking the beautiful basque scenery. The Surf spot in Zarautz is great, no crowded lineup, no dangerous rip curls and good waves in Summer for Beginners and intermediates.

Adam and his crew did a fantastic job in making us feel comfortable and go surfing with us. The common area in the ground floor is very spacious with many spots to chill out, drink sangria or play ping pong.

Best thing was the Beer&Sangria flat after a long tiring surf trip at the beach!
26 junio 2019 13:01
This place is disgusting, avoid it in any case! The company refused to send pictures of the dorms ahead of the stay. The information from them and the other reviews were totally missleading. The camp is half an hour drive away from the beach and the camp is in the middle of nowhere.
26 noviembre 2018 18:16
I had the pleasure of organising a Hen weekend in San Sebastián in September and came across Adam on a facebook page. We are a group of 15 ladies from the UK, and I had already booked accomodation in the Old Town, I was struggling to come up with an itinerary that would please everyone, and be within a modest budget. Adam was absolutely amazing, at no point did he push me into activities that were not of interest- and instead he became the only person in San Seb that was honest with his prices, and creative with the offerings. He organised our transfers to & from Bilbao airport, organised a dinner at a Cider House (including all dietary requirements), organised transfers to and from everywhere, held a surf lesson for 15 very hungover ladies which was not only safe- but loads of fun too! He also put on a huge BBQ for us and tailored it as an ‘all inclusive food & drink’ deal at his surf house (beautiful!). He was extremely generous with food, drink and time and never rushed us or tried to take more money from us. He also organised a really fun pub crawl and took away all the planning stress from me- so that all 15 could enjoy the fun. He was punctual, reliable, trustworthy and loads of fun. To say he went above & beyond is an understatement. I would use Adam to plan all trips to San Sebastián- wether it be a bit of solo travel, group trips, hen parties etc. You will not be disappointed by him and his incredible team. I honestly cannot thank you enough! Hope to see you again soon!
31 octubre 2018 13:12
Amazing place! Me and my girlfriend spent a week here and loved it! Staff were all very accommodating and full of local knowledge if your looking to see surrounding basque country and find some gem surf spots.day trips up to France were perfect for those smaller surf days!
perfect place to get away from the tourist track, left feeling very relaxed and gave the beer tap a good nudge.can't recommend enough!
23 octubre 2018 6:09
(A response to Stoke Travel’s previous comment)

The racist comments that I mentioned in my original review is referring to when one of the staff members said we were being stopped by the police after crossing into France for the Festival of Bayonne because “We have a black person on the bus and they’re looking for him”. This comment was not only heard by myself, but other members from my group can attest that they heard it as well. Not only did you all make this racist remark towards me, but all of the staff members that night spewed derogatory comments at the bus driver, calling him a “c*nt” and other such words because he slightly prolonged our ride home in order to help two women in need.

As far as the food goes, me and my friends had stayed in Spain for 4 weeks (some of us longer) before we arrived at the surf camp, so we were all well adjusted to European portion sizes. However, the amount of food that was served at the camp was not an issue of portion size, but of amount- you all didn’t have enough food to feed everybody. I distinctly remember one of the staff members desperately trying to make plates for the other employees so that “everyone can eat”. Some of my friends did not get a meal some days because all of the food was gone within minutes of it being served.

As far as the creepy staff member goes, firstly, the girl you referred to in your response about it, “a member of your group does take an interest in a member of our staff”, WAS NOT even the girl who was making that complaint (you really shouldn’t make assumptions about people). It was a different member of our group who said a staff member had made repeated comments about being able to see her bra through her clothing which made her feel extremely uncomfortable and unsafe during her stay there.

To respond to your comment about my group becoming ill, if you had read my original review carefully, you would have noticed that I never actually blamed the food for getting us sick; we acknowledge that it was an outside source. However, what we do fault you on is how UNPROFESSIONALLY you handled the situation. Your staff did nothing to help us and all you did was laugh and make fun of us while we were all violently throwing up. When we did ask to about maybe going to see the doctor, you all continued to downplay it and say that we were fine even though we were all seriously concerned. Additionally, in your comment you referenced a member of our group being intimate with a staff member, “plus one guy who was making out with a member of your group”. That is EXTREMELY UNPROFESSIONAL and COMPLETELY UNCALLED FOR. What those two people did during their stay at the camp is 100% their own business and did not need to be put on the internet by Stoke Travel for all to know. This is yet another example of how you all lack professionalism, good judgement, and decorum.

As far as the cleanliness of the Surf Camp, mopping the floor and maybe washing a sheet is not “cleaning twice daily”. Based off of the density and thickness of the cobwebs around the facilities, it’s very evident that nobody cared enough to remove them or clean more thoroughly in general. Also, if you did clean as often as you say you do, you shouldn’t have cobwebs at all regardless of if the building is a “converted farmhouse” or not.

We understand that you have more grievances because we wrote an honest review completely outlining how horrible our experience was and how it was all directly connected the haphazard, juvenile staff, however, we all hope you can view this as a learning experience and just be adults and actually take responsibility for your actions. Sometimes honesty is just too brutal, but hopefully during this off-season you all can take the time to grow and mature so that you can come back as a hospitable staff that is actually focused on creating positive experiences for their guests.
03 octubre 2018 18:31
Run by some absolute lords. Atmosphere is awesome, perfect place if you wanna go chill out, surf, drink and have a good time. Yoga classes are perfect, food is good and the location is amazing. You can't go wrong in the Basque Country especially at the San Seb Surf Camp!
17 septiembre 2018 21:21
Had such an awesome time at the stoke house surfing and doing the stoke activities. Staff are legends! Meals were great too, also providing many options with food which included vegan and vegetarian options, would highly recommend!

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