17 marzo 2024 23:44
Todo encaja aquí. La calidad de las clases de surf es altísima, Antonio y el equipo de entrenadores prestan atención a grupos pequeños y se toman tiempo para cada individuo. Puedes sentir que a todos les apasiona. Esta no es una escuela del tipo "aquí está el lugar, aquí está la pizarra, diviértete"; ¡aquí es donde logras un verdadero progreso!

De momento no tienen albergue propio por reformas, pero trabajan con casas cercanas. La jefa Carolina realmente se esfuerza, siempre está disponible y encuentra soluciones a todos los problemas incluso con poca antelación, es muy organizada profesionalmente y sigue siendo cálida.

En general fue una gran experiencia, definitivamente regresaré
13 marzo 2024 0:45
Para mí fue el primer acercamiento a este hermoso pero difícil deporte y gracias a los chicos de Dreamwave puedo considerar la experiencia súper positiva y aprobada. Instructores competentes y presentes transmitieron a todo el grupo seguridad y motivación, precios asequibles y equipos de calidad. Un agradecimiento especial a Carolina, Antonio y Alessio, tres santos que me hicieron volar con las mini espumas que conseguí
08 enero 2024 0:11
Fui huésped de la casa de surf Bedreamer y la pasé muy bien. Amable, hospitalario y servicial.
23 noviembre 2023 1:41
¡Hice dos lecciones con BeDreamer y fue increíble! Los chicos de la escuela son amigables e inclusivos, me divertí mucho y, sobre todo, ¡me dieron muchos consejos sobre cómo mejorar en el surf!
08 noviembre 2023 2:38
Tuve 3 lecciones de surf con estas grandes personas. Qué buenas vibraciones y profesores atentos también. Máximo de 6 alumnos por profesor.incluso si terminas en una playa llena de gente. Los profesores te cuidan y se aseguran de que todos obtengan el valor de su dinero. Me gustaría destacar especialmente a Daniel: fue particularmente amable, escuchó a todos y les explicó a cada uno individualmente cuáles eran sus debilidades. Se nota que pone su corazón y su alma en ello. Pero todos los demás instructores de surf, Thomas, Lukas y Rapha, también fueron súper amables y todos se divirtieron. Y eso es lo que importa a la hora de surfear. Que te diviertas. No te puedes equivocar con esta escuela de surf. Anteriormente había visitado otro que ni siquiera estaba cerca de ser tan bueno.
¡¡¡Muchas gracias a todos por esta gran experiencia! Muchas gracias
02 junio 2023 1:20
Took 1 lesson as a total newbie into the surfing, cool intro, explained everything from scratch and helped to grab first waves. Great team and the instructor. They have a first lesson cheaper than anywhere else, this is a great advantage.
A bit short time in the water - about 1.5h
29 mayo 2023 4:17
Rafa Meistro! ‍️️
Muchas Gracias for all your help and your (intermediate) lessons in the water. You always divide the attention between everyone and take the time for everyone. But your strongest strength is your good energy, so it's always a party to go out on the water with you!

Much love from your Dutchies
And see you next time! ‍️
13 mayo 2023 15:49
Les volontaires sont hyper sympas, Christina et Stéphania; la maison est propre et l’ambiance est chill! Super sessions de surf avec les Miguel, Rapha, Daniele!
16 abril 2023 15:20
BeDreamer penso sia un nome parecchio azzeccato: è stato come essere in un sogno per una settimana intera! I maestri di surf sono attenti e precisi, ci tengono che ognuno di noi si diverta mentre sta imparando. Non sono mai state lezioni banali, ma sempre con progressioni e correzioni. Ho apprezzato molto che per ogni maestro ci fossero 3/4 allievi così da poter sfruttare appieno la lezione. Un ringraziamento in particolare a Dani e Rafa per la pazienza! Bellissima l’atmosfera che si respira nella casa, merito anche di Bianca e Stefania. Non vedo l’ora di tornarci per sognare ancora di più al più presto
01 abril 2023 8:04
Very professional and experienced surf instructors that are really interested in your progress. Highly recommended!
12 marzo 2023 13:31
Probably the best hostel I’ve stayed at, and I’ve stayed in many. Clean hostel, great staff, feels more like a home and seems to attract good people. Being linked to the surf school makes it easy to organise surf rentals/classes. Wish every hostel was like this one!
11 febrero 2023 7:18
Migliore scuola di surf a Fuerteventura! Tutto lo staff è composto da persone disponibilissime, che cercano di aiutarti in tutti i modi e ti fanno innamorare di questo spot. Sono già stata due volte, tornerò presto!?
20 marzo 2022 22:19
Learning to surf with BeDreamer was an amazing experience. Instructors are skilful and communicative (they speak several languages) and they give personal hints on how to improve surfing skills, regardless of the level. Also all the logistics around going for surf trips is great and groups are always small which facilitates quick learning (and allows to surf more!). Definitely recommended school and surely I'll be back to surf with them!
01 marzo 2022 22:17
I highly recommend this school. The biggest advantage is one instructor for small amount of people so always someone is watching and helping. All the instructors are very nice and passionate and the lessons have friendly atmosphere. The lesson consists of warm up, theory (everyday something new), lesson in water and cool down which is also great. Last but not least, the instructors pick the time for lesson (if the conditions allowed) to avoid crowd. It was my second time with this school and for sure I will come back, hopefully soon. ‍️
27 febrero 2022 9:16
Highly recommended! Teachers are very professional, calm, friendly and helpful! Uniq atmosphere which you will not met in other school! After every single lesson you will see your progress!
20 febrero 2022 5:34
Great organisation. Lovely teachers. Super helpful and do their best to get you understanding the waves and riding them.
Run a great pick up and drop off service that is massively convenient. Fun way to meet others as well. Nothing to complain about!
23 enero 2022 20:22
Highly recommended! Nice and skilled teachers and uncomplicated set up with announcing the classes via what’s app group. Pick up from my hotel was also possible!
21 enero 2022 20:04
I really liked this surf school for various reasons. Their equipment is new, the staff is very motivated and helps each of the learners in the water, something that we haven't seen with another surf school we tried in Morro Jable. Also, the explications of the technique are helpful. I found the technique to stand up a bit to advanced for beginners (downward facing dog more or less). I liked that the first class is discounted so you can try them out and see if you like it! Unfortunately, on the day I did the course, the beach in El Cotillo was so packed with surf schools that it made the class stressful because the learners and other surfers were all in each other's way. I couldn't enjoy the class. Maybe an earlier starting time than 8: 30 would help. The staff made the best of it and I can definitely recommend them!
28 diciembre 2021 16:34
Amazing experience. The hostel was the perfect base for exploring and surfing on the island. Very nice and clean with amazing staff. Will be back again
20 diciembre 2021 19:15
Highly recommended. Beginner course with super many tips and motivation for quick success. I especially liked the organization via WhatsApp -> totally easy.
Very good was the attention to the tides. So the waves were perfect for beginners and in addition there was a beautiful sunrise!
Very happy to come again!
26 noviembre 2021 12:08
Had a very fun time with the guys from BeDreamer! They took me in last minute and it was no problem. What I really liked about them was that they had 1 instructor per 4/5 persons. The instructors were always paying attention and able to help individually. They gave specific tips for your needs and did not only do group coaching. Had a great time, highly recommended! Thanks guys! Keep following ur dreams ️
14 noviembre 2021 2:07
Experienced, friendly instructors and amazing beaches. We had a great time! Can highly recommend Danielle and the team they were brilliant.
18 septiembre 2021 11:09
Tout était parfait! Les instructeurs sont aussi patients que passionnés.
Je recommande la session de 18h20, car vous surfez tout en regardant le soleil se coucher sur les dunes de Corralejo!
09 septiembre 2021 5:01
Me and my friend took a surf lesson with BeDreamer and it was great! Super patient instructor, we had so much fun!
09 septiembre 2021 3:57
BeDreamers mi è stata consigliata da un amico quando avevo già prenotato una lezione con un’altra scuola. Ho quindi avuto modo di confrontarle: Be Dreamers è la migliore! Sono entusiasta del surf, mi sono alzata a tutte le onde (ed era la mia prima volta) grazie agli insegnamenti tecnici preziosissimi di Fatima (una top insegnante) e i ragazzi fanno in modo che si crei un bel clima nel gruppo. Sceglietela ad occhi chiusi se volete davvero imparare a surfare in un clima super friendly
04 septiembre 2021 7:32
Gian Luca was amazing, we were only 3 during the class and he was really patient helping us out. They were punctual and kind. I highly recommend BeDreamer.
25 agosto 2021 7:00
We felt very welcome by the team. Especially Fatima is a great passionate surf teacher, who gave me really helpful advices. Hope to see you soon!
21 agosto 2021 2:15
Great surfing school! Very attentive instructors, great schedule with several lessons options per day, also in the evening, so it’s perfect for remote workers.
05 agosto 2021 15:19
Very flexible schedule with different times during the days, also late afternoon suitable for after-work sessions! Teacher are great, always following you, giving you tips and guidance. And above all super friendly! Would definitely recommend
04 agosto 2021 14:13
We had a great time with BeDreamer! Great and easy communication before the class and fun teachers during the class! We also rented some boards and wetsuits for the week! We got brand new boards and wetsuits - thank you!
01 agosto 2021 15:41
I had my first surf lessons with Fatima, Dani and Gianluca and I couldn’t have had better teachers! They take good care of you and always bare individual levels in mind! They’re always in a good mood and spread positive energy ️
31 julio 2021 10:21
Bedreamer school is created of great people. Instructors who are wonderful at what they do, infect with passion and positive energy and provide valuable tips! I recommend this place with all my heart! ️
07 julio 2021 18:48
Me and my friends (9 in total) decided to attend a Surf lesson, and we decided for BeDreamer Surf School.one of the best School I've ever tried! 3 teachers in the water, literally following you, giving you tips and how to improve each time.finally somebody really besides you all the time. I did a lot of progress in only few hours! I am very satisfied and I totally recommend it to everybody!
20 junio 2021 11:56
[english below]
Questa per me è stata la prima esperienza su una tavola da surf e grazie ai ragazzi di BeDreamer so che non sarà l'ultima. Sono organizzati, hanno equipaggiamento di qualità e ti portano nelle spiagge migliori ma il più grande pregio di questa scuola sono gli istruttori: preparatissimi, super appassionati, ti fanno sempre sentire al sicuro e sono tutti super simpatici! E' come surfare con degli amici. Dopo più di cinque lezioni posso solo che raccomandarvi caldamente di farvi in regalo e provare voi stessi.

This was my first experience with surfing and thanks to the BeDreamer's staff i know it wont be the last. They are well organized, they'll give you high quality gear and they'll bring you to amazing beaches but most of all they have the best instructors: very prepared, passionate and friendly and they always made me feel safe. It's like surfing with friends. After more than five lessons i can only highly recommend you to get yourself a gift and try it by yourself
13 junio 2021 16:31
Ho frequentato i corsi con i ragazzi di BeDreamer e non posso che esserne pienamente soddisfatto. Ottimo servizio, sempre disponibili anche a cambi dell'ultimo momento!
A Corralejo andate da loro:)

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