06 abril 2024 4:28
¡Excelente y exitosa excursión! Pudimos ver de cerca un grupo de calderones. ¡Personal agradable y amigable!
04 abril 2024 1:43
Miembros del personal increíbles. Experiencia profesional útil. Vimos delfines y ballenas. Teniendo un día increíble. Buen precio por lo que obtienes
16 enero 2024 13:50
El paseo en catamarán 2h ha sido increíble. Hemos visto delfines y ballenas y el ambiente buenísimo. Dani y Mario son encantadores y hemos ido hablando con ellos por el camino y nos han explicado cositas sobre la isla y sobre los animales que ibamos viendo, son majísimos y profesionales. Una experiencia muy recomendada.
22 noviembre 2023 20:09
¡Todo en esta gira fue de primera categoría! Los guías trabajaron duro para asegurarse de que todos estuvieran cómodos, pasando un buen rato y, por supuesto, ¡viendo muchas ballenas y delfines! El catamarán fue muy divertido y la experiencia fue agradable en todos lados. Los toques especiales que brindaron la guía Lucy y nuestro capitán, como tomar fotografías de todos, excelente música a bordo y traer bebidas durante el recorrido, lo hicieron excepcionalmente divertido. ¡Recomiendo mucho este recorrido!
14 noviembre 2023 4:01
Una experiencia de 10. La tripulación majísima, nos ofrecen bebidas e incluso un sándwich. Nos han llevado donde estaban las ballenas y delfines. Nos hacían fotos etc. Muy buena experiencia. Recomendable 100x100
04 noviembre 2023 2:43
Buen servicio en las excursiones náuticas!
Saludos para Edén Catamarán!
28 octubre 2023 23:42
Gran experiencia con ellos hoy. Realmente fácil de encontrar en el muelle. El personal a bordo fue muy amable y dispuesto a ayudar con cualquier cosa. Pudimos ver ballenas, nadar y hacer snorkel y vimos excelentes vistas de la isla. Bebidas y un pequeño almuerzo incluidos que no esperábamos. En general, ¡un gran día por el precio!
17 septiembre 2023 19:20
Todo genial! Como dicen ellos.el océano decide que ver y que no ver, tuvimos suerte y vimos unos calderones tropicales preciosos. Lucia y Noel todo unos encantos! Súper recomendable!
09 septiembre 2023 17:09
Muchas gracias, fue un viaje maravilloso, vimos muchas ballenas, el personal es muy amable, gracias.
01 septiembre 2023 5:30
Hemos recibido un trato magnífico por parte de Daniel y Lucia. Los delfines y calderones nos han acompañado y nos han permitido disfrutar de la costa de Adeje
13 agosto 2023 12:19
Vimos tortugas de mar, delfines y ballenas. La tripulación es encantadora, en la parada para el baño daban de comer a los peces para que se acercasen y poder verlos. En el viaje de vuelta a puerto le dieron de comer a las gaviotas y las pudimos ver cerca del catamarán.
Respetan muchísimo a los animales que nos encontramos y te ofrecen bebidas y sándwich.
Recomiendo llevar gorra o sombrero para protegerse un poco del sol.
Lo único que no me gustó es que te hacen una foto al subirte y luego al irte te la intentan vender por 6€.
El personal te hará fotos con tu propio móvil en el viaje mucho mejores
28 diciembre 2022 20:09
Went on a trip on 04/10/22. Really can't fault the organisation and efficiency of the trip. We saw at least 15/20 pilot whales and some less than 6 ft from the boat. Very informative about the whales too. Highly recommend
27 diciembre 2022 8:07
Daniel y Noel nos han tratado espectacularmente bien! Hemos podido hablar con ellos y siempre cercanos.
Ha sido excelente, buena atención, amables siempre atentos a que pudiéramos ver calderones y delfines.
Puedes llevar mochila
Nos dieron un sándwich de jamón y queso a cada uno, bebida ilimitada.
Nos llevaron a un lugar hermoso donde nos pudimos bañar, se ven peces y Daniel y Noel, le echaban pan a los peces y eso nos permitió verlos de cerca y tocarlos, fue espectacular.
Además nos prestaron las gafas d
Para hacer snorkel y disfrutar como niños.

Luego tomaron pan en sus manos para dar a las gaviotas y eso nos permitió verlas de cerca.

Y por último nos animaron hacernos una foto en el volante del catamaran a todos los pasajeros.

Los recomiendo 100%

Tenían chaleco para niñ@s
14 diciembre 2022 4:08
Trés belle sortie, sympatique avec salvatoré et capitaine daniel.
On a vu les baleines, piloté le bateau [20 secondes】
Merci c'etait super
Les marseillais michel et joelle
25 octubre 2022 23:53
La experiencia en el catamaran fue increíble, personal de tripulación encantadora. Recomendable 100%
25 octubre 2022 3:01
Lamentable experiencia, no hemos tenido atención por la tripulación en todo el trayecto excepto al final para pedir el dinero de la foto que te hacen al llegar. Había niños y extranjeros vomitando, y ni se les ha visto, ninguna explicación del perfil de la isla o de los cetáceos que NO hemos visto, algo que podía ocurrir, pero el trato recibido ha sido lamentable a diferencia con otros barcos y excursiones que ya hemos experimentado.
28 septiembre 2022 15:52
Excelente experiencia, hicimos un paseo y pudimos ver calderones, tripulación muy amable y agradable y sobre todo respetuosos con los animales. No les agobiaban ni los perseguían. A la vuelta a puerto pusieron una música muy agradable y acorde a la experiencia. Para repetir.
09 septiembre 2022 1:14
Malheureusement bien trop cher pour la qualité de la prestation par rapport à ses concurrents, une sortie en mer pour voir des baleines (nous n'en avons pas vu.) de 2h38 alors qu'on en a payé 3h dont plus d'une heure amarrée pour du "snorkling". On nous prend en photo en montant sur le bateau et tente de nous la vendre a la fin de l'excursion, mauvaise qualitée et mauvaise attitude, je ne recommande absolument pas!
07 mayo 2022 3:34
Je vous laisse lire le commentaire de Charlotte Magnan qui relate exactement ce que j’ai vécu il y a 2 jours.
Donc rien n’a changé en 1 an. Toujours autant de risques pris et de passagers à bord qui vomissent car le bateau se retrouve dans des trous de vagues de presque 2 mètres…
Résumé de la sortie: 2h de stress et 0 dauphin vu.
18 noviembre 2021 2:13
Le mec était relou sur le bateau je préviens, masqué obligatoire alors que c’était pas du tout annoncé au départ. Il avait dit le contraire. Frustration quand sur les autres bateaux ça danse ….
17 noviembre 2021 19:53
Very good experience because the crew is super helpful and professional. The captain was very clear, friendly, very expert. We reached the whales and we where super close (with off engines). We saw the pilot whales which was a very amazing experience. I recommend this tour, trust me, it is worth it!
The catamaran is clean and comfy. I recommend this experience!
13 octubre 2021 9:39
Muy recomendable. Vimos muchas ballenas y Andrés y su compañero hicieron que el periplo fuese divertido e interesante. Demostraron un respeto exquisito hacia la fauna, mucho conocimiento de Los calderones tropicales y mucho, mucho buen humor. Consiguieron hasta interesar a los adolescentes! Y todo ello con el máximo respeto de las normas covid-19.
25 septiembre 2021 10:00
Wir haben über unser Hotel bei Eden Catamaran eine Tour gebucht.
Von Anfang an wurde bei unserem Ausflug sehr genau auf die Hygienevorschriften geachtet.
Das Personal war freundlich. Für Verpflegung wurde auch gesorgt.
Ein sehr tolles und professionelles Team das ich jederzeit weiter empfehlen kann.
05 septiembre 2021 17:50
Worse service ever, I definitely don't recommend this to anyone. There's many other options to do this excursions with friendly stuff, good prices and good deals.
21 agosto 2021 20:11
We had booked a 3 hour catamaran trip to see the whales through the Get Your Guide site, which we found through their site directly. But unfortunately we had a problem on the road with our car. We contacted Eden Catamaran directly to tell them that we could not participate in the outing by explaining our problem, the man on the phone did not want to understand and did not speak English. We therefore contacted Get Your Guide to explain the situation to them, and to ask if it was possible to have another date for this outing because we had paid the full price, 77 euros for two. The Get Your Guide company told us that they would send a message to Eden Catamaran to ask them if this was possible. A few days later, Get Your Guide replied that Eden Catamaran does not want to reschedule an outing. We therefore call Eden Catamaran to find out why, with the help of a local because at the number indicated the person does not speak English. Our Spanish friend explains our situation and asks if it is possible to reschedule an outing or at least have a reduction for another outing but Eden Catamaran does not want to know anything and hangs up on her. We then decide to go to the store, but despite the opening hours indicated, the store is closed. We try to contact Eden Catamaran, no one answers. The day after this conversation, the manager of Eden Catamaran calls us to tell us to come to the store to give us a discount on a next outing. So we show up at the store the following tomorrow, a week after our first reservation, therefore, upset because we are leaving in a few days and we had not been able to make our exit in spite of ourselves when we had paid the full price. For information, we had looked at the prices for the same tour the following week, the prices dropped and there were still places almost every day for all times. In short, we go to the store and the manager becomes unpleasant because he sees that we are annoyed by this situation. He doesn't want to find a solution for us and blames us for being angry. We haven't disrespected him, we're just tired of not finding a solution for a week, calling the company and having no one on the phone, or someone who doesn't want to hear anything and hangs up on us. The manager fires us from the store and finally offers us another exit, but which we have to pay again. We choose not to resume the activity with Eden Catamaran because we had unpleasant people on the phone, no one wanted to find a solution and we had to fight to even have a very small discount while we had already paid a high price. I do not recommend this company, they are not accommodating at all if there is a problem and get very rude and hang up on you. It's not polite. Eden Cataman is a tourist trap company, if they react like that with humans I doubt that they are respectful of the environment and our dear sea and marine animals.
30 julio 2021 15:17
Experiencia muy recomendable. Tuvimos la oportunidad de ver calderones y delfines. La tripulación era experimentada y nos guiaron muy bien, con recomendaciones y directrices muy correctas. El precio se ajusta correctamente con la calidad de la actividad.
23 julio 2021 6:21
Unfortunaly I have to notice a bad experience with Eden Catamaran. We been not satifeted by the services and been not well welcome by the partner company. We booked and paid a 3h excursion to see the whales and Daulphin. Because a car accident we were not able to do the activity and call directly the customer service to explain the situation, see if there is any issue for our case.we had no positive answer, instead of that we had in front of us someone doesn't spoke English and hand up many time. Even when we ask our local friend to explain the situation in Spanish by phone, the partner hand up again. We were really chocked by this reaction. We try to find someone at the shop to spoke directly with them and check the opening hours, again they were close. After a week, when were really tired of all this situation, we had a proposition by the manager witch was to pay again an other activiy with a little discount. But of course after all this rude and unpolite reaction we don't want to spend much money on your company! So we didn't reschedule.
02 julio 2021 12:57
A fuir absolument! Le skipper est antipathique, très fier, il passe son temps sur son téléphone, pas du tout avenant. Nous avons loué le bateau pour 2h (groupes de 14 amis) pour aller voir les baleines et se baigner pour 25 euros / personne. Nous sommes rentrés après 1h30 et le skipper n’a aucun moment cherché les baleines ou arrêté comme s’était prévu. C’était du vol!
23 junio 2019 15:33
Son amables y respetuosos con las ballenas, evitando molestarlas, no como otros que casi las atropellan.
20 enero 2019 20:13
Viaje muy ameno. Capitán muy simpático y cercano. Dos dieron un refrigerio y muy pendientes de nosotros. Vimos delfines y ballenas. Gran experiencia. Recomiendo.
17 diciembre 2018 19:38
I have tried several trips on the boat in different countries and I would say it's the worst experience I had. Personal was awful, they thought it's a party on the boat with inappropriate dance and loud music?
It's written there would be 1h if snorkeling? No way. It's 15 mins max, you cannot even understand what happened. Do not recommend, don't waste your money.
30 noviembre 2018 12:46
Our tour was recommended by a tourist agent as a nice opportunity to see whales and dolphins. The catamaran itself was convenient with various seats around the ship so we could choose the most appropriate one and got the chance to see things from multiple perspectives. Although the toilet was filthy but I will return to that later. Let's continue. After we left the harbour the crew told us some information about the programme and safety equipment. In addition they said that if anybody feels sick just ask for a bag. At this point I thought OK there are always a few people who are sensitive and affected by rough sea confitions but I considered that I do not belong to these groups because I have never (really never) felt sick in cars in airplanes or even in ships. In our case the weather conditions were absolutely OK, it was sunny, warm but the wind was a bit strong. HOWEVER after we reached the open sea the sea became horrible. There were extremely huge waves and almost everybody on the ship started to feel sick including me. I had a nausea, I felt dizzy, my hands started to quake and my face looked as white as a wall. After 15 minutes most people started to vomit. It is important to mention that the crew was "helpful" because they prepared a whole pack of trashbag in advance to give it to the passengers as an alternative. (The toilet had become unusable before.) So I had to suffer at least 2 and a half hours under these circumstances which was one of the most terrible experiences in my life. All in all I do not think that this whole incident was the mistake of the company and I do not want to blame it on the crew. But if they had explained us the potential circumstances and their consequences that would have been a fair-play attitude. In this case this behaviour is totally unacceptable and vulgar since they forced everybody into a humiliating situation, endangering our health.
08 octubre 2018 18:14
Excursión de tres horas. La tripulación muy amable y agradable. El barco un poco justito para 50 pax. Vimos ballenas y delfines bien. El chapuzón para hacer snorkel estuvo bien por el baño refrescante pero la fauna piscicola excasa. Te puedes ahorrar las gafas de buceo. Esta bien como experiencia para ver cetáceos.
04 octubre 2018 11:34
Great company. Captain And staff amazing. Very friendly. Drinks included.managed to fit us in last minute after a crappie company let us down. The Captain was aware my little girl hadn't seen the group of Dolphins so turned around just for her. Saw so many whales and Dolphins. Captain seems to know where they were going to be. Having done 8 trips with different companies i highly recommend these guys. Happy kids too. What an experience.
28 agosto 2018 2:27
Fantastic trip. Saw whales and dolphins. Caption made sure to turn the boat so all sides got to see. At one point we were surrounded by them on all sides. Didn't expect to see so many. Fab crew. Drinks included (coke fanta water etc) and booked 2 hr trip.
03 junio 2018 20:15
La tripulación se preocupa de que disfrutes y el patrón se se esfuerza por que los pasajeros disfruten el viaje. Muy buen trato por su parte.
Cómo negativo decir que las bebidas a bordo son de marca blanca Mercadona y que si quieres pagar con tarjeta te cobran un 7% adicional porque si (parece que no declaran los pagos en efectivo).
27 mayo 2018 1:27
Petit catamaran. Vu une famille de dauphins et les avons suivis pendant un bon moment. Équipage sympathique. Agréable moment.
06 noviembre 2017 6:41
Attention! Horrible! Pas professionnel.site web qui ne fonctionne pas et le patron de mauvaise foi. À EVITER
18 octubre 2017 15:20
Horrible experience. Despite of concerns raised before trip they let completely drunk women to go on the boat. She had 2 children with her. 3 hours of horror on the ocean swearing shouting lady and captain swearing back. They should really call police as she forced her young doughters to swim in the ocean poor children were crying panicking as she could not get back on the boat. Not this sort of memories i wanted for my children: (After horror stoped and trip finished we visited the office but not much help there man who was responsible for letting that happened was rude sarcastic and not helpful at all. Finally we get money back but waisted few hours again. Very upsetting experience AVOID AVOID just money orientated company NOT SAFE to go especially with children and SHOCKING CUSTOMER SERVICE!
20 agosto 2017 15:01
Los trabajadores son muy amables, disfrutamos de una experiencia inolvidable, vimos delfines y calderones (ballenas pequeñas) en su hábitat natural. Merece la pena hacer una excursión de este tipo.
10 julio 2017 10:49
Wouldn't recommend these to anyone! We booked a 3hour trip, the trip itself was good. The toilet was disgusting though. U would think they would make sure they keep it clean having up to 50 people at a time on the boat. Had 20hours 20mins though rather than the 3hours. When we got back my dad went to the office to see how long the mini bus would be because we were back early. He didn't complain but was offered a bit of a refund. He accepted and we went to wait for the mini bus. While standing there the captain and 2 other Crewe members came up to us shouting and basically just going mad! The captain kept shouting 'you face' at us clearly meaning we were 2 faces because we hadn't spoke to him about it. He was in mine and my dads parents face! Very aggressive! When they guy showed up to take us back to our hotel n he then started shouting at him for taking us back. The driver couldn't apologise enough and told us this wasn't the first time this had happened. Their behaviour was disgusting! U just don't treat people like that. Please stay away from this company.
06 julio 2017 12:00
Do not waste your time/money getting excited about this like we did. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. They are rude and the woman in the office even reduced me to tears. We arrived after spending over two hours on the bus then the time trying to find them (not easily done, they don't put the address on the ticket either so make sure you have wifi. Once we had arrived we were told our tour was cancelled and they said they had been trying to call me for a few days without luck.sounded like we had been forgotten because they had my number correct yet I have no calls or messages they also had my email address but said they didn't think to email.it's 2017.really? So all in all about 5 hours and €20 wasted on transport for absolutely nothing (note we had a 1.15pm sail time so goodbye day). The lady grunted an unconvincing and abrupt "sorry". They've finally refunded the money after multiple rude emails (yes believe it or not - their email works.) they seemed to be delaying it I guess hoping we may give up? Thanks for ruining one of our two days.

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