19 septiembre 2023 10:07
Ayer usamos la farmacia los arcos. Muy amable y servicial. Muy fácil de encontrar el producto que buscamos.
03 julio 2023 8:03
Histórica farmacia en Puerto del Carmen que ofrece, además de la tradicional venta de medicamentos, una gran variedad de productos para la higiene personal y dental, soportes ortopédicos y también selectos productos de perfumería.
28 diciembre 2022 14:17
Un trato degradante, prepotente, chulería, es penoso ver gente trabajando con tan mala fe y mala leche que no sirve para estar cara al público. Más rabia me da de no haber puesto una reclamación y haber llamado a la policía, pero por cercanía tendré que volver y no habrá una segunda vez. También referir que la mascarilla es obligatoria y no opcional, imagino que la ley es para todos, ya podría la policía pasar y que se cumpla la ley. En resumen Patético el trato de esa chica, que le den un poco de educación que el cliente va a dejarse el dinero
24 noviembre 2021 23:26
Son unos descarados fue mi pareja (inglesa) sola con documentos del médico y le colaron otros que a ellos les venía mejor €€€€€ sin recibo, cuando vuelvo yo en persona me dijeron que justo les había llegado 1 unidad quedando claramente en evidencia que a un canario no se le engaña seguir con los guiris ojalá os cruje una inspección.y todo por no hacer bien su trabajo
11 noviembre 2020 16:41
ADVICE FROM A LOCAL. Guys do not come to this farmacy, they are known for trying to scam people charging the wrong products! Always double check your receipt and make sure that what's written matches what you walked out with.
14 octubre 2020 23:39
This is my first review on Google (I only use trip advisor) but really wanted to comment on this pharmacy. I had a prescription from a German doctor working in Palma de Mallorca where I was last week for a medicine really difficult to find. I visited a few pharmacies in Lanzarote (Canary island) where I am this week and all told me that it was impossible to find it in the island and really difficult to find in Spain in general. I knew it would be difficult as the doctor told me. When I visited this pharmacy (Los Arcos) I met with Alejandro. He told me they can't find any stock available for me but he understood that this medicine was important for me. He called more than once a couple of pharmacies in other islands of the Canarias (specialised in formulas and made to order medicines) and found a way to have what I needed delivered a couple of days later. He spend a lot of time for me, calling them, calling me back on my international mobile, and the pharmacy clearly has not made any money with me -total cost 18 Euros-. I much appreciate that some pharmacists today are not only selling special creams, sun products and headache tables but also really care when a patient need a specific prescribed medicine. Thanks a lot to all the team, Well done.
24 enero 2020 6:17
This is my first review on Google (I only use trip advisor) but really wanted to comment on this pharmacy. I had a prescription from a German doctor working in Palma de Mallorca where I was last week for a medicine really difficult to find. I visited a few pharmacies in Lanzarote (Canary island) where I am this week and all told me that it was impossible to find it in the island and really difficult to find in Spain in general. I knew it would be difficult as the doctor told me. When I visited this pharmacy (Los Arcos) I met with Alejandro. He told me they can't find any stock available for me but he understood that this medicine was important for me. He called more than once a couple of pharmacies in other islands of the Canarias (specialised in formulas and made to order medicines) and found a way to have what I needed delivered a couple of days later. He spend a lot of time for me, calling them, calling me back on my international mobile, and the pharmacy clearly has not made any money with me -total cost 18 Euros-. I much appreciate that some pharmacists today are not only selling special creams, sun products and headache tables but also really care when a patient need a specific prescribed medicine. Thanks a lot to all the team, Well done.
23 enero 2019 22:21
Profesionalidad y excelente atención al cliente.
Cuenta, además, con servicios de estética

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