30 enero 2024 11:26
¡La escuela estaba muy bien organizada y todo el personal fue muy amable! Nos divertimos mucho y el profesor utilizó varios métodos para enseñar español.iré de nuevo.
02 enero 2024 16:01
Una experiencia positiva en general. Entré en esta escuela "accidentalmente" porque tenía un apartamento cerca y tomé un café en el FU Café asociado. Hice un curso de una semana y como me gustó mucho seguí una semana más. El nivel de dificultad era el adecuado. (La Academia FU tiene muchos niveles) Los profesores están muy comprometidos y el ambiente es agradable e inspirador (estudiantes de toda Europa, etc.). Además, la escuela está bien ubicada (cafetería, estación de autobuses y supermercado cerca). Las lecciones realmente me hicieron avanzar, especialmente en lo que respecta a mis habilidades comunicativas. Perfecto.
15 noviembre 2023 10:31
Gran lugar para combinar los estudios de español con disfrutar del interminable verano de Tenerife.
Profesores amables y hay alguna actividad opcional después del estudio todos los días.
08 noviembre 2023 21:56
Fueron dos semanas maravillosas contigo. Juanjo y Sara, así como Vanessa y Laura fueron nuestros profesores.son únicos y muy pacientes. Estoy muy feliz de haberte conocido y definitivamente seguiré con ello y seguiré aprendiendo este gran idioma.en casa Absolutamente volveré.
Gracias también por los fantásticos consejos, he visto mucho más de la hermosa isla y pude poner en práctica lo que había aprendido por la tarde. Eres genial "
Saludos Manu
07 noviembre 2023 17:37
Reservé un curso intensivo de una semana y estoy encantada. Métodos de aprendizaje variados para que fuera divertido y fácil de seguir. Todos los profesores fueron competentes y pacientes. También hubo muchas actividades por la tarde en las que fue fácil hacer nuevos contactos. El FU Café ofrece una amplia gama de opciones a precios muy justos. Definitivamente regresaré)
31 octubre 2023 4:23
Pasé una semana estudiando aquí; Si bien eso no es suficiente para ver una gran mejora, hizo maravillas para mejorar mi confianza al hablar y acostumbrarme a escuchar y comprender el español hablado. Los profesores fueron amables, conocedores e hicieron un gran trabajo animando a los estudiantes a hablar, y las lecciones fueron interesantes. Las actividades después de la escuela fueron una gran parte de por qué disfruté mi semana aquí: participé en la visita al jardín botánico, la clase de cocina donde hicimos arepas con Vanessa y la cata de vinos con Juanjo. Todas fueron grandes oportunidades para conocer gente de diferentes clases sociales y gracias a ellas hice amigos con quienes salía a comer y hacía senderismo durante la semana. La cafetería FU es genial. En definitiva, tuve una semana maravillosa en la que aprendí mucho, me divertí mucho y regresé a casa motivado para seguir aprendiendo español. Muchas gracias a todos:)
12 julio 2023 20:27
Profesores muy dedicados y amables. Muy buen ambiente para aprender ¡Me divertí mucho y aprendí mucho!
09 julio 2023 8:50
FU es una academia moderna realmente excelente para aprender o mejorar tu español. El edificio, el patio y la cafetería son geniales. Los profesores son increíblemente experimentados, divertidos, cálidos y bien informados. Está en el hermoso pueblo de Puerto de la Cruz y ofrece una amplia gama de experiencias extracurriculares, muchas de ellas gratuitas. Realmente es una de las dos mejores escuelas de idiomas a las que he asistido.
08 febrero 2023 12:47
The classes of teacher Vanessa were fun and interesting. The activities the school organises are also very pleasant, I would recommend to join these as well on your stay.
25 noviembre 2022 1:42
Very good concept, teachers are highly skilled and very enthusiastic, gave us the right kick to absolutly want to continue and to come back of course)
26 octubre 2022 19:07
Mrs Sandra is very energetic and friendly. She brakes the barrier between teacher and student so you can feel really comfortable at class which create an environment to feel free to makes mistakes and draw conclusions for the future.

Classes are multicultural so you have to paractice Spanich and have opportunity to get to know other culture and make new friends

The organisation is also in high level. You alwas can ask about averything at the reception
26 agosto 2022 4:42
If you are looking for seminars to attend while staying in Tenerife, you need to check out the FU International Academy. The mentors there Orsi, Alberto, Katya and Veronica were amazing and did a really great job in teaching us new things without making it seem hard at all. I'm very grateful that I had the opportunity to attend their seminars and meet them. I had the time of my life and I highly recommend this program to everyone. <3
23 agosto 2022 7:25
If you are one of those suits who never lays down their tie, I will not recommend this school.
However, if you are open-minded, willing to learn and able to enjoy the company of others, I will totally recommend this institution. Why? If you like to know, you will find the long story below.

The heart of this language school is the team. You will find a wide range of characters. The female teacher characters vary from accurate in all respects, over having their feet firmly on the ground, to impulsive ones full of energy and “joie de vivre”. The teaching male characters vary from macho-look-a-like to thoughtful ones. All of them follow the contents of the international accepted educational books. The training small talk give you the feeling of an actual talk in Spanish. The student groups for the practice are combined from the lecturers were combined properly. A funny way to train understanding is “typing”-karaoke. Some teachers motivate more, others criticize more, nevertheless all in all, a perfect combination of personalities!

The reception of the faculty management is very friendly and helpful. From the day you will get assistance, even if you have unpredictable questions. Just three examples during my time: One student did not feel comfortable with the class level, it was adapted. An online code did not work, a new one was organized. I needed a quit place, as I had to give a remote talk during lessons, I got one. Studies are based on educational books, individual for each level. However, the teachers know how to make the lessons entertaining. Discussing stories of the life, listening the music and write the lyrics down make it easy to learn. The number of participants was max. 6 in the morning and 2 in the intensive courses in the afternoon.

Every day is an optional activity after school. You will surely not be a wine connoisseur, tour guide or botanist after those activities, but you practice Spanish in a relaxed way. Only the Yoga-teacher had the real claim to transfer her knowledge and she did it well.

Another highlight of the school is the FU-Café (you find it in the internet). Always friendly, even if they are stressed (e.g, when up to 8 classes have break at same time). The prices are low and the portion bigger than expected. You should not expect a 5-course menu, but you will get freshly prepared food. If the dishes fit your needs or not, you can check in also in the internet (“La Carta”). It is very convenient to take your coffee and small breakfast or “BOCADILLOS” directly on the terrace of the school. And as the owner is the same for school and café, you will find designated tables, where you can eat your own food, too.
If this is not sufficient, you find a supermarket one floor below the school. Just the pastry shop aside from the supermarket I don’t like to recommend …

After school the surrounding opens a wide range of activities and even the Teide can be reached by bus, same as several nice small towns at the coast. By foot you can reach the old town in 12 min and ~100 m lower. There it is up to you, if you go to a fancy location and take tourist food or look for small familial restaurant, bakeries or Churro booths and eat authentic excellent food. However, the town has something to offer for everyone, even Mexican cocktail bar or karaoke. Also, within a small walk, you will find nice beaches. Maintained or hidden and only accessible by surfing or climbing.

So finally, when I had to flight back home, I missed the school much more than the island!
19 julio 2022 15:20
Amazing Academy to learn Spanish. The intensive course system is very well prepared, amazing how much i learned in only one week! See you again in the future!
26 junio 2022 15:27
Estudié español por segunda vez en FU International Academy Tenerife y confirmo la alta calidad y profesionalidad de esta escuela!
The teachers were prepared for the lessons and were able to explain the intricacies of Spanish grammar in an interesting and passionate way: -D
I highly recommend it!
12 junio 2022 17:11
Great place to learn Spanish! I enjoyed the art of teaching and great atmosphere for students. Very friendly environment that supports cultural integration through offered after classes activities:)
08 junio 2022 19:59
I can totally recommend the FU if you want to learn Spanisch in Tenerife. The head of the school and also my spanish teacher were very nice and I felt very comfortable around them. It was a great place to learn a language and also get to know people from all around the world.
06 mayo 2022 23:18
La FU tiene una buena ubicación: justo en un centro comercial, muchos restaurantes cerca, así como una buena selección de hoteles y apartamentos.

Las aulas son grandes, luminosas y tienen ventanas. Por lo tanto, son perfectos para protegerse a sí mismos y ajenos en tiempos de Corona.

Los profesores están bien formados y las clases son variadas. El ritmo no es demasiado alto, por lo que queda tiempo suficiente para ejercicios prácticos y repeticiones.

Hay un pequeño libro de gramática por nivel y acceso a material exclusivo en línea para cada subnivel.

Las señoras en la administración y en la recepción son amables, competentes y serviciales.

El único pequeño defecto que siento son los muchos subniveles (48 en total), lo que hace que no siempre estén disponibles los cursos para el propio nivel de conocimientos en la fecha deseada.
01 mayo 2022 23:10
FUIA was an excellent choice. The atmosphere and the environment at the school is very friendly, the teachers are very approachable. It is easy to socialize (with teachers and other students as well) as the school creates many opportunities, which is perfect if you do your language stay alone. The admin staff is very kind, knows most students by name and help with everything they can. I initially booked two weeks, but extended my stay for a month - I think it says it all:)
Thanks FUIA, volveré!
13 abril 2022 2:17
Did the A1 spanish course and the course was very good. Learned many things and the people there were very friendly and helpfull. Especially the teacher Ana. Will come again.
11 abril 2022 19:55
I’ve trully enjoyed the first week, it helped me organize my knowledge, expand vocabluary and let me speak out. JuanJo is a very good teacher, he managed to keep my focus for the whole time, gracias!
10 marzo 2022 17:31
The best way to learn something is to enjoy it, well that is an understatement for the learning experience in FUI Academy. My teacher Juanjo was just amazing and made every class fun and interesting while still getting the maximum learning experience. I have tried many ways to improve my Spanish, but this just beats them all.

The support from the administration staff is incredible even making a plan for me throughout my continued studies. All the teachers are unique in their own way and the greatest thing of all is the amount of knowledge that i have gained and the confidence that they have given me. - I’ll keep going and learning in this exciting journey of “24 Level System to Spanish Fluency" - thanks so much FUI - Johnny:)
19 enero 2021 7:48
I did 16 weeks of group Spanish classes at FU (Intensive 20 hours a week) and it was a very rewarding and enjoyable experience.

The Spanish course itself is effective and engaging. Juanjo, Kateryn, Sandra and Lorenzo have each developed their own teaching style and give a lot of their own personality to the classes. They were great at encouraging students to speak through games and discussions, which improved my confidence as well as my knowledge. Kateryn also gave me very focused and professional instruction for the SIELE exam.

Outside of classes, the school organises afternoon and weekend activities which are a great way to meet other students of various nationalities. The reception staff are also a helpful source of local knowledge and were very attentive to any queries or problems I had. There was a strong sense of community from both the staff and the other students.

I would recommend FU to anyone looking to improve their Spanish while making some good friends along the way.
09 junio 2020 21:01
I enjoyed online classes with the FU International Academy. Definitely a good place to start learning Spanish from the beginning.
23 abril 2020 7:47
Super expérience a renouveller prochainement. Merci a l equipe et très bonne soiree de st valentin.
21 febrero 2020 7:37
Gute Organisation und angenehmes Ambiente. Tolle Gruppe und einem noch besseren Lehrer. Eine perfekte Woche
Gracias Juanjo!
24 enero 2020 22:30
Scuola ideale per studiare lo spagnolo ubicata in una tranquilla zona di Puerto Cruz. Si possono fare corsi intensivi di 20 o 30 ore settimanali, oltre a lezioni private su argomenti specifici. Sono incluse anche attivitá pomeridiane molto interessanti per approfondire lo studio. Insegnanti davvero top, tutti molto bravi e disponibili, personalmente ho studiato piú tempo con Amanda che é stata sempre molto coinvolgente e professionale. Presente all'interno della scuola anche una buonissima caffetteria.
01 enero 2020 19:02
Mi sono iscritta al corso di spagnolo per imparare al meglio questa bellissima lingua che mi piace molto. Questa scuola è organizzata molto bene, sia le lezioni che le attività extra academiche nel pomeriggio. Raccomando a tutti di frequentare questa academia.
11 noviembre 2019 17:20
Estudié tres meses en la academia. Gracias a Daphne, Kateryn y Laura aprendí un montón. Una vez Daphne me dijo que la enseñanza de español era el trabajo de sus sueños. Lo notaba cada día por su ambición y su verdadero interés que mejorara mi nivel de español. Disfrutaba mucho las clases porque siempre había un ambiente muy abierto, amable y divertido. Hablábamos sobre varios temas actuales y los métodos de aprender la gramática variaban frecuentemente así que las clases siempre eran muy interesantes. ¡Llevo recuerdos superbonitos de mi tiempo en FU y ya pienso en volver!
14 mayo 2019 2:36
I had an amazing experience at this language school! The whole staff is super kind and I felt very welcomed.
My teacher (Juanjo) did an amazing job by presenting the contents in an entertaining but still organized way. Every class was a lot of fun, although we managed to get through heaps of different grammar topics! I wish I have had such a teacher in school.
The free time activities are diverse as well, so that no one needs to be afraid of boredom. ;) I loved especially the dancing and volleyball events.
The host family, I got assigned to, was super lovely, too. They took a lot of time to talk to me and I would say that I learnt nearly as much Spanish in the family as in the school. It felt like a second family!:)
Thanks for the great time!
18 marzo 2019 15:44
Believe me: I had a great time and I made a tremendous experience with huge progress. I've learned so much Spanish and met some great people! Great teachers! Great staff! Great students! You did a great job! Thanks for helping me improving my Espanol!
16 marzo 2019 22:11
The FU International Academy is a great place to learn Spanish. The teachers are super nice and highly motivated. All staff members are most welcoming and helpful which makes your stay absolutely comfortable and enjoyable. The leisure activities in the afternoon are a very nice add on. I would highly recommend FUIA for any level of Spanish.
13 febrero 2019 18:12
- well organized school with great teachers and motivated staff
- groups formed according to your level of Spanish skills
- variety of extra activities offered
24 enero 2019 16:35
Great experience, excellent teachers, It's not an ordinary language school, it's way more than that! If you want to learn, be surrounded by positive people, have fun and make new friends this is your place, Don't chose just a language school, chose an entire experience.
14 diciembre 2018 4:36
FU Academy’s online conversational classes are great. They’re exactly what I needed after months of trying to learn Spanish on my own. I’ve been taking the classes for around 4 weeks now and my Spanish is so much better! I’m finally getting more confident and speaking Spanish more. It helps that the teacher is so nice and makes the classes fun. Maria you’re the best!
08 diciembre 2018 9:05
Superbe séjour a Puerto de la Cruz, des professeurs compétents, un cadre très agréable, le café Fu intégré a l'école fait d'excellents cafés et Bocadillos ;) Pour les sportifs, il y a une salle de Gym juste en dessous de l'école qui propose des prix intéressants 26€ par mois. Je recommande vivement cette école!

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