13 abril 2024 18:09
Disfruté las lecciones de Sophie. Los caballos son agradables y hay una amplia zona para montar.
29 enero 2024 18:38
Tuve una gran experiencia con Momba, mi caballo, que pude montar por los senderos. Experiencia muy fácil y agradable. ️
26 enero 2024 5:41
Nos lo pasamos genial con Sara y su hija, muy profesionales y serviciales. Como novatos nos trataron con mucho cariño y respeto, volveremos, amados en cada momento.
11 enero 2024 11:24
Pasamos una hora encantadora contemplando las vistas de uno de los caballos de Sara, Bella, que se porta maravillosamente. Realmente disfruté esta experiencia.
25 diciembre 2023 20:35
Dirigido por la encantadora pareja de Sara y Jim. Claramente conocen y aman a sus caballos. Encantadora caminata con nuestros hijos y nos llevaron a unas vistas gloriosas del sur de la isla.

La comunicación por parte de Sara fue rápida, profesional y sencilla y así lo hicimos cuando llegamos a Tenerife.

Lo recomendaría altamente.

Pequeños baños y bebidas disponibles en el sitio. Mi hijo de 4 años se sentía perfectamente cómodo con el caballo y la caminata de una hora.
22 noviembre 2023 7:00
¡¡¡Qué experiencia tan increíble! Sara y Jim son muy amables, ¡el viaje de 60 minutos con la vista fue tan encantador!
05 noviembre 2023 11:22
Reservamos un tour privado y fuimos con la hija de la familia, Sophie. Somos marido y mujer, jinetes muy experimentados (nosotros mismos somos dueños de una granja de caballos) en caballos islandeses en Islandia, pero principiantes en otras razas. Entonces, el recorrido fue hecho a medida para nosotros y muy divertido. Al ser los únicos clientes, por supuesto recibimos toda la atención y charlamos con el guía. Realmente recomiendo pagar un poco más y realizar un recorrido privado, especialmente si son jinetes experimentados.
Los caballos eran súper seguros, obviamente seguros para principiantes, pero se movían fácilmente al trote y al galope. Sophie fue muy paciente con nosotros mientras lo aprendíamos. Fue realmente una experiencia de conocer a un local, tuvimos una gran oportunidad de preguntar cómo es administrar una granja de caballos allí, que es la misma profesión que la nuestra, pero los desafíos son muy diferentes en Tenerife que en Islandia, diferentes tipos de caballos y clima increíblemente diferente. También es divertido aprender sobre la naturaleza y varias cosas sobre Tenerife, y tener la oportunidad de preguntarle a un local sobre varias cosas que nos interesan.
La vista era divertida.el terreno es el típico campo de Tenerife.tal vez un poco feo jajaja, cactus, muy seco, arbustos y esas cosas, Tenerife también es más sol y 12 meses de verano que cualquier otra cosa. Pero nos llevaron a lo alto de las colinas, por lo que las vistas desde el sendero eran hermosas, por lo que en realidad fue mucho más bonito de lo que esperaba. También muy rural y alejado del tráfico y demás.
Los caballos de la granja están muy bien cuidados, nosotros, como criadores de caballos profesionales, consideramos que esto es un negocio familiar profesional y cuidado con el máximo bienestar animal. Incluso a veces rescatan caballos en malas condiciones en otros lugares, benditos sean.
También charlamos un poco con los padres después del viaje, lo cual también fue divertido e informativo.
Un consejo, mirar la descripción de cómo encontrar su finca o poner Aventuras a Caballo en Tenerife en maps. Empezamos olvidándonos de esto y poniendo un nombre diferente en maps y nuestro taxista nos llevó al lugar equivocado.bueno, todo se resolvió, pero fue una molestia y una torpeza innecesarias por nuestra parte.
Gracias de nuevo Sophie y toda la familia, fue muy divertido. <3 <3 <3
29 septiembre 2023 8:44
El viaje fue genial y los lugareños fueron amables, puedes reservar para el nivel que quieras.
Pero nos faltó algún intercambio durante el viaje: no hablamos nada, excepto cuando nos dijeron que habían tomado una foto. Además, las fotografías siempre fueron tomadas porque mi prometido estaba muy atrasado, por lo que realmente no lo vemos en las fotografías.
También queríamos reservar el viaje solo para nosotros dos, y el precio era el doble del precio para grupos. Al final, reservamos para dos en el grupo (por lo tanto, precio de grupo) y terminamos siendo solo nosotros dos. Entonces nos habrían hecho pagar el doble del precio a pesar de que sabían que solo seríamos dos.
Aparte de esto, los caballos son maravillosos y el paseo fue por una hermosa pista.
Todavía lo recomendamos para los amantes de los caballos como nosotros.
22 agosto 2023 11:17
Un lugar increíble, ideal para todo tipo de ciclistas, a mi hermana, a mí y a mi madre nos encantó, llevo poco más de un año montando en bicicleta, mi madre no ha montado en bicicleta desde hace bastante tiempo y mi hermana ha tenido alguna que otra vez.lecciones, todos nos divertimos mucho, ¡definitivamente lo recomendaría!
21 agosto 2023 7:27
Absolutamente fantástico, mi esposa nunca había montado un caballo, mi hija principiante y yo un viejo idiota intermedio, una experiencia fantástica.
Tenemos una casa de vacaciones en la isla y haremos de esta una de nuestras atracciones cada vez que vengamos.
Me encantó.
16 agosto 2023 3:33
Tuvimos una experiencia increíble. El paseo con el dueño fue muy interesante, aprendimos mucho sobre la isla y los alrededores. El viaje es accesible, incluso para principiantes que nunca antes han montado. Finalmente, los paisajes vistos durante el recorrido son impresionantes. Para los novatos, después de un entrenamiento rápido en el rancho, montarás a caballo por una colina a 200 m sobre el nivel del mar y pasarás entre cactus, aloe vera y otra fauna y flora de la región. Una experiencia inolvidable que marcó nuestra estancia en Tenerife.
¡Muchas gracias por este momento!
13 agosto 2023 14:05
Excelente experiencia! Mi hija de 8 años y yo visitamos el 19/7/23 y la gente es muy amable. Lo recomendaría al 100%, ¡excelentes vistas desde la cima de la montaña también!
07 agosto 2023 15:32
Hermosa caminata esta mañana con mi esposo y mi hija. ¡Caballos amistosos para nosotros los principiantes, personal amable y servicial y un cerdo barrigón amigable para darnos la bienvenida! Montamos Leon, Mumba y Bella. ¡Gracias!
05 marzo 2023 3:34
I booked a horseriding trip for me and my friend. We have been both experienced riders. My friend even did jumping and good level of dressage. But because it had been 10 years ago since last time horseriding my friend felt a little insecure.

We have had another good experience with another company which gives you 10 minutes of comfort and time to get to know your horse. But this one was an extremely different experience.

First things first, we were 15 minutes late. Turned out there is another ranch with almost the same name just 25 minutes away from them. We immediately called Sara and she was chill and said to wait for us.

We arrived there and the man was quite unfriendly about it. Eventho we already felt bad for being too late and in the wrong spot. So that felt misplaced to start off on the wrong foot.

Then they asked us who of us is going to ride the horse who can sometimes sprint off and need a strong hand. In the whatsapp chat I already explained it was a little while ago so trotter/canter would have been fine but at least to have a horse which is also good for beginners to give the confidence.
So I was surprised about that already.

Then me and my friend got on the horse. My friend did half a round and tried trotter. It was just a few steps. The man was immediately yelling negative things about my friend to his wife in her presence. That experience made her even more uncomfortable than she already was. Also I felt this as negative. And did not feel comfortable to go. If this is the way you welcome your customers.

They also still asked us to pay the full price. So we did and left. But honestly we just did it because we felt quite intimidated by this negative and rude actions.

As I said earlier this is not the first trekking I experienced. Last time was even October. And I know how it can be completely different and comforting. And all could have been fine with a friendly word. So be careful for where you book a horseriding trekking!
30 enero 2023 8:31
Horses are dangerous and not suitable for the job at all. It's been a while since I was there but seeing as other reviewers were attacked by the owner I was nervous to leave a review. The daughter is so unfriendly and quite rude, they need to buy quiet horses that have less blood and more suited for the job.
28 noviembre 2022 23:56
We had the loveliest time last summer with the family who owns the stables and the horses. When we contacted them to book the ride, they were prompt to respond, provided clear and comprehensive instructions on how to get there and what should preparations entail, asked about each rider's height, weight and experience riding, to match them with the appropriate horse, and they explained to us one by one how to sit and how do the commands work. Also, they told us about the horses and came with us to make sure everything went fine on the ride. Definitely revisiting if we ever go back to Tenerife!
28 noviembre 2022 15:39
We had a lovely trek with Sara and Jim. Their horses are well cared for and range in height which is great for families. I definatley recommended them!
13 noviembre 2022 1:35
As a beginner I had a great time, it was really enjoyable to take the horse up the mountain for an amazing view. My intermediate girlfriend had an amazing time too
12 noviembre 2022 4:11
Moi (cavalière expérimenté) et mon compagnon débutant, avons effectué une promenade de 1h.
Nous sommes bien évidemment resté au pas ce qui était convenu, tout s'est très bien passé!
Personnels très gentil et compétent, entreprise familiale agréable, disponible autant par message lors des réservations que le jour j.
Tarif raisonnable.
Lieu très facile à trouver!
Merci beaucoup!
16 octubre 2022 12:29
Amazing experience for the family. The horses were incredibly well trained and calm with the kids. The scenery was amazing and my partner got to be Clint Eastwood for an hour. Amazing value for money. Thank you Jon and Sara.
10 octubre 2022 4:06
We would highly recommend Sara and her beautiful horses. We had both never been on a horse before so felt quiet nervous and apprehensive about it all but as soon as Sara got us up on Mimo and mumba within minutes we felt relaxed and comfortable! Sara has a high level of professionalism and makes the trek and wonderful relaxing and informing ride! Fully enjoyed the experience and on our return to Tenerife will be back! Horses well cared for and very relaxed animals! Loved it thanks again! Love Kelly and Darren
05 octubre 2022 17:51
Lovely friendly family doing the lessons and rides. Horses well looked after and in good health. Daughter loved it, booking again before we leave. A+
24 septiembre 2022 3:37
Amazing place, great for all kinds of riders, me, my sister and mum all loved it, I’ve been riding for just over a year, my mum hasn’t riding in quite a long time and my sister has had the odd few lessons, we all had lots of friends, would definitely recommend!
02 septiembre 2022 2:06
Very helpful and all very nice people. The children had a very good time would go back in the future.
29 julio 2022 18:30
Gran experiencia que hemos tenido en el día de hoy.
Grupo de 3 personas adultas con 4 niños.
Los dueños son muy amables, atentos, respetuosos y muy profesionales.
Tuvieron mucha paciencia con los niños, los cuales nunca habían montado, y con gran amor los tranquilizaron e hicieron que disfrutarán de su paseo.
Todos los animales estaban muy bien atendidos, se ve que existe un gran amor por los animales.
Experiencia 100% recomendable.
Muchas gracias
12 julio 2022 11:39
Absolutely loved it. The kids were in their element with the beautiful ponies and horses. Went on a hillside trail with amazing views. Thank you so much to Jim, Sara and Co.
04 junio 2022 4:35
Amazing experience for the hole family Sarah made us so welcome and talked us throw everythink as we had no experience first time riders would definitely come back and so it again on are next visit thank you
02 junio 2022 3:33
This place is a little hidden gem, so professional, kind and friendly. 10/10 we will
Definitely be recommending and returning when we visit Tenerife again.
22 enero 2022 23:43
We had a fantastic morning riding with Sara and her daughter Sophie. They catered for both beginners and more advanced riders and both groups had a brilliant time. Communication was excellent, enjoyed our trek around the local landscape and price was very reasonable.
25 diciembre 2021 14:12
Our kids liked the trek very much. We did little bit trot and walked trough the mountain. Kids said that this has been best trek so far. Horses were easy to ride and calm.
11 diciembre 2021 3:33
If you are an intermediate who rides from time to time and want an enjoyable ride where you get the chance & tips to improve, this is NOT the place for you. One and half hours supposed to be for riding and trotting had only place for 1 minute of trotting in total. The rest was essentially a pony trek the same level for young children. They seem to cater for first time beginners or very experienced.
13 noviembre 2021 11:59
Absolutely brilliant experience! We are novice riders and felt totally comfortable and enjoyed the ride. Staff were friendly and approachable and the horses clearly well looked after. Definitely recommend x
16 octubre 2021 21:32
Excellent riding, in beautiful surroundings. Horses are well trained and Looked after and the owners are lovely friendly people. Well worth it, I will definitely return, just superb.
08 septiembre 2021 21:06
We wanted to love it but it was the worst horse riding experience we’ve had.

€120 for one hour slow boring walk for an hour for a family of four.

Owner slowly walked us up a hill and down via a depressing path along a fence. Literally walked us for one hour. Didn’t get a horse herself - just walked in front of the group of 5 (we were told at the end after I asked that that there was a girl who was nervous on the horse so owner wanted to walk with her - thanks for telling us in advance of us travelling that it was going to be rubbish).

So slow, boring and utterly joy-sapping. Family left really disappointed but out of British politeness kept a smile on our faces when face to face with owners.

I tried to ride side by side with my sister which we’d done in Lanzarote on the same terrain but was told to stop and move back because the horses they’d chosen for us don’t get along. They have 20ish horses and there were 5 of us on the ride.

So one hour of sitting on a horse as it mindlessly and robotically walked at older lady walking pace in a strict straight line in silence except the odd nebulous question shouted at us from the owner at the front such as “did you all fly together? ”

The worst horse riding experience we’ve had.
27 agosto 2021 4:18
If you're ever in Tenerife, DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS EXPERIENCE! We had an amazing time, it's memorable, affordable, and exploring the beautiful countryside on horseback is just so much more adventurous, serene and authentic than driving through it! An amazing small business run by amazing people (and amazing horses of course)!
14 noviembre 2020 4:53
I've stabled my horse at horse riding adventures for the last 2 years and they are one of the best stables I've been at here and in the UK. The care that they give all the horses is fantastic, they treat the horses that are on livery the same as if one of their own and I completely trust them to care for my horse when I'm not there.

They have a huge arena for lessons, the trecks are always fun and you have no roads to go on. If you want a friendly family run stables to ride at this is the place to go
22 octubre 2020 23:07
The staff was very friendly, the horses look like they have a proper care, the equipement was well kept. The trek was perfect, Sara showed me the best spots!
The horses are prepared by the owners, after the trek they really taking care on them by washing them in the water (the weather is really hot and the horses are sweaty).
I'll be back to this stable on next vacation for sure.
23 agosto 2020 13:44
Really wonderful intermediate trek done. The surroundings are beautiful and with the knowledge of the hospitable hosts Jim and Sarah it comes to life. The horse I rode had a beautiful rythm and is well suited for the ride. Just book a tour!
16 abril 2020 15:59
Had a great riding lesson today, I would recommend Horse Riding Adventure in Tenerife to anyone on the island for a lesson or a treck out.the staff are very friendly and professional and so are the Horses a big thumbs up
27 diciembre 2019 14:13
Very welcoming and if not confident on a horse, they put you at ease and ensure you're ok throughout, I relaxed after 10 mins and moved with the horse, I rode Leon and he is beautiful and very well behaved. Very friendly staff and highly recommend to anyone and everyone, no matter whatever level you're at, they will cater for that.
05 noviembre 2019 17:16
Me and my daughter had a fantastic time horse riding, staff very friendly and horses fantastic, would highly recommend a great afternoon
28 septiembre 2019 10:34
Great experience, we were a group of two and it was just us and the guide on the trek. Everyone was very friendly and we had a great time. The routes are very exposed so make sure you have plenty of suncream on!

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