21 marzo 2024 10:35
En general todo el personal es encantador. Nuria super amable y explicando todo muy claro y resolviendo dudas. Y los profesores Fede y Rui también fueron encantadores, corrigiendo técnica, dando consejos, dominan varios idiomas. Recomendable 100%
12 enero 2024 4:04
Hemos ido 3 dias a hacer surf con ellos. La escuela se encuentra en un sitio precioso de Famara. Personal super atento! Y en especial Nuria que desprende buen royo al momento. Volveremos!
16 diciembre 2023 3:09
¡Surfear con Lanzasurf fue una de las mejores experiencias de mi vida!
Por primera vez viajaba solo y por supuesto, tenía algunos temores sobre cómo iba a ser.
Tan pronto como llegué al apartamento y conocí a mis compañeros de grupo de surf, me di cuenta de que había sido la elección correcta venir aquí.
El alojamiento es bastante bueno. Obtienes todo lo que necesitas para una estadía agradable: una cama cómoda, una ducha con agua caliente, una cocina equipada y un hermoso paisaje desde la terraza.
Recibí un par de lecciones de yoga y debo decir que es muy útil estirar el cuerpo después de 4 horas de surf.
Uno de los mayores puntos fuertes de esta escuela son los instructores de surf. Cada instructor tiene consejos para ti sobre cómo mejorar tu técnica, cómo coger la ola adecuada, cómo estar seguro en el agua, etc.
Quiero agradecer a Dejan, Rui, Martin, Federico y Pedro por su ayuda y apoyo. ¡Chicos, sois increíbles! Fue un placer surfear contigo.
Y por último, si estás buscando una nueva aventura, que llene tu vida de felicidad, pasión y desenfreno, te recomiendo reservar unas vacaciones con Lanzasurf School.
Me enamoré de la isla de Lanzarote y definitivamente volveré.

Gracias equipo de Lanzasurf por unas estupendas vacaciones
09 diciembre 2023 3:59
Gran escuela de surf, bonito albergue, buen ambiente. Famara es un pequeño pueblo con muchos restaurantes y bares.
04 diciembre 2023 13:43
Una semana llena de emociones, alegría, paciencia y nuevas amistades.
Muchas gracias Lanzasurf por todo lo que he aprendido.
02 diciembre 2023 20:59
Estuve allí una semana, inmediatamente me sentí a gusto. La gente de la familia Lanzasurf es increíble. Siempre fue muy divertido unirme a las clases de surf y realmente puedo recomendar el curso de skate. El ambiente es totalmente relajado y los instructores son muy útiles.
01 diciembre 2023 6:05
Disfruté de mis vacaciones de 4 noches con Lanzasurf. Unos pocos cambios simples mejorarían la experiencia general, pero en general sería un gran momento, ¡así que gracias!

Fueron muy serviciales y comunicativos en todo momento, lo cual fue brillante. El lugar parece atraer huéspedes agradables y con ideas afines, por lo que es un lugar muy social.

El alojamiento es básico pero cumple su función. Podría hacerse un poco mejor. Un ventilador estaría bien, por ejemplo. La seguridad también era bastante floja, así que estaba un poco preocupado por mis cosas.

Mi primera lección de surf fue realmente mala ya que el profesor no hablaba mucho inglés y no estaba entrenando sino simplemente estaba en la alineación contigo. Sin embargo, agradecieron los comentarios y los manejaron muy bien, ofreciéndome una lección de yoga gratuita y tranquilizándome sobre los entrenadores. La siguiente lección fue lo contrario: Pedro fue el mejor entrenador con el que jamás haya surfeado.

La calidad de las clases de yoga fue buena. El ambiente podría mejorarse mucho
20 noviembre 2023 2:56
Lo pasé bien en Famara. El alojamiento no era ni el mejor ni el peor que otros apartamentos, lo que parecía un poco injusto. Hubiera preferido una surfhouse como en otros surf camps, donde todos convivían para crear más comunidad. Por lo general, también son más limpios y agradables, y siguen teniendo el mismo precio. También decía que el almuerzo estaba incluido, pero solo era una barra de bocadillos y una manzana. Sin embargo, conocí a la gente más genial allí y todos difundían buenas vibraciones:) ¡Todos los instructores de surf hicieron lo mejor que pudieron la mayor parte del tiempo! Disfruté especialmente mis lecciones con Dejan ya que él enseñaba con tanta pasión desde su corazón. Creo que aprender en un lugar con condiciones más duras como Famara será beneficioso ya que después encontrarás muchos otros lugares para surfear más fácilmente. En general fue una experiencia agradable.
10 octubre 2023 6:40
Es la primera vez que hacia surf y la verdad es que estoy super encantado. Los profesores lo explicaban todo muy bien y de forma simple y se preocupan de corregirte los errores mientras estas aprendiendo para no coger malos hábitos. También generan muy buen ambiente entre los alumnos del grupo en el que estes
11 septiembre 2023 22:59
Tuve un increíble campamento de surf de 3 días con el equipo lanzasurf. Gracias Uri por tu gran energía cada día y tus consejos, realmente pude ver mi mejora y estoy muy feliz ¡nos vemos en otro momento seguro!
30 agosto 2023 20:29
Si quieres mejorar o descubrir la práctica del surf, Lanzasurf es realmente para ti. Un equipo de monitores atentos en los que el placer y la profesionalidad son fundamentales.
17 abril 2023 1:45
Super École de Surf.
Cours particuliers avec Charly.
Une belle personne.
Très pédagogue.
N’hésitez pas à faire appel à lui.
06 abril 2023 22:53
I visited Lanzasruf last summer and had an amazing experience. The teachers were enthusiastic and the team always helpful, especially when I had an injury.
I am just getting round to this review as I am out here again, on short notice. I feel this is a testament to how enjoyable the surf school is.
It’s very affordable and and good value for money.
19 marzo 2023 18:49
I surfed with Lanzasurf last week and had an amaaaazing time! Such great teachers, good vibes and fun people. Would definitely recommend!
13 marzo 2023 9:14
Had a great time here at Lanzasurf. Unique surfing spot, good teachers and nice accomodation. Thanks to Dejan and the team, I'll come again soon.
10 marzo 2023 4:01
Hemos pasado un día espectacular con la sesión de clases que contratamos a Lanzasurf. Se respira muy buen ambiente en la escuela y entre los instructores. Nuestro instructor en especial nos ayudó un montón y fue muy paciente contestando a todas las preguntas que tuvimos.
He mejorado mi surf un montón en 3 días con Martin como instructor. Bastante más que surfeando solo en la playa.

Gracias Lanzasurf y espero que volvamos a vernos pronto!
25 febrero 2023 7:23
Just an amazing location with wonderful teachers and surfers. For a week or just a week-end, this Is the place to be to learn or improve your surf skill.
20 febrero 2023 11:25
I had a great time experience here. My surfing improved a lot in 6 days and I’ve learnt so many things from our instructors. The ambiance is also great! I highly recommend. Yoga is also super nice especially after big surfing days! I will be back here for sure
18 febrero 2023 8:52
Had an amazing time and learned so much from Dejan, he really helped me improve my surfing! Great experience all around.
12 febrero 2023 3:04

Casi nunca he puesto una reseña negativa, pero esta no podía pasar por alto porque me he sentido "estafada".
Pagué 75€ para un día completo que es de 10 a 15h con un picnic y fotos y vídeos, esto es lo que ofertan pero lo siguiente es lo que dan de verdad:
Llegamos a la playa casi a las 11h porque a pesar de nosotras estar 5min antes de las 10h como piden la gente no dejó de llegar hasta las 10.30h por lo que tuvimos que esperar a todos.
Una hora perdida ya llegamos a la playa y nos dividieron en expertos y principiantes, dan una explicacion toda en inglés (cuando el monitor hablaba español y no tuvo la decencia de luego explicarnos), calentamos y cuando pensaba que me iban a explicar cómo se sube y todo en la tabla nos dicen que al agua. Hasta que pasadas las horas que pregunté al monitor francés como se subía, que fue el único que se esforzaba por ayudarnos y hablar español, no supe y ciertas cosas que me corregía un chico que ya llevaba varias clases, cosa que sabían que era nuestra primera vez y solo se preocupaban por los demás que era su tercer día. El tema del picnic ni agua nos dieron solo una barrita y frutos secos, y las fotos y vídeos era sólo al final del día y a las que se levantaban si no eras de esas ni foto ni vídeo ni ayudas. A las 14.30h se recogió y vuelta. Osea que pocas horas para todo lo que pagué y lo nada que me enseñaron.
Irme con mal sabor de boca del surf por no hacerlo en un sitio apropiado, que pena!
06 febrero 2023 13:23
I can't stop thinking about the incredible experience that I have had with Lanzasurf this last week. I felt in love with, firstly the place Famara. Such a beautiful area, perfect for surfing and social life. The surfhouses are located close to everything, and the fact that they are about 100 meters from the beach made me so happy every morning. The surfschool was amazing and the team makes you feel very welcome. If there was one thing I would like to change is that there should be names written on the doors for the dorms/rooms. When I arrived the first day, I was very confused of which room (Calle Velero 18b) that was mine. I first entered what I figured out to be the private room in the apartment. And there were people sleeping there. I felt so rude. I think the place would feel more welcoming if my name was to be on the door of my room.
Other than that, all my instructors were incredible, and Dejan is an own experience-its worth travelling all the way just to get to be with him on the beach. Thank you so much, Lanzasurf school, for giving me the best week of 2022. I love you and Famara
14 enero 2023 0:47
My partner and I have surfed for a while but we booked onto a full day surf lesson on our first day to get to know the beach. We had such a good time and learnt so much that we ended up booking onto another full day lesson the next day! The staff and instructors at Lanzasurf are all so welcoming and we felt very safe in the water.
We then hired boards and wetsuits for the rest of the week.
They were were very well organised with the WhatsApp group that you get added to on arrival, they keep you up to date with start times, pick ups, yoga classes. It's good to use it to meet others for post surf food too!
We will definitely come back and use Lanzasurf again. Thank you Dejan and the rest of the wonderful team!
10 junio 2022 13:58
Amazing experience! Stuff really kind and instructors professional and prepared. I had lots of fun with them.
07 mayo 2022 14:09
This was an amazing week in paradise!
I had booked a 7 days of surf and yoga, with no specific expectations (I am neither a skilled surfer nor a centered yoga practitioner).
Since day one, I got the notion this will be one of those unforgetable times. The Lanzasurf instructors were so welcoming and excited about their passion, it instantly spread to us. By the end we were this little family away from home. And to top it all off, I'm that bit more skilled on the waves and that bit more relaxed on the mat.
Can't recommend this enough.
Thank you all! Merekete
03 mayo 2022 13:09
I was there for one lesson in Mar2022 and would agree with a couple of other reviews for fun teachers and quite poor customer service at the reception.

From a surfing perspective (unrelated to the surf camp itself), the very common NW-NE winds hitting Lanzarote create choppy surf conditions in Famara. For intermediate and higher surf levels, I would suggest Jameos del Agua (and the nearby spots) with N wind directions and big swell and La Santa/Caleta Caballo for cleaner conditions with smaller swell
01 mayo 2022 6:50
THE school to go to in Famara! I have been taking lessons a few times across the globe - I’ve NEVER progressed so much in a week and now feel confident I can try out on my own.
Did a week of surfing in March - conditions were difficult first half (high tide / full moon / big swell) but the whole team did EVERYTHING so we could still enjoy and learn.
Top highlights are:
1. A REALLY cool team and nice atmosphere with the group (often you meet to have dinner / drinks together)
2. Small groups and Strong teachers - Dejan, Sandro and the rest of the team will take you to the right spots and ensure you are not in a crowded space - they will not only teach surf technique but also how to read the sea: super valuable to gain independence
3. Videos and pictures taken and shared daily so you can progress and adapted exercises to the conditions and your individual level
5. Good material with many board options to best suit you!
Massive thank you to you all this week was PERFECT
11 abril 2022 12:54
Overall the place and the vibes are amazing but need some improvements to be done.:)

Paying for cleaner it was very hard to recognise that the cleaner is doing anything in the house since my arrival. Bin has never been emptied and sheets it is good to be changed at list ones during the week stay. There was a bad heavy smell coming from the sewerage all of the time.

1. You are offering 25 hours of surf lessons in real I have got not more than 12h, as in two of the days I/we was only 30 minutes in the water.
2. Looks like there were not a clear structure of the lessons and good backup when we have bad weather.
3. There were no warm-ups and stretching in the mornings until Friday. Saying this even when the weather is colder and I am a complete beginner it didn't make my body ready for the water exercises which caused me injuries in my shoulders and arms from day one and my first step on the surf. This affected my performance badly and now I have to recover from this.
4. Some of the suits stink badly!
5. In one of the days we just had 2 boards for 20 people to catch one wave each!? Do you think I can learn to surf like that?

Group - It was great starting in the small group of 8-10 as you are offering. That was the time when I could get good attention from the instructor, however, from day two everything changed and the group went up to 25 people which gave me fewer opportunities to surf and get good lessons.

Instructors: Some of the instructors have very poor English and is hard to understand what they are trying to explain.

Pictures: You are offering videos and pictures as souvenirs but some people don't get them.

Security - In some moments I got the impression that the instructors don't care much about the safety of the students. Many places use to be very rocky and with messy waves when the weather is bad. Secondly, by having so less experience in water surfing we were constantly pushed on days 4 and 5 to the messy waves and you can see that most of the people were just fighting with the waves not surfing and mostly trying to survive, Having so many rocks on the beach and water could easterly injure the people.

Yoga - I did enjoy the Yoga lessons and both instructors did it great!

Apart from the nice people which I met, I can't see how you complete the product which you offer. I left with the feeling that I did not enjoy surfing in the way how I have received it.

I know that you can do it better:)
10 abril 2022 1:38
I recently surfed with Dejan at Lanzasurf. As an intermediate surfer looking to improve I was hoping not to have a school or instructor that want to put everyone on a foam board in the white water for a nice day out. Thankfully Dejan really helped me progress with excellent tips and video to tighten my technique, and kept an eye out when I surfed out back when most of the class stayed on the inside. I highly recommend his surf skate classes to improve pumping, riding rail to rail and board grabs. Its super useful to help you on your surfing journey. If you're serious about the surfing journey while having fun, Dejan and Lanzasurf are an excellent choice.
12 febrero 2022 0:48
Our surf instructor, Sandro, was great! I was pretty scared of surfing for the first time, and he helped me take waves very quickly. I had a great experience and I can't wait to surf again. Sandro gave personal teaching time to everyone in the group and his tips and explanations were very useful. He made me feel safe.

We did one yoga class and we also enjoyed it. It was what we were needing!
11 febrero 2022 12:44
Dijan is the bomb. He was such a great instructor. The whole set up of the surf school is so slick and organised, yet manages to be relaxed too. The overall experience is super, Famara is a beautiful spot and we both feel fortunate to learn to surf there with a great group of people. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend the school to anyone. Enjoy.
08 febrero 2022 7:04
In three days in Lanzasurf I improved more than I was hoping to and connected more strongly with people than I ever expected!

Super grateful to Dejan our instructor who advised very precisely and personally each of us, he sees every detail and feel people to give us both technique tricks and great mindset, so committed he sends us video edit of the day for us both to improve and remember, so generous in the way he shares his passion!

Living in the surfhouse was great, shared such much kindness with roommates it felt like family super quick.

Many of the people I met there where extending their stay or coming back for the second/third time, some of them even moved in Famara, and I am already planning to come back too!

Thank you so much guys for creating this unique vibe!
21 enero 2022 0:13
Super expérience avec cette école! Les profs sont tous très sympas et à l’écoute, avec chacun leurs méthodes:). Je recommande
19 enero 2022 16:49
Une semaine incroyable avec Lanzasurf school. J'ai pris des cours de surf le matin avec Dejan. Sa bonne humeur, ses conseils personnalisés, encouragements, la qualité de ses cours en font un super prof! J'ai déjà hâte de revenir. Le matériel (combi et planches) est de très bonne qualité et a deux pas de Famara avec des spots de repli pas loin. Le staff est très cool, conciliant. Et j'ai rencontré un chouette groupe de personnes venues des 4 coins du monde, c'est ça aussi l'esprit surf. A très vite, et merci encore pour tout!
14 diciembre 2021 21:44
Amazing, caring and very committed staff!
Always supportive and positive, I can recommend taking classes with lanzasurf.
Group are small, and thoughtfully formed, teaching and feedback individualised, good equipment and best spot on the beach
12 diciembre 2021 7:08
Tolles Team, super Atmosphäre! Der Unterricht macht richtig viel Spaß und Dejan ist sowieso der aller Beste
08 diciembre 2021 15:56
Cogimos clase de un día completo (5 horas) y fue una experiencia muy divertida, para repetir. Nuestro nivel era nulo, pero había clases según el nivel de cada uno. Totalmente recomendable.
02 diciembre 2021 9:55
I surfed twice with Lanzasurf this year, and every time it was such a
fantastic experience! The team is super friendly, and they do all they
can to accommodate every demand, even last-minute ones. The surf
instructors are great, very professional and always motivating you to do
your best. Evandro and Sylvain have been super helpful, giving great
feedback and advice to everyone in our group. Evandro is an excellent
teacher, noting your weak points and making you work on them, and always
so cheerful! I can't believe how much I improved over a week after all
these years being an absolute zero when it comes to surfing!

Bonus points, the surf spot is perfect, besides that Famara is such a
magical place!

So, in short, I 100% recommend Lanzasurf, and as for me, I cannot wait
to go back!
16 noviembre 2021 18:55
It was lovely. Thanks to the whole very dedicated crew and great surf teachers! I think we will be back ‍️️
11 noviembre 2021 7:01
A really amazing surf camp experience. Everyone was super friendly and accommodating. Dejan was the best surf teacher - his attention to detail was incredible and I saw a lot of improvements to my surfing!

We’ll be back very soon
25 octubre 2021 11:36
My experience was amazing - the island is a magical place with incredible people, I highly recommend treating yourself with Lanzasurf. Danique was so friendly and made me feel super comfortable the second I arrived, Carol’s communication before that when organising my trip was always quick and helpful.
Evandro is wonderful, and Juan Carlos is an awesome surf teacher, super kind and patient.
I went all out and treated myself to a massage with Sylvia too, who was AMAZING and hit all the right spots without me needing to say a word. Very pleasantly surprised. The only thing I’d do differently next time is organise car rental beforehand, so I can explore some more of the island when not surfing/doing yoga.
Thank you so much lanzasurf team, for all the fun memories. Lots of love!
25 mayo 2021 5:35
This surf school creates great experiences with lots of love and hard work. I can only recommend it with all my heart:

- the location is close to the best spots of famara Beach
- instructors are very nice, motivating and professional
- equipment is high quality
- classes for beginners and intermediates
- free videos of the surf day included in class
- evandro and his team are always glad to help, quick to joke and they do everything to make the experience with them an extraordinary one.
22 mayo 2021 5:59
Une superbe école avec des instructeurs très sympathiques, pédagogues et drôles!
Merci Deejan et Charlie pour ce super moment:)
15 mayo 2021 23:26
One word: AWESOME. Every aspect of Lanzasurf is super personal, friendly, and professional. The team do an amazing job, they really make you feel welcome and you get a lot of 1: 1 attention to help you improve your skills. Staying in the Surf House too it's very easy to make new friends and socialise, excellent value for money. Highly recommended.
22 abril 2021 3:56
Lanzasurf is simply amazing I really recommend it to everyone! If you're looking to improve your surfing skills while having a great time, search no more!
Surf teachers are cool! Super professionals, attentive, chill and real fun! They're the best!
Then, the combo surf & yoga is the best combination ever: yoga helps you to stretch all the muscles you use while surfing, so it's totally recommended. Thus, teachers surf as well, so they know pretty well your needs.
Finally, I completely recommend staying at the surf house. It's clean, comfortable and has everything you might need. Thus, you'll be living in a chill environment with your course mates. I can't really think of anything better.
Thank you so much for the amazing week and for giving me the means to catch waves on my own See you soon
07 abril 2021 9:31
Je recommande à 100% l’école Lanzasurf à Famara. Tout est génial. J’ai passé deux semaines extraordinaires au sein de la surf house et j’ai rencontré des gens formidables.
Les cours de surf et de yoga sont vraiment de qualités.
Les débutant sont bien évidemment les bienvenus. Un grand merci à Dejan, JC, et Charlie pour cette formation intensive, mais toujours dans la joie et la bonne humeur.
Les cours de yoga sont aussi très efficaces surtout après une grosse session de surf: différents style sont proposés Hatha, Vyniasa.

Bref, une expérience incroyable.
Un grand merci à Evandro pour son accueil chaleureux et sa bonne humeur au quotidien.
Il fait parti de l’âme de Famara pour sur, et je recommande à 100% l’école.

Une expérience humaine qui ne laissera personne indifférent.
28 marzo 2021 17:32
Amazing experience! Surf house clean and equipped, great surf instructors and very nice vibes! 100% recomended specially for solo travelers
22 abril 2019 10:06
We spend a really great time with the team of Lanzasurf! Thanks a lot for the amazing week!
For sure, we'll back soon!
13 abril 2019 7:56
Muy buena escuela de surf para iniciados y avanzados. Muy buen ambiente, y monitores que están encima de ti corrigiendote cada movimiento para perfeccionar la técnica. Gracias a Dejan y Gordon por hacernos sentir como a una familia. Repetiremos seguro!
10 abril 2019 19:24
The best surf/yoga-school there is; most excellent team of teachers and the atmosphere is like a big family.
07 abril 2019 20:37
Óla Hola Hello Hey Hallo

Simply #1: Highly recommendable.

Simply #2: Thank you for every moment.

. The professionalism, the support and the precise, individual advises
. The motivation to improve the Surfskills step by step,
. Your smiles,
. The positive and familiar atmosphere,
. The advises for free-time activities.

It was wonderful to have this experience with you. You are making this spirit so special. I felt that it is a real heart guided project from you. You are living your slogan: Passion and Experience.

The professionalism of the whole organization around and during the Surf- and Yoga-Lessons were awesome. I passed 5 days with a lot of fun. All this helped me to improve in secure steps.

If you don‘t wonna miss extraordinary Surf- and Yoga-Experiences, book a few days in a row or weeks at Lanzasurf. You will enjoy from:
. The high quality lessons with Dejan and Gordon -> both with many years of experience in surfing and training,
. The inspirational Yoga classes with Sandra,
. The familiar surf-house-atmosphere within the surf-aspirants-Group at La Famara ;-)

Thank you again Lanzasurf-Team -> special to CEO Carol and Founder Evandro to make this real.

Simply #3: Aloha and keep going ;-)

Hope to come back soon

07 abril 2019 14:19
Great team and relaxed courses on such a scenic beach! The best way to start improving your surfing skills! Thanks to Gordon & Dejan!
29 marzo 2019 12:13
Been to Lanzasurf two times already and will return. Really good teaching, good ratio of watertime / theorylessons and the location is just amazing. But what stands really out is the warm and joyful atmosphere and the true dedication of the surf coaches. It seems that Gordon & Dejan really want you to learn and make progress from the button of their heart, they really truly care about you. This is something you'll rarely find at other schools.
25 marzo 2019 13:34
I did a 3 day package with Lanzasurf and I would recommend. Instructions are very clear and adapted to each person. One of the 3 days, the waves were too big so we did some alternative activities. Lunch is a bit light, so If you are the hungry type, make your own as an extra. (For me it was enough) There is a lot to see on the island and everything is quiet close to eachother so if you want to do more then surfing, I would recommend you take a rental car. Accommodation is basic, but everything you need to make your breakfast or dinner is there. At the end of the week, you get a link where you can download some photos. Overall, I would definitely recommend and I will come back to Famara:)
14 marzo 2019 23:10
Best Surf scholl ever!
Lanzasurf crew will not just share with you their knowledge and passion about surfing. Instead, they'll provide you values and plenty of good moments in a friendly enviroment.
Good waves for everyone
19 febrero 2019 22:30
Greatest surf school of it all!
Tons of fun in and off the ocean, serious teaching and a lot of support for everyone.
Don't miss the chance to hang out with this guys!

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