07 febrero 2024 11:12
El mejor colegio de Fuerteventura. Instructores experimentados, gran organización, equipo nuevo y un ambiente amigable. Realmente se preocupan por garantizarle una experiencia agradable y segura. Mi marido y yo hicimos varias sesiones durante un par de años. Estamos felices de volver.
06 febrero 2024 7:40
¡Fue increíble, tuve 4 lecciones con ellos y probablemente tomaré algunas más! Son amables, serviciales y divertidos.
Llegué como principiante, comencé con lecciones de arena y pasé al agua.
Te llevan con un bote al lugar seguro, te enganchan y te ayudan con la dirección, te explican. Más adelante cuando te sientas cómodo coges la tabla y empiezas a surfear por tu cuenta. Me gustó mucho que tengas tiempo para ti mismo para entender la técnica.

Lo recomendaría 10/10
26 diciembre 2023 14:11
Razones por las que mi hermana y yo elegimos Natural Sense y los recomendaríamos absolutamente.
- En primer lugar, todos los instructores son súper amables y realmente se preocupan por ti. Están ahí en un instante cada vez que necesitas ayuda y nos sentimos muy seguros todo el tiempo.
- Los instructores también explicaron las cosas muy bien y sentí que progresaba más rápido que en cualquiera de mis lecciones anteriores.
- Te llevan en bote directamente a donde hay mejor viento, así que no tendrás que dar largas caminatas de vergüenza por la playa cuando te dejes llevar por el viento.
- Mantienen grupos pequeños, máximo un instructor por dos estudiantes.
- Destacan los fundamentos sólidos.
- Estábamos en diferentes niveles de experiencia, uno aprendiendo a navegar en ceñida y el otro en salidas en el agua y no tuvieron problemas para adaptarse a eso.

No puedo recomendar lo suficiente Natural Sense y definitivamente es una apuesta segura para aprovechar al máximo el kitesurf que Fuerteventura tiene para ofrecer.
17 noviembre 2023 12:50
¡¡¡Experiencia asombrosa! Tuve tres sesiones con el equipo, todo estuvo muy organizado, aprendí mucho y me divertí. Todo el equipo es súper amable, paciente y amable. Altamente recomendado, volveremos.
14 noviembre 2023 4:26
¡Tuvimos un rato fantástico!
¡El curso estuvo excelentemente estructurado y organizado! ¡La comunicación fue perfecta en todo momento!

¡Muchas gracias a Federico, Torben, Olaf, Richard y Rico!
Equipo brillante y profesores fantásticos.
07 noviembre 2023 1:41
¡Atención absolutamente excepcional de principio a fin! Equipo relajado y muy amigable que siempre está disponible para brindar asesoramiento y apoyo.
Las lecciones se adaptan a las necesidades de todos. La información y los contenidos de aprendizaje se transmiten en todos los idiomas.
¡Hay vídeos a modo de “deberes” que te permiten repetir fácilmente lo aprendido y prepararte bien para el día siguiente!
La comunicación está al más alto nivel.
Todos los días entre las 6 p.m. Y las 8 p.m. Hay una fecha límite para el día siguiente y, si es posible, se atenderán las solicitudes para el día.

¡Solo podemos recomendar calurosamente a Federico y su gran equipo!

Un agradecimiento especial a Thorben por su paciencia infinita y motivación constante con nosotros 2 pipes. ¡Gracias a ti funcionó en 5 días! ;)

Saludos y ¡hasta pronto! ¡Estaremos de vuelta!
04 noviembre 2023 18:05
Reservé cinco lecciones intermedias con Natural Sense y mejoré MUCHO. Su sistema de llevarte en el bote para encontrar viento fue perfecto y pasé muchísimo tiempo en el agua. Me gustó que teníamos condiciones diferentes cada día y los profesores me ayudaron a entender cómo afrontar cada nueva variable. Creo que esto me ayudó a progresar bastante rápido. Recomiendo encarecidamente las clases en Natural Sense. Y si ha pasado un tiempo, la lección de refresco en la playa es muy útil para empezar a sentirte cómodo nuevamente antes de regresar al agua.
03 noviembre 2023 2:38
Hice curso de 3 días (recomendaría un mínimo de 4 para empezar a navegar, visto mi progresión) y me encantaron los profesores Richard, Olaf y Bea. Volvería, sin dudarlo, con ellos, me dieron mucha confianza. Tal vez no tengan la tienda más molona, ni sean los más llamativos, pero creo que el trabajo que hacen es muy bueno y el equipo está en condiciones correctas.
29 octubre 2023 7:50
Lo pasé muy bien con sentido natural: ¡todos los instructores fueron realmente amables! ¡Calma y paciente! Lo recomendaría altamente
29 octubre 2023 6:11
Tranquilo desde el principio hasta que nos despidamos el uno del otro. La comunicación, la planificación, la organización y los cursos en sí fueron perfectos. Muchas gracias Federico. Un agradecimiento especial a los chicos, la sesión de fotos de Thorben, Olaw el capitán y Rico: sois geniales, espero que nos encontremos el año que viene. ¡¡¡Muy recomendable!
12 octubre 2023 15:32
Lo pasé muy bien tomando lecciones con estos chicos. Todos los instructores son de gran ayuda, todos daban sugerencias y consejos en cada oportunidad. Al principio son muy pacientes, te explican todo con claridad y detalle para que no te sobrecargues de información.
Lo más importante es que hacen que toda la experiencia sea muy divertida. ¡Definitivamente regresaré para recibir más lecciones en el futuro! Gracias chicos!
04 octubre 2023 14:40
Calidad de tu enseñanza y pasión por el deporte! Realmente disfruté el curso y todas las salidas con Viktor y la comunicación general con Federico. ¡Muchas gracias por un increíble curso de kite!
20 septiembre 2023 15:26
¡Gran experiencia! Increíble equipo y ambiente de aprendizaje. Repetiré seguro la próxima vez que esté en la ciudad.
27 agosto 2023 22:19
Tuve 2 sesiones de levantamiento con este equipo. Chicos súper amables y serviciales. La primera sesión fue en aguas abiertas, la otra fue cerca de la Isla de Lobos
03 julio 2023 14:37
Great kitesurf school! Nice and professional international staff. Recommended for both beginners and advanced riders.
18 junio 2023 11:19
Fantastic kite school! Super friendly instructors with lots of experience and patience! Would give 6 stars if possible. Gracias chicos!
08 junio 2023 17:33
Great Kite Surfing school, the staff are super cool and patient, I am 135kg and they help me get surfing with no stress.
04 junio 2023 17:10
I spent the last 4 days with Natural Sense and I can easily say it was the best kiting experience ever. A new kite spot every day from the boat. They find the best conditions and wind and all the instructors are all super lovely, knowledgeable and kind. I will definitely be back!
30 abril 2023 11:04
Acabo de realizar un curso de 5 días y la verdad que la experiencia ha sido muy positiva.
La atención recibida por parte de los monitores Olaf, Thorben, Victor, Enrico y Carlos ha sido de 10.
He conseguido aprender y a levantarme! Sin duda repetiré.
Muchas gracias!
29 abril 2023 1:35
The (excellent) team of instructors will take you into open sea/deep water by boat, looking for the best spot for the kitesurfing session. I really enjoyed the experience and definitely made progress thanks to the NSK team!
10 marzo 2023 2:52
Spent the Christmas holidays in Fuerteventura and did the 5 lesson pack; I am really glad I chose Natural Sense.
All of the instructors were extremely helpful and knowledgeable, with always a smile on their face.
Communication for setting up all the classes was always precise and timely.
All the instructors helped me along, from a beginner level, to the point where I am confident enough to next time rent gear on my own.
Really happy with the progress and overall, the vibes were always on point.
10/10 absolutely recommend if you spend time in Fuerte.
Gracias Federico, Olaf, Victor, Nico, Enrico & Marcus
01 marzo 2023 15:54
I can highly recommend the kite school and have been there more than once. The organization and communication from Federico is very quick and excellent. The instructors give great tips and they pay a lot of attention to safety, what is important for me. When we had no wind we could train with the wakeboard. Thank you Olaf for the challenges.
13 febrero 2023 21:28
Habe im November einen 5 tägigen Kite Kurs gemacht. Alles in allem top, sowohl die Kommunikation, als auch die Kitestunden. Das gesamte Team war super. Alles Recht entspannt. Habe mich immer sicher gefühlt.
Captain Olaf hat bei den Wasser Stunden immer für einen guten vibe gesorgt, was den Kurs perfekt abgerundet hat. @captain Olaf: one day I come back to Fuerteventura, we need to do a sailing trip, maybe to New Zealand:)
06 febrero 2023 8:35
During my stay in Corralejo I attended 6 kite classes as a complete beginner.
The first two lessons were on the beach to better learn kite control and then I was ready for the water!
The equipment felt new and in great condition and as the days passed I became more and more confident and trusting in my abilities thanks to the help of all the wonderful instructors.
They all were very patient, professional, happy for my accomplishments and always eager to help with a smile.
Special thanks to Federico, Olaf, Carlos, Vic, Nico and Markus.
The student to teacher ratio is perfect to better learn how to have fun step by step, gradually and in safety; so don’t be afraid to try!
It has been such a fun, enriching and gratifying experience and I hope to be back soon to catch some more wind.
Hasta pronto!
05 febrero 2023 21:07
Natural Sense led by Federico deserves all the praise. We have had the opportunity to kite with several other schools, but his team positive (superb team) vibes, the daily communication and accommodation was beyond expectations. Thanks for hosting us and we will be returning sooner than later.
31 enero 2023 9:15
I was very fortunate to take 6 classes as a complete beginner.
I have to admit that at first I was a little scared but as soon as I started that all went away.
Their way of teaching you step by step really reassured me.
All of the instructors are very patient and encouraging giving you all the time you need to learn.
I’d like to thank them all for helping me learn a new sport that I’ve always wanted to try.
I now can say that I can fully stand up and ride a little. I just need a little more practice which is a perfect reason to go back!
So thank you Federico, Olaf, Victor, Carlos, Nico and Markus!
19 enero 2023 7:04
Highly recommended Kite surf school in Corralejo.
Frederico and his Team are Amazing. Adventure guaranteed!
22 julio 2022 8:10
The kite School Naturalsense.eu on Fuerteventura is very Good! I took 3 lessons and 1 lift the last 4 days. The Equipment (Core) is really good, the boat Trip to Go to the kitespot in the north of Corralejo was nice (Olaf is a Good teacher and a good Captain). The teachers speak fluent English, German, Spanish, Italian,
I really enjoyed the lesson and improved my Skills. It is also one of the cheaper schools on the Island and you will get a discount for the Next classes. All in all I really would recommend it. Well organized and helpful. You also get to Know Other kite Surfers, what is nice. Not to many People on the Trip and more than enough kite teachers on each Trip Taking Care about everything. Thank you! I will come back!
13 julio 2022 4:12
I can highly recommend this kitesurf school.
The communication with the team is super smooth, and they take great care of you. They have great instructors, and they try to accommodate you with everything to give you the best experience possible. In my opinion, what’s also worth mentioning is that they only organize lessons if it makes sense for you. For example, there was one day when there was a light wind. They told a guy in our group that it makes more sense to join the day after again because the wind wouldn’t have been strong enough for him (so he doesn’t waste money on lessons he won’t benefit from), which was highly appreciated.
09 julio 2022 7:37
I booked my first kitesurflessons ever at Natural Sense Kitesurfschool and had so much fun! They gave great instructions and all of the staff members are super friendly. Federico responds quickly on WhatsApp if you have any questions and will clearly communicate with you about what times the lessons will start the next day.

I can really recommend this school!
28 mayo 2022 13:29
Un buen curso para iniciarte al kite con calma y total seguridad. Muy contento y con ganas de mas. Buenos monitores y material:) saludos
24 mayo 2022 13:56
I loved Federico's school! My progress within one week was great, as they let you kite very independently in the open water, even if you are a beginner like me. The teachers Thorben, Carlos, Olaf (who is also the captain of the boat) and Markus are super friendly, good vibes and skilled. Also, the equipment was always very new and therefore, in a great condition.
And last but not least, and important to me, it was super easy to reach out to Federico, the owner, via WhatsApp to book and get information in general and we would receive responses almost immediately.
Federico was always helpful and very fair when it comes towards cancellation, refunds and new bookings.
Thanks a lot,
01 abril 2022 5:39
Los monitores excelentes y un trato ideal con los alumnos! Definitivamente lo recomiendo y volvería a elegirlos:)
21 marzo 2022 2:43
Great experience in every way! It was my first kitesurfing course and the team took excellent care of us from the beginning. The communication was great, the lessons very professional and although I was not very skilled with the kite, the team was very patient and motivating! (Thanks guys!) super school, it was fun, we will be back!
12 marzo 2022 11:48
Super nice and friendly team, great instructors and super equipment. I really felt like improving a lot in the classes and had a lot of fun. I can recommend 100% and will definitely come back next time when in Fuerteventura:)
10 marzo 2022 20:18
I was looking for a kite wave lesson to improve the timing on the wave and the correct use of the kite in the turns. I contacted Federico from Natural Sense, we talked and he offered me two hours of private lessons with Thorben in a wave spot. The lesson was perfect, what I needed. We talked first, then he gave me a radio, he looked at me from out of the water and guided me on each wave, telling me what to do.great experience, in two hours I caught a lot of waves and I figured out where to improve.thank you
07 marzo 2022 4:20
Highly recommended, perfect experience! The guys are super professional and know how to teach beginners (that is my level).
I felt very comfortable and managed to do great progress in just three days. Thanks!
07 marzo 2022 2:17
Had a blast with the team! Really nice bunch of people, great communication and teaching! I am not the most coordinated person, but with their professional explanations everything worked perfectly! I will be back for sure!
28 febrero 2022 4:49
Great experience! Very good and friendly instructors, fast learning process, fair and transparent payment conditions! I really can recommend this kite surfing school!
19 febrero 2022 14:59
Very nice and skilled people who can train you well to learn to kite. They’ll take you by boat to the open waters, where you have all space to practice your kite skills and so you don’t have to worry about other people near you. The instructors have great knowledge and good teaching skills and are very supporting. They really encourage and motivate you. The owner of the kite school was also very kind and very helpful to find the best hours of the day, with the best wind conditions, for you to learn. If I’ll go back, I would definitely come back to them for some more training to improve my skills. Strongly recommend!
06 febrero 2022 15:55
Great team, I had a ball learning with them! The staff is really nice, great communication in WhatsApp by Federico. In a day there was no wind we went wakeboarding instead.
12 enero 2022 1:20
I had a great time and recommend! I learned more in two lessons than the 4 previous ones with another school. The teacher could give advices with a radio on the helmet. All the staff is really nice. Thanks to the team!
19 noviembre 2021 21:37
Experiencia muy recomendable! Los instructores fueron muy atentos, intentando adaptar el curso a las mejores condiciones, incluso alargando las horas de curso cuando el viento no ayudaba del todo. Me quedé con ganas de poder completar el curso entero, así que sin duda repetiré si tengo ocasion!
18 octubre 2021 14:41
I had the opportunity to take my first kitesurfing lessons with Federico and his team last week and it was such an amazing experience. Everyone in the team is super nice, relaxed and fun and they know their stuff! In total I did 6 days and I would have done more if I could and didn't have to go back home: D
First two days at the beach are a good way to start with the basics and flying the kite so you are good to go on your first day in the water. Also, Jackie makes them very fun, too!
The water sessions are out in the "deep" and once you relax it is so much fun. I could feel becoming better every single day and the feeling of making the first few meters (hopefully a few more soon: D) is so amazing. Even crashing and flying into the water is fun. I can't wait to be back in the water and continue practising.
I can 100% recommend this school, if you are unsure if you can do it, just do it!: D
Thank you again to the whole team for making my trip to Fuerte so much fun from cold Hamburg!:)
17 octubre 2021 10:14
My girl and me would like to say “Thank You” to Federico and his fabulous crew! We felt warmly welcome and well prepared for our ongoing Kitesurf-skill Training back in germany.
As soon as we take our next vacation here in Corralejo I think we will contact you for further “Training-days”!
12 octubre 2021 17:23
We had a great kitesurfing experience with Natural Sense. Great fun & good learning progress. Very knowledgeable teachers, especially Torben and Jackie. Good concept for safe learning out in the open sea with lots of space. Not super cheap, but hey, you definitely get what pay for! Highly recommend & we'll be back for more sessions when we come back to Fuerteventura!
02 octubre 2021 16:37
Grazie a Federico e tutto il team di Natural Sense, non potevamo trovarci in mani migliori. Io e la mia ragazza abbiamo fatto il corso di 5 giorni, esteso poi a 7 perché troppo desiderosi di migliorare.
Il corso si svolge in mezzo all'oceano dove si viene portati con il gommone. La maggior parte del tempo si impara in acqua con il kite (circa 3 ore) a differenza di altri corsi dove si é costretti a camminare lungo la spiaggia per ripetere le andature. L'insegnate, inoltre è sempre pronto ad intervenire in caso di miglioramenti tecnici e aiuto in generale.
Nelle prime ore di lezione in acqua è proprio al tuo fianco per spiegarti al meglio l'utilizzo dell'attrezzatura.
Anche a livello comunicativo (mail, WhatsApp) e organizzativo sono velocissimi e preparati. Gli orari delle lezioni venivano sempre decisi con largo anticipo e in base alle nostre esigenze.
Che altro dire.bellissima esperienza e un super grazie a tutto l'intero staff, ci rivedremo presto!
17 marzo 2020 11:19
Dec 2019. Fantastic experience. My instructor, Andrea, has a gift in explaining the techniques in simple terms that allowed rapid progression unlike previous lessons elsewhere. Great team involved with emphasis on fun but equally motivating you to achieve more than you thought was possible. Can’t wait to return.
23 febrero 2020 7:19
I can fully recommend the company.i cpntacted them before i arrived. They answered all my questions. When i arrived i booked SUP lessons (private). Plinio the coach has a big knowledge of SUP and explains everything in detail and takes the time to show and explain everything. After 2 lessons i caught my first waves with a sup board if you are looking for lessons sup, kite or surf contact frederico and you will have a good time!
18 febrero 2020 2:39
The Spot in Corralejo where you get the basics right with next level teaching for kite surf. Thank you Stefano and Frederico for this important step in my life with natural sense kite surf
13 febrero 2020 22:35
En Décembre 2019, j'ai pris deux cours de kitesurf avec Natural Sense Kitesurf, école que je recommande. Les cours sont en anglais, espagnol ou italien entre autres.

Elle se trouve à Corralejo sur l'île de Fuerteventura aux Canaries. L'île est réputé pour sa météo propice à la pratique du kite, même en hiver.

Le responsable Federico est excellent dans sa communication et les conseils aux jeunes pratiquants et fournit du matériel est de très bonne qualité.

Après des cours de maîtrise du kite sur sable à Flag Beach très bien expliqueés par Giulia, j'ai eu la chance de m'exercer pile poil entre les superbes îles de los Lobos, de Fuerteventura et de Lanzarote après une traversée en canot, afin de profiter des meilleurs vents.

Je tiens également à remercier Andrea pour ses très bons conseils en terme de posture et de mouvements à appliquer lors du démarrage (water start).

30 enero 2020 11:37
Excellent kitesurfing experience!

I had the pleasure of attending on a 4 day kitesurfing course in early November. It was an excellent experience, I had so much fun! I did not have any previous surfing, snowboarding, kiting experience. The instructors were always calm, patient, professional and made introduction to kitesurfing truly memorable great adventure for me. I am planning to go back to Fuerte and my choice will be the Natural Sense Kitesurf School to continue learning kitesurfing!
I would definitely recommend them to everyone who wish to learn water sports.
Thank you for my instructors, Federico and Andrea for the great memories and for the excellent course!
26 enero 2020 8:09
When professionality meets passion!

I went on holiday in Fuerteventura for a week. When I was on the island I wanted to try kitesurfing and among the many kite schools available we chose the Natural Sense Kitesurf & SUP School Fuerteventura.
It was a very right choice! Our instructor Federico explained in a very detailed way how to control the kite and he showed us in details the dynamic and the movements.
The course is spread over three days and allows everyone to understand how to control the kite safely. On the last day we went out to sea to go kitesurfing and also in this case Fedrico was near us and explained to us well what we had to do.
This kite and sup school is the best in Fuerteventura and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to approach this beautiful sport. The people who work in the Natural Sense school, like Federico, are highly specialized and in addition have a great passion for what they do. If you want to make your holiday in the Canary Islands unforgettable you have to try kitesurfing and the Natural Sense Kitesurf & SUP School in Fuerteventura. This kite & sup school is definitely the best choice!

21 enero 2020 16:41
It was my 3rd time kitesurfing with NaturalSense. As my returning suggests i am very satisfied with the school, their services and instructors. In comparison with other schools they really look where the wind and wave conditions are optimal for learning (also when you progress and can handle a bit more challenge). The instructors (had 5 different ones) are all very friendly, helpful and give a feeling that they are really experienced. They bring plenty of backup equipment so íf something brakes (which is something that can always happen ofcourse, definitely with beginners using them) no one is hold back because of it. I improved a lot because of them and while i progressed the instructors also gave me more advanced tips on how to progress even further. I really enjoyed it and would definitely recommend them to anyone visiting Corallejo in Fuerteventura.
05 enero 2020 14:59
Best Kite Surf School in Fuerteventura! The instructors are passionate and teach you perfectly the technique, then help you until you succeed. It's well organised and highly recommended!
17 diciembre 2019 14:13
Thanks to Natural Sense Kite School, we have enjoyed our kite lessons (5 courses - beginners) even further than our expectations! Very professional, attentive and adaptive to the students’ needs and style, giving efficient technical advice. Reassuring and responsive to our questions (before getting and while being there). During our 5 days-course, we have always been to the best spot, depending on the wind conditions, for our lessons. On top of all that, the whole team is really smiley and friendly. We felt very welcomed and looked after!:) We are definitely kitesurf hooked now! Thanks again!
14 diciembre 2019 22:27
I couldn't ask for better from these guys. I was looking for a last minute two-day course to get into kitesurfing and contacted a few places. Frederico replied quickly and managed to organise a sweet package for me with three days' worth of tuition in two.

The tuition from the man himself was brilliant; well-paced, thorough without overcomplicating things and I always felt safe with the kite, in or out of the water. To top it off, they had me water starting and riding by the end of day 2!

What can I say: these guys are professional and all round good dudes. Thanks guys!
12 diciembre 2019 7:30
I had no idea what to expect and just wanted to "learn" kite surfing. I had no prior experience in wakeboarding, skating, snowboarding or what so ever, I just did kite flying in autum season as a kid.

There has been two sessions on the beach and three in the water. The beach sessions taught me everything I need to know about the kite itself, how to start, steer and the mechanics behind. Andrea did a wonderful job here. He was providing all information I could think of and explained the basics going deeper into the mechanical side of whats happening right now. The first water session was with Alessandro. He was also very caring and taught the body drag and related tasks in the water in a 1 on 1 session. The last two water sessions on the open sea were again with Andrea. With his patience and knowledge I had the chance to practice in different situations (strong wind/weak wind @ medium waves). Managed to stand up and actually kite for 7-12 meters.

After the 5 days I now feel confident to buy my own kites, to build up, start and land a kite, to start from the water and what to do in various emergency cases. Thank you very much Natural Sense Kitesurf and thank you very much Andrea!
11 diciembre 2019 21:40
Bonne école de kite, Federico est super sympa, ses conseils sont toujours utiles et efficaces. Il observe bien les erreurs à corriger. Il m'a même filmé depuis le bateau, trop bon souvenir! Tout est bien organisé, on nous emmène au meilleur Spot pour les conditions de vente au meilleur moment. Sans vent on est remboursé (rare pour une école de kite), ce qui a été mon cas pour les deux derniers jours. Tout simplement parfait!
07 diciembre 2019 8:59
Federico and his team have a very Natural Sense of welcoming people in their school, I felt taken in charge by the professionalisms and them way to teach me how to kite. I had a bit experience before arriving and now I’m very glad to say that I’m autonomous and confortable to progress by myself! Thanks a lot Natural Sense and see you between the sea and the air!


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