30 marzo 2024 0:28
Experiencia muy negativa. No recomiendo esta escuela si quieres aprender o mejorar en Kite. No están nada pendientes de ti, te sueltan sin ningún tipo de supervisión ni consejo. Muy decepcionada.
29 marzo 2024 14:43
No lo recomendaría nunca, es la primera vez que empiezo un curso en una escuela y tengo que cambiarme. Pagas un curso “semi-privado” de Kitesurf y básicamente te tiran al mar y no hay ningún instructor pendiente de hacer porque mejores y pendiente de ti, por lo que no hay proceso y si hay frustración. No han puesto problemas en anular el 3 día y la devolución del dinero.
09 enero 2024 10:09
¡Maravillosa lección de iniciación a windsurf con Paolo!
Lo reservé para mis padres como regalo de Navidad. Estaban muy contentos, Paolo fue muy amable y sus explicaciones fueron muy amigables y claras de seguir. Aprendieron mucho.
Spot de surf muy bonito y tranquilo en medio de Corralejo.
05 enero 2024 6:10
Hice una lección de surf para principiantes de 5 días. Hermosa experiencia, todo bien organizado, con instructores capacitados y amigables.

Me uní a la escuela de surf de 5 días. Gran experiencia, todo estuvo perfectamente organizado con excelentes y agradables instructores.
20 noviembre 2023 23:23
Contraté el pack apartamento con clases para principiante. El alojamiento estaba muy bien, con todo lo necesario y piscina. Las clases genial, con Ayoub aprendes muy buena técnica y súper rápido. Lo he disfrutado mucho y repetiré sin duda. Muchas gracias!
11 noviembre 2023 21:33
La escuela es muy, muy buena. La voy a recomendar siempre a quien quiera aprender surf. Tras cinco días de curso he aprendido más de lo que podía esperar, con estos profes. Sobre todo con Ayoub, que es el que vas a querer tener ever and ever, dando los mejores consejos y con muy buen rollo

No descarto repetir y además, Fuerteventura siempre es una idea genial.
08 noviembre 2023 11:29
Mi hermana y yo hicimos un curso de kitesurf de tres días y todos los instructores fueron encantadores y muy serviciales. ¡Realmente te hicieron sentir seguro!
31 octubre 2023 4:34
Point Break es un excelente establecimiento de surf y escuela. Un compañero y yo tomamos lecciones de windsurf con Pablo, quien es un instructor fenomenal e hizo que la experiencia fuera muy agradable. ¡Volveré a Fuerte y Point Break en el futuro!
23 octubre 2023 0:20
Asistí a un curso de Kitesurf de nivel intermedio durante cuatro días y todo fue perfecto. Los instructores son fantásticos, conocedores y amigables. Me siguieron durante todo el viaje, ayudándome a mejorar. Además, saliendo al mar con el barco, cada día nos llevaban al punto donde estaban las mejores condiciones. ¡Lo recomiendo totalmente y espero volver pronto! Gracias de nuevo por todo.
01 octubre 2023 19:37
¡Qué gran escuela! Gente muy abierta, de mente cálida, tanto en la escuela como en la tienda. Todos tienen experiencia y pueden darte algunos buenos consejos: recibí dos lecciones con Francesco y Ayoub, luego salí a surfear solo (con sus recomendaciones) y aún así recibí ayuda cuando la necesité. Espero volver aquí)
25 septiembre 2023 13:39
Experiencia maravillosa. Andy, nuestro instructor, inmediatamente nos tranquilizó. La felicidad! ¡Profesionalidad y naturalidad en la cita!
13 agosto 2023 7:54
¡Una gran experiencia!
Asistí al curso básico de kitesurf + estancia de 10 días en julio.
Personal realmente accesible y competente, en pocos días lograron enviarme todo lo necesario para la primera navegación en la tabla con total seguridad.
¡Volvería ahora!
11 agosto 2023 7:57
Excelente escuela para aprender kitesurf. Tomé una semana de clases con Point Break y fue la primera vez que probé la cometa. Los instructores son todos muy profesionales y agradables, quieren conocerte y saben cómo animarte y darte las instrucciones adecuadas en el momento adecuado. No tienen ningún problema en ayudarte cuando lo necesites y en explicarte cómo mejorar tanto antes como después de la clase. Gracias a Claudio, Stefano, Giorgio, Martino, Max y Andy por introducirme en este hermoso deporte y por la maravillosa experiencia.
05 julio 2023 1:09
We had five intermediate kitesurfing sessions. The school is organized very well. Every evening we got a message with the time of the session for the next day - depending on the wind. The kitesurfing sessions were a lot of fun! The teachers are patient, super friendly and funny and pay attention to safety and quality. They helped and I explained in a really good way. We had a really good time and can highly recommend the school. It was such a great experience! Thanks a lot to the whole team!
07 junio 2023 16:01
Excellente matinée, ayoub tout comme les autres professeurs étaient adorables, j’ai réussi à me tenir debout et à surfer dès le premier cours,
02 junio 2023 19:01
Everything was truly fantastic. Perfect lessons for the kids. Safe and with great progress.
14 mayo 2023 23:52
Great experience. I did the beginners course but with some prev exp flying a kite the team allowed me to fast track to the boat session after 1 day on the beach. Great conditions on the beach and boat combined with passionate instructors and good gear.
11 abril 2023 7:47
Tenía una clase con Ayoup y ibamos a “flag beach”. Es un profesor de surf muy bueno y majo. Mejoraba muchisimo mis “pop ups”.
22 febrero 2023 0:22
Vaig reservar un curs de kite per principiants, a causa del poc vent no vam poder fer ni una classe. Em van fer la devolució de tot el que havia pagat pel curs sense gaires problemes. És d'agrair que la devolució sigui àgil.
Espero poder tornar i poder fer el curs amb ells.
05 febrero 2023 21:23
What a great experience! The team of point break school is fabulous, very helpful, well organized, proficient and professional. The instructors were fun, easy going, attentive and simply good teachers. I felt safe and well looked after all the time with enough space to learn and make mistakes. I started my kite surf journey with the beginners course and will certainly come back for more. Thank you, Monika
14 enero 2023 23:16
I booked a 5-day beginner surf course and had the best time learning to surf in 3 different beaches.
Highly recommend Francesco and Ayoub the instructor. They teaches you the basic, did warm up, tell you what you can do better every time like fixing your posture and how to paddle better. I was able to catch my own waves and turned a bit on the last day. Thank you very much!
Special thank to Ayoub for always bring good vibes, great positive and supportive energy, as well as nice music playlist to every class!
21 agosto 2022 17:02
Had a nice Time with my Teacher David! He was a very nice and patient guy who tought me a lot about Kitesurfing. Tank you!
26 julio 2022 0:18
Une excellente semaine de kitesurf avec pointbreak même si je n’étais pas la plus performante.
Merci à David Ciocchi Max Luka et Guido (désolé si ce n’est pas le bon prénom) pour leur professionnalisme, leur patience et leur dolce vita

Una excelente semana de kitesurf con point break mientras no sea la persona la mas eficaz
Gracias a David Ciocchi, Max, Luka y Guido (Lo siento si no es el buen nombre) por su profesionalismo, su pacienca y su dolce vita.
27 junio 2022 3:39
As a beginner 's first lesson, I did not enjoy my experience with Point Break. The instructor was missing throughout the lesson. She did not demonstrate surfing in the water even once. She also didn't teach us how to get on to the board. When I told her I had trouble getting on to the board, she ignored me entirely. I think they could do better to break down the course better for beginners. Considering that there are many other surf schools I would suggest avoiding this one.
18 junio 2022 11:38
After trying different schools in Cape Town and Vietnam, I must say this is the best school I've been.
Did the refresher course with Carlo who gave the best land based tips I haven't heard before.
After that, the intermediate course where I wanna give a big shout out to Filip and Max. The whole crew is very patient and a great help when you are in the water. They're quick and efficient and a good laugh, what else do you need!?
11 junio 2022 6:54
Really friendly staff! Rafa was really nice and a good teacher for a never tried surfer like me. Would totally recommend it!
27 mayo 2022 9:44
Nos han encantado las clases de surf con María, ojalá pudiésemos quedarnos un mes más! Volveremos
11 mayo 2022 19:48
Esperienza fantastica e indimenticabile.
La scuola è super organizzata e le persone che ci lavorano tutte eccezionali e molto disponibili.
Abbiamo fatto un corso di 5 giorni di kitesurf con l’istruttore David Ciocchi, che consiglio a tutti.
Oltre ad essere super preparato e molto professionale, David è una persona molto simpatica con cui si socializza subito dal primo momento.
Con i suoi insegnamenti sono riuscito a progredire in questo fantastico sport e a fare le mie prime navigate sull’oceano.
Grazie Pointbreak e Grazie David Ciocchi per questa bellissima esperienza.
08 mayo 2022 17:22
Mariaaaa eres una crack! Si señor! Asi da gusto practicar surf! Y Francesco tambien! Muchas gracias x todo, nos vamos súper contentas de la experiencia.
09 marzo 2022 3:20
Such a great team, very professional, friendly, and really fun. Equipment is really good, and the staff is really well organised and at the same time flexible to find the best solution for you. Loved it, would totally recommend because I learnt a lot, and had a lot of fun!
Special thanks to Bene, Antoine, Sala and Philip you guys are the best
21 febrero 2022 7:25
Disorganised and not responsive, they ensure me classes and I was practically begging them to reply messages and call. However they did send bank details to pay the class before even agreeing in the details and conditions of the class
04 febrero 2022 18:29
I’ve contacted this school to improve my windsurf skills. The experience has been very positive thanks to Paolo and his accurate e methodical way to teach that also makes room to moments of fun. I have immediately realised and appreciated his energy and his attention to the details.
Thanks also to Giulia and Sofia for all the organizational informations.
30 enero 2022 16:25
7 notti in appartamento e 5 giorni di corso di surf. Tutto perfetto, un'esperienza incredibile dove ogni giorno conosci nuove persone di ogni angolo di mondo.
Istruttori di surf professionali e preparatissimi che ti trasmettono tutta la loro passione ed i valori di questo fantastico sport.

7 nights in the apartment and 5 days of surf course. Everything was perfect, an incredible experience where every day you can meet new people from every corner of the world. Professional surf instructors who pass on all the passion and values ​​of this fantastic sport to you.

28 enero 2022 2:45
Not a good spot for kitesurf beginners!

This school is only doing boat lessons which means you will be driving out to the open sea for around 30 bumpy minutes. Then you get dropped in the open sea, you get your kite and then you are on your own. I took a semi-private course and the ratio was always 3 instructors and 4-5 students so thats all good. The problem is that they are all on one boat. When everyone is in the water the boat circles around but because it's only one boat you don't get to see it very often. I got maybe around 2-3 boat visits per session. So technically it's semi-private but in reality, it's a big group lesson with little direct feedback.

Another point is that in my 5-day intermediate course I had 3 different instructors. This was a big drawback for my progress because naturally, every instructor has to get to know you before he can give you good feedback. Also, as a student every time you have to adapt to your instructor because every instructor has his own style in how to teach you the basic skills.

Don't get me wrong: The instructors were all super professional, motivated and fun to be around! And also taking lessons from a boat is quite cool. You have nearly unlimited space and don't have to mind any obstacles and of course, with a boat, you can just drive there where the best wind is. It's just the schools overall course system that really bothered me.

If you consider doing a kitesurf course in this area I can only recommend private lessons with this school because you will make so much more progress.
Otherwise, check out the lagoon at Sotavento in the south which is generally a much more suitable spot for kitesurf beginners.
25 diciembre 2021 19:03
Sono estremamente soddisfatto della professionalità e delle qualità tecniche/umane delle persone che compongono Point Break Surf School Fuerteventura. Sono stato 1 mese presso questa scuola per corso completo di kite e surf beginner. Innanzitutto ho trovato di qualità la gestione e la comunicazione dell’organizzazione, a partire dalla responsabile Giulia.
Per quanto riguarda il corso di kite le lezioni sono molto ben condotte, con briefing tecnici in dettaglio prima e dopo la sessione, che sia in spiaggia o in mezzo all’oceano. Lo staff presenta tante qualità transversali tecniche ed umane che mi hanno permesso di poter apprendere più velocemente. Porto con me le spiegazioni tecniche in dettaglio accademico di Stefano, utili per comprendere il perché degli errori commessi, la buona energia e la capacità di mantenere la tranquillità e l’attenzione in spiaggia ed in oceano trasmessa dall’instruttore Benedict, la preparazione e chiarezza di comunicazione di Philippe e Max. In 7 lezioni, iniziando da zero e con nessuna esperienza in sport d’acqua/con tavola, sono arrivato a poter navigare. Totalmente soddisfatto del corso da Beginner. Ritornerò senz’altro per il corso da intermedio.
Per quanto riguarda il corso di surf, ho svolto solo 4 lezioni, visto che ero più concentrato sul kite. Però allo stesso modo mi sono trovato molto bene. Sempre, prima di entrare in acqua si svolge un briefing tecnico in dettaglio ed un Warm up. Gli instruttori ti seguono sia fuori che in acqua. Ho appreso molti tips tecnici, in particolar modo grazie all’instruttore Maria. Ogni lezione con lei è uno spasso, si apprende divertendosi.
20 noviembre 2021 2:48
Awesome experience with the entire crew. Took a 6 days kitesurfing course and it was super helpful and super funny at the same time. Thanks to Bene, Giulia, Martino, Antoine, Phil and of course also to Carlo for the great time. Keep going
19 noviembre 2021 16:21
Very nice staff overall, especially Phillip best in class. Learned a lot in 5 days beginner kite course
24 mayo 2021 18:08
My 3 lesson kite surfing beginner class took only place on the beach and I never touched the water. For the beach lessons it was way too expensive (320 EUR). Won't recommend it.
15 mayo 2021 3:37
Amazing kitesurf experience with Point Break, the instructors are really good (thanks to Filip, Antoine and Giulia). I will be back for sure.
25 abril 2021 23:11
I took kiting classes with Point Break over a period of a few months and absolutely loved it. The teachers are very experienced and super fun to be around, the equipment is new and the school is located at the center of Corralejo next to a great coffee shop. Thanks guys and see you again soon:)
08 abril 2021 14:21
El chico es agradable, pero tienen muy poca variedad de shortboard. Las reparaciones me han parecido de un precio excesivo
19 marzo 2021 1:54
Paolo was our windsurf-teacher and boy what a day. We arrived at the surf school and everyone was happy and very welcoming. Paolo took so much time to explain everything in detail, while continually being warm and welcoming. I learned to windsurf a bit eventhough I have terrible aesthetics. Thanks Point Break for hiring such amazing teachers, we met a few others and they seemed as positive as Paolo.

All the best to you!
18 marzo 2021 6:56
Una experiencia muy buena alquilar en Point Break. Me recomendaron la tabla perfecta y la prepararon para que la estrenara en su prime baño. Me explicaron toda su politica de posibles daños y fueron muy flexibles con una imperfeccion que mostraba la tabla, deduciendo que no fue debida al uso que yo le di. Los recomiendo 100%!
20 febrero 2021 12:17
Guys! Before I came to this school I was super afraid of surfing. I went out with Andrea, who is not only an incredible teacher, but also a really solid person. Everyone on staff was super easy to communicate with and I felt safe and educated on how to learn to surf. Highly highly reccomend! Now I can keep up my surfing skills in the future with more confidence and even have fun.
02 febrero 2020 18:58
Good equipment, professional stuff, friendly atmosphere! I booked Kitesurfing and SUP courses and was very happy with both of them, especially due to the good teaching skills of all the instructors I dealt with. The surf-house where I stayed was very clean and comfortable and I enjoyed that its owner thought of small details to make our stay there even nicer. Thanks a lot to the whole team
25 enero 2020 9:17
Ottima scuola di surf, super disponibili a soddisfare ogni esigenza, consiglio il pacchetto di almeno 3gg per una prima esperienza, ci tornerò sicuramente.
04 diciembre 2019 13:43
5 de 5, no se merecen menos, estube durante una semana y me recogieron y me dejaron en el hotel los 7 días, me trataron excelentemente y el instructor se porto de 10 conmigo me enseño me ayudo a rectificar y me enseñó los trucos para mejorar, ademas sin yo pedirlo me hicieron un pack muy barato de fotografías el cual guardo con muy buenos recuerdos, lo recomiendo totalmente
21 noviembre 2019 22:43
Great place! Paolo was infinitely friendly, patient & did as much of the course as possible. From booking to completing the course made it easy for me to learn windsurfing. You go through some basic theory and practice and they always make sure everything is clear at all stages. Would highly recommend this place
07 noviembre 2019 12:12
Brilliant service for a SUP lesson for our son when here on holiday. Easy to organise, friendly and helpful. Instructor on the day was amazing, brilliant with our lad and incredibly friendly.

Perfect, couldn't recommend it higher.
05 noviembre 2019 22:44
We booked 3 days of surfing lessons for the family and had an amazing time. The instructors were enthusiastic and extremely positive and helpful. We all had a fantastic time and Fingers crossed we will be back out again in the near future.
02 noviembre 2019 0:28
Sono arrivata a Fuerteventura un pò per caso e, per quanto abbia bellissime spiagge, decisa a non passare le mie giornate spiaggiata a mò di foca monaca.
Perciò ormai sono qui.fatto 30, facciamo anche 31.perchè non tentarmela nel surf? !
Ed ecco che incrocio loro.
Mi iscrivo all'ultimo, davvero, il giorno prima per il giorno dopo (anzi.fosse stato per loro, anche per il giorno stesso).
Accoglienza fantastica! Come fossero gli amici del bar di sempre.
Franc che da bravo babbo surfista si preoccupa che mi sia ricordata acqua e crema solare, Stefano che come un orologio svizzero ogni sera ti ricorda a che ora presentarti all'indomani, Fabiana che non perde uno scatto e credimi, quando e se tornarai, non smetterai di guardarti e riguardarti quelle foto nella speranza di risentire ancora per un pò quell'emozione!
E Andrea, il mio istruttore, santo subito.ahahahahah
Di una pazienza infinita. Ti spiega e rispiega ogni passaggio, anche in più lingue.
Ti sprona a provare.ti fa credere veramente di potercela fare e oh.finisce che ce la fai per davvero!
Ma non ti lascia mai allo sbaraglio.ti osserva bene e ti sa correggere dove hai bisogno.
Non da meno ti viene a recuperare se finisci alla deriva sugli scogli.eheh.con tanto di passaggio taxi quando le braccia urlano sciopero al "paddle paddle paddle" (diventerà il vostro muovo motto).
E sa insegnarti tanti simpatici trucchetti per sopravvivere all'oceano.
Come trovarti due mute se come me sei di quelle freddolose il cui clima ideale è 40°C con camino acceso, piccoli escamotage per evitarti la centrifuga quando le onde iniziano a pogarti come fossi nella mischia di un rave, l'importanza del riscaldamento mentre ti guardi l'oceano e inizi a entrare in feeling con lui.
E dalla paura che sentivi al solo vedere le onde che sembrano volerti travolgere peggio di un tir, ti ritrovi a giocare e divertirti come una bambina.
Non da meno poi sono i bellissimi tour panoramici per raggiungere le spiagge.non staccate gli occhi dai finestrini.
Che dire.tanta emozione!
Grazie di cuore Point Break School!
23 octubre 2019 9:22
Kitesurfing - I came to Fuerteventura to learn this sport, as the island is so famous for surf, windsurf and kitesurf.
In total I enjoyed 4 days of practicing with a kite - 2 days on the beach and then 2 days in the water. What a great experience =)

From the very beginning I felt completely safe, because safety is priority Nr. 1, and I was teached accordingly. Great care was taken to explain the equipment, techniques, what to look out for on land and in the water, and more. The instructors keep a close eye on what you do, step by step, and give prompt feedback and corrections, if necessary. I have learned so much in a short time, unbelievable.

I had a lot of fun, great teaching, enough time for practicing (first together with the instructor and later on on your own) and enjoying the nice views and experiencing the wind power.
After my 4 day course, I received a certification within IKO, the International Kiteboarding Organization. Great system to continue with next time!

Thanks to each and everyone of you, you are all great instructors.
Hope to see you again for more kitesurfing!

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