01 enero 2024 12:34
¡Gran escuela de surf! Reservé el curso de 5 días más el alojamiento en una de las casas de surf durante 7 días. Todo salió bien. Los entrenadores y el personal son realmente amables y serviciales. Gran ambiente en general. ¡Puedo recomendarlo completamente! ¡Chicos THX!
25 diciembre 2023 5:05
Gran experiencia de surf por primera vez. El equipo de estrella roja es muy agradable, relajado y divertido. Al mismo tiempo, el estilo de enseñanza, el equipamiento y el nivel de seguridad son muy altos. Me lo pasé muy bien, especialmente con Garro y Jerry. Gracias por presentarme el placer del surf.
11 octubre 2023 13:07
La mejor escuela de surf a la que he asistido. Los instructores de surf, especialmente Mariano, están muy motivados y ponen mucha pasión en enseñarte algo sostenible.
Recomiendo reservar al menos un curso de 3 días. Con el vídeo análisis de la tarde podrás hacerte una idea de lo que estás haciendo mal e intentar mejorar al día siguiente.
05 octubre 2023 17:37
Grandes instructores de surf y profesores súper motivados que están deseosos de enseñarte la técnica correcta y no solo "pararte sobre la tabla". ¡Definitivamente hay algo que ganar aquí a largo plazo! Estuvimos allí el otoño pasado y todavía hoy estamos emocionados. ¡Actualmente estamos pensando en volver por una semana el próximo año!:)
04 octubre 2023 10:58
No me quedé, pero tuve una lección de surf en grupo intermedio de 4 horas de "día completo". Tuve suerte con una buena proporción de estudiantes, 3: 1. Por lo demás, no me impresionó demasiado, aunque esto puede deberse simplemente a problemas con las clases de surf en general. Su formulario preguntaba "principiante versus principiante versus avanzado". Soy alguien que ha surfeado intermitentemente durante 5 años y surfeo activamente en casa, pero me considero un principiante más avanzado. Me iban a poner en el grupo de principiante completo mientras rodeaba a principiante, pero en mi opinión, la forma simplemente no tiene sentido. Si no eres un principiante, deberían intentar obtener algún tipo de idea del nivel de habilidad y lo que quieres de la lección, más que solo un cuadro con un círculo, especialmente cuando las opciones son inadecuadas. El entrenador fue atractivo y amigable y brindó muy buenos consejos y discusiones sobre técnicas de playa; en este punto, estaba realmente entusiasmado de entrar al agua y progresar un poco. Desafortunadamente, luego todo fue cuesta abajo. Los foamies que nos dieron estaban en muy mal estado: una persona se rompió mientras remábamos hacia la fila (día tranquilo con olas bastante pequeñas). Luego no recibí casi ninguna matrícula real en el agua. El instructor estaba más mar adentro (todavía estaba en olas verdes rotas) y realmente no podía dar consejos sobre la técnica, ni sobre el pop-up ni sobre la selección de olas. Después de haber surfeado toda la semana de forma independiente y cogiendo olas cómodamente, no pude lograr nada con la tabla. Me pregunto si en realidad no era estanca. En total estuve 1,5 horas en el agua en mi lección de 4 horas por 70 euros. No es bueno. La sesión de vídeo posterior fue entretenida e interesante, pero, francamente, el 'grupo intermedio' casi no recibió cobertura, todo fue para los principiantes en los rápidos. Habría preferido más clases en el agua. Regresé a la tienda para ver si podía seguir surfeando después de la lección y querían que pagara 10 euros extra por la tabla. Dije que esto era bastante caro dado que ya había pagado 70 euros, pero aun así dijeron que era un "precio con descuento" (frente a 20 euros por todo el día). Dado que eran las 3 de la tarde, afirmar que 10 euros es un descuento por menos de medio día es una broma. Finalmente cedieron y de mala gana me dieron una tabla; esto fue muy apreciado porque pude surfear fantásticamente por la noche en una espuma mucho mejor de una marca diferente; de ​​repente, pude atrapar una ola (era del mismo tamaño, no está claro en cuanto al volumen). Para una lección intermedia, simplemente los alentaría a obtener información sobre el surfista, su nivel de habilidad, en qué tabla surfean, etc. Finalmente, no se comunicaron para traerle comida durante el pequeño intervalo de 20 minutos. Tuve que volver corriendo al pueblo para comer algo en el pequeño descanso. Este descanso fue bastante inadecuado, diría yo, si las personas que no son surfistas experimentados van a poder aprovechar adecuadamente la lección de la tarde.
Casi lo disfruté, pero, sinceramente, debería haber alquilado una tabla, ver algunos videos de YouTube centrados en mi nivel y luego salir a intentar ejecutarlo. No recibí ningún comentario personalizado en todo el día.
13 septiembre 2023 12:06
Mi mejor experiencia de clase de surf que he tenido después de Costa Rica y Nicaragua tanto al nivel de la cualidad de las clases, análisis de las técnicas, vibras y ambiente gracias a Mariano, Jerry, Humberto y Garo. La pedagogía de todos fue la mejor combinación que pude tener. El alojamiento, casa 55 en cual me quede es súper bien organizada, limpia y encantadora con su roof top. No pude tener mejor experiencia. Seguro volveré! Gracias a todos!
30 julio 2023 13:28
Recomiendo encarecidamente este lugar para todos (surf, gente, comida, playa, ambiente, vacaciones, alojamiento, etc.) y especialmente esta escuela/campamento de surf por sus clases e instructores de surf y por su profesionalismo en todo (nos ayudaron en todo: surf clases, alojamiento y alquiler de coches). Gracias por todo chicos. Pasamos un gran tiempo allí. ¡Quédate como eres!
Sinceramente. Hasta Pronto
22 julio 2023 11:19
They look nice at first. No video consultation at the end as promised. I haven't seen anyone with camera. The trailer was broken so we had to carry boards to and from the beach. It isn't 7 min walk for sure. I’m petite woman and it was quite heavy for me. Don’t remember name but young blond Italian guy, a bit of aggressive way of teaching.not everyone understood his instructions so he was getting a bit nervous I’d say. Even if he had to explain million times do it nicely and calmly and not with stupid remarks, it’s your job. Just for the record I did things first time right I just felt sorry for others. They don’t help you a lot if you are not pretty Spanish single woman. The other group had this pretty single woman and it was so obvious they run around her, flirting, carrying her board in water. Then coach from our group helped her for last 5-10min too, so she could jump on board. I got few explanations etc but nothing groundbreaking. Pick some other school options are limitless, I saw people on the beach with smaller groups.
24 junio 2023 1:07
We never surfed before and the team managed to teach us the basics of surfing perfectly! Great people and staff, they convey the spirit of surfing and you really feel that they enjoy to teach you their ways - moreover the service was extraordinary, we went there during a short stay with our cruise and they picked us up and drove uns back to the cruise terminal! Definately worth a visit if you want to learn surfing or even If you are already good at it and want to enjoy the spirit of like-minded people.
Thanks for everything!
12 junio 2023 11:41
Awesome Surf Lesson with Red Star Surf Lanzarote. Me and my Girlfriend booked a 4h beginner lesson- and it was great. The „Teachers“ like Umber where great and helped a lot. Famara beach is a must see and one of the greatest and beautiful beaches I have ever been. The lesson was very beginner friendly. Everyone spoke great English. The Instructors took enough time with each of us. You can try on your on after getting in to the water or you can ask the Instructors for help anytime- theyre really friendly. I can 100% recommend Red Star Surf.
30 mayo 2023 6:03
Great location and the team at Red Star are really patient while getting you to push yourself. Started off barely being able to stand up, ended by doing turns. Really fun, and you learn loads.
19 mayo 2023 15:36
The accommodation is very clean. The surf instructors are passionate and patient. If you want to learn to surf, come here. Highly recommended!

PS: The town of Famara is a surfer's paradise, with great bars and restaurants. You will quickly meet new people here.
14 abril 2023 0:04
We had a great experience with Red Star Surf! We were a big group of 10 people and they accommodated us all very well. Thank you
02 abril 2023 21:55
Reservamos el surf camp de 5 días con Red Star, alojando en el piso arriba de la escuela y haciendo clases de surf de 2h cada día. El piso está muy bien organizado con todo lo necesario y bien ubicado. Experiencia muy recomendable, los instructores de surf son profesionales y atentos. Un gracias especial a Mariano, Maui, Sebas y Garroto por hacer nuestra primera semana de surf tan especial!
25 enero 2023 20:51
Fui a hacer la clase de 2h para principiantes, y me encanto y aprendi bastante, los instructores muy profesionales, nunca problema en repetir si no se entendía algo. Vamos que todo bien, vayan y prueben!
22 enero 2023 6:58
Bellissima esperienza,
Questo centro offre lezioni di surf, pernottamento e una piccola boutique.

Lezioni di surf
Davvero ottime, mi sono piaciuti molto mariano e moai, un ragazzo che parla italiano con il quale è stato più facile imparare.
Ho acquistato il pacchetto di 5 lezioni da 2 ore e ho imparato a prendere le mie prime onde in autonomia. Forniscono muta e tavola compresi nel prezzo.

Abbiamo affittato la casa, ottimo appartamento, non mancava nulla, forse l'unica pecca è stato il letto matrimoniale troppo piccolo, era una piazza e mezzo.
Non c'è il bidè ma era da aspettarselo.

Ci siamo trovati molto bene, lo staff molto gentile!
13 enero 2023 6:20
I was very happy to learn with the red star surf school. These people helped me to improve the most (i‘ve surfed with a few schools already in the last 3-4 years). Every step was useful and even a warm-up was real funny. Special thanks to Mariano, who is an excellent teacher and helped everyone of his students individually to enhance their skills. Thank You Red Star and see You again!
15 julio 2022 23:00
Amazing first surfing experience! My husband and I tried surfing for the first time and got up on the board nearly every single time! I’m now a little addicted! Muchas gracias
26 junio 2022 10:59
I had a fantastic experience with the Red Star Surf. I could bring my surfing skills to the next level, thanks to great lessons with many tips from the coaches team. Juan and Mariano teach really well and give a good motivation. I had a blast!

The rental appartement was very good too, clean, cozy and neat.
18 mayo 2022 22:01
We had 3 days surf leasson with Garoto and he had been the perfect teacher, very professional but also so kind. He always have the right words for you even when you are struggling. We recommend this school especially with him! Muito axé Mestre!
Ilenia e Giacomo
23 abril 2022 23:27
I has two surf lessons at the school the last week of March. I've had an amazing experience, I am an absolute beginner, the teachers have been helpful and thorough, I felt engaged, encouraged, helped and generally well taken care of and guided, the lessons were well structured and informative and we have a good amount of practice. Good communication, flexibility and cool company, I had a great time! Definitely recommended!
21 abril 2022 14:43
Incredible school. It was only my second time taking a lesson but since then I fell in love with the sport. My coach was Seba. He tought me a lot and he spent plenty of time to make me understand how to improve. Also Mariano e Capitain Sparrow were incredible! With techinal videos and lots of little tips they allow me to surf my first wave. Simply incredible. I also met lots of people and spent great time after our sessions. Following this trip I tried many other schools but not one was half as good as this guys! Planning to go back soon!
21 abril 2022 1:26
I spent some days in December and April with the school reserved 8 surf lessons. At the beginning people were split in groups depend by they surf level. Every teacher is very prepared and can give you the best advice to improve your technique. The days I spent in this school I felt me like home.
If you are beginner or intermediate is good opportunity to raise up out level!
14 abril 2022 21:56
Une semaine de surf avec La team Red star! La team est très professionnelle et pédagogue, c’était une super expérience! Je reviendrai!
12 abril 2022 1:37
I really enjoyed the surfing. Especially being a beginner it was nice and good conditions, plus the coaches are in a good mood and support you very enthusiastic. I learned very smoothly and to a grade where i can now catch my own waves, all because of their patience & great coaching. Just one day we had very difficult conditions weatherwise, but Mariano made up for it with another day and good mood etc. Thank you guys for the great expierence. I ll be back
03 abril 2022 5:29
Nous avons passé 1 semaine à surfer avec eux! Ambiance au top! Super école de surf, les profs sont très pros, ils mettent à l’aise les débutants comme nous et prodiguent de bons conseils. Un gros Big Up pour un talentueux photographe qui accompagne ponctuellement les sessions. Il est vraiment super sympa et ces photos donnent l impression d être un surfeur pro! Thanks man. Nous reviendrons c est sûr!
25 febrero 2022 8:45
This is an update from my previous review. We got our refund for the wine tour which was canceled 1 month later.

The surfcamp is great, the owner is very friendly and the surfspot looks great. I couldn't take a surfclass cause of a broken toe but I definitely would come another time to Famara!

The photo has been taken in front of the building.
24 febrero 2022 23:20
Great fun. The instructors are amazing at what they do and make everyday an experience to remember. I'd highly recommend and will definitely be returning.
19 febrero 2022 18:13
El centro de surf es muy muy bueno. Mención especial para uno de los profesores, Mariano, que es un auténtico crack. El mejor profesor de surf que he tenido. Nos gusta tanto que siempre que volvemos a Lanzarote, repetimos
19 febrero 2022 14:00
We actually came to Lanzarote for windsurfing. As there initially was no wind, we decided to give surfing a try and booked group lessons for 3 days with Red Star Surf & Yoga Camp. Every day we were picked up (included in the price of the surf lessons) from our apartment abd returned. The team went all out to do warming up, give us safety instructions and how to do the pop-up.
After 2 days my teenage daughter was quite disillusioned: she had yet to make her first successful pop-up and ride on the surf board. The 3rd day was postponed due to rain.
Our third and last day would take place on a beautiful sunny Wednesday and my daughter dreaded going surfing again.
Due to endless patience, coaching and encouragement by the instructors and my daughter's willpower, she managed to make a couple of rides, the last one all the way to the shore.
Thank you Fabio, Sebas, Mariano, Juan, John, Andres and all the others who helped to give us an unforgettable experience.
17 febrero 2022 10:06
Very professional team with lots of knowledge, I will highly recommend you to take some lessons with Red Star. Mariano was my coach and his knowledge and patience to teach us was incredible. I have been surfing with many instructors around the globe and I can definitely tell when I have found a good one. I learnt so much on the first day that I went again the next day to learn more. It is very important to have technical knowledge before getting into the water.

Lessons were very fun and dynamic and the staff was very friendly too.

Muchas gracias Mariano!:)
07 febrero 2022 4:50
From the booking through the three weeks of surfing great service. They recommended a nice alternative for accommodation as they were completely booked. They picked me up every day from close to Famara for the surf lessons. Great surf instructors under the amazing coordination of Mariano. Overall wonderful experience - thank you.
04 enero 2022 5:15
They will not give you water to wash sand from your feet and you’ll change your wetsuit right on the street in front of the shop.
29 diciembre 2021 0:57
I met a very fun group of people there! The instructors are great, accommodations are nice and clean and Famara is overall an awesome place to be and to learn surfing. I'm thinking about coming back to red star surf for my next vacation!
01 diciembre 2021 15:00
Famara is great place for surfing and Red Star is perfect school for helping you with this. Cool coaches and fun lessons. Enjoy!
24 octubre 2020 21:22
Très bonne équipe, professionnelle et sympathique. Bon matériel, et varié, ce qui permet de les tester. L'école et les hébergements sont situés au centre de Famara, ce qui permet de profiter de la - modeste - vie du village. Manquent des soirées "surfcamp", peut-être à cause du Covid.
Mieux vaut consulter la météo avant de venir pour choisir son activité en fonction des conditions de vent et de vagues: kite ou surf.
19 agosto 2020 22:28
El equipo de Red Star Surf ha sido de 10, buena explicación para los principiantes, pacientes, pendientes de todo momento de todos los alumnos y muy graciosos, lo que hizo el aprendizaje muy divertido.

Una experiencia increíble, muy recomendable!
24 marzo 2020 7:40
La meilleure équipe de coach pour apprendre à surfer et surtout à progresser. Merci pour tous vos conseils et vos attentions. Nous nous sommes éclater à surfer en famille et avec vous. L ambiance est au top! Merci encore pour tout. A l année prochaine!
18 marzo 2020 4:11
Vraiment cher pour le cours reçu.
Des bons conseils le matin mais l'après-midi, nous n'avons reçu 0 supervision, un instructeur dans l'eau à surfer tout seul tranquille et l'autre sur la plage à filmer. Autant dire que l'aprem j'aurais été tout seul c'était pareil. J'ai vu d'autres écoles et le moniteur était vraiment présent tout du long avec eux.
01 enero 2020 18:53
Great week with Mariano and the team!
They explain very well and take care that everyone enjoyed. I recommend this surf school and the spot of Famara.
31 diciembre 2019 10:27
Lovely Place. Small village, local feeling away from all the touristic spots. Good instructions for surfing. Uncomplicated. Every day with filming and looking at the surfvideos with tips of improvement after surfing.
07 diciembre 2019 21:50
We did the day lesson and it was very fun! Great for beginners, very nice and professional teachers
19 agosto 2019 22:06
Nous avons booké une journée de surf avec Dominic. Excellente journée, nous avons appris les bases qui étaient très intéressantes. Dominic est tres bon pédagogue et nous avons même réussi à être débout sur la planche et prendre quelques vagues à la fin de la journée.
Bonne humeur garanti, nous recommandons vivement:) Merci à l’équipe.
01 agosto 2019 4:18
Lo pasé muy bien con Mariano, nuestro instructor para nuestro primer día de surf. Muy amable y profesional, pudimos subir rapidamente en la tabla de surf. Je recommande fortement merci!
18 julio 2019 8:12
Amazing surf lessons! It was my first time and I learned a lot. The teachers are really friendly, helpful and have a good sense of humour!: D thanks to Mariano, Gerry and Domeníc - got an unforgettable time:) <br/>Tati & Ingo
05 julio 2019 1:47
Great time surfing in Famara with Gerry & Mariano! Thank you guys for all the great advises and I'll show you next time how I speed up and keep my chin up!
Stayed for 4nights at casa del mar, great view from the house, fully equipped and with confortable bed to rest after half day surfing! Do not hesitate, go for it too!
21 mayo 2019 8:18
Knowledgeable and friendly service and good range of boards to choose from. I rented a board for a week but managed to cut my foot after a couple of days and couldn't surf any more - the Red Star Surf staff were more that happy to refund me for the unused days. Cheers guys!
09 enero 2019 5:14
Tried a surf lesson for the first time. Great instructors had an awesome time would 100% recommend these guys.
18 diciembre 2018 2:05
Friendly stuff and great instructors, I went half day course to try and went full day course, definitely full day course is worth it, they will be filming afternoons session.and give us good tips after back to shop which was really nice. Great service. Thank you all and I’d like to come back again.
09 octubre 2018 22:11
Great service! The people that work there are really friendly and are really trying to teach you the sport! I had allot of fun!

GR. Tony Nguyen
26 junio 2018 23:00
I had a great few days staying with Red Star Surf accommodation and surfing. Super thanks to Mariano! He was an excellent instructor, friendly, fun and I learnt a lot in my short time there. Thanks again to the whole team, see you next time
17 junio 2018 7:17
Really good surf centre with always positive and professional instructors. Just the best in Famara. Special thanks for yoga classes - it was really relaxing. Hope will come again
28 abril 2018 14:23
The Red Star Surf school in Lanzarote is realy nice. If you wana learn surfing, perfectionating your surf strategy or just getting a better surfer than the Red Star Surf school would be perfect for you. The Surf Guides are all realy nice but my favorite Surf Guide was Mariano a realy good teacher and surfer.
Cool is that when you surfed 5 days with Red Star surfing you get a free realy nice shirt.
28 abril 2018 11:18
Tienda de surf muy completa y con costes muy razonables. Primeras marcas. Atención muy cercana y con muchas facilidades.
22 febrero 2018 14:56
1. I had private surf lessons here, and it was great:
* the instructor, Javier, taught us how to catch green waves
* he took us to the appropriate place for us depending on the daily weather
* he gave me tips to correct my pose
* he corrected some of our mistakes
* he taught us how to stand up quicker
+ he taught us misc things.

2. When I was renting surfboards from here, the staff was very helpful and friendly.
05 febrero 2018 11:00
Spent 3 weeks in Winter 2012 at the Red Star Surf Hostel. Came with two own boards and just wanted to relax and explore Lanzarote by myself. However, after two days I fall in love the Andrey and Gerry.and the spot. Nice guys, very supportive, honest and straight even invited to join private surf and bar trip. Absolutely recommendable. Cosy house and lovely guys. Keep it rolling. Love and light from Berlin,

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