02 junio 2018 15:47
He almorzado en dos ocasiones. El lugar tiene unas vistas maravillosas y el personal es bastante educado atento y amable. Valoro negativamente la cocina debido a tuve la mala suerte de comer comida fría al servirse todos los platos (cuya racion en amplia) sin posibilidad de comer todo caliente. Es una pena ya que no preguntaron y es la segunda ocasión que ocurre lo mismo. Recomiendo la carne de cochino frita.
21 junio 2017 13:35
We stopped at this hotel for lunch as it had a good view and looked pleasant. What a mistake!
The food was nothing special and certainly not worth 25€ per head. Worse of all was the waiter who besides being moody, actually got angry when I didn't know what "papas" was. I strived to speak Spanish instead of English (I never had any problem being understood in all my travels to Spanish speaking countries). Despite knowing "patatas" is spanish for potatoes, I was not aware that in Gran Canaria they are called "papas". The waiter got annoyed and made a "face" shouting "how can you not know what papas is? ". This is not good customer service, in fact, it's a perfect example of how not to do it.
My recommendation is to avoid this place and go somewhere else friendly. Oh, and don't believe them when they say the next restaurant is all the way past the mountains. It's a lie, there are many other options nearby.

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