28 enero 2024 3:24
Virginia fue genial y nos ayudó con todo, nos puso en camino en 10 minutos e incluso nos dio excelentes recomendaciones para restaurantes y actividades.
21 enero 2024 1:30
Muy buen trato y agilidad y me entregaron un coche de más categoría al mismo precio contratado por no disponer el mismo que pedí
12 enero 2024 9:23
Tuvimos muy buena experiencia con Sixt en Tenerife. ¡Recomiendo contratar un seguro a todo riesgo! Los ladrones intentaron robar nuestro coche dos veces (una vez en un pequeño pueblo del norte de la isla y la segunda vez en el Teide). Una vez cortaron la goma alrededor de la ventana y trataron de abrirla. Por segunda vez rompieron la ventanilla del coche y los ladrones robaron una mochila en el parque del Teide. Después de que se rompió la ventana, conseguimos inmediatamente un coche de repuesto para el tiempo restante. La gente de Sixt fue muy profesional y servicial. A pesar de estos accidentes, recuperamos el depósito completo. ¡Mucho cuidado en Tenerife y nunca dejes nada en el coche!
19 octubre 2023 3:05

Tenga cuidado con los engaños maliciosos de Sixt. Se le venden servicios adicionales basados ​​en hechos falsos, aunque expresamente no los desee. Si se queja directamente en una conversación in situ, se le dirá de forma creíble que se trata de un depósito que recuperará más tarde y que ahora tendrá que firmar bajo presión.

¡¡¡Nunca más Sixt!
18 octubre 2023 3:19
NO RESERVES CON ELLOS! Hicimos una reserva online 2 semanas antes de nuestro viaje: 113€ por 10 días de alquiler (precio atractivo) + 128€ de seguro ya que por 113€ no hay protección. Llegamos al aeropuerto de Tenerife SUR y la persona del mostrador nos dice que tenemos que pagar +144€ "tasa de aeropuerto". Gran sorpresa ver que 113€ de 10 días se convierten en 428€. Firmé estúpidamente sin leer los detalles de la factura y después de discutir con otras personas en el lugar, SIXT claramente aprovechó la barrera del idioma para agregar, sin nuestro conocimiento, una llamada "tasa de aeropuerto" de +144€ que no es más que nada.que un segundo seguro adicional. + Nadie para hacer el inventario de accesorios a la salida mientras el auto tenía micrófonos en todas partes y nadie para hacer el inventario de accesorios al regresar, ¡realmente extrañaríamos si nos guardaran el depósito! SERVICIO DE HUIDA AL AEROPUERTO DE TENERIFE EL!
12 octubre 2023 9:05
No lleves el coche allí, es carísimo si contratas un seguro a todo riesgo. Recomiendo CICAR, todo está incluido en el precio.
06 octubre 2023 10:28
Buenos dias,
Alquilamos un vehículo no disponible.
¡Ya tenemos reserva y seguro pero pagamos 300 euros más que la reserva hecha con volotea!
Para ser claros, ¡la persona que nos lo alquiló no habla bien inglés y nos miente sobre los precios!
En resumen, una estafa.
26 febrero 2023 18:01
Vitaly has welcomed me and my girlfriend super well, with his smile and friendly person, he gave us the best experience during our trip in Tenerife. I don’t use to trust in rental car company, but thanks to him, next trips I will use Sixt 100% and due I use to come in Tenerife many times during the year, I will looking for Vitaly because is simple the best employee of Sixt and one of the best person that I ever meet on my life.
17 octubre 2022 3:40
We always enjoy renting with SIXT because they always have the latest model of every car and because of the friendliness of the employees.
At this specific branch however, the car was not cleaned properly inside (someone even left an e-cigarette which we had to dispose of) and it was full of scratches and chips on the outside. The employee was very friendly as usual, however a little too pushy and insisting that we pay more and get a higher insurance cover.
14 octubre 2022 19:40
Trovato il personale gentile cordiale professionale Maria e Andrea consiglierei. Leggendo le recensioni la verità ho avuto paura però posso dire che sono stati corretti e di parola del contratto casco che ho fatto ho ricevuto la fattura e il bonifico con la totale poi tolti i casco (la Asigurazione) e ho avuto nel lo stesso giorno anche un acconto che mi è stato fermato. Secondo me sono corretti e noleggio ancora da voi
09 octubre 2022 13:53
Please make it possible to pay using contactless card or using instant sepa transfer. Because i found my self reached the maximum spend limit of my master card. And i had to go to my hotel driving (1h) and back to bring new card that resulted same problem. And without the help of the manager that i still remember her name (M. Di Stefano) because of her high kindness professionalism and flexibility, at the airport, i would have had a very bad experience. She made from my worst experience with sixt the best one.
28 septiembre 2022 19:52
From the moment I arrived at the desk to collect my rental the Sixt employee was intent on upselling. He had an already prepared piece of paper with offers to upgrade the car to other models two of which in my opinion would have been worse than the car I actually received. He then proceeded to tell me I had no cover and I needed to take at least a basic level of cover at an additional cost of €181.00. I questioned this as my booking confirmation stated I had Loss Damage Waiver and Third party insurance he was insistent, it was late, I just wanted a car. I was also charged a €300.00 deposit, so my initial rental price I thought I agreed went from €258.00 to €739.00. On the first morning the car had a puncture whilst I was out with the family. Checked the boot and no spare tyre. Called the number on the agreement which took over 45 minutes before I spoke to an operator who could assist. The operator said they would send someone out to repair the car and I'd be on my way. They texted a link so that I could track the arrival time of when help would arrive - this failed to work. Approx.couple of hours later a tow truck arrives and with the help of an interpreter we find out that he won't be fixing the puncture but will be recovering the vehicle back to the collection point at the airport. He would only take me back to the airport so I had to leave my wife and two children at the side of the road to make their own way back to our accommodation. The Sixt staff weren't expecting me at the airport for a replacement car and no one could answer the question as to why I had no spare tyre in the car. Having wasted practically a whole day of my holiday due to having no spare tyre I then receive an email asking how the damage to the car occurred. All in all I was miss informed on the cost of the rental, miss sold insurance, wasted a day of my holiday through no fault of my own and was then accused of damaging the car. Not a good experience with Sixt, I won't be using you again and I certainly wouldn't recommend you.
16 septiembre 2022 20:55
Ne louez surtout pas chez Sixt! Nous sommes très déçus, en effet à notre arrivée nous avons refusé l'assurance basique, nous n'avons pas signé de contrat, nous avons reçu ce dernier par mail. Mauvaise surprise l'assurance et le plein nous ont été facturé à notre retour. Allez plutôt chez Cicar qui semble beaucoup plus honnête. Nous avons payé 600 euros pour une semaine de location au lieu des 380 euros prévu sur internet. Si cela était possible nous aurions mis 0 étoile.
05 septiembre 2022 0:04
Personal is super nice and it is very quick and easy to book. Especially Virginia was very nice and helped us a lot:)
30 enero 2022 0:41
Freundliches Personal, schnelle und kompetente Abwicklung, sauberes Auto, reibungslose Rückgabe, rundum zufrieden
22 enero 2022 8:37
Super Service und sehr gutes zuvorkommendes kompetentes Personal PERFECTO
Super service and very good courteous competent staff highly recommended
27 diciembre 2021 4:03
Assurances supplémentaires dissimulées (appelez la "basic" et ça passera peut être inaperçu, pas pour nous), finalement quand rien n'a fonctionné ils rajoutent un faux plein sur la facture reçue 2 semaines plus tard. D'une façon générale, cela fait deux expériences Sixt similaires pour ma part, ils cherchent à vous avoir par tous les moyens.
J'avais l'habitude d'avis et Europcar et la différence est clairement ressentie au niveau transparence et confiance.
25 diciembre 2021 17:52
Tarif qui ne correspond pas à la réservation sur le site internet. Prévoir des surprises financières supplémentaires par rapport au prix payer sur le site.
Très cher par rapport au niveau de la vie local.
19 diciembre 2021 21:31
Excellent service à l’arrivée malgré une attente prolongée. Agent Sixt très compétente et qui répond à nos quelques questions. En plus elle nous propose un choix de véhicules supérieurs (avec indication des surcoûts journaliers) ce que nous avons fait en louant un véhicule de catégorie supérieure totalement neuf.
Retour à l’agence très tôt après 7 jours, facilite de retour qui n’a pris que quelques petites minutes.
Un très service, de belles voitures, merci à Sixt Tenerife d’avoir apporté un plus à notre séjour.
15 diciembre 2021 19:01
4 rayures similaires aux quatre angles de la voitures.mais une non signalée dans l'état des lieux. Je l'ai photographiée et signalée a l'employé qui a refusé de modifier l'état des lieux sur le dossier informatique de la voiture. Il a juste griffonné une ligne et ajouté un tampon.
Une semaine après mon retour on m'a incriminé pour une rayure de pare-choc. Heureusement c'était l'une des trois notées sur l'état des lieux initial et ma bonne fois a été reconnue. Mais quid si cela avait été l'autre, quid si je ne l'avais pas remarquée? Dans le doute, on va dire que le personnel est négligent. Néanmoins examinez bien votre voiture, photographiez tout et insistez pour que les dommages non signalés soient notés. Idealement par la mise à jour du dossier informatique de la voiture.
11 diciembre 2021 2:04
Première et dernière fois avec SIXT: Facture de 200€ de plus pour une garantie que je ne voulais pas!
Réservé et payé sur internet pour une location de voiture, arrivé sur place pour la remise des clefs on te propose une assurance complémentaire que tu refuses en expliquant que j'étais couvert avec ma carte bancaire.
Grosse surprise après ton agréable séjour en vacances une facture de 200€ supplémentaire pour cette fameuse assurance complémentaire que j'avant refusé bien distinctement!
C'est vraiment inacceptable
03 diciembre 2021 22:04
Needed to wait for a very long time (1.5h) when picking up the car in TFS. The queue for Sixt was less than half as long as the queues for all the other rental companies, but we were still served only after the other queues were empty. A lady with 4 children was two spots behind us, they probably waited 2h to get a rental.

Most of the time was lost when the employee tried to sell us insurance that was clearly not needed, making Tenerife seem more dangerous than it actually is. Even after we stated that we don't need the insurance, the employee wasted time to change the offer in an attempt to convince us anyway. We told them that we have two kids that are tired and hungry after a long flight but they would not listen and waste time on stuff I already said I'm not interested in. This was really annoying.

It was also annoying and uncomfortable to have to give a lot of information that was not declared in the beginning of the process: e.g. Address of our first stay. Why would you need that, it does not make any sense (since we only stayed one night at that location), and it made us uncomfortable. Also, why would you need the exact same credit card the reservation was made and on top of it only accept physical cards-again does not make any sense.

The car was very weak for the price it cost. Tenerife has quite steep roads and the car only made it in first gear.
26 noviembre 2019 0:20
I now have a very low meaning about Sixt. They tried to offer me an upgrade for car to Audi A6 only for 37€. But of course it was 37€ per day, but they "forgot" to mention that. Very, Very dissapointed.
26 octubre 2019 14:51
Mit der Vermietung vor Ort waren wir sehr zufrieden. Die Mitarbeiter sind uns entgegen gekommen, als sich ein Problem mit dem Vermittler Your Car Hire ergab. So haben wir 35€ Nachlass und ein Upgrade für das Auto bekommen. Abwicklung und Service sind gut.
21 octubre 2019 0:00
Never disappointed with Sixt. In Tenerife staff was particularly friendly and welcoming. We had the car we booked, no surprise. Only negative point was the adblue tank who was empty and we had to fill it ourself later.
12 febrero 2019 3:38
Gute Beratung von Melanie, very nice service from Melanie. Thanks a lot for all the service and the Support what you given to me.
12 enero 2019 8:06
No dan información clara de los precios, te retienen un monto y te dicen un precio y después te facturan lo que le da la gana, sin antes especificar los detalles a la hora de recogida y entrega. Cuidado te pueden dar un buen sablazo.
23 diciembre 2018 9:30
Never use sixt. They rented me a car with 14 scratches and mark (listed on the rental contract). Months after the rental they have sent me multiple demands to pay >200 euro for repairs to these same marks. If you complain in the UK they say "this is a spanish sixt matter" if you complain to the branch in Tenerife their english becomes suddenly worse. I have seen online reports of them pulling this trick on other holiday makers- AVOID SIXT AT ALL COSTS!
08 diciembre 2018 9:05
El mejor Rent a Car sin dudarlo. Los mejores coches y el mejor trato a un precio razonable. Una vez que pruebas no alquilarás con otros.
22 noviembre 2018 22:26
Service minded staff with good recommendation. (thanks Daniel) Got a nice car that made the vacation even better
06 octubre 2018 17:10
I have hired vehicles from Sixt for a number of years, both in the UK and abroad. I have found the staff to be proficient and courteous in whichever country. Also, prices are competitive and the vehicles have usually been under 12 months old, all in very good condition.
31 julio 2018 9:11
All very quickly. The car made the VW Golf and gave it to me. Salon is clean. The car is in excellent condition.
14 junio 2018 3:32
Our Norwegian Air flight was over four hours late and the young woman at the Sixt counter was waiting for us at the counter even though it was after two in the morning and the location had closed over an hour prior. She was smiling and a joy to deal with. I had a great experience renting with Sixt.

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