28 enero 2024 20:55
Estafadores, tenéis un bono con el que alquiláis un coche. ¿Quieren mejorarlo porque dicho auto no está disponible? ¿Qué obtienes con el coche alquilado, exactamente el mismo modelo y cobras cientos de euros extra por ello? Presenté una disputa con la compañía de la tarjeta de crédito y recuperé mi dinero. Si mandan un alguacil, tontos, el coche que alquilé ya está pagado. Fue un bono para el auto que recibimos, cobran la tarifa del aeropuerto y se quedan con el bono como descuento. No, Sixt, las cosas no funcionan así, estafadores. Ya le he informado al alguacil que pueden permitir que suceda, tengo pruebas suficientes de que ha retenido esas costas erróneamente.
20 enero 2024 12:13
Muchas gracias a Valentina.
Muy buena acogida, buenos consejos, buen coche.
Esperamos con ansias la semana.
17 enero 2024 0:09
Muy buena experiencia. Los precios siguen siendo razonables y esto le permite no depender del transporte/taxis durante su estancia. El coche estaba muy limpio, con el depósito lleno. Un pequeño extra: estaba equipado con Apple Car Play.
12 enero 2024 14:01
El personal grosero que intentó hacer trampa nos obligó a obtener un seguro adicional, nos hizo pagar y abandonar la fila antes de que pudiéramos hablar con su gerente, luego, cuando su gerente reconoció que estaban equivocados, se negaron a apoyarnos para hacer la enmienda y nos enviaron afuera para sus compañeros en la zona de aparcamiento. Después nos cobraron daños adicionales en los que no habíamos incurrido y una multa por pagar la factura demasiado lentamente, lo cual fue culpa suya, ya que habían enviado la carta a un formato de dirección incorrecto en los Países Bajos. En general muy mala experiencia!
24 noviembre 2023 11:08
Todo el proceso, desde el momento con el representante en el mostrador hasta la recogida del automóvil, fue un proceso sencillo y eficiente. Me impresionó lo fácil que fue todo, con el proceso de devolución fue exactamente igual. Recomendaría Sixth a cualquiera, definitivamente los usaré nuevamente.
11 noviembre 2023 5:04
No devuelven la fianza y te dicen que es que no te han cobrado nada cuando realmente descuentan fianza, estafadores
20 octubre 2023 4:45
Servicio muy amable y competente. Buena información, coche muy limpio y la lista de daños online es muy transparente.
11 octubre 2023 16:29
Por favor, deja de vender más. Vengo aquí todos los años y todos los años gasto mi dinero en Sixt y me voy muy, muy contento con el automóvil, el servicio, su ubicación, su proceso y conveniencia, su gente. Dejen de entrenar a su gente para que muestre avaricia corporativa por más de mi dinero o lo gastaré en otra parte; durante los últimos años han estado entrenando a personas para intentar duplicar los ingresos en el punto de recogida. Sofía es una joven encantadora e hizo un gran trabajo ayer, pero su guión está acabando con tu marca.
27 enero 2023 16:54
Be careful! Try to rip you off with extra insurance costs! Read your car rental contracts carefully! Ended up paying double the price. Not happy with it at all!
10 enero 2023 21:15
Over a week after returning the car, Sixt charged me an extra huge cost over the hire charge I had paid. I was told this was only a deposit in case of car damage, and would not be charged. Effectively I have been charged more than twice the amount I had been quoted. I have photos taken on return showing clearly absolutely no damage. This extremely underhand charge I will report to the Financial Ombudsman if the money is not returned. I will also take steps advising others of my experience of Sixt, and would not recommend using them. I have used many other car hire companies previously and never had any problems or hidden additional charges.
Extremely angry and disappointed.
08 enero 2023 21:37
Prepaid €270 insurance included. Once there at the counter I was forced to add another “mandatory” insurance for €170!
Do not reserve your car via web, just get there, ask different rental cars and get the one with best offer!
08 enero 2023 12:00
Laddove sono presenti, ci avvaliamo sempre di questa compagnia di noleggio auto. Abbiamo sempre trovato personale disponibile e cordiale ed autovetture recenti e sempre in ottimo stato. Consigliato vivamente.
03 enero 2023 15:43
I booked a rental car at Fuerteventura Airport.
As with previous bookings, I was asked for my desired vehicle.
I answer Audi if possible autimatik.
He said automatics cost extra.
I replied that no additional costs are possible. Then I got an Audi A3 manual. When I read my emails, I discovered the additional costs. I spoke to the hotline +34 871 180 192. Answer after consultation with the station at the airport: That's how you booked it.
I was not informed of any additional costs!
Last year I booked with you several times for a longer period of time on Lanzarote, always had an Audi A3 and never paid any surcharges.
If you book in Fuerteventura, check the contract carefully before signing and picking up the vehicle!
31 diciembre 2022 16:05
Very good experience - the Jeep renegade clutch was extremely difficult to handle especially on hills, but the hill start actual helped once we got the hang of it.
29 diciembre 2022 14:44
Personale molto gentile e professionale.
Disponibile a rispondere ad ogni domanda, al contrario di altre compagnie.
La consegna e la devoluzione della macchina molto veloce e molto vicina al desk dell'aeroporto.
La macchina non era quella che avevo chiesto, ma mi hanno dato un modello più o meno simile, molto pulita e ben mantenuta.
25 diciembre 2022 17:55
Atención rápida en aeropuerto. Facilidad al retirar el vehículo. Facilidad al entregar el vehículo. El coche estupendo y en muy buenas condiciones. Recomendable. Gracias
22 diciembre 2022 0:07
Me obligaban a pagar un seguro que ya tenía contratado con Rentalcars, Me niego a coger el coche porque me cobraban mucho más, (el doble) y me dicen la chica que no hay problema que rentalcars me devolverá el dinero. Pues aún estoy esperando porque la chica marcó la casilla de que no me había presentado. Muy mala experiencia. Nunca más.
21 diciembre 2022 23:45
Instaurando el miedo en los clientes, un chico italiano que no paraba de decirnos que si no cogíamos el seguro completo acabarían por cobrarnos más de mil euros por la franquicia. Muy mala educación por su parte, con chulería y prepotencia, riéndose… en fin, lamentable. Daba hasta pena, la verdad. Nos han cobrado (además del dinero que habíamos pagado previamente) 480 euros, los cuales en ningún momento nos avisaron…. Esto no se va a quedar así. Mañana mismo se tomarán medias al respecto. Si es necesario llamaremos a la policía. ES UNA ESTAFA. Por favor, mucho cuidado con lo que contratáis en esta empresa, si pueden, os estafan. Quieres amargarte las vacaciones? Entonces contrátalos.
17 diciembre 2022 1:35
Rápida entrega y devolución del vehículo. El chico de mostrador del aeropuerto (creo recordar que se llama JeanMarco) muy atento.
22 noviembre 2022 9:40
Great experience! Anais, the girl we talked with kindly provided us a lot of details about Fuerteventura as well.
About the car, it was clean and without any issues.
15 febrero 2022 10:29
Worst rental ever. I can now understand why Sixt desks are empty in the airports. I was given a car with a flat tire with a big crack on it (photo), the Sixt Agent told me I only had to inflate it at the next station and that would be fine. We did. Next day the tire was flat again. The assistance number told us they would do anything because there was no accident. We were only proposed to bring back the car at the airport to exchange with another one. We would have lost almost a day of holiday to go, and go back, as we were quite far. At this point I called Sixt agency in fuerteventura Airport. They told me that with this problem, we would get a refund of the total amount of the rental. We then had to inflate the tire twice a day until the end of the week (no spare wheel in the trunk). In the end nobody wants to take responsability and no real answer from Sixt. Worst customer service ever, dangerous cars that are not checked before rentals. I understand why people are queuing in front of Cicar's office, service and cars are much better.
15 febrero 2022 5:42
Como experiencia, mal. No te dan el coche que contratas, te ofrecen uno de gama media con el motor descojonado y rayones por todos lados y aún así te piden las 5 estrellas. Unos caraduras.
26 enero 2022 2:53
Extremely unfriendly, condescending staff. You would expect otherwise, given the high prices.

Oh, almost forgot: Wearing proper masks in the right place isn't that important at Sixt, too - obviously.
16 enero 2022 15:54
Alquilé para el puente de la Constitución un vehículo para utilizarlo 4 días en Fuerteventura. Pagué la cantidad total desde la web con mi tarjeta de crédito, 365.96 euros. En el aeropuerto se bloquearon 300 euros que días después se devolvieron, pero acto seguido se retiraron de mi cuenta 287.40 euros de forma totalmente injustificada. Estoy esperando a que solucionen esta situación inaceptable.
15 enero 2022 7:17
Le doy 4 estrellas ya que aunque nos trataron genial y que salimos muy contentos, siempre se puede mejorar como en todo.
Solo puedo decir que son muy buenos profesionales y que se preocupan por el bienestar del cliente.
13 enero 2022 22:13
EDITO A 26/11/21: Reserva a través de agencia empresas, nos cobran indebidamente un extra que no estaba contratado y que al parecer te añaden en el contrato que firmas en una tablet, hay que DESCLICAR este extra, si no, te lo cobran y no te avisan, son 10€ pero aun así se debe avisar. Además, tras malentendido con el tema de la gasolina y no rellenar lo que pudimos gastar en 3 días, nos cobran mas de 40€ en concepto de gasolina, muy superior a lo gastado. Estoy gestionando este tema con mi agencia, OJO AL FIRMAR.
Muy muy bien, el chico que nos atendió fue muy agradable y nos asignó gratuitamente un vehículo superior al contratado, así que genial.
12 enero 2022 9:32
Temps d'attente trop long (+ de 30 minutes!), un seul agent pour gérer les réservations, la qualité de service est à revoir.l'agent présent était très compétent, professionnel et efficace.
11 enero 2022 10:02
We had a very bad experience at the Sixt office on the Fuerteventura Airport. We booked a car via EasyTerra with all insurances at Sixt. When we got to the Sixt office the desk employee, Angle, forced us to take out another insurance. We showed him, Angle, the booking but he wasn't interessed at all. And let us look like a foul. He won't give us the car without that insurance. So we had to! Although the insurance was already with EasyTerra. After a call with EasyTerra they confirmed that we were scammed. EasyTerra send out a e-mail to Sixt about this situation but no reaction at all, nor a refund. Hopefully Sixt will come back to us with a refund and make things right!
01 enero 2022 18:56
Wow, who knew cars were so hard to get on Fuerteventura! Queues at all the desks were minutes of not hours long. Thankfully Sixt was an oasis of calm and although slightly more expensive, great quality cars. Would recommend. Irene provided great service and instruction and was patient as we tried to find our payment details!
01 enero 2022 17:23
Viajo en trabajo a Fuerteventura y la empresa alquila un coche con Sixt.
Pongo mi tarjeta de crédito personal para fianza 300€. Tardarán 15 días a devolver el dinero, pero dos días después de dejar el coche me quitan 54€ combustible, donde 20€ por la repostaje.
Ahora pasado un mes, recibo un correo con una multa de 200€ por aparcar mal el coche, suerte mía. Y ya no me llegaba la multa de la policía, Sixt me cobra de mi tarjeta 39€ por gestión de la multa. Estoy incrédulo. Como es posible esta empresa roubar así los clientes?
Adjunto la respuesta de Sixt a mi correo.
16 diciembre 2021 8:48
Je rejoins les commentaires derniers!
Nous avons par le biais d'un séjour réservé la voiture: arrivé sur place il faut payer une ASSURANCE COMPLÉMENTAIRE! Ce jour
me virement sur le compte bancaire se voit une deuxième fois augmenté!
Au final la location de la voiture nous reviens pour la semaine a une somme astronomique.
Nous allons réfléchir à faire marcher notre protection juridique!
Avis aux amateurs
11 diciembre 2021 20:50
Muy mala experiencia. Tenía vehículo reservado y pagado y al llegar al mostrador me exigieron añadir un seguro obligatorio del cual no se hacía ninguna mención en la reserva. Un seguro de 20€ al día. Afortunadamente pude cancelar la reserva en el momento y logré un coche de alquiler en Cicar (por la mitad de precio y con el seguro a todo riesgo ya incluido). Desaconsejable Sixt.
09 diciembre 2021 2:37
La recogida del vehículo fue rápida, ajustándose a todo lo previamente acordado sin ningún tipo de sorpresa, todo muy sencillo y ágil de la mano de Marco, un excelente agente que nos atendió amablemente con una sonrisa siempre, ofreciendo todo tipo de facilidades y conociendo perfectamente los servicios ofrecidos.
20 abril 2021 16:33
Long Lines, no one knows what to do and no use of the provided online reservation, be prepared to sign all in paper again. Don’t bother Giving any information online. You will have to redo it anyways
11 abril 2021 14:23
The worst experience I have ever had. Never rent your car with them! The lie to you and do there best you rip you off. HORRIBLE COMPANY
24 marzo 2021 21:50
Worst experience ever with a rental car company!

We had an engine failure during our trip with a car we received with the engine light on since the beginning. The assistance was good during the trip but the nightmare began after. Several months after, we received documents to fill in pretending it was entirely our fault due to a fuel mistake, and even if we argued it was not, we began to receive bills and bills and bills, all in different languages (dutch, spanish, german), none in language or in english and all unclear. When trying to understand what we should do or pay, we were confrontend to a very poor client service, answering general sentences such as "Of course you have the right to expect a correct invoice from us at all times, and we apologise for the mistake" but with no clearer explanations after all and sending us to other services that don't answer neither.
It has been 5 months now and we are still trying to understand what we have to pay for a damage that we are not convinced we caused. We will never use this rental car company again!
22 marzo 2021 3:53
Please be warned. The rental price looked relatively cheap. However, Sixt reported various damages weeks after the car return. Moreover, Sixt does not respond to any complaint and there is no chance to call them. In the end, the costs charged were significantly higher than the expected rental price. To avoid any hassle after your holiday, just book another car rental service.
21 marzo 2021 3:24
I have used SIXT many times in U. S, UK and Ireland and had good experiences. However this was not one in Fueteventura.
* Rude staff on collection, trying to manipulate me into upgrades and extra insurance.
* The car was littered with damage, cracks, chips when collecting
* Staff didn't even get off their seat to check the car on return
* They tried to scam me with "damage" which was wear and tear of a bit of rubber round the window which EXISTED BEFORE I COLLECTED THE CAR! Luckily I took many videos and photos of the vehicle otherwise they would have tried to charge me and based on the look of the car would not then use the money to fix it. Bordering on fraud.

Will be re-evaluating using them again!
08 marzo 2021 6:19
Alquilé un Jeep Wrangler y pinchamos 2 veces. No es nada normal con este tipo de "super todo terreno". Los neumáticos estaban un estado fatal (ver foto) y yo diría que ni pasaria la ITV.

Tras muchas negociaciones por email en 2 meses, terminé pagando 340€ adicional (el alquiler era 300€ para 4 días)

Básicamente les pago 2 neumaticos nuevos. Conveniente eh?

Ningún problema con el equipo en el aeropuerto, pero la gestión online es lenta y totalmente impersonal.

Siempre utilizaba SIXT en viajes, pero esta fue la última vez.
03 marzo 2021 19:16
I booked a Mercedes C-Class similar for three days. Car was new and in good condition.
They try to up-sale their full insurance, they really insist on that. I am used to rent cars with my gold card so I know how it works but you have to check every detail of the car, take pictures, to make sure you don’t pay for a damage you have nothing to do with it.
I sill recommend this agency based on my single experience.
28 febrero 2021 1:32
So the rent you a car. I rent a lot worldwide. Sixt Platinum customer. And no one is there when you take the car from parking lot. Its a Spanish car tons of scratches tons of marks. You leave. After one week we return the car. No one is there to receive it. Months later we receive like 30 Pages of Paper via Post and shall pay 300€ for some scratches. Its not how it works. Unprofessional. Would not rent there again.
07 mayo 2020 11:11
SIXT is certainly the number 1 in Europe in terms of quality and service. This also applies to the Canary Islands. Clean new vehicles, perfect service and a fair price-performance ratio. Truly recommendable!
16 abril 2020 21:56
VERY BAD EXPERIENCE! STAY AWAY FROM THEM! Upon arrival they tried to scare me into purchasing additional insurance for about USD 80 per DAY - the car was only USD 21 per day! Even though I had already paid for the insurance coverage offered at the time of booking via Expedia. I have been booking everything via Expedia for years and as far as rentals cars are concerned, no company in any country has told me the coverage I had was bogus. So, I declined their obscenely rated insurance. At the time of picking up the vehicle I requested a walk-around with the attending clerk. She told me it was not necessary since all scratches and dings are already recorded. I went along with that and did not insist for the inspection. Bad idea! Upon returning the vehicle we had a THOROUGH inspection and the receiving clerk got down on the ground, passed his hands under the car and announced we had caused damage under the front bumper. I was absolutely shocked, since we were aware of how low the bumper was and every time we parked I got out of the vehicle to make sure we did not run over anything. The clerk made note of my statement and declared himself satisfied. In the meantime, I was kicking myself for not having insisted on the walk-around at the time of pickup, but then again, I would have never thought to look UNDER the vehicle. So we left thinking all was well. Two days later I received an email stating, again, I had caused damage and I was liable for the repairs. I guess it was payback time for declining their overpriced insurance, huh? !? At that point I reviewed the original rental documents and found the list of pre-existing damages. The VERY FIRST one listed was the damage under the bumper. Either they were hoping I discarded the paperwork and were trying to rip me off, either they are so incompetent they do not review their own documents before demanding money from customers.in either case it is very unprofessional. I replied to the email stating the damage attributed to me was a pre-exiting one and they replied "OK, no further issues".
If you absolutely must use them I strongly recommend you do a walk around at pickup and remember to look UNDER the vehicle, on top and any other place you can think of. Verify with the insurance provider that your coverage is adequate so that you do not fall victim to their lies and scare tactics.
16 abril 2020 11:06
Ne pas loué chez eux véhicules réservé et payer en partie sur Internet et pourtant a mon arrivé il me rester 380€ a donné je laisse donc ma carte au vendeur qui me demande de tapé mon code montant affiché 780€ je retire ma carte après de longue minutes il a baissé le tarif a 627€ et ne voulait rien savoir d'autres après un long voyage avec un enfant de 1ans j'ai donc du payer 627€ sinon pas de voiture réclamations effectué mais comme vous signer le ticket après avoir payer il es trop tard pr contesté
Je déconseille première et dernière fois chez sixt
14 abril 2020 9:15
This company has terrible practices and will not protect your personal information. It permitted someone to rent a car using my email, and then sent all their information to me over the course of a series of emails. Despite trying to inform them of their mistake, the emails continue. I don’t recommend providing this company with any of your personal information, if you don’t want it sent to a random stranger.
10 abril 2020 17:23
We very happy with the service received at the Fuerteventura Airport. ‘Angel’ was extremely helpful. However, be v.careful when organising insurance cover. We had purchased ‘full coverage’ prior, having organised everything through Jet 2 (whose after sales is pretty poor (and organised through a third party) best to) organise car etc.direct). The cover was deemed not suitable by the hire company. So your best leaving that until you collect your car. That said the SIXT insurance cover us expensive it cost as much as the car hire. For 16nights we paid 686euros.
10 abril 2020 11:00
One week after we returned our car we received a list of damages. The one damage was beneath the car which was impossible to see during the initial handing over of the car (They used a car ramp to make the photo of the damage). They also accused us of damages on the door which on the final handing over were not there and therefore, not remarked by the local employee. In the meanwhile, they had already returned us the money we gave for the garantee because the car we returned was obviously in the same flawless condition. They try to scam us!
06 abril 2020 21:30
Ich war schon oft auf Fuerteventura, ein Auto zu mieten war immer ein mehr oder weniger mangelhaftes Erlebnis. Nun gibt es SIXT auf der Insel und alles ist gut. Erstklassiger Service, sehr freundliches und hilfsbereites Personal! Gerne wieder!
02 abril 2020 4:01
At the airport we had only 10 min.cue time. Nothing compared to other companies who had very long cues. They gave us an upgrade model of the car (free) we had chosen because those were all rented out. Car was very clean and almost new with gps. Good service and fast hassle-free drop-off at the airport. Their desk is right in front of the departure hall door. I recommend.
07 marzo 2020 18:04
Sixt son unos estafadores. Alquilamos una furgoneta en Fuerteventura, Islas Canarias. Como todos saben, sólo hay arena y más arena. Devolvimos el coche tal y como nos lo pidieron pero, como es normal, con un poco de arena. Nos cargaron 32€ para una supuesta limpieza especial que tuvieron que hacer, cuando quitar arena de un coche, en una gasolinera cualquiera, te cuesta como máximo dos euros.
Durante todo el proceso de alquiler nos repitieron constantemente que devolviésemos el deposito lleno, en cambio, ni mencionaron que el coche tenia que estar impecable.
Por otra parte, me gustaría añadir que en este mismo viaje alquilamos otro coche, ya que éramos nueve. Este segundo se devolvió en las mismas condiciones que el otro y no le sumaron ningun cargo adicional.
Además, no es normal que cuando devuelvas el coche no puedas estar presente durante el check-in ya que no te dan ni siquiera la oportunidad de reclamar algún error, como podría ser en nuestro caso, el de la limpieza del coche.
Por lo tanto nuestra conclusión es que sixt pretende buscar fallos donde no los hay para robarte el dinero.
Este escrito es más bien un consejo para todo aquel que pretenda alquilar un coche a Sixt y también para la empresa de Sixt a la hora de proporcionar la información.

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