24 febrero 2024 19:29
¡Esto arruinó mis vacaciones! No tengo nada en contra del tenis, yo también soy jugador, pero el pádel debería estar prohibido, hace demasiado ruido, especialmente aquí en la montaña. No te acerques a este lugar si quieres estar tranquilo. ¡El ruido de los remo acabará con tus vacaciones!
23 diciembre 2023 22:44
Es bueno. Sin embargo, la entrada parece un poco extraña, como caminar por un parque de casas rodantes desierto.
15 junio 2023 6:12
Ubicado en una zona tranquila de Puerto Rico. En un lugar tranquilo, a menos que un grupo de borrachos se reúnan en el bar local, la música suena por todo el valle hasta altas horas de la noche, por lo que no puedes dormir.
08 enero 2023 3:26
Nice and cosy place. Guillermo was just as good as the ratings here say.
I have never hit backhand, forehand and serves like there. Just awesome coach.
24 noviembre 2022 16:06
Bonito y acogedor lugar. Guillermo fue tan bueno como dicen las calificaciones aquí.
Nunca he golpeado de revés, de derecha y saques como allí. Simplemente increíble entrenador.
27 septiembre 2022 1:53
Nice place with a small bar along with some equipment, mostly padel related things such as rackets and bags. Highly recommend Guillermo for padel lessons. Super nice guy with a lot of experience from both tennis and padel.
23 mayo 2022 21:45
Nice facility and great if your not too serious about your tennis. If you are, then you'll see that the tennis courts are worn in places and, where repairs have been attempted, these are very mediocre in quality. Expect unpredictable and untrue bounces as a result of this as well as from the variable sand densities across different areas of the courts. There are 'court carpets' that you are asked to use at the end of your hire to mitigate this and prepare the courts for the next paying customers but, frankly, these are not of sufficient quality to render the courts back to a reasonable standard.

On the plus side, we found the facility friendly and received a pleasent welcome, equipment hire is available as is a bar for drinks afterwards or for non-playing friends during your game.

Final words. Worth a visit if you're not too serious about tennis.
17 mayo 2022 21:21
The only open to the public tennis and paddle courts in Puerto Rico. Nice location, beside a parkland where numerous Blackbirds nest. Courts are not well maintained, in places and have worn due to the sand being blown off them in windy weather and not replenished. Prices are tourist orientated, which is fine for a few games, but unfortunately there is no option for long term residents to join on a less expensive basis. For this, and better maintained courts, you must go to Play Del Ingles. Nice place to have a beer after a game.
14 mayo 2021 3:44
Such a great place! Going here for 4 padel lessons has been the highlight of my week on Gran Canaria so far. The place itself is great with nice padel and tennis courts, and every single person I met was super friendly. I would highly recommend going here if you are anywhere nearby. I am a beginner when it comes to padel and enjoyed it a lot. Thanks Guillermo for both the great padel lessons and restaurant recommendations!
11 mayo 2021 18:08
De los casi 11 años q lleva el club, la atención ha sido excelente, por la calidad, amabilidad y sobre todo el servicio q ofrecen sus propietarios, es lamentable como hay personas q pueden comentar algo negativo acerca del club, por mi experiencia puedo dar fe q es una instalación q cumple con todos los requerimientos y a su ves hay calidad humana, soy ex jugadora profesional de tenis y se puede decir q en todos los club q he estado debatimos entre entrenadores, jugadores y dueños de club, que siempre hay 2 o 3 personas en todos club, intentan descalificar a estos, y q casualidad q son los q menos nivel de tenis tienen, se quejan de todo, nunca tiene nada positivo para decir, pero siguen en los mismos club y los dueños terminan echándolos por su falta de respeto e inconformidad.
02 febrero 2020 16:54
I visit Tennis Island to play twice a week when I stay in Puerto Rico. The personal is very nice and courts are well taken care of. I have engaged a trainer Guillermo Tello who is really really good. We do challenging and interesting exercises, he is a very active coach who observes and notice you all the time. He is nice too.
24 enero 2020 12:46
Don't expect much from the employees there, double-boked us and gave no compensation, their booking skills are at par with their English, abysmal, can't recommend to anyone.

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