01 mayo 2024 1:07
¡Idiotas de verdad! No pudimos ampliar la reserva del coche de alquiler por teléfono y sabíamos que teníamos que pasar ese día. Como se trataba de una reserva "espontánea", tuvimos que pagar mucho más. ¡Gracias por nada monos!
07 abril 2024 17:24
Me asaltaron Thrifty en Tenerife por 341 euros. No me devolvieron el depósito y alegaron que hay desperfectos en el auto. Apenas conduje el auto.
También me cobraron 40 euros extra por combustible aunque lo conseguí medio vacío y lo devolví lleno.
Estafadores y ladrones. Nunca más.
30 enero 2024 10:52
Alquiler de coche muy chulo, sin complicaciones y todo perfecto. La devolución del coche de alquiler también se realizó sin largas esperas y sin problemas. Gran experiencia, me encantaría volver!
14 septiembre 2023 2:32
Una empresa criminal no interviene, una banda criminal recauda dinero sin haber dañado nada, porque la concesión les pertenece, ¿por qué se permite tal fraude? Una empresa criminal así probablemente no tiene nada que ver con el mercado, aquí tendría que intervenir el fiscal.y liquidar esta empresa
17 agosto 2023 1:27
¡Arrancar! Desafortunadamente, solo leemos las publicaciones después. Siempre el mismo patrón. ¡modelo de negocio dudoso a corto plazo!
03 julio 2023 23:52
Be aware and stay away! They are cheating you into paying damages that have been there before. Cars are in bad conditions! Better pick another company!
06 junio 2023 20:10
Ater 4.5h long flight, we spend another 1,5h waiting for lady to deal with only 5 customers in front of us, either system is bad and it needs to be changed or boss should hire more labour to get things going.its unacceptable to wait there and waste to much time, total disrespect for clients
23 mayo 2023 10:44
¡Ten cuidado y aléjate! Te están engañando para que pagues daños que han estado allí antes. ¡Los autos están en malas condiciones! ¡Mejor elige otra compañía!
12 mayo 2023 1:55
Attention à bien verifier le bon à l aéroport même si l'accueil est sympa. Pour un seul permis de conduire présenté, un 2e conducteur est facturé après le retour. 87 €. Même s il y a la queue, prenez votre temps pour tout relire.impossible de récupérer cette somme! Démarche très limite!
la réservation a été faite via opodo qui fait également payer inutilement une version premium.
25 abril 2023 22:54
Tenga cuidado de verificar el bono en el aeropuerto, incluso si la recepción es agradable. Para una sola licencia de conducir presentada, se cobra un segundo conductor después de la vuelta. 87 €. Incluso si hay cola, tómese su tiempo para lee todo de nuevo.imposible recuperar esta suma! Comienzo muy limitado!
la reserva se hizo a través de opodo que además cobra innecesariamente una versión premium.
26 marzo 2023 18:07
Servicio perfecto como salido de un libro ilustrado. Recibe un Kia prácticamente nuevo a los pocos minutos de aterrizar. Menos de 30 minutos después de aterrizar estábamos en camino a nuestra finca. Después de más de 1.000 kilómetros con pistas de arena en parte malas sin ningún desperfecto del vehículo, entregué el coche en menos de 10 minutos. Todos los empleados muy amables y profesionales. El depósito fue reembolsado en un santiamén y volvió a estar en mi cuenta antes de la salida.
Así es exactamente como me imagino el servicio de alquiler de coches. MERC I
14 febrero 2023 16:59
Un poco caótico en el tinte de recolección por la cantidad de personas que intentan recolectar autos, pero bueno al regresar. El agente comenzó a señalar un camino que se estaba rompiendo en su adquisición hasta que saqué una fotografía que tomé en la colección.
01 diciembre 2022 4:54
I recommend staying away from this company. I have rented cars from many places around the world and have never been robbed off my money before. I returned the car in perfect condition, but I was missing max. 10 liters in the tank.
I knew I had to pay for this. The employee told me that this would be €16 plus the cost for the missing petrol. The petrol costs € 1.43 in Tenerife.
So the costs would be €16 plus 10 x €1.43 in my opinion €30.30 but they charged me €80.
This is pure theft.
22 noviembre 2022 10:29
Worst car hire of my life. (Including dodgy times in Africa and the Middle East). Robbers and blackmailers. They will steal from you. And make you wait hours in a queue too.
15 agosto 2022 6:42
I would have been ok if they wont charge me some super expensive insurance which was even more expensive than car rent itself, on counter i was not informed about that and i found out after car return, obviously there is no way of refund because they said i was insured whole time i had the car, for me thriffty no more, for the money i have payed for very basic tcross 1,0 tsi i would have premium car at other car rental companies, my first bad experience with car rental company, i dont reccomend to rent here or be very avare what they charge you when you sign the contract, but they will always try to rip you off either with insurance or they ll charge you for some minor damage which is not on the list when you get the car, very disgusting practices
16 julio 2022 9:43
We've got robbed. They charged 135€ from my credit card after we left without saying anything to us, i don't even know from what, no email or phone call, nothing. Do not rent a car there.
09 junio 2022 3:47
A fuir pas commercial à la reception on vous donne des photocopies toutes sales avec les soi disant impacts sur la voiture et personne n'est là. Vous partez comme ça.
Par contre au retour il y a du monde et la personne se précipite juste à l'endroit ou vous n'avez pas vu d'impact. Personne ne parle le francais par contre il faut payer de suite 185€ il vous disent vous avez une carte gold vous serez remboursé. Des escrocs. Aujourd'hui je veux une facture acquittée je n'arrive pas à les joindre
15 mayo 2022 22:54
Voleurs, malhonnêtes, vous facturent les clients pour des dommages insignifiants sur la voiture.
Et vous rassure en vous disant que vous serez remboursé par votre assurance! Hallucinants, ne louez pas ici. Ne faites pas confiance aux avis de Booking ou autres sites de location de voiture, impossible de laisser un avis.
15 abril 2022 22:43
Très déçu du service à l arrivée
Si vous n avez pas la bonne carte de crédit
C est très cher.
J ai du rajouter 220 euros de supplément sans aucune explication car soit disant la caution ne passerais pas.
Donc la hyundai i10 reviens à presque 400 euros la semaine.
Les prix apparaissent attractifs mais méfiez vous.
13 abril 2022 16:15
Awful - never use them! Charged us 70euro for a microscopic mark on the wing mirror that was almost certainly there before we took the car. Avoid like the plague!
23 marzo 2022 2:22
Tres mauvaise experience avec cette entreprise, nous avons loué une petite hyundai 13500 kms avec laquelle nous avons roulé 2 jours et l embrayage nous a lâché sur la voie rapide à proximité de los cristanos: appel au service assistance de thrifty et 3 heures pour se faire dépanner, perdus au bord de la voie rapide et laissés a nous même, nous avons du réserver et payer nous-même un taxi pour nous faire rapatrier sur l'aéroport avec nos enfants en pleine nuit, la dépanneuse ne pouvait prendre qu une personne.et là non seulement pas d'excuse mais on nous a demandé de payer la réparation de l embrayage, 750 € qui n est pas couverte bien sur par l assurance intégrale que nous avons souscrit chez eux suite au forcing de la vendeuse.c est vous qui avait cassé l embrayage nous a affirmé dans toute sa mauvaise foi la vendeuse (27 ans de permis et de conduire en montagne.) Aucun véhicule de remplacement si vous ne payez pas immédiatement. Le chauffeur de taxi, nous a dit qu il avait rapatrié une personne dans les mêmes conditions avec ce loueur la semaine d'avant! On avait vu une émission à la TV sur CAPITAL sur toutes les arnaques liées à ces entreprises low cost dont il faut plus que se méfier: leur prix est bas et il faut qu il gagne leur vie avec ce genre d arnaque!
16 marzo 2022 1:22
Like several others who have posted comments about Thrifty at Tenefire South Airport, I was charged for "damage" that consisted of a tiny scratch on the wing mirror when I returned the car - it felt like a routine the attendant was used to going through. This company actively cheats its customers - I'd like to think that someone else will read this and decide to give their business to a company with more integrity.
23 febrero 2022 19:22
Today my staff picked up a pre-booked car at the airport. I paid for it with the most expensive insurance for a lot of money. Despite this they were not ashamed to take another 86 euros from my employees for the allegedly necessary insurance! I don't trust this company and never again!
27 diciembre 2021 20:02
Une veritable arnaque. 200 euros de supplément parce que le nom indiqué sur la carte bancaire n était pas celui du conducteur.

A fuire
26 diciembre 2021 2:23
The car they gave me was in a terrible shape - it had damage everywhere. There were no incidents during the rental. When I returned the car, they accepted it but later charged my credit card for 185 euros without notifying me. When I asked them about the unauthorized charge, they told me there was new damage on the car. This was either a lie or a mistake on their part. Luckily, I had taken careful photos of the car before and after the rental, so they were forced to refund the charge. I recommend you to avoid this company like the plague.
25 agosto 2021 7:34
Descubrimos esta empresa por publicidad en internet, llamamos y nos gestionaron una reserva para pagar el día de la recogida un Citroën C3 para 7 días, al llegar aceptamos la oferta que nos hicieron, por 3€ diarios cambiar de coche a un Volkswagen T-Cross que tenía solo 900km aproximadamente, en ese momento nos cobraron en la tarjeta los 7 días del coche y 100€ de fianza que nos devolvieron el mismo día que entregamos el coche. Al lado del aeropuerto hay una gasolinera, recomendamos totalmente
16 agosto 2021 17:50
Escroquerie! Ce sont des escrocs. Nous avonr recupere une voiture avec deja des impacts. Au retour de la voiture le responable de lagence sur pkace nous a dit quil navait pas le temps de regarder la voiture car il fermait le local.aucun etat du vehicule n'a ete fait et ils nous ont prélevér 500 euros.heureusement nous avons fait des photos quand nous avons pris la voiture et quand nous l'avons laissé. Une procédure juridique sera entamé.
A fuire absomoment!
02 enero 2021 23:58
It is what you can expect from almost every car rental in an airport, but there were two issues that you need to keep in mind when renting a car at this Thrifty/Hertz location:

1. When you confirm the credit card payment, they let you type in your PIN and leave your signature on the card machine. Signature seems to be part of the payment process and they don't mention anything specific when telling you to sign. But with this signature, you confirm the documentation of damages for a car you did not even see at this time. To be fair: Damages were completely documented and we didn't have any issue when dropping off the car. It just doesn't give you a good feeling when you unknowingly confirm agreements and documents they did not explain to you.

2. They do not have a lot of staff in the airport office, so when a multiple planes land at the same time (e.g. Around noon), be prepared to wait for 30min or more until you'll talk to someone.

Of course they also will tell you about all the bad stuff that can happen with a rental car and will try to sell you additional insure. But to my experience this is the general business model of local rental car handlers and I've seen it almost in every airport I've been to.

The staff handling our rental was always nice and helpful - the negative experience mentioned above is related to the processes of the company, not the people.
16 diciembre 2020 18:09
They rip you of every time you rent a car. They give you a car totally scratched and they blame you for it if you bring it back. You do get the check out with the damage on the car but this is not up to date. They book money of your credit card for damage and never showes any proof. Not worth it even if the price is low.
21 mayo 2020 0:49
Cheap, cheerful. Seat Ibiza, I would recommend. I was worried after reading the other reviews but I found it fine. They did take €770 from my credit card as a deposit, as the other reviews state which Thrifty didn't pre-warn they would do, so be aware. I got it back in full. Picking up the car took 15 mins in total, there was hardly any queue taking 5min & 10mins paper work. Drop off was quick, 10mins. No issue with the car.
02 noviembre 2019 15:21
Uma vergonha. O carro alugado não foi o entregue, foi-nos dito e aconselhado pela própria empresa que entregasse-mos em mãos e para isso teríamos de o fazer antes do encerramento, ou seja, antes das 23.00, no entanto quando cheguei às 22.30 já não havia ninguém para receber o carro, podendo eu correr o risco de furto ou danos causados durante a noite ao carro que já não estava à minha responsabilidade.
18 mayo 2019 11:22
Unos ladrones! Evitar esta compañía. Hemos alquilado 48 h un coche. Nos lo dieron con bastantes rayones pero dijeron que no pasaba nada, que ellos lo sabían. Ahora nos cargan un dinero sin explicarnos porqué. El personal del aeropuerto se lava las manos. No alquiléis aquí!
06 mayo 2019 11:29
Service was terrible, got to the desk only to be told i had to take on insurance which was roughly the same price as my rental cost. I had to leave a deposit of £770 to use the car and it had to be on a credit card, no debit card allowed. I only had one credit card and didn't have the pin, so a long to and fro before they could manually use the card. Then the absolute joke we brought the car back with 3 euros under the full limit, we had to go to petrol station to top it up or risk being charged 25 euros. We nearly missed our flight. Basically i don't understand how rental cars.com have you guys at 8 rating, I wish now we had listened to our host and gone with Cicar. Will never use you again
31 marzo 2019 8:14
Booked with them through an online booking site. Got a good deal but the car wasn’t in great condition. Did the job though. Deposit fully returned to me.

Wasn’t a fan of how they asked for my signature and told me it was for the deposit, only for the signature to then be applied to the paperwork certifying I accepted the ts&cs (which I hadn’t seen before). If it wasn’t for this they’d get 4 stars.
10 mayo 2018 18:37
Took 2 hours to get a car which was so old that it had no power steering, no air-conditioning (in 35 degrees), and even the bloody keys had no remote locking system. So you literally had to insert the key in the car door and turn it to unlock. I told them that they had stopped making such cars and keys more than 15 years ago but they only gave me a (not so great) replacement after a fight and another 30 mins wait despite there being lots of small to medium cars in the parking lot. My partner and 11month old baby waited outside in the hot weather and they couldn't even offer water or a place to sit. While the replacement car was only marginally better we were over the moon to see that the keys had a remote locking system on them.
29 septiembre 2017 12:34
I had good and bad experience with them. The bad experience was so bad, that I can only give one star. They are simply dishonest.

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