02 diciembre 2021 18:46
No me han dejado bajar con gafas de bucear y eso que advertí que tenia lentillas. Total bajas con ojos cerrados sin ver nada porque te entra agua.
02 diciembre 2021 15:50
Diciamo che fa più paura guardarlo dal basso che non farlo realmente. A mio parere il Kinnaree è molto più divertente e adrenalinico. Da fare una volta, solo per togliersi la curiosità.
10 noviembre 2021 17:52
Great portion of adrenaline, amazing more for spectators than users. You can't see nothing just you feel like falling from a cliff xD.
31 octubre 2021 3:37
No te enteras de nada. Te entra agua por la nariz y ojos que te hace que nos disfrutes nada. El túnel ni lo ves. Si no haces fila aún, pero no merece la pena hacer fila por esta atracción
22 octubre 2021 15:15
Pura adrenalina! Recomendable al 100%. En nuestro caso, no nos hemos sentido solos en ningún momento. Las indicaciones por parte de Miriam Díaz, la socorrista, nos han echo sentir cómodos y seguros. Se palpa cuando una persona joven trabaja en lo que verdaderamente le gusta, se notan ganas y sobre todo amor por su trabajo.
Muchas gracias!
28 agosto 2021 16:35
Des sensations incroyable!

Niveau sécurité au top aussi, et le décor est époustouflant
18 enero 2020 20:47
Tried once. No queues on cloudy December day.
Long anticipative stairs. Long free fall.
Can't see anything inside transparent tube.
Try covering your nose while crossing arms.
24 diciembre 2019 17:16
It's overrated!

Not _bad_, but no air time and you can't see anything. Would recommend if there's no queue.
05 octubre 2018 11:05
Best slide iv been on waiting time was about 3 mins on a sataday went again on tuesday and waiting time was about 30 mins
21 agosto 2018 18:21
Great slide, no loose t-shirts on this ride. First ride of the day for us and still took 30 minutes. Worth it for the feeling of free fall!
15 mayo 2018 17:11
Cuando no hay nadie es la mejor atracción de todas, si vienes a este parque súbete, vale la pena!
23 marzo 2018 11:38
Fast. Really fast. I would recommend to have eyes open as your slide lasts only for 3-4s. Worth taking all the steps up! Definitely recommending going to the park in the winter time, under 20°C and during week days - this will give you no queues at all across the park as well.
08 febrero 2018 17:38
Pretty damn cool, so fast you barely notice any sharks though. I wasn't scared at all and I could be potentially.
04 agosto 2017 11:43
Sûrement la meilleure attraction du park et l'une des meilleurs que je n'ai jamais faite
Un moins pour l'attente et la rapidité de l'attraction
Incroyable de verticalité
26 julio 2017 17:03
Tower of power was the one of the star attractions but yet it was highly disappointing, they had a specific dress code but you didn't know about it until you got all the way to the top of the ride after half an hour of waiting, if you went on a ride in a group of 3, you'd wait an initial time of approx 30min to then have to wait another 15min or so for someone else to join the group, all in all not too bad but some things could be changed

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