08 enero 2024 11:48
Una de las mejores escuelas en la que he estado. El trato por parte de los profesores como de la directora ha sido inmejorable.
07 enero 2024 3:49
Mi experiencia en Enforex fue maravillosa. Aunque solo estudié allí por un corto período de tiempo, me instalé casi de inmediato gracias al ambiente confortable creado por los profesores, que son algunas de las personas más encantadoras e interesantes que he conocido. El ritmo al que mejoró mi español me tomó completamente por sorpresa; ¡Lo recomendaría altamente!
Besos XX
29 diciembre 2023 1:59
Una muy buena experiencia con profesores muy profesionales, acogedores y geniales muchísimas gracias
31 enero 2023 10:59
La mejor escuela que hay en Salamanca. Yo estudié en 2019 para nivel B2 y ahora en 2022 para nivel C1 y he aprobado las dos veces.
Profesora y jefe de la escuela, Isabel, es fenomenal.
Si quieres estudiar español, aprobar y tener éxito, estoy seguro que debes estudiar en esta maravillosa y genial escuela.
30 octubre 2019 15:06
I studied Spanish here for 5 weeks at an a2-b1 level. Overall my experience was positive, i made some good friends, and enjoyed the city of Salamanca. Nonetheless, in my opinion this school needs to improve a lot, considering how much the students pay for their courses. Some teachers are great and lead very captivating and helpful lessons. However some are rubbish; too many of my lessons (around 60%) consisted of doing worksheets in silence, with very rushed feedback at the end. This was a very unenjoyable and ineffective way of learning Spanish, and just felt like an easy cop out so the teacher could do other things on their laptop (in particular, Diego). I hope this feedback is taken onboard and Enforex Salamanca try to make sure all their lessons are more engaging and beneficial for students.
10 octubre 2018 1:56
Our teens went to Salamanca last week. I think it took them a few of days to settle in to a routine and come to terms with the fact that they were “on their own” in Salamanca. The hotel staff were very welcoming and accommodating to them and they really enjoyed the two weeks. They were full of praise for you and their teachers in Enforex and truly are sorry that they are not continuing classes with you for the next two weeks. The change will probably be good for them. I am sure they will meet lots of ‘campers’ their age and will be kept very busy from morning until night with activities and fun things to do. Again, thank you for your understanding and welcome for Katya and James and hopefully they will return to Enforex, Salamanca in the not too distant future.
21 julio 2018 17:49
I learned Spanish at Enforex Salamanca 14 years ago and I still have fond memories of this school. Enforex helped me getting my gorgeous apartment near school and I met lovely people at this school whom I still talk to.
The teachers were extremely professional with lots of experiences.
08 agosto 2017 15:58
Really don't recommend, their customer service is a nightmare! They have absolutely no problems taking your money, yet when it comes to actually providing the service you paid for, that's where the problems start. I've had to get in contact with lawyers to get my money back after months of trying to get my classes or a refund. There are plenty of better schools in Spain and Salamanca, don't waste your money and your time with enforex!

No lo recomiendo para nada, el servicio de atención al cliente es pésimo! No tienen ningún problema en quitarte el dinero, pero cuando llega la hora de proveer el servicio que has pagado, empiezan los problemas. He tenido que ponerme en contacto con unos abogados para que me devuelvan mi dinero después de meses intentando tener o mis clases o recuperar mi dinero. Hay tantas academias y escuelas de idiomas aquí en Salamanca, incluso en España, no perdáis ni vuestro dinero ni vuestro tiempo con enforex.
01 abril 2017 22:08
Amazing place in the heart of the city. It is an old convent so I felt as part of this gorgeous city. The courtyard is the perfect place to have a chat in Spanish! ;-) enjoying the sun. Spain is great!

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