11 marzo 2023 1:00
La mejor experiencia a nivel de salud física que he tenido. Además de ser unos profesionales de los pies a la cabeza, son personas cercanas y muy amables. Lo recomiendo 100%
10 enero 2023 11:34
Sascha i Sergio son unos grandes profesionales, me han sacado de una lesión muy complicada i delicada. Con su rutina i dieta que me han realizado puedo volver a disfrutar de lo que mas amo en este mundo, que es jugar al futbol. Experiencia muy top.
25 septiembre 2022 14:52
Empezé para obtener la mejor versión de mi misma y llegar a ganar el físico necesario para competir en Estados Unidos. Tras unos exigentes meses trabajando con estos grandes professionales, unos meses llenos de cambios y mejoras, he conseguido una beca para jugar en la NCAA D1 y puedo decir que estoy preparada para conseguir todo lo que me proponga. Preocupandose por mi bienestar, exigiendome, adaptando la dieta y preparación a las necesidades de cada momento… tan solo puedo darles las gracias.
24 septiembre 2022 1:07
Después de una lesión que tuve me puse en contacto con ellos para prepararme la pretemporada de futbol de la mejor manera.
Hacen un gran trabajo, con profesionalidad y dedicación.
13 junio 2022 9:15
Tracte excel·lent. Atenció personalitzada al 100% amb resultats.
Es nota que són professionals i que els hi agrada la seva feina.

Molt recomanable!
14 octubre 2020 4:41
Tom Peers is an amazing personal trainer. I was in Barcelona for a week. We squeezed in 4 separate days of training. He taught me so many new exercises and maximized the benefit from each session. We did free weights, body weight and resistance machines as needed.
He is really an expert in posture and proper technique. We worked hard but I had zero strain in joints and back. Of course, plenty of tired muscles. He even played personalized music during training.
I have worked with trainers in the past. None better than Tom in USA or abroad. Great communicator and great motivator. I highly recommend him! Thank you Tom!
29 septiembre 2020 2:44
Mi experiencia fue muy positiva. Gracias al plan de entrenamiento de Pablo fui capaz de perder peso y ganar mucha fuerza en pocos meses. Lamentablemente tengo que dejar de ir porque voy a vivir muy lejos del gimnasio. Aunque el equipamiento se podría mejorar no impide realizar muy buenos entrenos.
18 mayo 2020 18:45
I trained under Tom for 2 months and had a great experience. He was motivational and helped me get into shape. Highly recommend!
06 noviembre 2019 23:47
It was great working with here. The exercises were a balance of cardio and muscle gain, and the diet I was given was really specific with macros.
13 mayo 2019 16:24
I have trained with Tom, although for only a short time, he helped me so much, I even showed results just after one month. He is kind, considerate, and I would recommend to anyone who really wants to do some changes!
14 marzo 2019 0:13
Estoy súper contenta con la experiencia y en concreto con la atención que desde septiembre recibo por parte de Víctor. Es un entrenador muy profesional y cercano. Me ha ayudado desde el principio con mis problemas de espalda y a volver a confiar en mis posibilidades. Después de una lesión o en mi caso operación, ha sido muy importante la confianza que ha sabido transmitirme. Es un entrenador que se adapta a tus necesidades, horarios y te ayuda en todo momento. Notas enseguida que disfruta de su trabajo, siempre atento y muy implicado acompañando tu evolución. Merece la pena el esfuerzo económico porque desde que empecé me siento mucho mejor a nivel físico y personal. ¡Totalmente recomendable! ¡Gracias Víctor!
28 enero 2019 23:28
I have been training with Victor for over 2 years. I started as a newbie. When I met him, I wasn't being able to reach the goal of doing sports constantly by myself, and I had a lot of stress because of my work and I felt weak and stuck. I didn't know about nutrition or exercises or routines. I didn't know what was good for my body. After 2 years with Victor, I know all of that now. I learned how to balance my physical activity with my job and other activities in my day-to-day life. Now I know what is good for me in terms of nutrition and exercises, I know the correct postures and repetitions I need to do if I want to reinforce a specific part of my body, in order to compensate the huge amount of hours that I am sitting in front of my computer. I feel strong and healthy. I feel like I have been doing a customised master with him. I highly recommend him. Training with him all this time has changed my life.
07 enero 2019 17:11
Highly recommended!
This is my first experience with a personal trainer and I have to say that I’m really happy I got the courage to try. Tom is really patient and friendly and at the same time motivates you to finish the sets, to challenge with yourself and to get the results you want.
So far I did 3 months and the results are impressive, both in terms of body and mind.
Thank you Tom!
25 octubre 2018 17:18
No tengo suficientes palabras de agradecimiento. Tras más de un año sin poder moverme con normalidad por una fractura en la tibia y el tobillo, en tan solo una sesión con Víctor la diferencia ha sido brutal. Lo que ningún fisio había conseguido. Además de ser un encanto, sabe lo que hace y tiene mucha psicología. El dinero mejor invertido de mi vida. Recomendable 1000%.
09 septiembre 2018 0:25
Couldn't recommend more. I'm really grateful for my two months training with Fran. I weighed myself when I got home and have lost close to a stone. On top of that I gained a lot of strength, doubling my bench press and lifting well over my body weight in deadlifts. More importantly I am no longer prone to back pain.
05 agosto 2018 16:52
Sin duda alguna, entrenar en Active-8 ha sido la mejor decisión que he tomado en mucho tiempo. Víctor es muy buen profesional y mejor persona! ¡GRACIAS!
31 marzo 2018 5:46
Hola, me gustaría describir mi experiencia con el entrenador personal: Victor.
Yo estaba embarazada de 6 meses y buscaba mantener la forma durante mi embarazo hasta el día del parto para que sea lo mejor posible tanto para mi que para mi hijo.
Y para ser sincera, yo no soy la persona mas deportista del mundo!
Pero Victor ha conseguido sacar lo mejor de mi, me motivo en cada sesión, fue un placer tenerle como entrenador. Me ha permitido fortalecer mi cuerpo antes del parto y asi también poder recuperar mas rápida mi cuerpo después del parto.

La experiencia fue super, y desde entonces la recomiendo a todas mis amigas embarazadas. Que es mucho mas importante de lo que pueden creerse hacer ejercicio durante el embarazo, y ademas con un entrenador, da mucha confianza!

Muchas gracias por todo!
17 febrero 2018 19:45
Victor es un entrenador muy majo y disciplinado. Muy entregado en su trabajo y muy pendiente del progreso individual durante todo el programa de entrenamiento. Sin duda volvería a contratar sus servicios.
24 septiembre 2017 11:51
I started training with active-8, After some experiences in other gyms and without motivation or love to sports fitness and I weigh close to 115 kilos …
I had an appointment with Sasha and David, during the meeting with them, I knew that I was starting my change there.
I started practicing with David for 6 months.
At first my training with David was difficult and tired but slowly David instilled me a lot of motivation and so did my achievements and results.
After six months David left. And I took a break of few weeks, at first I was afraid to return because I was used to training with David, but after a few conversations with Sasha I went back to practice.and this time with Victor, who knew how to get me back on track and challenge me in every workout.
In 3 months I trained with Victor. I had a work accident and got my back. I was sure I was going to stop practicing completely, after a week's rest, Sasha and Victor had built a coordinated training program for me, and with victors patience.
Which allowed me to continue to practice despite my back pain and helped me relieve my back pain.
After 9 months of training in active-8 with 115 and zero motivation or love to sports at begin.
I became a man who weighed 79 kilos and white a lot of motivation and love to sport.
I went back to my country and I had a special diet menu that Maya built for me and of course I continue to go to the gym and train with a lot of motivation and love for sport thanks to Sasha David and Victor.
See you again in a year.
Thanks champions!
08 septiembre 2017 9:18
Without Sasha I would not be in the physical and mental shape that I now find myself in after a few months of hard work. Sasha's biomechanical knowledge was instrumental in helping me make massive strides in recovering from a serious leg accident. His awareness of my physical condition, and his unique knowledge provided me with a platform that was designed specifically for me to gradually gain strength, as well as help me understand how my body works for and against me while I recover. Sasha's dedication and persistence was the driving force that allowed me to regrow muscle, gain physical and mental strength, and give me confidence which would not have been possible to do on my own. Honestly, I doubt there are many people that can do what Sasha can. If you are serious about your health, or if you need help recovering from an injury, Sasha and his team are the only people you should be going to.
19 julio 2017 5:26
El equipo Activate entiende el entorno del cliente y trabaja para mejorarlo. Feliz de formar parte de el!
02 julio 2017 21:17
Un grand merci à Victor et à Sascha pour l'entrainement comme pour les conseils diététiques. Je commence ma troisième année avec eux et je suis très heureux des résultats obtenus. Je vous les recommande sincèrement pour leur compétence, leur efficacité et leur disponibilité. Gilles
29 junio 2017 7:16
I'm what you call a lazy person when it comes to going to the gym, keen for an excuse not to go. Active-8 is the only place that has made me actually want to go to the gym. I like their style of allowing me to train at my incredibly slow pace while still continuously improve. It's like going with a good friend that knows all your strengths and weaknesses, and keeps you talking until the session is suddenly over. Everyone has their training style, and here you are allowed to do it the way you want, whilst still getting all the benefits and improvements of proper training, thanks to the amazing personal trainers nudging you in the right direction.
23 junio 2017 1:00
I had some coaching session with Victor and thanks to him I lost the weight I wanted and he allows me to have a good perspective of the gym. So since that time; I try to made a session every two days at last to continue in that way. Good trainer; open minded and trying to meet his customers expectations.
19 junio 2017 15:27
I started training with active-8 after a back injury. Took only few weeks of well fitted training program designed by Sascha and Victor to fix the issue and improve my strength in general. Few additional weeks and I cut my body fat considerably, improved lean muscle and got fit enough to take the training to another level. These guys know what they do and and apply training program specifically to one's needs. Truly personal trainers, far from the average "gym trainer".
04 febrero 2017 17:46
During one year and half, I spent time working out with Victor. I really thank him, we manage to succeed my goals with fun. There are really professional. He is really skillful for fat burning, energizing and cardio. Thank you very much for your support.

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